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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 800x550, Balut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15094540 No.15094540 [Reply] [Original]

Filipino food is the ultimate pleb filter

>> No.15094561

Flips make some great food to be honest, between lumpia, adobo, pansit (don't know how to spell it, but the noodles). Worked with a bunch of them. One time though the food made me wanna shit my brains out kek. Forget what they call that egg (balut?) but that shit seems gross, they had me try chicken feet one time too, it actually tasted good, but the fact that I was eating chicken feet grossed me out for some reason. Cool people, good food, not sure I'd wanna live in the Philippines though

>> No.15094570

What does ballut taste like?

>> No.15094573


>> No.15094603

bony, very little chicken.

>> No.15094616

It tastes like the best chicken soup with a bit of cartilage.

>> No.15094624

flip food is straight trash.

>> No.15094660
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Only decent Filipino food is the ones contributed by the Chinese (i.e. Hokkien) settlers. Lumpia, pancit, La Paz batchoy (a noodle soup similar to ramen), Camaron Rebosado (which is the hispanization of a Chinese fried shrimp) or the Moro cuisine in Mindanao which is more similar to Malay & Indonesian dishes. The Spanish-derived dishes are an abomination.

Other than the Moro dishes, Sisig and Bicol Express are the high points of Filipino cuisine.

t. An Ilonggo Pinoy who wouldn't eat a bowl of valencia with raisins in it or an embutido (meatloaf filled with raisins, AGAIN) even if I was offered ten million pesos to taste it.

>> No.15094697

Filipino breakfast is the best tho

>> No.15094707

Mmm, scrambled eggs and pork brains...

>> No.15094719


Spam, eggs, garlic fried rice! I cook my own when I'm bored.

>> No.15094976

The only people who hate filipino food are self hating filipinos and /pol/acks who couldn't bag that one filipino girl

>> No.15094988

>White male
>wanting to fuck a flip
Man, that's the bottom of the barrel. Must be serious genetic trash to even consider it.

>> No.15095000
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I agree. My mom is half Filipino, and the food she makes is so bloody tasty. Also, Flip genes mix really well with white genes, so I think her for that, too, haha.

>> No.15095030

Drop dead guapo sexy

>> No.15095375

it grossed you out because you're a pleb

>> No.15095452

That's because a ton of filipinos are already pretty white lol, like south americans. Filipinos usually have 30-70% euro admixture.

>> No.15095542

That's retardedly not true. Most filipinos are indigenous and largely retained their language and culture
Spanish colonialism there is nothing like in the americas, retard

>> No.15095551

Adobo is great, balut is subhuman shit.

>> No.15095562


>> No.15095572

Filipina pussy was the tightest, sweetest pussy ive ever had. Stay mad, incel

>> No.15095573

>30-70% euro
More like 3-7%

>> No.15095576

>prideful over eating chicken fetuses

>> No.15095580

Proof that you need flip genes to enjoy flip food, even other Asians think Pinoy cuisine is disgusting

>> No.15095586

>even other Asians think Pinoys are disgusting


>> No.15095598

Flip food is basically korean food
Dogs eating dogfood

>> No.15095613

Do you even know where the Philippines are on a map? They are one of the most diverse archipelago in the world. They've been colonized so many times, that even they don't know what ancient philipino culture looked like.
They've been raped by so many civilizations that their culture has practically been replaced by a mishmash of Spanish, Chinese, and muslim practice. Buy a globe, you ham.

>> No.15095633

Hahahaha why are you so upset
Only an idiot would think filipinos are in anyway mixed hahahaa
Saying they're in anyway spanish is like saying you lost your virginity because you shared a room with a girl
Chinese and muslim though? They stayed and actually meshed with the indiginous population. Also that "diversity" is amongst indigenous filipinos. It doesnt mean everyone is mixed. Retard

>> No.15095643

There's a lot of really hot Filipina women just like any other demographic except poor American girls on big cities.

>> No.15095646

It's free that flips eat that shit when they're ridiculously fussy eaters when it comes to everything else.
>No pork sorry
>Can't eat fish because God will get angry
>Raw meat is out of the question
>Does this have X in it? Sorry
Fuck Flips
Fucking eat what you're given and don't fucking complain.

>> No.15095649

I will not suck embryo. What else you got.

>> No.15095659

>I had to widen my search beyond my own species to find a mate
>You're an incel tho lol
Keep chasing that sideways pussy genetrash

>> No.15095681

Imagine being such a low test pussy a duck embryo scares you

>> No.15095752

You understand that governing a place and colonizing a place are not mutually exclusive right
Spanish, american, and japanese tenure of the islands were largely an expansion on overseas influence rather than outright replacement of the indiginous groups
Notice how spanish american colonies are largely mixed and their indiginous languages essentially extinct, while the Philippines is essentially the same as it was. Spanish influence is surface level basically

>> No.15095768

This. The inside is basically chicken broth.

>> No.15095876

>Top tier chicken broth
>Hard boiled yolk
>Savory, gelatinous, fat-like texture with a bit of soft, edible cartilage in the fetus itself
It's the best way to explain it to someone that doesn't eat balut. But if you tend to be weirded out by things that look nasty you're inevitably gonna be filtered hard.
Chicken feet adobo is best paired with some beer. Chinks do it too. Even without eating the feet itself, the adobo sauce tends to be stickier and better in general.
Those are just the cringe non-Catholics.

>> No.15095951
File: 56 KB, 700x394, flip breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Garlic fried rice
>Sunny Side Up egg
>Scrambled egg with red onion and tomato
>At least 3 different regional styles of garlic sausage
>Seared cheap ham
>Marinated Bangus
>Smoked Mackerel
>Dried sardines
>diced tomato and cucumber
>Spiced vinegar
>Banana ketchup
>Pickled unripe papaya
>hot chocolate
>black coffee
Mix and match and it would all be amazing.

>> No.15095975
File: 494 KB, 1100x1700, 1605933472595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the next big thing

>> No.15096044

it's not flip if you can't get it at jolibee

>> No.15096150

This comic, and what it says about the psyche of its author, is one of the strongest possible arguments against marrying an Asian.

>> No.15096175

But cheese filled lumpia is a real Filipino street food. Its just cheese wrapped in spring roll wrapper.

>> No.15096183

I find the word bagoong hilarious.


Bagoóng (Tagalog pronunciation: [bɐɡuˈoŋ]; Ilocano: bugguong) is a Philippine condiment partially or completely made of either fermented fish (bagoóng) or krill or shrimp paste (alamáng) with salt.[1] The fermentation process also produces fish sauce known as patís.[2]

What? They are literally chinese people with native austronesian ancestry.

and 3-7% spanish ancestry, sounds about right to me

>> No.15096186

I think I fucked up when I got balut by getting an extremely developed one. Maybe I'm a tastelet, but this shit had hella bones, a beak, fully-developed skull, and even some feathers. I'd love to try one that is more egg and less duck, but the way I tried it, it was pretty tough for me to enjoy.

>> No.15096204

Han chinese and filipino austronesians are distinct groups
There are chinese filipinos if that's what you mean

>> No.15096241

JOLLIBEE™ threads are still the comfiest threads

>> No.15096256

the author is kanye west tier coo coo for cocoa puffs

>> No.15096318

It's too expensive in Canada.

>> No.15096324

>But if you tend to be weirded out by things that look nasty you're inevitably gonna be filtered hard.
Nah, my family is from the middle east. We've got some weird shit. I wouldn't mind trying some balut, but I don't know where to find a good filipino place near me.

>> No.15096329

Just buy it from an asian supermarket. Just boil it like a normal egg.

>> No.15096342

You got filtered, anon. Although you probably got a bad one that's almost matured. If it has lots of broth, it's good. You can't avoid ones with skull and beak, but the good ones can be softer and easier to digest.
You're out of luck then. It's pure trial and error to find a good balut vendor even here. If you know a duck farm you could try making your own.

>> No.15096404

>You got filtered, anon. Although you probably got a bad one that's almost matured. If it has lots of broth, it's good. You can't avoid ones with skull and beak, but the good ones can be softer and easier to digest.
Yea I have to wonder if I maybe overcooked it or something too? People talk about the wonderful soup inside and I was super disappointed because there was basically none. So I was let down from the start, which made my less eager going into the whole eating a whole fetus thing. I did get filtered, I'll admit. One of only a few foods to ever do that to me. Chicken feet also defeated me, but I think I'd get down with them just fine today.

>> No.15096407

no literally most flips are mixed native (austronesian) and chinese

>> No.15096585

My wife is Filipina and literally all the food is trash EXCEPT Leeche Flan which is my favourite desert. Shits amazing and pretty easy to make.

>> No.15096586


>> No.15096602
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>> No.15096626
File: 2.80 MB, 2848x2136, Casu_Marzu_cheese[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should consider anon that maybe balut is fucking nasty and your brain was sending that signal hard so you'd stop eating whole fucking duck fetuses? just because you CAN eat something, doesn't mean you should. you're no less of a man for not wanting to put rotten maggot cheese into your body, and it's the same principal with balut.

>> No.15096641

Nope. Post proof.

>> No.15096643

The cuisine for the post apocalypse