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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15076582 No.15076582 [Reply] [Original]

What are some essential flyover foods?

>> No.15076591

The old Skyline Sloppa, also known as the 'ti 'li.

>> No.15076592

New York bagels

>> No.15076613

Impossible Whopper

>> No.15076674

eribertos/alibertos/losbertos/filibertos/ect. In arizona. They're all essentially the same idk why they all have different names. Carne asada fries are titties.

>> No.15076679

Had Alibertos in Sacramento. Loved it

>> No.15076686

We don’t eat that faggot shit in the Midwest. We love god and eat real meat.

>> No.15076687
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Hot Dish, aka tater tot casserole

>> No.15076691

Can confirm but you forgot to add cousin sex

>> No.15076699

You are confusing the south with the Midwest. Here we just smash your wife while your on deployment.

>> No.15076700

If you live somewhere without and you've never been out east enough or south enough, and all you know about diners is denny's and IHOP. Please do yourself a favor and visit a waffle house.

>> No.15076707

all american food except ribs and wings

>> No.15076725

>claims to love God
>follows up with a post claiming to indulge in adultery
Superficial faith is pointless.

>> No.15076736

Waffle house was no different than dennys.

>> No.15076744
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I got some lunch with my grandma in flyover Arkansas. Holy fuck America is such a fat shithole, no one here has any concept of how to eat healthy. No vegetables, massive portions.

>> No.15076747

looking at all the fake processed chemicals amerilards call food and drinking out of plastic cups with plastic straws ingesting microplastics is making me feel physically nauseous

>> No.15076748

Did you get more of a seared bite?

>> No.15076753

>eat real meat.
Like dicks

>> No.15076757

Yeah the fuck it is

>> No.15076771

This but wrong

>> No.15076866

00 buckshot

>> No.15076885

Isn’t that what you guys do in cuckifornia?

>> No.15076903

add star anise and cardamom and you've got curry

>> No.15076930

Holy fuck are you retarded?

>> No.15076942
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the one flyover food that hipsters don't try to claim so you know its good

>> No.15077036
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Soy filled coasting faggots would never understand how great food is in real america.

>> No.15077054

Jesus christ you obese faggot. You disgust me. I know for a fact you have no portion control either. You are human failure. You haven't seen your penis in over a decade. You can't stop eating. Your will power is incredibly low.

>> No.15077058

Not sure. Not from there. Where abouts california you live btw

>> No.15077062

Because god cucking Joseph is a-ok. Right.

>> No.15077067

Your low T is showing.

>> No.15077075

>sloppa, but on a grill
embarrassing post
l2cook faget

>> No.15077079
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Pure fatty cope. Testosterone levels in slimmer men are far higher than overweight men (not to mention our cocks are literally bigger do to better blood flow). Men with thriving testosterone typically find it easier to stay leaner than their hypogonadal peers.

Low testosterone men, on the other hand, often find that they gain fat easier in comparison. Testosterone levels are frequently reduced in obesity

>> No.15077084

Didn't know this was a thing. I made something very similar to this earlier this week because I was out of buns and didn't know what to make.

>split polish sausage charred a bit
>spicy brown mustard
>chopped white onion
>Served on rye bread

wish I had fries to add on there. Imma do that next time.

>> No.15077098

Go back to your bugs and vegan wraps. We eat meat in real america.

>> No.15077101

I eat meat, probably more than you. I just eat fresh/raw fish and lean chicken instead of fucking chargrilled sausages you obese ape.

>> No.15077738
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>> No.15077822
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Casey's Taco Pizza

>> No.15077860

I believe the original was Robertos, which exploded in popularity and sparked a chain of restaurants ending with "Berto". Eventually a brother took the business to Arizona iirc and it kept spreading from there.

>> No.15077977

potatoes are vegetables

>> No.15078414

yum sloppa

>> No.15078820

Toasted ravioli

>> No.15078856

St. Louis Chads rise up

>> No.15078881


>> No.15079639

You need to go back

>> No.15080699

>the old
You didn't even know it existed til it was memed this week.

>> No.15080741

Togo boxes exist.

>> No.15080894

Thats just ...biege.

>> No.15080902

>implying Texas is flyover country
Texas is a destination these days

>> No.15080908

Do people still eat meatloaf? I thought that was a 70's thing, like jello dinners

>> No.15081143
File: 261 KB, 1200x900, CBE83235-2CDF-4C31-92E9-86885265D96E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimate flyover: pork tenderloin

>> No.15081148

Based and lone star pilled

>> No.15081162

for mexican border jumpers yeah

>> No.15081167

How silly, Is that a whole loin hammered flat?

>> No.15081223
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Stop fucking replying to him, you dense motherfucker. Why does everyone on this faggot site always respond to obvious bait? Go fuck yourself, you stupid fucking cunt.

>> No.15081234

that sounds good but the picture is actually a very vinegary coleslaw

gotta use a real thin/squishy bread or it's hard to eat

>> No.15081240


>> No.15081251

This is one of those foods I considered quintessential until I learned they were unique to the area (Indiana) so this one's one of the more legitimate foods where it's not just something one backwater place serves or that's in the whole country, but a genuine regional thing. I don't like them because red meats are fatty as fuck (I just don't like fatty meats outside of sausage, it's not a health thing) but I'd say this is a legit flyover food.

>> No.15081372
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Nope, round these parts the 'loaf is based af.

>> No.15081440

>he doesn't have sex with his cousin
ngmi bud

>> No.15081452

is this bait?

>> No.15081456

Waffle House is better desu.

>> No.15081477

Yes, and they're fucking delicious. If you go get a pork tenderloin at a good place they'll basically tenderize it flat and either pan or deep fry it, serving it on a bun with (typically) lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise. You're suppose to cut off or eat off the excess tenderloin and then enjoy the sandwich with your side. It's a really great meal after doing any serious outdoor activities and excellent in the autumn/winter months.

>> No.15081480

I concur.

>> No.15081484

What if I want to eat the sandwich first and enjoy the excess with my meal?

>> No.15082469


>> No.15082493

who claimed anything about god

>> No.15082514

I believe they were started in Southern California under the name Albertos. Idubbbz has a video about them. it's not bad

>> No.15083037
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>> No.15083069

We've been shitting on skyline for years you stupid faggot. Lurk moar.

>> No.15084934

There's some arabs in my area that used to run a cafeteria. Huge portions of meatloaf for 6 bucks. still sad they closed. that food was great

>> No.15085298

We eat a lot of mutton barbecue in western KY. Never seen it anywhere else.

>> No.15085314

Way back when, when I was a young lad (pre grade school) I went with my Grandma to a diner. Being an old man at heart I asked the waitress if they had meatloaf. She responded no, to which I replied "how's a guy supposed to enjoy his meal if you don't serve meatloaf?" My grams always loved that story and would always tell me about it as I got older. I love that damn food and I miss her so god damn much.

>> No.15085349

You have no concept of posting a picture in the correct orientation lmao.

>> No.15085386

What the fuck is "real America™"?

>> No.15085613
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Lol, that’s a good story anon. The best meatloaf I ever had was actually in San Francisco at the Stinking Rose, a restaurant that specializes in dishes that contain garlic. This is a pic of their garlic meatloaf.

>> No.15085622

In Utah they are just called Betos

>> No.15085624

It's some fuckery like the restaurants themselves originally being part of the same chain and all doing very well, but somehow the corporation started to go under due to sheer incompetence or mismanagement, so the franchisees separated from the corporation and changed to legally distinct but still recognizable names and carried on

>> No.15085627

looks very good anom

>> No.15085672
File: 88 KB, 750x1000, 3CD4843F-2C96-47B9-A3EE-C4BA43EB5BA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it was years ago but I still remember their meatloaf. These are just pics I found on the web of their meatloaf at the time I went I didn’t even have a phone with a camera

>> No.15085674

What sort of sauce is that on the meat love?

>> No.15085832

It’s like a garlicky gravy a little bit of ketchup a little bit of bbq slightly salty slightly sweet

>> No.15086147

Damnit. Now you made me want to get Skyline but the closest one to me is 20 minutes away.

>> No.15086165
File: 41 KB, 338x450, 11CC59B4-07A1-44B4-ADA9-EF400D7BB4A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Skyline Chili would probably be ranked the #1 Flyover food

>> No.15086169


Not shilling iCuckzzz, but his video on the 'Bertos phenomenon was pretty dece:


>> No.15086176

would that make Gold Star Chili number 2?

>> No.15086196

Looks damn good, I don't eat meatloaf that often, but whenever I do I always think of my grandma. Makes me happy too as my Ma like to make it for me when I go and see her. I should really make some tomorrow.

>> No.15086506
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It's good to remember loved ones. I'm sure your grandma was a nice lady My Dad died recently, and his favorite meal was liver and onions. I always thought it was disgusting, and its very rare to see it on a menu these days but when someone mentions liver and onions I think of my dad. And he loved calf's liver, chicken livers, and venison liver when he could get it. Meatloaf was his 2nd favorite.

>> No.15086507

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss man. Hope you're doing well take care.

>> No.15086544

in 15 years we'll all look back on this photo and be appalled.

>> No.15087087
File: 77 KB, 824x396, D8152721-A580-47B5-A97C-F125521477C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be right. People used to not get appalled at all when they saw suckling pig, now most are repulsed, it reminds them they are eating a fellow mammal

>> No.15087207

Is spitroasted pig (animal, not the woman) a thing in the US?

>> No.15087246


>> No.15087500

>God did it so I get to do it too
Retard moment

>> No.15087626

Sorry to hear that man, but I'm glad you have good memories of him.

>> No.15087643

I will most definitely be gorging myself on Imos t ravs this weekend.