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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 227 KB, 823x1024, 3A465FE4-AA37-47A6-976D-AFB233C24B0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15054371 No.15054371[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Your kino snack, sir

>> No.15054372

are you black?

>> No.15054373

If he was black (or had better taste) that would be popeyes

>> No.15054374
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I'm good, thanks

>> No.15054375

That's a fairly small amount for an average-sized person, I'd say?

>> No.15054376

that pizza looks cold and gross

>> No.15054377

That's just a bloody mary, don't you want some food with your drink?

>> No.15054378

Never had Chik-Fil-A the line is always too long

>> No.15054379

their fries aren't that good. plenty of places have better.

>> No.15054380

looks disgusting, too dry and too fat at the same time
who even eats them as a snack without vodka?
>onion rings
only with a beer
only with vine
never ever, literal trash tier food.
the sandwitch looks unironically like the best part of the "meal"

>> No.15054381

Yeah it’s pretty low density.

>> No.15054382

>you ate and we came

>> No.15054383

>eating fries

>> No.15054384

Polynesian sauce?

>> No.15054385
File: 2.35 MB, 4032x3024, B3F45502-2B1F-4F7D-B6A9-C5DD330B4A4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, light on the butter
I want to be able to
my kino turtles feet

Thank You

>> No.15054386

chic fil a is overrated and even places like PDQ do the same thing way better

>> No.15054387
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>without vodka
Anon.......look what they're all stuck into.

>> No.15054388

The line moves really quick because there's a very limited number of menu items
50 people in a chic fil a line us the equivalent of like 10 at McDonald's or taco bell

>> No.15054389

A longstanding Chick Fil A near me actually bought a plot of land across the street from their location and tore down the restaurant building that had been there for decades, all so they could move their location.

>> No.15054390

a cocktail

>> No.15054391

Good fast food and service that's both good and fast is what makes Chick-fil-A so good.

>> No.15054392

chick-fil-a is very overrated and it's so much easier and healthier to grill chicken at home

>> No.15054393

what a pompous faggot lmao

>> No.15054394

>No beer back
This Bloody Mary is shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

>> No.15054395

What is wrong with amerimutts seriously

>> No.15054396

Here come the seething homos

>> No.15054397

That's Bloody Mary you son of a bitch, made with vodka

>> No.15054398

Is this place really good or what? I keep seeing folks eat it

>> No.15054399
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>> No.15054400
File: 190 KB, 1022x1024, Sriracha-Bacon-Bloody-Mary-1022x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bloody mary. It's a joke on over-garnished bloody marys.

>> No.15054401

hey, wait a minute. that "snack" looks like several meals. is this some kind of a joke??

>> No.15054402

I've been eating at CFA since the 90s, dip. In an effort to eat healthy I switched over to their wraps since it is marginally healthier than fried, but honestly their grilled chicken is passable at best. Their fried (and spicy fried) is great, but at that point I'd just as soon eat a hamburger.

>> No.15054403

Service is fast & great when compared to other fast food places, that instantly puts it above others. Don't have to deal with a nigger or sheboon who's blazed out of their mind, fucking your shit up and chimping out if you correct them.

>> No.15054404
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>> No.15054405

The food is decent but like other anon said the service is the best. They hire white people, and if there are minorities there, there is clearly a white manager behind the scenes cracking the whip and running it like a very efficient plantation.

>> No.15054406
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>> No.15054407

>”get active”

>> No.15054408
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fuck that

>> No.15054409
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>> No.15054410

this is an incredibly underrated and kino post

>> No.15054411

Yeah no shit eating home-cooked food is healthier and probably tastier than getting fast food but it's definitely not easier. The convenience is the whole reason that fast food is a thing in the first place.

>> No.15054412
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>I wore my 2-piece in Italy
>Some young men telling me "no one wants to see that"
Based Italians

>> No.15054413

I hate being somebody who had their taste buds smashed by fastfood. No matter how good of a cut of beef I eat, how seasoned it is, etc, nothing comes close to the greasy, salty, well done slabs of beef you get in a fast food burger.

>> No.15054414
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>Your kino snack, miss.

>> No.15054415

It’s an American snack

>> No.15054416

I’m the same, our parents probably fucked us up growing up. I’ve never had a homecooked meal better than a fresh hot fast food burger and fries.

>> No.15054417

>every sauce
>ingredients: basedbean oil

>> No.15054418

I wouldn't be too worried about it, I used to be the same way but my tastes changed as I got older and I bet yours will too. Now when I eat fast food most of the time I think it tastes gross outside of a very few menu items. However that also might be because fast food companies are getting cheaper and using shittier ingredients than they did in the past.

>> No.15054419

Why are food threads always so kino? Is being interested in food the kine approac to life?

>> No.15054420

>Spent three weeks in Houston last year.
>Visited CFA multiple times and experienced great service.
>The only employee that gave me mediocre service was a male african-american.
I'll never understand why.

>> No.15054421

everyone loves food, except me, I hate the majority of all food.

>> No.15054422
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>your drink, sire

>> No.15054423
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she is just taunting him at this point...

>> No.15054424

I've never seen a black in CFA once in my life, much less as an employee. Your story is outlandish and unbelievable.

>> No.15054425

add in protein powder and a strongman would drink that once a day as an in between meal snack

>> No.15054426
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You are schizo

>> No.15054427

I'm 32, so I'd be surprised if my tastes change too much. Granted, my motivation to cook or pick up fast food is so low that unless a social obligation forces me to eat something else, I just eat lunch meat with cheese, or PB&J, on tortillas.

>> No.15054428

/ck/ used to be the best and funniest board on the site when it was smaller but now it’s such a shadow of its former self its disheartening. Just cynical butthurt shitposting, fast food autism, trolling, and /pol/posting.

>> No.15054429

how so?

>> No.15054430

He's right- with the sole exception of the drinks. The sodas would fill you up quickly but the rest of that would definitely be manageable for one fat ass

>> No.15054431

Russian detected

>> No.15054432
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>> No.15054433

Oi, you got a loicense for that post?

>> No.15054434

>Is being interested in food the kine approac to life
yes. look at Hannibal.

>> No.15054435
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>> No.15054436

not nearly enough sauce for all that shit

>> No.15054437

Movie Bob could eat that in one sitting.

>> No.15054438
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>> No.15054439


>> No.15054440

>2600 calories

>> No.15054441
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>> No.15054442

You could not eat four double cheeseburgers, 40~ chicken nuggets and all that french fries in one sitting.

>> No.15054443

Im full with 2 cheeseburgers and a coke lmao. And I'm obese.

>> No.15054444
File: 940 KB, 960x720, 1471999314666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have that video/sound clip of "American movie theater simulator" with gunshots and pick axe noises?

>> No.15054445
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Ah yes the perfect combo for my Monster ThickBurger

>> No.15054446

faggot, I don't give a fuck about either pictures. btw ate home cured bacon for breakfast this morning

>> No.15054447
File: 109 KB, 1080x1331, 1566855131244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like dogs. I dont like pigs but they taste nice

same reason why I like Wesley Snipes but hate niggers in general

>> No.15054448

Wtf I thought the no singles policy was a meme

>> No.15054449

not like anyone wants to live to 90 when you can't do anything yourself.

>> No.15054450

This is valid though. One makes better food, the other makes a better pet. Otherwise the stereotype just wouldn't exist.
Meat in general can be really shit food if not done properly though. Much easier to make vegetables edible.

>> No.15054451

Literally don't give a fuck if people eat dogs. Hell, if people consent, you should be allowed to eat them. Pigs are pretty based actually, at least mini pigs are.

>> No.15054452

The gooks breed them for meat though. It’s not like they butcher random dogs off the street.

>> No.15054453

>It was just a snack!

>> No.15054454

what the fuck is that? burger king foot fungus?

>> No.15054455
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>> No.15054456

I don't eat either of those things. Or cows. What now?

>> No.15054457

I definitely could, especially with 3500 dollars as motivation. I'm not even fat either.

>> No.15054458

Because they find it convenient and it's a part of their culture. If dogs or for that matter even cats made the best food objectively, then everyone would be eating them.
But the fact of the matter is, pork, chicken, fish, and all the more common types of meat are just superior as a food source.
Certain cultures have cannibalism on the menu too, it doesn't mean that it's superior in any way.

>> No.15054459

Because you don't like something that is universally enjoyable.

>> No.15054460

Poor thing. I pity her but she also deserves it for pushing that NWO propaganda

>> No.15054461

>7600 calories for a single burger
Is that legal?

>> No.15054462

don't know what the fuck these two are on about
not only do i know of several black people that work there, there's also some at my local place

>> No.15054463

sounds p based to me.

>> No.15054464

I like food a lot but I also have very high demands for said food and 90% of my meals end up being disappointing.

>> No.15054465

that doesn't even make sense, but whatever anon. believe whatever you want.

>> No.15054466

s o y sauce is pretty good to be fair

>> No.15054467

would love to see this person

>> No.15054468
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Here's your kino snack, bitch

>> No.15054469

grrrr, Lindsay Losers Must Pay!

>> No.15054470

I just don't like most things. I seem to adhere to Sturgeon's law pretty closely.

>> No.15054471

let's get this out onto a tray

>> No.15054472

The real key to this would just be to eat as fast as you could since it takes time for you to actually realize when you're full. I'm not in great shape but I can normally only eat like one or two burgers before I'm completely stuffed. I eat slow though. If you horked it down as fast as possible then you'd be done before you even knew how disgustingly full you were.

>> No.15054473

are anvils allowed there?

>> No.15054474

sounds like a based man to me

>> No.15054475

where's the manlet pit

>> No.15054476

>517 grams of protein
whoever eats this definitely needs that much.

>> No.15054477

That's true. I think there was some "trick" about how you should eat the first burger as quickly as you can and then eat the second burger at a slower pace to get maximum satisfaction out of it.

>> No.15054478


>> No.15054479

yo bruh how da fuck u know what Wesley Snipes tastes like?

>> No.15054480

It looks tasty just way too much for one person

>> No.15054481

Hear that hiss?

>> No.15054482
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Holy based

>> No.15054483

That's a fairly small amount of Chick-fil-a for an average- sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast-food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat a double helping of nuggets in that timeframe, but I could easily.

>> No.15054484

hey schizo, take your meds

>> No.15054485

based bob

>> No.15054486

Hey brainless consumer, go consoom something

>> No.15054487

God I miss the cinema ritual threads.

>> No.15054496

Hi /ck/, I'm from /tv/! What do you guys do for fun around here?

>> No.15054505

/tv/ mods finna seething

>> No.15054538

>tfw permarangebanned innocently on /tv/

>> No.15054579
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This is fucking stupid. Why don't you post about the people in Africa eating albinos because they think it gives them powers or something?

Also pigs suck. Dogs aren't too amazing but pigs just are overhyped by ARAs. Vegans always claim they are just like dogs but unless they get a starved inbred Julianna pig or a butt ugly brachycephalic Vietnamese pot bellied pig the fuckers get to 600+ lbs and will destroy your house. And by the way, that piggy intelligence you like to brag about? They use that to tear the tiles off your kitchen floor and get into your fridge and destroy your stuff. Pigs are ugly and gross. Only baby pigs are somewhat conventionally cute.

But yeah, dogs kind of suck too. But if I have to pick between the two I'd pick a dog. A dog seems less likely to eat you.

Goats are better than pigs and rats are better than dogs imo.

>> No.15054586

dude imagine just blasting a massive load on to this spread

shooting hot ropes at high speed on those crispy waffle fries

>> No.15054595

Jesus fucking christ, are the mods THIS retarded? Moving an entire shitpost thread? We don't need more of this shit on /ck/. We already have enough trouble with /tv/ faggots here.

>> No.15054606


>> No.15054635

Actually there are cases of people stealing peoples pets for food. That way they don't have to pay to feed the damn thing.

>> No.15054658

Looks disgusting and I love McDick's double cheeseburgers

>> No.15054688


>> No.15054749
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Dogs are companions, pigs are livestock. Chinese bug people don't understand the sanctity of the relationship between man and canine.

>> No.15054810
File: 173 KB, 1215x844, Chick-fil-A_hates_gays 222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating chick-fil-a
but why do you hate gay people??

>> No.15054860

They did a 360, now they hate the straights

>> No.15054882

yeah a vodka cocktail r*tard

>> No.15054887
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>only with vine
olives go with everything faggot
t. med

>> No.15054953

The whole is millennial, but the components are ultra-boomer.

>> No.15054969

Opening that image triggered me into a serious panic attack. I'm not joking.

Fuck you.

>> No.15055007

Excuse me, but I ordered spicy chicken deluxes and grilled nuggets, thanks. And just bring out some sweet Sriracha and Texas Pete's with a lemonade.

>> No.15055022
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>t. weakfag who is scared of food

>> No.15055041


>> No.15055454

I wish I could go outside again and order burgers with friends...

>> No.15055480
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>> No.15055545

they'd be facing the same way with a 360

>> No.15055578

do americans really?

>> No.15055652

How the fuck do you breed a PREDATOR for meat? They're a tertiary consumer. Makes no sense. Gooks are just fucked.