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File: 122 KB, 972x1291, 9774BE65-4472-48C1-B3CB-5CA360FD972D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15078824 No.15078824 [Reply] [Original]

Normies love these things. I’ve never used one. What are your thoughts?

>> No.15078836

>What are your thoughts?
I wonder how many times I tried to make a meal for my parents when I was a teenager and completely fucked it up but they ate it anyways out of politeness.

>> No.15078841

They're good if you eat frozen fried foods a lot

I dunno much else that I'd use it for but they're pretty multipurpose. A couple of my friends have one and they love it. It does a nice job of crisping up anything that you would do in the oven

>> No.15078842

Pretty big meme desu. They don't do anything amazing.

>> No.15078868
File: 839 KB, 553x518, wings11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to use a regular deep fryer to make chicken wings but I have to use it in my garage because it makes the whole house smell like chicken wings for like three days.
The air fryer is much better. It doesn't leak nearly as much smell, uses less oil, and it's great for making chicken wings and onion rings.
The chicken wings come out crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside.
I love it. I rarely use it but for chicken wings and onion rings it is amazing.
Pic related are some honey barbecue wings. I fry them, sauce them, then put them in the airfryer again for a few minutes to caramelize the sauce, then I sauce them one more time.

>> No.15078899

Never fails to burn the shit out of my frozen corn dogs while leaving the inside cold still. This has happened 5 times now. Not a fan. I’m mad just thinking about this now

>> No.15078911

Why the fuck do we need hourly air fryer threads?

>> No.15078919

blame the tourists

>> No.15078929

if it was something worth buying then everyone would have one

>> No.15079438

I got one as a gift. Rarely use it but its good for frozen fries, hashbrowns, shit like that.

If I didn't have a huge surplus of cupboard space I would have gotten rid of it already

>> No.15079451

You know that """air fryers""" are really just miniature convection ovens, right? What the fuck do you think they're doing? Have you ever thought about it? Do you think they have some kind of special, magical electronics inside or something?

So lame. Get fucked.

>> No.15079468

All u had to do was ad a brand name with TM sign and your post would be a shill meme

>> No.15079469

its more convenient than frying with oil but you lose out on taste or other aspects. if you usually eat foods that work well with it, like fries, then its worth having one

>> No.15079476

Yes it’s amazing they get shilled so hard here
If you have a conviction oven all you need is a wire rack and wa-la you got an air fryer . Some Jews are getting even richer off this

>> No.15079488
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I absolutely adore mine, but it's truly not the same as a regular deep fry, and it's hard to get the heat and timing tuned properly for food unless you watch it pretty closely.

Do NOT buy one of the clunky ones like in OP's pic that only does one thing. Mine is a toaster, oven, and air fryer in one, I bought it for $130 off of Amazon, and it was worth every penny. Pic related is the one I have, it's a Cuisinart something or other.

>> No.15079502

Less temperature, more time.

>> No.15079513
File: 40 KB, 600x600, convection toaster oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the virgin air fry
>the chad convection oven

>> No.15079519

Do you realize that what you bought is a convection oven . and using a wire rack in it makes it an “air fryer”

>> No.15079528

Also, defrost the corn dogs before airfrying them. You can do this by leaving them out on your counter for 30mins to an hour before you plan on eating them, or place them in a sandwich bag and running it through hot water until they soften up. THEN airfry.

>> No.15079545

>no don't buy that product
>buy THIS product
Clever, rabbi, but not today

>> No.15079554

I'm looking at prices now for convection ovens of the same size and they're all about that price, if not more. I'd call you a bitch but god damn you're bitching about people buying air fryers and that's really bitchy.

>> No.15080757


>> No.15080785

a glorified oven, might be good for making pizza if the tray is large enough. you're already eating a ton of starch and sugar with it, the frying oil isn't going to make it any more unhealthy unless you drink it.

>> No.15080833

Cooking for 1 or 2 people they are extremely good. They complete replace an oven for a huge amount of different meals and there's a lot of stuff I can cook in it instead of a frypan. I've cooked whole chicken in it before.

>> No.15081161

I'm not buying your stupid convection oven

>> No.15081173

Make the comic, you lazy faggot. Make the damn comic.

>> No.15081555

Everyone is an idiot. I know plenty of people that don’t use cast irons or think nonsticks poison you. Not even half of households have a dishwasher, and bidets are unheard of in America, but all those things are pretty worth using.

>> No.15081563

If you want frozen fries to be crispy like they were fried air fryers are great.

>> No.15082944

don't really get the point
seems like a fake meat kind of thing, if i want deep fried food i'll just deep fry some food don't really see the appeal of faking it for sloppy seconds

>> No.15083019

These are literally


A convection oven

Buy something better

>> No.15083403


>> No.15083446

Air fryer’s seem like faggotry but my mom got me one last Christmas and I use that motherfucker more than my microwave now. They’re super easy to use, the crisp of your food is unbeatable, and it’s healthier than regular frying. A little inconvenient to clean but not too bad.

>> No.15083457


>> No.15083471

What can it do that my $50 micro oven can't?

>> No.15083488

They're perfect for reheating leftover french fries.

>> No.15083516

>healthier than regular frying
prove it.

>> No.15083519
File: 8 KB, 250x202, 14DAAF9B-B37D-452C-9C2F-A685ED816FFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>air frier

You mean kinda like an oven?

>> No.15083581

Air fryer’s seem like faggotry but my mom got me one last Christmas and I use that motherfucker more than my microwave now. They’re super easy to use, the crisp of your food is unbeatable, and it’s healthier than regular frying. A little inconvenient to clean but not too bad.

>> No.15083592

>uses less oil
Doesn’t use any oil fucktard

>> No.15083614

Bidets are gay and less sanitary than TP

>> No.15083617

Literally an entirely different concept that deep frying or pan frying and it gives a completely different product you absolute nigger

>> No.15083637

Unless you’re cooking fatty meats in it, then yes draining off the majority of excess oils from frozen-fried foods is going to be a healthier option. Not because “oil bad” but because there’s very oftentimes preservatives and artificial colors/flavors in the oils. Getting rid of that shit is more important than muh saturated/unsaturated fats.

>> No.15083650

Depending on what you cook you may want to spray it with a little oil just to coat the surface. Fried chicken, for example.

>> No.15083684
File: 231 KB, 1500x1302, 91WM8o5k1SL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while we're shilling I'd like to recommend the pizzazz, good for cooking frozen pizza but also good for all sorts of frozen food. don't know if it's worth buying but I got mine for free

>> No.15083722

>less sanitary than TP
What a fucking cope.
Go ahead, stick your finger into a turd.
Do you wipe all the shit off of your finger and call it good? Or do you wash you hands?

>> No.15083778
File: 194 KB, 1242x1540, kki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not you again shilling this garbage

>> No.15083830

If you’re not retarded you don’t get any shit on your hands, and unless you’re a nigger you wash your hands no matter what after using the restroom. Your warm, now moist asshole acts as a Petri dish. But of course Europeans can’t pass up an opportunity to get their asshole’s soaked.

>> No.15083834

What dumb article did you read that convinced you of this nonsense.

>> No.15083853

They are only decent at making things that weren't meant to be fried in the first place. Like I made a steak in one once and it was edible. Not great though.
Pretty much anything you cook in an air fryer can be cooked faster, and better some other way.

>> No.15083862

This thing consistently gets shit reviews.

>> No.15083874

Why would I ever get this when I have an oven?

>> No.15083909

I considered getting one just to save money on energy from using the oven. But I realized that it would take me nearly 3 years of electricity saving to pay off the air-friyer alone and the chances of it breaking in that time are pretty high. That combined with them apparently being noisy made me decide not to get one.

>> No.15083936

>If you’re not retarded you don’t get any shit on your hands
So yes, you would wash your hands rather than just wiping the shit off. Why not wash your asshole rather than just wiping it off?
>Your warm, now moist asshole acts as a Petri dish
Just like after taking a shower, right?

>> No.15083942

Live in a dorm room? But then the problem would be that dorm rooms don't have freezers large enough for a frozen pizza.

>> No.15084492

Faggot it’s science. You probably asked a faggot family doctor what’s healthy, a faggot doctor who has 0 nutritional training and probably told you
>“LDL bad, eat more muh leafy greens, muh red meat bad!”

>> No.15084510

fuck the money, you also save a ridiculous amount of time waiting for a preheat

>> No.15084511

When taking a shower you have time and ability to more thoroughly clean your asshole. All the white-nigger bidet does is make your shit covered asshole wet. Now your ass is both shitty and wet. And Europeans wonder why they still live in the fucking 20th century.

>> No.15084521

This. It’s so much faster than an oven that the saved time becomes more valuable than the initial expenditure

>> No.15084527

>All the white-nigger bidet does is make your shit covered asshole wet
You've pretty obviously never used one. The water pressure's about like a pressure washer, everything gets hosed off.

>> No.15084536
File: 179 KB, 1080x963, 1598210451817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's science

>> No.15084547

That argument doesn't make sense, it's not like I'm standing at the oven the entire time waiting for it to heat up/cook.

>> No.15084584

Man, what even is this shit? I've never heard of an air fryer before, suddenly my sister shows me one given to us by a friend not too long ago and the next day I see this thread on the front page.

Everything's connected I swear to god.

>> No.15084588

it's simply a better microwave and an actual "electric oven."
I have 2, one with a rotisserie function
Though you could barely fit a cornish hen in there,
I use it for the turning basket when making wing things.

>> No.15084619

basically a mini convection oven. same shit as a convection toaster oven. hell they are even starting to revert back to the toaster oven form

>> No.15084624

if you like soggy fries.

>> No.15084660

should be other way around? your parents making food for you, no?

>> No.15084691

it doesn't heat up the whole room and probably uses less electricity

>> No.15084798

Depends on the season and where you live. Using the oven can be quite nice in the Fall and Winter.
Then again, I used to live in Florida and my 65" TV was enough to keep the living room warm in winter.

>> No.15084815


>> No.15084831

You need a better oven if it's leaking enough heat to warm a room.

>> No.15085124

My mom has a bidet that I’ve used. You can’t even tell whether or not it actually RS cleaned your asshole, and the pressure with which the water sprays is spraying shit-water all over your asscheeks and hole

>> No.15085137

It’s not even faggot science. Warm, wet places are more apt to growing and spreading bacteria than cold, dry places

>> No.15085157

Does it wipe away clean? Only water on the TP? Or is the whole wipe brown?

>> No.15085231

Take 1 tsp baking powder and 1 tsp corn starch for every lb of chicken wings, and toss in a bowl to coat.
You're going to want to add any spices and salt with the corn starch and baking powder, otherwise they'll never stick.
Also you're going to want to toss anything not dry into the wings before you toss the dry stuff.
Even something like lemon zest can ruin the coating.
Once you've got your wings coated, let them chill in the fridge overnight, then bake the next day.

>> No.15085245

Mine is pretty great for reheating anything that would otherwise be soggy in a microwave (roast chicken, potatoes, fish and chips, kfc, etc). Gets the job done in 10 minutes.

>> No.15085378

Have one and I wasn't aware it was actually a big seller

>> No.15085416

I have a proper full sized CONVECTION oven instead of your meme faggotry

>> No.15085459

The ones with a glass door are better. It's better treated as an additional stove than a fire-and-forget appliance