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15065234 No.15065234[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

just got out of jail for drunk driving...what should I go eat?

>> No.15065242


>> No.15065246

Probably somewhere that doesn't serve alcohol.

Maybe something with a lot of fresh veggies. Its likely been ages since you've had something fresh.

>> No.15065253

i had fresh veggies like 2 days ago, I was only in for 24 hours

>> No.15065257

fast food homie good luck on the outside

>> No.15065267
File: 381 KB, 1365x2048, EBF5F635-CC76-49A8-A913-EE923045340E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bologna sandwich and milk

>> No.15065268

monestary. Redeem you sins. And eat nothing than raw veggies for the rest of your life.

-Francis of Assis

>> No.15065274

what cucked nanny state do you live in where that's a crime?

>> No.15065280


>> No.15065284

DUI, hit a little girl, she died. I sped up ,trying to get away, was high on crack.
Hit a tree, 2 month in coma. 5 years in jail.

>> No.15065307


lol, based crackhead

>> No.15065310


after my last dui I got chinese food and watched that french ww2 kids cartoon woth my good buddy, shit felt bad, but then it got better. Now I have a blowbox lol...at least where I'm from it's pretty common

>> No.15065318

how long do you have to have yours for? mine is only gonna be like 6 months since im doing the diversion program to get it off my record

>> No.15065376

OP, have you been in jail so long that you won't be able to handle life on the outside? Do you have a desire to commit more crimes because being in jail now feels "more real" than life out of jail?

>> No.15065386

booze is the only correct answer

>> No.15065396

we got crack in jail, you know. I got a huge tap.
Will make crimes or loose fingers.

>> No.15065407

Wait, so are you OP? Is this post real? >>15065284

It's not a "DUI," then it's vehicular manslaughter, right?

What's your plan for employment with a felony for vehicular manslaughter?

>> No.15065410

taco bell

>> No.15065419

be honest OP did they try to buttsex you in prison?

>> No.15065429

i have no idea who the other retard is, i only spent 24 hours in jail for blowing like a .18...ill be fine
wasnt in prison, i spent 24 hours in a drunk tank

>> No.15065449

A bullet so you won't ever do it again! A friend of mine got killed by one of you degenerate pieces of shit! Hope you get everything bad you deserve coming for you.

>> No.15065450

Yep, me.
Only got 5 years due to college degree and family. I think dad knew judge too.
Anyway i'm sorry I killed the little girl.

>> No.15065452
File: 302 KB, 1800x1500, best_bbq_catering_ribs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get some ribs

>> No.15065465

Yes hope for horrible things to happen so he turns to alcohol and drinks while driving again instead of wishing him well so that maybe he can stop being a drunkard and act more safely and civilized.
I know hate spawns hate, but anyone who isn’t stupid can think through why an alcoholic only having bad things happen to them can easily go downhill fast.

>> No.15065491

why does everyone assume people with DUI’s are drunkards? im just a dumb college kid who got too plastered at a bar and decided to drive home one night

>> No.15065501

Why is that based I think it's pretty sadchamp

>> No.15065502

did they try to buttsex you in the drunk tank?

>> No.15065518

In jail I sold my ass for $50 a pop. I got rich, except I bougt crack-cocaine for it.

>> No.15065526

What the hell mental gymnastics is this???
Are you a woman??

Have empathy not sympathy. Op is a retard

>> No.15065532

That's just a troll, people on stimulants like crack actually drive better and would have quicker reactions to hit the brakes and avoid hitting someone than a sober person.

>> No.15065544

Bar food and a bottle of whisky.

>> No.15065572

Have some more booze and go for a relaxing drive.