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File: 9 KB, 300x171, t-mcdonalds-Big-Mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15089051 No.15089051 [Reply] [Original]

mcdonalds thread. Favorite thing to get at mcdonalds?

>> No.15089056

The McPlant. I am going to buy 100 of them when they launch for the meme of it. Screenshot this.

>> No.15089060

what the FUCK is a mc plant.

>> No.15089073

For me it's the McSloppa

>> No.15089074

the new chicken mcmuffin with extra mayo is pretty damn good. The Chicken mcgriddle is fucking good too.

I just order of the cheap menu, but here in canada it's now a better deal to go to wendys for a JBC. But I do like cheeseburgers from mcDs. No pickel, extra onion, extra ketchup. Small fries, glass of ice water. 4 packets of ketchup for fries.

>> No.15089080
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Directions to the nearest Taco Bell.

>> No.15089081

The new vegan burger from mcFatfucks. Should be out any day now.

>> No.15089084
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Quarter pounder with cheese, no ketchup or mustard

>> No.15089098

haven't had McDonald's in months but I always enjoyed the 2 for 5 and grabbing two big macs

>> No.15089118

I tell them cactus jack sent me

>> No.15089123

This with only cheese and pickle or a double fully loaded

>> No.15089133

double quarter with bacon

>> No.15089140

3 double cheeseburgers. 2 mcchickens. 20 piece nuggets. Large fries. 2 apple pies

>> No.15089168

mcchicken and I take off the bottom piece of bread that has no sauce or anyhing between it and the chicken

>> No.15089181
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>> No.15089182

I fucking love McD Hashbrowns

>> No.15089185

Triple Cheeseburger, Only Mac Sauce.
Small Fries.
Sausage+Egg+Cheese McGriddle, Sub Round Egg.
2 Hash Browns.

Rarely, Oreo McFlurry.

>> No.15089233
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And a large soda

>> No.15089292

Junior Chicken combo with large fries, large coke, and 2 McDoubles at the side. And a coffee with two cream and two sugar.

>> No.15089335

Big mac or 2-3 cheese burgers, fries and maybe some chicken nuggets

>> No.15089363
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2 humble McChickens, medium fries, and a large coke with no ice

>> No.15089377

>10 piece chicken nuggies with SS sauce
>large fries
> small rootbeer because i never finish that shit
This is what I got last time I went to mcshits

>> No.15089384

Breakfast wrap with brown sauce

ngl though the double big mac is peng

>> No.15089402

McDick's by my office has a "break" menu. they offer a double cheeseburger, spicy McChicken, or 6 piece McNiggets with small fries for two fiddy. i usually get a double cheeseburger, small fries, McChicken, and large drink. solid meal for $4.87 with tax.

>> No.15089419

2 double cheese burgers, 10 pc nug and a mcchicken. poutine sometimes cuz im a fucking leaf

>> No.15089425

ebi filet-o is my favorite

>> No.15089426


>> No.15089446


>> No.15089450

McChicken and a McDouble, take the buns that have nothing on them off and place them together. Use the buns to feed the pigeons at the nearby park if I feel like it.

>> No.15089467

>ebi filet-o

excuse me?

>> No.15089473

Double Quarter Pounder. Shit slaps, I have no idea how you can eat a big mac after realizing the glory of the quarter pounder.

>> No.15089474

3 double quarter pounders, no cheese. large black coffee.

>> No.15089475
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jalapeno double
aka the finest sandwich ever made by mcd

>> No.15089483

Shut up fatty

>> No.15089500

When I did my "final farewell to fatness" I ate 4 double big macs, 2 large fries, 2 poutines, 60 chicken nuggets and 2 large chocolate milkshakes after eating a 1000 MG THC chocolate bar. And that was just lunch I won't even tell you dinner. I was 290 pounds at that point and now I'm 205

>> No.15089501

Prion disease

>> No.15089516

Good job anon. Did you start cooking your own food?

>> No.15089535

Good for you brother.

>> No.15089539
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>> No.15089565

>I won't even tell you dinner
Please do.

>> No.15089668

McDonald's is disgusting

>> No.15089973

Thanks friend, I've always had a passion for cooking but also a deep addiction to fast food. Now I just cook my own versions of whatever I'm craving.

Thank you man. I'm lucky I was able to control my problem before I hit 400+ pounds. The effects have been pretty reversible for me. No crazy loose skin or saggy man titties or anything .

My wife took me to Montana's that night for all you can eat ribs, I ate 14 full racks of ribs (we documented everything I ate that day) with all the fixings, and 4 orders of "kapow shrimp" she says I drank 3 pitchers of beer and some shots too but I don't remember, I was so high by that point. I ate an entire New York cheesecake that she made for me as well at like 1 AM. it was my 28th birthday and now I'm almost 30 and I don't do drugs or drink anymore

>> No.15089978
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>> No.15089984

>I ate 14 full racks of ribs
That's a lot, even for a 290 person.

>> No.15090255

how was the aftermath?

>> No.15090335
File: 201 KB, 1050x848, 030210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much do you fucking weight

>> No.15090388


I’ll have what he’s having

>> No.15090397


Stop calling it mcdick’s faggot.

>> No.15090429

mcgriddle is the only correct answer

>> No.15090931
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it is like the filet-o fish, however instead of fish it is made of shrimp. And instead of tartar sauce it has spicy mayonnaise like one would find in sushi

>> No.15090961

A double cheeseburger, a mcchicken, medium fries, coke, ranch to dip fries in. Fuck with me.

>> No.15090979

Nuggets with fries honestly. Everything else tastes bad to me, and I can just make better burgers at home.

>> No.15090987

I'm sure most people can make a better burger at home. It's pretty simple really.

>> No.15090999
File: 8 KB, 300x171, 03325455-A41F-492E-AA6E-2D0E13040B76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sausage Egg and Cheese McGriddle.
>Medium Black Coffee.

>> No.15091001

>cut buns
>slap some mince on a skillet with butter
>sprinkle it with salt and pepper
>pickles and sauce
Takes 5 minutes for like 4 burgers, so it's faster than the shitty maccas in my area anyway.

>> No.15091008

I see, a man of taste

>> No.15091013

I always add cheese and onions. I also make a sauce for mine. But yeah, at the core, it's super fucking easy and much better!

>> No.15091015

apple slices

>> No.15091016

the travis scott no doubt

>> No.15091049

Gravy Biscuit
Sausage Burrito

- >side of mac sauce
Double Cheese

Coke no ice

>> No.15091459

Lol holy fuck. Well glad you got your shit together anon and got healthier. I’m addicted to soda and chicken Caesar salads. I have to get those two vices under control myself.

>> No.15092604


>> No.15092642
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i work at McDonald's and haven't ordered anything from there in almost a decade.

>> No.15092652

I like their pickles. Sometimes I’ll just order some pickles on a bun.

>> No.15092666
File: 410 KB, 2016x1512, Double-Big-Mac-UK-2020-5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had the double big mac today.
Wasn't great. Not balanced like the Grand big mac

>> No.15092669

water cup

>> No.15092941

Two Big Macs, no buns and no onions.

>> No.15092994

For me, it's their fried chicken (not nuggets amerifags)

>> No.15093091

Teehee anon is clever

>> No.15093174

whatever cheese bite thing they have going on at any point. right now its nacho cheese wedges which are good. sometimes i get two orders of them

>> No.15093339

Mcdouble, spicy chicken sandwich, and nuggets are the only things I ever get there

>> No.15093362

The only things worth getting now are:


>> No.15093386
File: 26 KB, 400x299, bi6sg5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big mac no middle bun.

>> No.15093437

I forgot about those. Fuck now I miss em

>> No.15093601

have gluten intolerance so just a vanilla milkshake

>> No.15093628

coffee & blueberry muffin :o)

>> No.15093976

Muh clownigga

>> No.15093990

>eating mcdicks
enjoy your large abundance of sodium and no nutritional value.
quarter pounder is good tho

>> No.15094005

>no middle bun.

>Grand big mac
The Grand Mac was just the original sized Mac, dumb Satan.