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File: 390 KB, 912x592, debate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15054767 No.15054767 [Reply] [Original]

The eternal debate.

>> No.15054780

Look on the moon anon. What flag is planted there? The flag of the United States of America that’s what. The greatest nation in the history of the world. And guess what we drink? Coffee

>> No.15054784

I like both.

>> No.15054821

the correct answer is both whenever you feel like it but you can only really ever devote going full autismo to one of them

>> No.15054838


>> No.15054839

Coffee if you don't sleep very much.
Tea if you have time to sleep.

>> No.15054914

Lemon Iced Tea

>> No.15054921

leaf water > bean water

>> No.15054940

>still believes in the moon landing
Time to grow up anon

>> No.15055097

I need to get a Berretta.

>> No.15055112

I prefer caffeine pills.

>> No.15055218

Depends on mood. Both are nice.

>> No.15055389

Isn't this picture more apt for the hammer vs striker fire eternal debate?

>> No.15055415

Stupid thread (like most on this shit board) some people like One some like the other some like both

>> No.15055526

That's a Taurus.

>> No.15055546
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That ripped of Beretta. Either way, still need to get one to modify into Pic related.

>> No.15055767

coffee in the morning and tea before sleep

>> No.15055776

cringe, yet based

>> No.15055778

I like coffee in the morning with a big breakfast
tea is nice any time, but especially comforting when sick

>> No.15055779
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I mix them both together.

>> No.15055787

hot coffee in the a.m.
iced tea in the p.m.

>> No.15055796


>> No.15055799

The Soviets also drank coffee.

>> No.15055802

It might be, I do hold fond memories of playing the older games on original PS and N64 back in the day. Bought a double barrel shotgun because of Doom 64, Walther PPK because Golden eye.

>> No.15055815 [DELETED] 

Tea. Coffee is icky mud water.

>> No.15055824

Tea. Coffee is icky mud water.

>> No.15055839

And they almost got to the moon too. Meanwhile in Asia...

>> No.15055841

t. fatso

Not only the palate but the vocabulary of a toddler as well.

>> No.15055851

Soviets did the actually useful space breakthroughs. Nobody but sharts care about the moon.

>> No.15055879 [DELETED] 

tea is disgusting. i'd rather drink nigger piss

>> No.15055884

Coffee in the morning, tea in the evening.

>> No.15055898

>he doesn't drink coffee AND tea
Is this what being bisexual or a centrist feels like?

>> No.15055908

>drink coffee
>take a huge shit ten minutes later
one of life's pleasures

>> No.15055935

True and moderation pilled.

>> No.15055964

It's just too bitter.

>> No.15056007

Milk or lemon in tea? I don't like sugar.

>> No.15056067

I like milk with black teas and honey and/or lemon in other teas.

>> No.15056178

You’re only further proving the coffee theorem

>> No.15056513

I think coffee should be relegated to accompanying desserts, where as tea should be had at all times

>> No.15056520

coffee in the morning, tea at night

>> No.15056547

Cold brew coffee. It's easy to make and tastes better.

>> No.15056739


>> No.15056873
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>> No.15056882
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Neither. Yerba mate is acceptable, though.

>> No.15057117

I thought Russians were big on tea from samovars.

>> No.15057148

>he doesnt fliter his drink before consumption
ngmi lad

>> No.15057154

if your tea cant be drunk in its natural brewed state then its trash

>> No.15057229

coffee with breakfast tea any other time

>> No.15057606

>striker fire

>acquire M9A3
>hold in hand
Feels so good. So good.

>> No.15057630
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Basically this. Coffee is nice when I need some caffeination quickly or when I'm really craving it, but tea is what I devote significantly more time and money to.


I've got a VP9 and love it. Need to pick up a P30 at some point to get a sense for DA/SAs.

>> No.15057849

I prefer cofee but it ruins my stomach so I make do with the inferior beverage.

>> No.15057965


I like both but tea is more versatile and has naturally occurring theanine while coffee doesn't.

>> No.15057972
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>> No.15058385


>> No.15058419

>>striker fire
That's what I thought until the P320...

>> No.15058462


>> No.15058664

How do you like one and not the other? I prefer the smell of coffee but I'm a stomachlet so I drink tea to not shit my guts out for hours afterwards.

>> No.15059001

Sure anon, and Santa Claus lives at the North Pole.

>> No.15059077

redpill me on theanine

>> No.15059951

Coffee is just a morning laxative for me. Tea is for any other time.

>> No.15059956

Dexedrine (Adderall sucks, Ritalin sucks, Vyvanse sucks, Desoxyn is meth, everything else is meme tier).

>> No.15059960

Hot Drinks are Haram.
Read Doctrine and Covenants Section 89

>> No.15060162

>redpill me on theanine
There are anons much better educated than me on the subject. From my own subjective experience prior to drinking matcha daily I was having full blown migraines 2 to 3 times a week and my neurologist would have me come in for blood tests every 3 months to make sure the pills she was giving me wasn't killing my liver or kidneys. Since drinking matcha daily I don't have migraines anymore and quit taking pills.

The psychoactivity from tea varies considerably. I've been "tea drunk" and I've also experienced that cha qi sensation. Maybe its the theanine, maybe its the catechins but tea is a very versatile substance beyond just the caffeine. In that respect coffee is much more straightforward, the coffee buzz from the caffeine is reliable but not nearly as interesting.

>> No.15060179

coffee contains phytoestrogen since its a legume, and all legumes contain phytoesteogen, so I think tea is better

>> No.15060191

Men who drink coffee have higher test than men who don't.

>> No.15060206

this is the correct answer

>> No.15060250

I drink coffee and sleep 12 hours a day

>> No.15060302

A rat done bit my sister Nell
With whitey on the moon
Her face and arms began to swell
And whitey's on the moon
I can't pay no doctor bills
But whitey's on the moon
Ten years from now I'll be payin' still
While whitey's on the moon
The man just upped my rent last night
Cause whitey's on the moon
No hot water, no toilets, no lights
But whitey's on the moon
I wonder why he's upping me?
Cause whitey's on the moon?
Well I was already giving him fifty a week
With whitey on the moon
Taxes taking my whole damn check
Junkies making me a nervous wreck
The price of food is going up
And as if all that shit wasn't enough:
A rat done bit my sister Nell
With whitey on the moon
Her face and arm began to swell
And whitey's on the moon
Was all that money I made last year
For whitey on the moon?
How come I ain't got no money here?
Hmm! Whitey's on the moon
Y'know I just 'bout had my fill
Of whitey on the moon
I think I'll send these doctor bills
Airmail special
To whitey on the moon

>> No.15060458
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>> No.15060514
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Imagine being such a city beta to not drink the chadest drink of all with your big tittied onee-san

>> No.15061807
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>> No.15061835

coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coofeee

Iiiiii looooovvvvveeeeee tttthhhhhhaaaaaattttttttttt ccccooooooooooofffffdeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.15061852

water, you fucking addict

>> No.15061906


>> No.15061911

>the chadest drink of all
Tiddy milk?