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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15074199 No.15074199 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think the 'rona has taught the casual diner and takeaway sheep that with a few weeks of cooking practice, they can be prepare food better than 80 percent of restuarants, avoid literally paying mexicans to spit on their food and save a ton of money in the process, or will they go back to their lazy and wasteful ways?

>> No.15074202


>> No.15074208
File: 902 KB, 500x215, hanicooking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell no. This pandemic taught us that we still are fucking monkeys with habits that are extremely difficult to drop.
People who already cook everything themselves may have learned a thing or two. But the common slob... - perhaps they learned that they can buy their shitty take-out food from the local supermarket. That's all.

>> No.15074216

No, most people would still rather cook a half assed dinner assembling jarred and premade ingredients and tell me that they wished they mad time to cook but they're too busy and then go and binge watch netflix for five hours a day after work.

>> No.15074221

The amount of people trying to book for Christmas Day even after we announced we were closing says otherwise.

>> No.15074225

Dubs checked bro

>> No.15074229

The US was never under lock-down.
Not quiet streets like the rest of the world

>> No.15074237

The only downside of takeout is cost. Waste is a spook, and only 1% of people can actually learn how to outdo premade.

>> No.15074240

Are you feeling pretty cagey about your menial job there wagie?
You have more to lose than the average person that has learned to cook, they have everything to gain.

>> No.15074242

Read the fucking statistics holy shit

>> No.15074252

>only 1% of people can actually learn how to outdo premade.

TF is this cope?
Are you seriously this retarded that you think that only 1% of people can learn how to cook well?
I hope you don't work in a restaurant, apart from maybe washing dishes for the rest of your life.

>> No.15074259

Oh, I live in Australia so we had the full lockdown. I felt like the lockdown has changed how I see food. I thought the main pop urban centres in US like Cali/NY had a partial lockdown though?

>> No.15074260

Yes. People massively overstate their cooking abilities.

>> No.15074268

Maybe youre self projecting faggit. If anyone above an IQ of 90 puts effort into improving their cooking skills, in a few months, they will make some amazing stuff that most low to mid end restuatants wont be able to replicate because of the quality of the ingredients and the fact that those joints tend to employ a fat low skilled mexican who makea 100 items per hour of various quality.

>> No.15074274

I like this invented world you have where all take out is mcdonalds

>> No.15074405

Look at most independent restuarants. They all hire cheap min wage labour. What makes you think some guy on mininum wage or some illegal mexican on below min wage wages are so focused on making your meal a transcential experience and not expending the least amount of effort and focus on making your food so they can have enough energy to work at another shift at the other jobs theyre employed at to scrape by a living? At least most Mcdonalds dont employ dodgy practice like cash in hand wages for their mexicans so they can pay below min wage. Thats the norm in most mom and dad restuarants from the low end to the mid tier.

>> No.15074432

We don't all live in California, anon.

>> No.15074704

Lots of people are cooking more, grocery stores have seen a 25%+ sales increase. Sure that could be heat and eat to some degree but people are indeed cooking more. Google Trends also confirms this.

>> No.15074799

>implying people go to casual restaurants because they can't cook a hamburger
Get laid

>> No.15074801

The money's gotta keep flowing

>> No.15074803

have you seen restaurants? did you see the freezer sections at the beginning of corona? normies are still eating out. they bought all of the hot dogs and bread at the beginning of this shit. they didn't learn how to cook. the produce section was fine.

>> No.15074808

Yeah I'm gonna guess you're just a picky little autist with a palete like Charlie

>> No.15075027

You keep saying that but restaurant revenue's down a LOT. Takeout is way up but that doesn't make up for in-person service at all. No convincing the normalfag to get that margarita.

>> No.15075038

where I live it's business as usual. I haven't eaten out but places look packed. my roommate just had to turn down two birthday parties, one at the bar and one at someone's house.

>> No.15075056

I had been cooking more and more the last few years and ever since the pandemic I've been cooking 100% at home

>> No.15075058

>where I live it's business as usual
Where's that? Because your information is not correct. Doesn't really matter where you live. Globally, food service has contracted massively this year. I was just looking at the industry assessments on Ameritrade.

>> No.15075070

Capacity is limited but people are going out as much as they can. Lockdowns were more severe earlier too so even recent historical data might not reflect things currently. We were locked down here for a bit too but everyone has given up now.

>> No.15075071

I've been cooking 2 years now every day and only in the past 6 months or so I can confidently say I'm better than almost all restaurants, apart from some really high end ones or sushi.
I have/had absolutely zero training in cooking beforehand. A couple of weeks is unrealistic and misleading.
That said, it's a lot of fun and I'm now really, really enjoying it.

>> No.15075085

>Capacity is limited but people are going out as much as they can.
>as much as they can.
What's this even mean? People aren't going out "as much as they can," they are going out at a considerable reduced rate. I realize maybe you're a food prepper or work in the restaurant industry or are our resident marketing shill janny or whatever. But food service is being dealt an extremely heavy blow and people ARE cooking more.

You clearly don't like this information. Maybe your job is to drum up restaurant going? Keep stocks pumped up by fact-checking and debunking? It's not going to work though.

>> No.15075098
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dude I met a guy at the mall the other day to buy a tv from him and I had to park on the top of the parking deck because the first two levels were full. the place was poppin. my idiot friend went downtown for halloween celebrations and showed me a video of a packed bar with girls shaking their asses. hell, my roommates work at the grocery store and have to put up with it too. old people aren't going out sure. normies are. the idiots who can't cook are still going out. they still can't cook. that's my point you idiot

>> No.15075107

Only a few. The vast majority are carrying out or living off Doordash.

>> No.15075108
File: 101 KB, 1023x567, YWNBAW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Industry average daily revenue is down by about 1/3rd compared to pre-COVID times. It's better than it was six months ago, but still very very bad.

Not looking good!

>> No.15075113

Your retard shill anecdotes are simply hot air, fluff. I'm sure you could invent stories all day but restaurant attendance is down, and home cookery is way WAY up.

Who you shilling for? AECOM? Just working the Google shill beat? Who are you with? Your script sucks ass anyway, I'd complain to the boss. It's making you look retarded.

>> No.15075123

It’s less a matter of learning how to cook and more a matter of not having the time or not wanting to put in the effort.

>> No.15075126

that's a third. I'm not shilling I'm saying idiot fucks didn't touch the produce section at the beginning of the crisis. the frozen pizzas were stripped bare thin for a full month at least. the stupid fucks who can't cook still can't cook

>> No.15075137

>I'm not shilling
Yes, yes you are. And you're doing TERRIBLY at it too. Time to sell your restaurant and restaurant supply stock! SELL SELL SELL! DUMP IT ALL BEFORE BIDEN'S LOCKDOWNS!

Your anecdotes are meaningless. Even still, grocery store revenue is way up, restaurant revenue is way down.

>> No.15075153
File: 372 KB, 557x752, Screenshot_20201024_193838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 1% of people can actually learn how to outdo premade
Source? I heckin' love science so I'd love to see your source for this.

>> No.15075197

Pfft, it doesn't make economic sense for somebody highly skilled and with incredible earning power like me to learn how to cook. I'd rather pay a professional to do my cooking. Think of it this way, as a top flight lawyer on Wall Street in securities law, I bill $3500 an hour. So just imagine how much it costs me to smoke a brisket for ten hours? That's right, I'd bill $35000 for that brisket.

Of course /ck/ is poorfags so they can't even comprehend the amount of money it costs wealthy people to cook. I already lose enough money sleeping, tens of thousands per day.

>> No.15075253

it's 30% bro. those 30% are the old people. they know how to cook. the young dumb fucks are still microwaving potatoes and eating at restaurants

>> No.15075257

you should be a hedge fund manager like me and then you'd only have to work during market hours.

>> No.15075259

>those 30% are the old people
Got some numbers for that? Stats, proofs? I heckin' LOVE science so I'd love to see where you're getting this information. You can reply with a photo of your asshole, because that's where your figures come from.

>> No.15075264

you're one of these people who still didn't learn to cook

>> No.15075267

If I made any more money I'd never be able to afford to cook at all, I can barely justify the lost revenue as it is from sleeping.

>> No.15075272

And you're a chat bot. Nobody's perfect.

>> No.15075284

It took me a while, but I am finally going to the grocery store and cooking my own food now. Getting nearly every meal delivered to my house was depressing.

>> No.15075291

does putting frozen chicken legs in the oven and boiling potatoes/frozen vegetables count as cooking at home? or am i fucked

>> No.15075296

so you admit it

>> No.15075302

>restaurant food is 2-10x as expensive as home made across the board
>getting it delivered doubles this price again

>> No.15075304

I’m stealing that line, anon. Thank you.

>> No.15075309

Just sprinkle some fleur de sel over it after plating and loudly say voilá (WALA, apparently in american vernacular).