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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15066013 No.15066013 [Reply] [Original]

Do you eat the burger or the fries first?

>> No.15066018


half the fries => half the burger => rest of fries => rest of burger

>> No.15066019

Start with the burger and start the fries around a quarter in.

>> No.15066022

Always open with a bit of the Burger unless it's a joint I'm going to for the fries. Like Five Gays. But often I'll chip away about half the fries over the lifespan of the burger and just slowly chip them away after comfortably.

>> No.15066023


burg retains heat for longer

>> No.15066035


>> No.15066041


>> No.15066042
File: 206 KB, 737x935, 2013-06-13-BadDaddy_Pittsburger1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put my fries on the burger

>> No.15066047

Chips first.

>> No.15066048

it also reheats better

>> No.15066049

This but burger first

Sometimes you don't want to finish the fries, they're just filler

>> No.15066074

Fries first. Squeeze a line of ketchup on each fry with the packets.

>> No.15066152

I switch the burger and fries order but yeah

>> No.15066160

That looks pretty fucking good. I'll probably eat a light breakfast and dinner for it though as it looks heavy as fuck.

>> No.15066289

The only correct answer is to eat all the fries first. Then the burger.

If you start with the burger, you'll be super hungry and wolf it down way too quickly. Then it'll be gone in like 2 minutes. That sucks.

If you eat all your fries first, then you're basically "trapped" into eating the burger, even though you're honestly starting to get full. You know you're about to overeat, but there's no choice because it'd just be crazy to eat all your fries and throw away half a burger. That would be ridiculous. So you need to soldier on and eat an entire burger, even though you don't really want to at some points, and you know it's probably going to make you feel sick afterwards.

It's the only authentic and true fast food experience.

>> No.15066422

all fries first

>> No.15066506

That's a horrible experience

>> No.15066509

i put my fries in the burger.

>> No.15066510

Oh, that just reminded me of a fond memory of eating a double patty burger as a kid with my dad. It was the first time I really overate, ever. RIP dad.

>> No.15066522

eat fries first (one at a time plain with salt), fries suck when they get too cool.
then burger.

>> No.15066530

I eat about 20% of the fries first as an appetizer, then I eat 100% of the burger while eating about 10% of the fries while I am eating the burger. Then I eat the remaining 70% of the fries.

>> No.15066534

i eat all my food in the inverse order of what tastes better cold
so fries then burger

>> No.15066556

Burgers obviously
Why would you start with side dish?

>> No.15066687

Another for the fries first gang. Cant let those chips get cold.

>> No.15066744

burger first. fries are usually too hot to consume at first.

>> No.15066754


>> No.15066780

I put fries in my burger

>> No.15066803

>giant bun
>no cheese

>> No.15066805

Take one bite of burger -> Eat third of fries -> Two or three more bites of burger -> Eat third of fries -> Eat half of burger -> Eat rest of fries -> Eat remaining burger

>> No.15066971

I eat both at the same time

>> No.15066973

I never order fries unless I have someone to pawn most of the bag off to.

>> No.15067073

I like doing this sometimes but I mostly prefer to eat half fries, half burg then rest of fries and save 1/2 burg for leftovers later.

>> No.15067079

Burger first because that's what my dad made me do as a kid for some reason. It stuck with me.

>> No.15067080

Neither because I'm allergic to soy.

>> No.15067117


>> No.15067120

Eating all of one food item in a meal in a sequence is highly indicative of autistic spectrum disorder

>> No.15067125

Put the fries in the burger and eat them at the same tim

>> No.15067132

I start with fries, but don't finish them. Then I eat the burger intermixed with fries, making sure if anything gets wasted at the end it's fries.

>> No.15067183

me too...
is this the way of the autist?

>> No.15067231


>> No.15067301

What are you Greek?

>> No.15067435
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>> No.15067739

I always take a bite of the burger, then a few fries, repeat. I thought that was the normal way for everyone. Is it not?

>> No.15067791

Anybody who finishes one before starting the other needs to be executed to remove autism from the genepool.

>> No.15067799

For every bite of burger you also shove a few fries in there while chewing. Then you get all the flavors and textures.

>> No.15067974

Fries first, it’s the appetizer to the main course

>> No.15067977

Usually it's a fry first; fast food fries tend to go first for me. Unless it's a cheeseburger

>> No.15068013


>> No.15068017

Ooh yeah, getting the cheese and the meat and the fries all in my mouth at the same time...

>> No.15068083
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An iconic food pairing like burgers and fries doesn't exist to be eaten like two separate meals with their flavors never combining together.
The tastelets talking about eating one then the other might as well order nothing but fries one day and two burgers the next day. What's the difference?

>> No.15068086


>> No.15068108

Fries first for the most part. They start getting soggy pretty quick

>> No.15069837

If I make my own food, fries first while the burg rests a bit. Otherwise burg first.

>> No.15069877

"thank you for the grub!"

>> No.15069912
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I'd eat it like the guy on the right

>> No.15069987

back in poverty times we'd eat the fries first to make sure that we finish the whole meal because we sure as shit wouldnt leave any burger behind.
these days I kinda dont bother with fries anymore.

>> No.15070091

This question is retarded. Imagine asking the same question when you get served salmon with potatoes. Do you eat the salmon first or the potatoes first?
Truly the mark of a culturelet.

>> No.15070100

Fucking based

>> No.15070280

I finish the burger first, but I eat both consecutively.

>> No.15070284

Do you eat the salmon first or the potatoes first?

I always keep some salmon to finish on a high note.

>> No.15070338


>> No.15071691

my fries are finished in the car before I get home

>> No.15071802
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I like fast food.
What I really want.
Is to feed a hungry teenage anime girl a burger.
And then fuck her in the butthole.

>> No.15071819


>> No.15071921
File: 29 KB, 477x297, do_not_do_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15072182

Half the fries, then half the burger, and take the rest home to eat later because I'm not a fat fuck