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15080803 No.15080803 [Reply] [Original]

why do all water bottles leak

>> No.15080808

Notice how they only leak when the water is cold and it's warm outside. This is because the temperature difference is enlarging the microscopic pores in the bottle

>> No.15080809

>American education

>> No.15080811

Same way you put penis in your butt

>> No.15080874

The outside water is just trying to get it. It's comfy inside.

>> No.15080888

They don't do this in Phoenix.

>> No.15080891

It's because this plastic bottle has only 1 physical barrier to the environment. See, all bottles leak because usually they're cheaply made and as such are porous enough to let water escape the plastic net. If I were you, I'd buy a quality stainless steel water bottle, moreso a double (vaccum insulated) walled one. That way, the 2 walls will slow down enough the water from leaking that you won't even notice. Try it. I can garantee you'll keep more water that way.

>> No.15080953

Call the cops. Someone has been spraying your bottles without you noticing.

>> No.15080955

Well if there was no hole in the bottle how would you get the water out. Cant have it both ways

>> No.15081045

In actuality they only bottle female water. What you see is male water sperms trying to penetrate the bottle and copulation with the females within

>> No.15081122
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They dear death

>> No.15081134

>inb4 retards coming in here claiming condensation and shit instead of pointing out the flaws in big water and their pore laundering schemes.

>> No.15081142

You should call the cops because someone is stealing your water

>> No.15081144

it become nervous and sweaty if you stare at her for too long

>> No.15081476

It's condensation you fucking retard

>> No.15081518

trans water bottle
trans water bottle

>> No.15081524

I’m not gonna lie OP made me laugh.

>> No.15081529

never drink that water, it's full of mustard gas

>> No.15081530

This is called condensation. It is a natural chemical process by which water tries to escape your being because you are a horrible person and nobody wants to be around you.

>> No.15081851

they are designed to leak. much like perspiration, it helps keep the bottle cool

>> No.15081868


>> No.15081882

Actually it's called osmosis you fucking brainlet. It's where liquids equalize their pressure and distributions in the pressence of a permiable membrane. It's how most bottled water is purified you brainlet. Obviously after filling up the bottle it will leak out if the plastic membrane starts to thaw and desolidify back to the permiable state.

>> No.15081895

Is call "condensation". God, are all americans this fucking stupid.

>> No.15081920

What transpired here sublime one? What is condensation?

>> No.15081941


>> No.15081942


>> No.15081952

ahaha look at this rube, he got zimbabwe'd.

>> No.15081953


>> No.15081957

Ooo look at mr fancy pants, knowing big words like "condolation" and shit. USA! USA!

>> No.15081961

It's a total scam. I always return it and demand a refund when it happens.

>> No.15081968

You can't condense liquid. That's how hydrolics work fuckwit.

>> No.15082031

not him but i am very smart.

>> No.15082037

hydraulics use oil, not water. dumb liberal

>> No.15082039

high pressure inside, vacuum outside
simple as

>> No.15082131

Very good science knowledge on the board.

>> No.15082139

What's with the condensation, asshole?

>> No.15082152

fuck I wasn't ready

>> No.15082153

The what?

>> No.15082165

I just don't feel like I fit in on 4chan anymore. There are too many layers of irony and trolling and I just don't know where it ends.
Is this guy joking or does he actually not know that hydraulics can refer to any liquids? Is the joke on me for replying to him or is it on him for saying something that is objectively pretty wrong and stupid?

>> No.15082167

>Hydraulics use oil
Well, duh, how else would you make sure they moved smoothly?

>> No.15082286
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>> No.15082306

Why does my oven leak?

>> No.15082332
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It's not actually leaking it's a new marketing campaign for bottled water that causes the plastic to produce a bit more water, sorta like those 40% more product for the same price deals. All in a it is a pretty good bargain.

>> No.15082349

>All in a it is a pretty good bargain.
Maybe if you live in some shithole where you can't drink water from the tap.
40% extra or not, bottled water is a ripoff.

>> No.15082361

Happens to much plastic bottles. They are produced in China and have crappy quality.

>> No.15082375


>> No.15083029


>> No.15083052

Big water knows it can get away with it too, because our alternatives are distill our own or drink fresh tap.

>> No.15083063

I'm calling the cops on you both because you're encouraging theft from nestle. Water isn't a human right.

>> No.15083079

It's funny, I'm honestly starting to believe the third worlders like Ari/Rakesh/Zhang/!x'loniqua actually lack mental capacity and are completely incapable of telling when people are making fun of them and just fucking around.

>> No.15083086

Y'all people better shut up 'bout the invisible water fairies' gifts

>> No.15083622

bottled water is literally 40% more water than tap water because the plastic decomposition into water. Just lick the sides and you can get 140% pure water instead of your sickly 100% tap water.

>> No.15083646

Water got memory, heals cancer.
t. homeopathy guy

>> No.15083671


If condensation was the culprit, the leaking wouldn't only happen at the bottom of the bottle, you wannabe-genius

>> No.15083691

they only started leaking like this when they switched the old plastic for micro-porous bioplastic

>> No.15083718
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>> No.15083723

no you idiot condensation is something you do to milk only

>> No.15083765

Just dont think too hard retard

>> No.15083815

don't break kayfabe

>> No.15084043

t. porous plastic apologist

>> No.15084070

jesus hate you

>> No.15084201

Is it dangerous to drink water condensation? I've heard you shouldn't drink rain water, and that's pretty much the same thing.

>> No.15084637


>> No.15084649

absolutely obsessed

>> No.15084672
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This thread is killing my sides

>> No.15084674


It's called condescending anon

>> No.15084680

>I've heard you shouldn't drink rain water

i've been drinking rain water daily for my entire life. nothing wrong with it unless you live in an urban shit hole where the rain will pick up shit on the way down.

>> No.15084692

Do you use a filter? And I once heard some guy got arrested for collecting rainwater in his garden

>> No.15084700

never used to but i do these days. mostly just because of bugs.

>arrested for collecting rainwater in his garden

remind me to never live wherever the fuck that happened.

>> No.15084885
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>> No.15084910

that's contemplation

>> No.15084922

>Big water
>When it falls from the fucking sky, for free

>> No.15084932

>$4.70 for a 500mL bottle of water

>> No.15084936

The fuck?
Like 50% of the ads on TV are literally for rainwater tanks, the rest are pictures of sheds

>> No.15084955
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>Very good science knowledge on the board.

>> No.15084964

Your bottle just need a factory reset

>> No.15084966

crappy chinese plastic. that stuff is porous as hell.

>> No.15084971

>he believes what Big Water told him in school
They could get you drinking out of a fishnet you big retard.

>> No.15085072

I remember seeing somewhere, and it was in america I think. I'm not memeing. And I ask about the filter because of anything dirty in the water like bugs you said, especially the little tiny mosquitos

>> No.15085143

You have it backwards anon, the water in the air is trying to get inside the plastic bottle to be with its brother molecules.
to counter this simply march around the bottle 4 times saying "I am 4chan, this is my bottle, but there is no water inside" the air water will become afraid and not try to penetrate the bottle anymore. If you want to invite water to your bottle simply announce "I'm reddit, my bottle is porous and vulnerable" then the air water will surely swarm towards your bottle to attack it.
hope this helps

>> No.15085149

Humor is very much an american and british thing. The rest of the world is god awful at it

>> No.15085160

It's not a chemical process you fucktard. It's a physical process. Go eat shit

>> No.15085279

i came here to post this

>> No.15085284


>> No.15085289

Ovens actually do leak heat

>> No.15085290

Pretty sure it's the process called photosynthesis

>> No.15085354

Ice cold water touches hot air, starts to sweat.

>> No.15085363

It's due to the maillard reaction

>> No.15085391
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>> No.15087083

based and Death Grips-pilled

>> No.15087157

it's on you for replying to him, but at least you're a thinker.

>> No.15088300

>american and british humor
aha. yes.

>> No.15088307

>he thinks clouds are free
I wish I was as naive as you are, anon.