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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15076651 No.15076651 [Reply] [Original]

My mom canceled Thanksgiving (and Christmas) over politics and no friends are hosting anything because of Covid, so what's the best Thanksgiving dinner for one?

I'm not much of a cook, so I'd prefer pre-prepared, delivery, or frozen, but I'm open to something else if there's a really simple dinner I could prepare myself. Thanks for the help anons, I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving.

>> No.15076667

I always look forward to aggravating my liberal relatives with my far right views every thanksgiving but I’m spending this one alone because I’m working. Just grab some Chinese food and a fifth of liquor.

>> No.15076680

My mom's actually far-right and is losing her mind because I didn't vote for Trump, but even if I had, would have canceled Thanksgiving and Christmas.

She has also canceled all cable TV, any TV subscriptions for streaming, and will not use the USPS for mail under any circumstance. But, y'know, not to make this about politics, I just want the least depressing Thanksgiving dinner I can get and sit here and watch football all day with some booze.

>> No.15076681

Don’t leave us hanging, OP. Drop the promoted product you made the thread to promote.

>> No.15076717
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u can buy one of these things at the big grocery stores, all you gotta do is just chunk it I the oven for a while. Then some boxed potatoes and boxed mac and boom

>> No.15076718

I don't have a promoted product. I just don't know where to get a meal for one. There's plenty of big turkey feasts for families but nothing for one.

>> No.15076728

I've cancelled all holidays at my house until all of this blows over.

>> No.15076739

>let’s not make this about politics
But that’s exactly why you made the thread

>> No.15076742

you can go to the soup kitchen and several churches and they give out thanksgiving dinners. last year I bought 25 thanksgiving dinners when I was at the salvation army or some shit like that. the guy insisted he had to fill out one of those cards and hang it up and I had him put Anon

>> No.15076779

But do you have someone to spend time with? A wife? Girlfriend? Kids? Even a roommate?

My roommate is taking even the dog with him.

Nah just explaining why I'll be solo.

I appreciate the thought but I have the money to buy my own food instead of take a meal from someone out on the streets.

>> No.15076802

buttermilk fried chicken with mashed potatoes or Mac and cheese and whatever your favorite Thanksgiving veggie is. I like green beans sauteed with bacon, mushrooms, and garlic the best.

>> No.15076807

>what's the best Thanksgiving dinner for one?
A 12ga slug through the back of your throat.

>> No.15076810
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I'll be honest, Boston Market has worked really well for Thanksgivings I've spent alone (which has been most of them). Depending on what your local BM offers, you can call ahead and pick up, order online, schedule delivery, etc.

My state makes all restaurants except fast food joints close on Thanksgiving, so if I actually want to eat it the day of, I have to get my food from BM the day before and then just reheat it. Kinda dumb but it's what I do when I want traditional food on Thanksgiving, cuz I'm sure as shit not cooking all that myself.

Try them out. I'd suggest getting some dinner rolls from a store though (BM doesn't have those) and maybe some extra canned/jarred gravy (BM never provides enough for my tastes.

>> No.15076812

>Blows over

>> No.15076829
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Also, here's a pic from one year when, for whatever reason, I decided to plate my BM meal reasonably attractively and then take a pic. I don't think I'll be getting the mac and cheese again, though, it's not very Thanksgivingy. Creamed spinach was awesome.

>> No.15076857

Damn, this looked good, but I couldn't find a Boston Market here. Thanks Anon!

>> No.15076862

Good, Your mom is very based. Tell her I’ll be your step daddy.

>> No.15076869

Wow where do you live? Anyway, some big grocery stores will prepare Thanksgiving foods for you to pick up. Call them and inquire.

>> No.15076884
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>> No.15076909

>but I'm open to something else if there's a really simple dinner I could prepare myself

just pare down the menu to your favorite item

for many that's stuffing

get a carton of chicken broth, a loaf of your favorite bread, some celery or pecans, or sausage or bacon if you want, and basically all you do is cook the sausage or bacon, dice up the celery and nuts, and pour the broth over the bread, veggies, meat, and nuts, add an egg or two for binding, and bake it @ 350F until its golden brown on top.


you can do an easy potato dish, no need to peel just slice some potatoes and top them with cream/milk, cream cheese, garlic powder, make sure the potatoes are covered, sprinkle the top with parmesan (grated) if you want, then bake at 375 until golden brown on top.

Also if you want turkey I suggest buying a turkey breast roast and again, salt and pepper, pop it in the oven and cook until the inside measures 160F or a fork can be inserted with juices running clear from the thiccest part.

Also, cranberry sauce is pretty easy to make, take a cup or two of frozen cranberries, add some orange juice, sugar, and a pinch of salt, and cook, stirring occasionally over medium heat until the cranberries burst, then cool.

Just make 1-2 thanksgiving items from scratch that you really like.

>> No.15076916

That sounds like a lot of work

>> No.15076918


>> No.15076925

bep bep! Chad coming through! make way! make way!

>> No.15076934

>Won't use the USPS

It's weird how easy it is to get people to hate something. Also how do you even do that? It's not like you can tell amazon to not use the Postal service to drive it the last 100 miles to your house

>> No.15076941

Your family sounds like failures

>> No.15076944

My point is just do one or two of those things. It really isn't a lot of work its just dicing up things and throwing them into a pan in the oven. At least make one item from scratch and make it simply, it doesn't have to have a lot of ingredients.

You probably spend hours playing video games or doing something else mindless. Spending 1-2 hours cooking isn't going to ruin your life. This IS a cooking board.

>> No.15076991

Not sure how thanksgiving will turn out for me, but worst case scenario I'll order some Chinese takeout with my bf. Most resturants will be open on thanksgiving.

>> No.15077006

>I just want the least depressing Thanksgiving dinner I can get
Then why not just get whatever your favorite dinner is? Or pick your favorite side and get a ham slab. Or maybe chicken pot pie? My nana always made chicken pot pie for Christmas instead of ham or turkey.

>> No.15077011

I live in the suburbs of Vegas and there's like two Boston Markets here, both nearly an hour's drive away.

You highly overestimate my cooking skills, anon (that wasn't me on the first reply). I could pull off putting in that turkey roast and that's about it. The rest of this would come out a complete mess. But I do appreciate the walkthrough. While this is partially a cooking board, it's also a food board. I don't know how to prep a single item really.

She's boycotting Amazon too because of partially what you said. It's getting to the point there's no rhyme or reason behind the boycotts. My dad might legitimately end up divorcing her because she's going off the deep end.

>> No.15077018

I dunno, it's just part of tradition. I also like Turkey dinner.

>> No.15077055

Every time I see this I imagine a balding 50 year old man eating this straight out of the can with a fork while sobbing

>> No.15077077

Cranberry sauce you should make a few days in advance. You can then freeze any left over and use it sporadically throughout the year.

>> No.15077086

I'm gonna be spending the Thanksgiving Holiday alone and I'm using it as an excuse to binge over 4 days. I'll be eating:

Chicken Cutlets
Hawaiian rolls

An entire Pecan Pie
An entire Key Lime Pie
An entire Chocolate Pie
About 12 chocolate chip cookies
3 pints of Ice Cream
3 bags of Chesters fries
1 big bag of Cheetos Puffs
1 big bag of Doritos

>> No.15077097

your mom sounds great, you should be more like her

>> No.15077104

Get one of those rotisserie chickens from a grocery store. Instant mashed potatoes. Jarred gravy. Stuffing. Whatever sides you want.

>> No.15077125

Get popeyes, deep fried turkey and their sides

>> No.15077130

Spatch cocked roast chicken is really simple. Tons of jewtubes about it, just cut out the backbone liberally (think opposite of Orange Fool) salt and pepper both sides then put on rack over a baking sheet and roast at 400F until internal 165F @ 50 minutes.

Dressing is simple if you can't cook, just buy Stovetop Stuffing or some shit. Mashed potatoes: Cut up a few potatoes and simmer in a stock with salt. When tender, add butter, milk and mash.

Then put black olives on all your fingers and suck them off for the appetizer.

>> No.15077143

what's the point of celebrating holidays, to fit in with the rest of the normies ?

>> No.15077152

You voted to cancel Thanksgiving and Christmas then, so I don't feel like helping you.

>> No.15077154
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I got you covered OP

>> No.15077156

You’re so cool and unique anon. Be sure to really dab on those libtards instead of just spending time and enjoying your families company.

T. Has a super retarded cousin that is constantly causing people of being triggered when they tell him to shut the fuck up

>> No.15077168

My father and i are on polar ends of the political spectrum and we leave that shit at the door, must suck to have family antagonize you at every chance

>> No.15077181

You might be able to get just some turkey breast. The big thing with holiday dinners is that it isn't feasible to have so much food in a regular dinner. So get a turkey breast and pick a couple of your favorite sides and just do that. Or like other anons said get a whole chicken. Throw it in a roaster with potatoes, carrots, and onions. You can get a rotisserie too if you don't want to cook it yourself but you're going to miss out on the chicken grease flavoring the vegetables.

>> No.15077190

Why focus on single meal stupid. Buy regular Thanksgiving meal for 2-4. Eat it for a few days


>> No.15077193

>Spatch crocked
>opposite of Orange Fool
I don't know what these are.
I barely think I know how to do this.

Seriously, this shit is dumb, no one needs to ruin a holiday by talking about politics.

>> No.15077198

t. loony-tunes evangelical preacher

>> No.15077201

The only ones of these I've seen are like ~$120. I'm not spending that kind of coin so I can eat nothing but turkey for four days.

>> No.15077211

>I barely think I know how to do this.
At least you apparently know how to suck black olives off your fingers.

>> No.15077220

Damn your mom sounds based. How are you such a fuck up?

>> No.15077235

Yep. Doing it right now.

>> No.15077237

Now, now, we don't really know whether OP voted for Jorgensen or not.

The main difficulty with roasting a bird is guessing how long it will take.

>> No.15077239

>bothering with a traditional turkey dinner alone
Maybe it's worthwhile if you can use it all for based leftovers, but you should consider just getting some hotwings or something.

>> No.15077276

get the fuck off this board, you pathetic rats.
I find the packaged turkeyloins in the grocery store are actually really good and really easy to make, you just put it in the oven then cut it after. You can buy sides from like popeyes or something like that (roughly where are you around in the country?), but I would at least get a nice slab of turkey, myself.
That's what I would do in your shoes.
Hope it goes well.
And I hope you enjoy thanksgiving somewhat, my dude.

>> No.15077303
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>> No.15077308

Thanks anon, that's not a bad idea. Maybe I can find some kind of neat stuffed turkey thing... I'm in the southwest. And appreciate the kind words, they don't come from 4chan often.

>> No.15077318

Us 41%ers need to stick together.

>> No.15077330

Post pic at home. Please.

>> No.15077349


>> No.15077385

It's adorable that you think spending hours upon hours of your faggot life "researching" and debating muh politics matters at all. Unless you're working in the government or have an audience of at least 100 thousand, which even that is pretty insignificant, it makes literally no difference how much you debate your brain damaged normalshit friends and relatives other than perhaps that it will end some of your relationships by making them hate you, which they should.

>> No.15077436

Did I say I spent all that fucking time "researching" or whatever? No. My mom flipped a fucking lid because her pussy gets wet for the fat old dude or whatever. Calm the fuck down and give me Thanksgiving advice.

>> No.15077477

Haha god bless you anon

>> No.15077620

I worked at Boston market, their sweet potato casserole is good if u like that, basically dessert, their turkey subs with Caesar dressing was great too.

>> No.15077626

i usually just eat a frozen pizza for Thanksgiving

>> No.15077633

What is it about this board that even fairly mundane topics attract angry schizos?
Just Google what restaurants are near you and determine which ones have some sort of vague Thanksgiving special and get it. Quality is less important than quantity + theming for Thanksgiving, so make sure it's traditional food and get enough for 2 people and eat it all yourself. Get two supermarket pies (ideally pumpkin and pecan) and a bunch of whipped cream. The actual dishes you should try to get from a restaurant for quality's sake.
And if you know anyone who's also alone for it, Skype them in.

>> No.15078003


>> No.15078136

You can peel a potato, boil it until it is easily pierced with a fork, and add melted butter, cream and salt. That's mashed potatoes.

You can just smash them with a fork if you have nothing else.

It doesn't have to be perfect or fancy, just try it.

>> No.15078332

Better to bake or even microwave for holiday mashed potatoes, then all the moisture you add is butter/cream.

>> No.15078359

What the fuck? Adding moisture and fat is what makes holiday mashed potatoes so good.

>> No.15078369

one thanksgiving i was alone. i bought a giant smoked turkey leg from publix or walmart. just googled how to heat it up correctly. i made kraft macaroni and cheese, put some hot dogs or turkey bacon in it, then put some breadcrumbs and cheddar/parmesian on top and baked it. i bought that dry flake mashed potatoes and mixed in some cheese. i also bought some butter rolls.

i ate it with a michelob ultra and perrier and it was a great thanksgiving. i guess the key is variety and excess, and a giant smoked turkey leg.

>> No.15078483

boiling gelatinizes the starches better

ive tried it the other ways and I think it is better boiled, totally up to you though

>> No.15078540

I've never understood why Republican voters get so upset when a Democrat wins when both parties are far-right oligarchies.

>> No.15078545

your mom sounds like a total milf

>> No.15078585


>> No.15078591

Just go to a vons and see what they have at the deli. Or go to fresh and easy they sell a bunch of prepared meals for one

>> No.15078628

I never knew that being pro-choice, lax on illegal immigration, supportive of increasing LGBT presence, supporting multiculturalism, being critical of traditional Christian values, increasing taxes significantly, and being extremely politically correct made a party far-right.

>> No.15078634

>Far right
>Voted for king shabbos goy Trump
Right wingers are really retarded

>> No.15078641

Fuck that one. The peas are always hard as rocks even after being microwaved.

>> No.15078675

Peas are the most worthless fucking vegetable in existence. At least green beans can be slow cooked and have bacon added. Peas have no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

>> No.15078694

I pray the Lord one day gives you eyes to see

>> No.15078722


Trump will crash the system sooner than anyone which is necessary for our national rebirth. The MIGAtards and their orange leader will have no further role in the new beginning.

>> No.15078782

Honestly anon it's worth the effort to help quell loneliness. It's partly why I cook so much. Just play some music in the background and chill out while prepping it up.

>> No.15078806

Not him, but as OP, working to cook stresses me out more than its calming. It feels like a dramatic waste of time when I could be working on my profession or something more important. I only waste time shitposting because it's so mindless and not stressful.

>> No.15079164

well now you do.

>> No.15080937

What braindead retard thought this was a good idea?

>> No.15080948

RIP to your blood sugar levels and possibly your stomach

>> No.15080958

Eh, id try it for the novelty

>> No.15080963
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>have paranoid retard family
>grandparents cancel thanksgiving dinner because of covid
>don't tell them I have covid
>nothing happens
>only other person in family who gets sick is brother
>ask "what would you do if I had covid?" to everyone
>immediate anger and fear, "you better not have it"
>"haha yeah, I was just asking what if I did? see how just reacted?"

>> No.15080990

I cut the stuffing and chicken cutlets out but still...

>> No.15080994

You're retarded

>> No.15081019

Honestly, yeah. Most restaurants that serve American type fare (like Perkins or Friendly's or whatever) are gonna have some kind of Thanksgiving meal. Call them and order pickup, or delivery through grubhub or whatever.

Grocery stores also often have meals like that. PICK UP YOUR FUCKING PHONE AND CALL YOU LAZY SON OF A BITCH

happy thanksgiviiiiiing

>> No.15081050

You are an insufferable dipshit.

I plan on cooking steaks for thanksgiving dinner. I enjoy cooking but a whole turkey is too much work. Steaks are fast and fun as shit to cook. Easy too. If you’re hung up on tradition just do what others have suggested.