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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15061232 No.15061232 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /ck/ show us your kitchen knives!

What's your favorite knife?
Western or Japanese handles?
High-Carbon or Stainless?

>> No.15061398
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Shun Classic 9" slicing knife
Planning to cut off my dick with it

>> No.15061404

Knives? Ditch the knife. They cause crime in London.

>> No.15061458

>Planning to cut off my dick with it
Shuns get sharp enough to shave?

>> No.15061509
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Chicago cutlery. I have used it for probably 10 years. I sharpen it with a graphite thing made for a filet knife

>> No.15061692
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Haven't tried too many knives, but I've been using this for a couple of years and am pretty fond of it.

When I first started using it, I was used to shitty kiwi knives, so I thought it was a bit heavy and awkward, but I really like it now.

>> No.15061702

Nice nails

>> No.15061731
File: 22 KB, 1500x199, wusthof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon

As far as knives go, I like this thing a lot and feel like it gives great control, but my one gripe is it's not very effective at using to scoop up ingredients. So I kind of want to try out a cai dao (Chinese knife). For a lot of tasks though this thing is awesome and I don't use anything else really other than a bread knife and a wusthof 4'' serrated paring knife for tomatoes and citrus.

If anyone needs a good citrus or tomato knife, those little things are awesome for only about $8.

>> No.15061745

which knife is this

>> No.15061748

more importantly how do you guys sharpen your shits? i'm tired of being a dull little kniflet

>> No.15061751

Im the guy that posted the chicago cutlery. I use it for almost everything. I have a small 4 inch knife that is really sharp for little things.

>> No.15061754

If I'm feeling lazy then I grab a ceramic mug and run the blade on the rough bottom of it.
Otherwise I have an oilstone and a diamond hone lying around somewhere.

>> No.15061763
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I use this. It came with this knife, but it will sharpen anything not serrated

>> No.15061771

I use a wetstone. let water run over it for a while until it's nice and saturated. and then just run the knife over it a handful of times at like a 25% angle.

>> No.15061777


>> No.15061816
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I don't really sharpen very much, mostly just honing steel. Neighbor has knives you can shave with and he uses diamond/ceramic things, only thing is you have to be easy with them b/c supposedly they can take a lot of metal off quickly

>> No.15061836

these are great for cheap knives, don't run an expensive blade through them though, they tend to chip steel

>> No.15061860

I dont have any good knifes, but your advice makes sense

>> No.15061864

I've been seeing more knives with the Granton edge recently. Does it really help a lot with slicing??
Orchard Steel
7.25" with spalted maple handle.
Nice, yeah I heard good things about Zwilling.

>> No.15061873
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shit forgot pic

>> No.15061894

The wierd edge kinda puts a little air between cuts, helps with onions and stuff.

>> No.15061923

i use an electric sharpener and accept that my $40 knife being replaced in 10 years is not the end of the world

>> No.15062307

step one: spend 25 bucks on a 1000/6000 grit water stone
step two: sharpen your knife every couple months
step 3: hone your knife on a steel each time you cook with it

>> No.15062415
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Wusthof gourmet 8"

>> No.15062770

>diamond/ceramic things,
Can you be more specific?

>> No.15063085

Amazon.com >diamond knife sharpener

>> No.15064905

Nah kiwi is a Thai brand that makes acceptable good but light and cheap knives

>> No.15064965

Maybe someone would be so kind as to answer this for me?

>> No.15065119

What's a really good, heavy duty like overbuilt knife? Ideally symmetrical Eurostyle knife

>> No.15065222

I don’t have any pics, but Global was having a sale so I bought my first big boy knife. Got a 7.5 inch classic chef’s knife.

>> No.15065405
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I found a large one of that brand curbside the other day. Was bent at the tip so I pruned it and buffed the cutting wheel marks ... which took out the logo near the handle. After sharpening the edge up, it's now a replacement for my old broken Farberware knife that broke at the handle.

>> No.15065420


If you haven't sharpened your knives with a whetstone in the last 6-12 months, and don't use a honing rod every 4 uses, it is COMPLETELY POINTLESS to own nice kitchen knives. Steel of mediocre quality that's properly maintained will always outperform even the world's finest chef knives that aren't maintained regularly.

How dull are your knives, /ck/? Don't lie.

>> No.15065441

This reminder doesn't sound very frendly at all ( Ò Ó)

>> No.15065500
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I splurged a bit on this one. It's partially an art piece, but I got it for my wife when she got a job at a Michelin star restaurant. It's actually a bit too big for her to use all day, so it stays at home and I use it.

>> No.15065647
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Only had the fibrox and a random cheap pairing knife until 2 weeks ago. Really like the wa style handles

>> No.15065652

Pretty. What Chinese knife is that? Been looking to pick one up.

BTW anon not to be rude, but you should upgrade your pepper grinder.

>> No.15065677

>Does it really help a lot with slicing??
It doesn't do jack shit.

>> No.15065700

It was just some $30 chinese chef knife from Amazon, but it's full tang and seems good enough to me. I've only used it like twice so far though. As for the pepper grinder, I know. I had asked for one for a gift for my birthday last month but didn't get one so need to look around

>> No.15066288

Thanks. That's kind of what I'm looking for, as I'm not sure whether or not I'll like using a Chinese-style knife that much.

It's a little pricey, but the unicorn pepper grinder is supposed to be really good. I actually use an old JavaPresse manual coffee grinder for mine, though having a whole crank for it makes it a little less convenient.

>> No.15067188

>unicorn pepper grinder
what's really the difference in a pepper grinder? It doesnt seem like that complicated of a thing, i was just going to get whichever i liked the look of.

>> No.15067240

Well, the idea is just that you want a consistent grind. I have a plastic Costco grinder that came filled with peppercorns, and it has three coarseness settings-- all three are fairly coarse, but the real bad of it is that they're very inconsistent in terms of particle size. Now, you probably don't have to really be a snob over grind uniformity, but when the grinder is the one that was included free built in to the top of the pepper bottle, it's probably going to be pretty much shit. I really noticed it with the Costco grinder-- big-ass uneven chunks of pepper suddenly overwhelming the taste of what is meant to be a balanced and delicate dish. Not great. You'll probably do fine with any decent grinder in terms of avoiding something that is so inconsistent that it really fucks up a dish. But in terms of going for something nicer, I really try to make my food taste great and don't like to cut corners or skimp on the quality of my ingredients, so even though I'm not using black pepper all too terribly often, having it ground very nicely and evenly and having the coarseness be very adjustable is just another way that I can make my food taste better. Another thing to consider is just the build quality and thus longevity of the device. The unicorn apparently (haven't bought one yet but probably will) grinds very quickly so it produces a ton of pepper without much time or effort. And I think it looks pretty nice as well. I wouldn't prioritize spending like $50 on a pepper grinder unless you're someone who is super into pepper, or you just like having nice kitchen stuff, but I definitely think that everyone should make sure they aren't using shitty little free plastic grinders, because they really do hurt the quality of the food.

>> No.15067294

havent seen this pasta before

>> No.15067390
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Favorite is second from the left - Gesshin Ginga 240mm on W#2.

>> No.15067457
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Recent choil shot of the Gesshin.

>> No.15067588
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I got it as a gift from my step mom.

>> No.15067589
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>> No.15067735

Are there any sharpening options better/more convenient than a whetstone even if they're not quite as good?

>> No.15067756
File: 1.71 MB, 2880x2160, 20201115_215912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This works pretty well

>> No.15067769


Nice knife. I never did get into santoku style blades. How do you like it? Do you use it for just about everything?

These are solid. I mostly use a whetstone but these should work fine too. My nice set of knives included a device like this with a coarse and a fine grit.

>> No.15067807

>How do I like, what use for?

Most everything. Except bones. I like it rather well. Except it feels heavier than my other knives. The style is ok. I would have picked a more traditional chef knife, but it was free and stays sharp much longer than my super thin pink japanese knife I got at the grocery.

>> No.15069162

Just ordered a budget JCK gyuoto since it was 80 bucks.
Gonna be my first non pressed out of sheet metal knife. Went for japanese since the fiskars shit I have is almost same shape anyway.

>> No.15069318
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>> No.15069392
File: 485 KB, 1814x1360, 20201116_133201_resize_27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three reliable shitters for service on the left, and two prep knives.

>> No.15069427

I see about 3 dollars worth of knives anon

>> No.15069439

I have almost the exact same knife actually. My brother gave it to me as a gift. Really good shape and handle and weight. Easy to keep sharp too with a proper stone.