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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 66 KB, 500x500, original-dill-wholes-47044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15077746 No.15077746 [Reply] [Original]

I have a pickle addiction. When I reach for a snack, it's one of these bad boys. Something about the salty, vinegary crunch of a pickle just scratches every itch. Do you like pickles, and if so what kind? For me, it's Vlasic whole dill

>> No.15077756

What about Olives? They hit the spot in a similar way for me

>> No.15077762

Also capers, they're way more versatile than I used to think. In mayo on sandwiches, in pasta, steak sauce, seafood.

>> No.15077797

I am pro-pickle, and I vote

>> No.15077834
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these ones are addictive as crack-rock

>> No.15077835

I buy the Vlasic sandwich slices. So addicting and the best part is drinking the juice at the end

>> No.15077841

Pickles are the perfect snack. Low calorie, takes up space in your stomach, scratches that salty/savory itch.

>> No.15078012

>Buy pickles off Amazon
>Half the time they end up broken at the shipping center, and they refund you
Can these mongoloids do anything right?

>> No.15078119

Not to say that Claussens are the best, but for the price ($4) I think they're the best choice.

>> No.15078134

Same, man. This is why I stopped buying pickes. I'd constantly eat pickles and drink the pickle juice. There's some science-y thing about how people crave vinegary foods because it makes you salivate or something. It reminds me of when I was in high school and for a week or two, I developed an addiction for apple cider vinegar and would constantly think about going home to drink it during last period and another time when it happened with pickle juice.

>> No.15078853

Vlasic sucks, but they were great when they were called Claussen. They bought them and then unbought them I guess.

>> No.15078959

I prefer Mt. Olive, but I'm biased since I live an hour or so away from their headquarters. Also keep the juice to drink, works pretty well for hangovers.

>> No.15078972


Yes, but not Vlasic; they taste like cremation ashes and embalming fluid.

>> No.15078993

i am consistently taken aback by the number of people who avoid pickles like the plague. what the fuck kind of mental disease do you need to have to be this smoothbrained

>> No.15078998
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For me, it's these bad boys

>> No.15078999

My wife doesn't like them. It sucks.

>> No.15079011
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>> No.15079074

I've hated pickles all my life, and mostly still do, but all of a sudden I just can't get enough of cornichons.

>> No.15079091
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mmm, I too love pickles. I find it out my generation (millennilols) generally hate pickled stuff. For me, it's vlasic's zesty dill spears or the Deutsche Kuche German style ones from aldi

>> No.15079103
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Look out kiddos (claussen, you’re ok)

>> No.15079405

Will you die if you consumed a two jars of pickles

>> No.15079411


>> No.15079435

best pickles I ever bought were these ones I found at aldi once. I haven't been able to locate them since but they were amazing.

>> No.15079464
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Part of the Aldi finds section, they show up from time to time but super delicious. The stroopwaffles in the aldi finds section is really good for the price too

>> No.15079572
File: 218 KB, 2000x2000, Giardiniera-4-square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't go wrong with pickles but for me it's the pickled giardiniera, love the spicy carrots and cauliflower so much. love kimchi for the same reason but it's sort of different

>> No.15079577

This brand is on the bottom shelf for a reason.

>> No.15079583

Anybody else ever eat those individually wrapped hot mama pickles those are pretty good but I haven't seen them around in a long time

>> No.15079599

Mt olive is the best. I like the mini ones. Of course, you gotta save the brine for fried chicken.

>> No.15079605
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ur doing it wrong

>> No.15079608

god the big chunky giardiniera is the BEST

>> No.15079631

When it comes to non-bread and butter, whole pickles are the only correct choice as they keep the crunchiness better than halves or spears

>> No.15079634
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It's time that we got down to the really important questions. Who here's team mustard pickle?

>> No.15079831

I have probably 10 empty 1.5l jars from those
Remember to use the brine to make chicken

>> No.15079833

Habitant makes more than just split pea and ham soup?

>> No.15079835


>> No.15079856

pickles are one of the easiest things to make at home

>> No.15080141

Holy shit! Finally some love for strubs. I go through jars of these like fucking oxygen. Why other companies don't make full sours is beyond me

>> No.15080152

What do you do with the brine and chicken? Marinate?

>> No.15080181
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Also based

>> No.15080231

fuck off with the jewish shit

>> No.15080899

These bitches are cash! Crunch one of these before my workout every day.

>> No.15081508

Pickles are definitely one of my absolute favorite snacks.

>> No.15082177

Out, /pol/tard

>> No.15082260

Based jew

>> No.15082299

Yeah so fatties like you can't reach them without falling over and look like a turtle on their back.

>> No.15082328

Pickles will prevail!

>> No.15082334

if you crave pickles it means that you have a low amount of acid in your stomach

>> No.15082336

Guarantee that's true. I take Nexium for GERD

>> No.15082460

Truly patrician choice.

>> No.15082538
File: 2.89 MB, 4032x3024, 20201018_163549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made pickles for the first time like a month ago. If anyone finds that interesting.

>half white vinegar, half apple cider
>pickling spice
>garlic cloved
>dried japones
>crushed red pepper
>fresh dill

>> No.15082544


idk why the pic is sideways, but what do you guys think? first try

>> No.15082545

What kind of obese retard buys pickles off amazon?

>> No.15082549

For me, it's bread a butter pickles.
These also rule.

>> No.15082552

When I try to make pickles at home they just never come out that good.

>> No.15082559

are you buying pickling cucumbers? i know that sounds dumb, but it really affects how crisp they are

>> No.15082565
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My personal favorite.

Hot pickle pouches are a close second.

>> No.15082571
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>> No.15082585

>HFCS in your pickles
No thanks

>> No.15082587

>What kind of person would want heavily discounted bulk pickles?
You're retarded. Also pickles are incredibly low calorie.

>> No.15082594

I tried these and they're sweet. Wtf is that?

>> No.15083176


>> No.15083362

Yes, I'm on a low carb diet and pickles are my go-to snack. Never tire of them.

>> No.15083437

sweet heat my friend

>> No.15083474

Theres way worse addictions to have than pickles. The things are near calorie free

>> No.15083513

Not sodium free though. Enough pickles will stroke you out

>> No.15083532
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Any love for pickled onions in here?

>> No.15083550
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Hometown pride

>> No.15083587

i think pickles (can be) great, i fucking love olives but for some reason i hate capers

>> No.15083620
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in Eastern Europe basically everyone makes pickles but not just cucumbers, we prepare giant jars full of various pickled vegetables

my favorites are
>green pickled tomatoes
(chewy, and juicy goodness, like a better pickle)
amazing texture and taste
>celery stalks - with leaves on
the leaves are delicious, the stalks are chewy

the mixt jars are great and you always have a giant variety to choose from, they are like my favorite thing about winter foods

>> No.15083656
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a feast for a king

everything is delicious (store stuff cant ever compare with homemade in taste)

>> No.15083664

I bought a jar of polish pickles and they tasted way too sweet and not vinegary enough at all.

I'm never trusting a slav pickle again. from that point on I've only bought french-style pickles or cornichons.

>> No.15083682
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like these or similar but bigger.

>> No.15084185

Fag fingers typed this post

>> No.15084228

I only eat my own pickles, fermented from home grown cucumbers. Sorry virgin. Your pickles suck.

>> No.15084252

These are hella good but they make another one that I like even better. They're smaller and more yellow. I like to bite into it and suck out the juice. Nibble it little by little. And then scrape all the flesh off the base of the stem with my teeth. I drink the brine sometimes too.

>> No.15084262
File: 20 KB, 231x486, 00035836000061-wkRAJSyPazx6Iw-0_s500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best pickled pepper anywhere, as far as I'm concerned. Super well balanced. Not crunchy, not soft, but kind of crisp and "squeaky." Nice garlic taste, not too much vinegar or salt.

I think they're kind of local to me, but if you see these anywhere I highly recommend you try them. Fucking awesome on a roast beef and cheddar sandwich.

>> No.15085971

The only good burger pickle is Claussen refrigerated. Some German brands packed full of fresh herbs are great but not easy to find.

>> No.15086005

Make your own prickles. Those they sell taste like garbage

>> No.15086018

This brand but in spear form.

>> No.15086024

are there low (like really low) sodium pickles?
supposed to be under 1000mg of sodium a day, but its really REALLY hard.

>> No.15086104

Huh. Your wife seemed to really enjoy my pickle.

>> No.15086110

No, but you’re going to piss out of your ass.

>> No.15086197

Yes. I love anything pickled.

>> No.15086923

Yet guess who managed to fuck it up?


>> No.15086941
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naturally soured >>>>> in vinegar brine

>> No.15088428
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>buy pickles
>eat pickles
>mm pickles
>reserve brine for chicken
>brine the chicken and fry it
>serve with pickles from a new jar
>continue ad infinitum

>> No.15088439

Agreed. They're much more savory and have great health benefits too

>> No.15088486

Pickled cauliflower is the king of pickles, followed by pickled green apples and pickled fist-sized unripe watermelons.

>> No.15088503

>wax peppers
Reminds me of the episode where Homer eats the crazy peppers.

>> No.15088549
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Cornichons alongside some chicken liver parfait on toast. Can't beat it.

>> No.15088587

ok HP lovecraft simmer the fuck down

>> No.15088604

>taste like candy
No thanks, I'll have >>15079605 instead.