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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 408 KB, 751x750, garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15068107 No.15068107 [Reply] [Original]

How do people eat this shit?

Digusting whole fish with fucking bones in them.

>> No.15068141

How are you such a little gayboi that a few fish bones stops you from eating something?

>> No.15068145

the bones are soft, sometimes i separate the spines and eat them like spaghetti

>> No.15068147

Last time I bought a bunch of the Brunswick brand there were no bones.
Also, in general the spine is pretty easy to remove.

>> No.15068157

Eat the spine bitch

>> No.15068195

You can buy the boneless and skinless, they still taste good

>> No.15068214


>> No.15068245


After trying these, I'm not touching sardines again. Fucking disgusing.

I don't know how anyone can think raw fish with fucking spinal colums runing through them is apetizing.

>> No.15068256
File: 76 KB, 358x477, 1296265734783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just had these for dinner. plopped em on saltines and ate them straight outta the can. delish!

>> No.15068258
File: 1.03 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_E1208[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did the same but with toast, absolute kino meal.

>> No.15068273

ok pussy, thanks for posting

>> No.15068282

Literally bought 8 cans of it last week

>> No.15068289
File: 1.86 MB, 2448x3264, F32D509F-E94D-4579-B864-B29E0B78BF14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.15068407

Incredibly based.

The Mediterranean style is great pan fried. Throw it on some toasted rye with pickled onions and mustard. Holy fugg

>> No.15068414

How did you get a photo of my kitchen cupboard

>> No.15068430

hello based department

>> No.15068445

google image searches for original content will never not be amusing.
for that pic: plastic
for the limited thanksgiving dinner thread: bowl
utterly unhelpful aside from determining the image isn't widely posted.

>> No.15068446

Daily reminder that sardines are poor people food

>> No.15068486

Frankly I feel sad for you that your parents didn't educate you properly in enjoying a wide variety of food.
You're probably one of these young adults that only eat french fries and burgers

>> No.15068504

Objectively untrue. On the contrary, you could buy 6 cans of Vienna sausages for the same price which would be 1 meal vs 6 meals. Sardines are actually very pricey to eat.

>Disclaimer: deenz bros do not consider Chicken of The Sea or Beechcliff as food, the absolutely bottom tier for deans if New Brunswick

>> No.15068510

it is my pic, want me to take one with a timestamp?
You just have shit taste. Also the sardines most of /ck/ buys is $3.50 per can.
Heh do you store your deenz near your pasta too?

>> No.15068521

>>Disclaimer: deenz bros do not consider Chicken of The Sea or Beechcliff as food
Based. Low quality garbage like that gives sardines a bad name. I tried 2 different flavours of chicken of the sea, and they were both almost inedible. King Oscar, Season, Crown Prince, and Riga Gold are some of the best IMO.

>> No.15068531

holy fuck learn to type you phoneposting retard

>> No.15068533
File: 42 KB, 500x455, Brunswick deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked up the Brunswick brand, god they look cheap.
It's always a massive red flag when sardines come in water, sunflower oil, or soybean oil.

>> No.15068534

Arent /deenz/ basically the most based protein? They look like they would taste so good panfried.

>> No.15068539

That's the old style. They stopped producing them and switched to these

>inb4 soybean oil
$1.50 vs $3 (olive oil)

>> No.15068540

Would deenz be good with creme fraiche and some dill? Possibly some thin slices of red onion and capers?

>> No.15068543
File: 1.78 MB, 3264x2448, deenz 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never panfried them, but eating them straight outta the can, on toast, or on pasta is always a real treat. Rich with omega 3's and protien, and calcium if you get ones with bones still in them.

>> No.15068544
File: 81 KB, 612x612, f304c1e4-31b8-4557-8ce7-69b71fec2b3b_1.e350c9d2d36b67d0a241a13236624911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15068549

What would soybean oil even taste like?

>> No.15068554

literally nothing

it's trash and it's in god damn everything like KFCS

>> No.15068560

the bones are small and low-dense enough that you can chew right threw them with no worries, but it's still sub-tier to chovies and the legendary /K I P P E R B O I S/
if you want to build a sort of tolerance, you can always try ocean perch. their smaller variants are sometimes sold in places like Kroger, and the bones are too small and plenty to be bothered removing - and you can just eat some of the bones.

Seriously though, the spine you see in deenz turn to mush with just your fingers. And there's no bother telling you the skin is nothing to worry about.

>> No.15068568

Anything that uses a lot of soy always seems to be pretty bland from my experience.

>> No.15068576

deenz filter the tastlets once again, kek

>> No.15068591

Why is it that deenz seem to be the most common pleb filter?

>> No.15068592

it's a really neutral, mild oil. it's used for teppanyaki and shit so i figure it's a good choice for fish.

>> No.15068603

There's no way this is real, post timestamp.

>> No.15068615
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x2448, 4EAE3C48-0C1C-439B-AA8F-F0AC16692F40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for bad hand writing.

>> No.15068941

Wow you really sound like a faggot. Even a man being fucked in the ass by another man isn't as gay as you. You really think canned fish is raw, you stupid fatherfucker? Damn, you're dumb. Then, you're too squeamish to eat the spines. I don't even notice them. I must have eaten hundreds if not thousands of fish spines without noticing. I'm not a little sissy that picks at his food like a prissy little wannabe scientist, dissecting my fish like it's a goddamn alien.

In short, OP is a faggot, and I'm going to keep eating sardines regularly.

>> No.15068955
File: 1.97 MB, 400x242, 1605083516612.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my time stump

>> No.15068956

this is faggoty and wasteful but sometimes I rinse the old oil off and put a fresh coat on

>> No.15068959
File: 111 KB, 1100x729, sardines-connetable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have this brand in France, I love them. Do they export to your countries?

>> No.15068970


that must taste good with mercury tho
t. western north atlantic chad

>> No.15068973

just wait till you too learn about roasting them in the oven

>> No.15069183

All day every day with bolillo

Not even hispanic

>> No.15069205

unfathomably based

>> No.15069217

This feels like a prank. I love deenz, but that smell though...

>> No.15069224

Probably yes, but are there wild fishs that are not full of mercury? The oceans are connected you know.

>> No.15069228

It's seriously not a prank.
Grilled sardines are wonderful too. It was one of my favorite dish as a kid and I was kind of a picky eater (I guess not from an American point of view).

>> No.15069240

My roommates are obese white American manchildren, so they'll go full angry soy if I roast sardines in the oven.

I do like the idea of grilling them outside over hardwood charcoal though. What would you serve this with?

>> No.15069282

I think it's a kind of dish that goes well by itself. But if you want something I guess it can go well with vegetables, a ratatouille maybe?

>> No.15069299

what goes well with canned sadines?

>> No.15069328

>that feel when chicken of the sea and beechcliff (+ cheap one dollar pampas) are the only deenz my local suburban supermarket carries

what do deen bros? should a man really be ordering amazon twice a month just to indulge in his deenz???

>> No.15069363

Enjoy heart disease

>> No.15069388

nice projecting with your terrible genes, mate.

>> No.15069411

You should tell them to expand their selection.

>> No.15069684
File: 68 KB, 430x645, 430x645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15069784

not the sissy but if you don't even notice the spine ,you tastelet, why not just eat garbage

>> No.15070018

those are not sardines nor do they have any bone in them.

>> No.15070071

Do you not eat any shellfish

>> No.15071494

Some have softer spines

>> No.15071683
File: 50 KB, 640x789, 1604430251673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep eating your soy chicken dumb goy, deenz are for poorfags