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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 147 KB, 328x181, poptarts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15075797 No.15075797 [Reply] [Original]

do you like pop tarts

>> No.15075804

i thought they were shit even as a kid

>> No.15075808

I hate that man and his dumb face and i curse you for putting him on my screen, may your family be struck down with a bout of sores. But yes. I like pop tarts

>> No.15075818

Pop tarts taste like trash. Because they *ARE* trash.

>> No.15075845

Pop tarts are fuckin awful. They keep taking more and more filling out and lessening the icing. The last time I got 1 it was like 20% iced on top.

Trader Joe's version, and pretty much any other breakfast bar, fig newton, sugary snack bullshit is better.

>> No.15075872

theyre ok man

>> No.15075940

They're good. I'll try gimmick flavors every now and then, but the go to is always brown-sugar cinnamon or blueberry

>> No.15076008

In the UK I can only get strawberry or chocolate in the general supermarkets, and they're good. The US has much better flavours though

>> No.15076013

What is the UK fascination with US junk food?

>> No.15076044

Most of our food, stereotypically, is brown, orange, fried or vegetables boiled to death. Bright colours excite us, except blue which for some reason we're all afraid of.

>> No.15076053

^ replied to wrong post

>> No.15076056

Same reason people crowd around a car crash

>> No.15076096

I like the Cinnamon Brown Sugar pop tarts...but I would take toaster strudel over ANY pop tart.

>> No.15076125

pop tarts more like poop tarts lol

>> No.15076457

side note: rhett and link are unironically based, i know they got clowned on as being major soy bois but they are cool dudes.

>> No.15076538

>Is named Link
>Doesn't fucking play Zelda

massive cringe

>> No.15076594

They're okay in MRE packets

>> No.15076596

His real name is Charles.

>> No.15076607

You know this thread isn't about pop tarts and fuck you for that. They are good though, as a once in awhile novelty to try a flavor, and I'd never eat more than one pastry at once. Share the pack or split it up.

>> No.15076662

GMM are fucking based. Very entertaining and the least soy-infused viral youtubers. Check out their podcast.

>> No.15076682

US junk food is so unhinged and unashamedly sugary. Also, it's like eating candy from an parallel universe - completely different trends and recipes. I like Hershey's btw, I know some of you snowflakes like talking shit about how it tastes like vomit, I don't see it.

>> No.15076694

I like mom farts, basically the same, no?

>> No.15076703
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>> No.15076705 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 678x537, DTWl3rtW4AATwx9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... Pretty "based" if you ask me....

>> No.15076774

>Disputes basedness with evidence of basedness

Retard who bought into the meme that people who make goofy faces are bad. These guys are entertainers who take their craft seriously and never sold out, instead they just put more money into improving their production and expanding their team. Probably more than you'll ever do in your life.

>> No.15076881 [DELETED] 

Hard to take a couple of fags seriously when all they do is boil eggs in Gatorade and do taste tests of gross shit. I'd call that an insult to anybody who actually has mastered a real craft like high art or carpentry. Keep projecting though.

>> No.15077064


>> No.15077082

I have a few images saved on my computer that describe how you look

>> No.15077183

I used to like pop tarts. Especially the blue berry ones. The cinnamon ones are good too.

Now that I'm older my breakfast pastry of choice is either a cruller or an apple fritter.

>> No.15077200

I dont care what anyone says, gmm is comfy as shit. Back when i worked second shift I would stay up late enough to watch the upload as it went up, blasted of course

>> No.15077202

Certain flavors are ok desu

>> No.15077207

Based cruller anon

>> No.15077332

this is a common argument against there basedness, here is the counter: They each have kids already so the vasectomies don't matter at this point.

>> No.15077347

I'd eat the unfrosted strawberry ones as a kid and thought they were okay. Everything else didn't really taste good and especially the frosted ones which were sickeningly sweet with a bad texture.

>> No.15077537
File: 15 KB, 308x451, magic burst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must be a zoomer

>> No.15077538

for me? it's the Toaster Strudel

>> No.15077646
File: 57 KB, 800x453, toasters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always hated Pop Tarts. Always thought they were like eating cardboard with grainy filling. The icing is the only part of them that tastes good, and they're made slightly better by being browned up in the toaster, but they still suck. These were what I actually enjoyed.

>> No.15077889

Yes. Apple poptarts are the best, followed by cookies and cream.

>> No.15077946
File: 896 KB, 2957x3348, 1581437823073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoying some cinnamon sugar pretzel tarts right now

>> No.15078020

They literally haven't changed as long as ive been alive. If you think theres less frosting or w/e it's you who changed.

>> No.15078031
File: 531 KB, 750x553, bxy2b544azi51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15078686

Poptart<Pillsbury Toaster strudel. Also, GMM is fucking based, and their podcast is even better.

>> No.15078707