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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 220 KB, 1300x866, HalfEatenWing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15045768 No.15045768 [Reply] [Original]

>Dude you leave meat on the bone? That's not cool, you're supposed to eat all the cartilage and veins and connective tissue and everything!
>Ewwwwwww mechanically separated meat??? Don't you know that's cartilage and veins and connective tissue???
rectify this

>> No.15045771

i beat the original poster and his entire family to death with a rolling pin for being colossal faggots

>> No.15045778

t. vegan

>> No.15045800

>Obvious meat on wings
Bro its just cartilage You can't eat that.

>> No.15045802

Yes you absolutely can

>> No.15045808

i'm not eating the cartilage. it's unpleasant.

>> No.15045811

Chicken wings are fucking terrible and the perpetuation of the meme that they are good is mentally retarded.

>> No.15045813

It's good for you though and completely edible

>> No.15045815

what the fuck are you talking about you schizo

>> No.15045826

The hypocrisy of people claiming Mechanically Separated Meat is disgusting when they chow down on the exact same tissue in another form

>> No.15045837

So true.
Fucking hate my friends who say “eat the whole wing” like bro, I’m not eating that nasty shit. I got the tasty parts and I’m a grown man.

>> No.15045840

I had a roommate who would suck the bones and scrape his fucking teeth on them

>> No.15045997


fucking eat chicken tendies then you spergs. you don't deserve wings

>> No.15046040

/cucks/ BTFO

>> No.15046098


>> No.15046110
File: 10 KB, 312x128, 1604847546579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.15046114

The reason those wings aren't all eaten up is because they're poorly prepared

Cook em right and every bit of it is delicious

>> No.15046119
File: 87 KB, 544x960, 1569055460440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15046125

Now thats just wing abuse

>> No.15046182
File: 212 KB, 640x577, EBB9945A-7340-4B17-BD4A-E4B63DC55E77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15046197

A beautifully roasted chicken or a chicken boiled in water. Which are you choosing?
Form matters in food.

>> No.15046308

Thanks for your service, hero

>> No.15046343


>> No.15046362


>> No.15046382

chicken boiled in water can make for some pretty great light colored soup if you have the right ingredients. same as roasted chicken.

>> No.15046449

Toss some onion, celery carrots, bay leaves and some peppercorns in the boiling water. After its boiled you can remove the skin and seperate the meat with two forks. Very delicious with soup noodles.

>> No.15046985

damn just put them back on the chicken

>> No.15047157

I eat the whole thing, break the brones and eat the marrow inside

>> No.15047663

if you do like OP's pic you're also missing a lot of meat still attached to the bones and all the tasty fried bits, not just cartilages and shit

>> No.15047688

Eh, just eat more it's not like there is a shortage of chickens in the world

>> No.15047712

you should learn to eat all your food by the time your 10 years old OP

>> No.15047732

>rectify this
Do you mean "reconcile this"? Ffs, we'll all be dribbling a bastard mix of Spanish and Mandarin in 100 years, because nobody can use fucking English anymore. Are you happy now? You've killed the language of Shakespeare.

>> No.15047749

>complaining about different forms of meat
Do y'all really do that? We raised chickens growing up, and would eat just about every part of the bird. Gizzards, hearts, livers, any bones or bits of cartilage that weren't eaten were boiled for soup stock, neck bones for gravy. One dead bird would feed our family of five for a week.

>> No.15047754

I bet you voted for Trump

>> No.15047760

Shakespeare's a faggot and he's sucking cocks in hell. Nothing he did is relevant today to anyone but cuck English teachers. Ooooh, wow, you know Shakespeare, great, you're qualifed to wrangle teenaged niggers for $28k a year.

>> No.15047783

Most people did.

>> No.15047803

eat the connective tissue its good for you

>> No.15047804
File: 146 KB, 1200x728, 1604688145561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15047834

Are chicken wings even good in terms of luxury? Aren't they peasant food?

>> No.15047856

Gladly. I deserve better than trash wings.

>> No.15047889

Absolute chad. We should all suck this shining example of manhood clean

>> No.15047902

They were, but food goes from being unpopular and cheap throwaway parts to being a fad then a staple all the time. Just look at tongue and oxtail.

>> No.15047963

>tongue and oxtail.

What are things no one eats for $200 alex

>> No.15047967

Fuckin fag what are you even on about if you get shit from people for eating what you like fucking grow up

>> No.15047974

Tryna sound smart fucking retarded way of saying you prefer the milk out of your mom's tits still

>> No.15048265

>displaying internet bravado
>tells others to grow up
the ironing

>> No.15048286

Works me into a ding-dong diddly shoot.

>> No.15048360

only people ive ever seen eat the scabby cartilage on chicken bones is niggers
also this

>> No.15048366

The chad dead voters

>> No.15048383

>eat meat down to bone, to my preference
>toss bone and whatever particles of meat are left into a pot, make stock out of it

Eat shit faggots, I win either way.

>> No.15048429

Can you make stock with fried chicken/hot sauce scraps?

>> No.15048457

I have before, just make sure to skin off oil at the end

>> No.15048476

>I got the tasty parts and I’m a grown man.
That's what a grown man sounds like, talking about his tasty yum yums and making anonymous pasive-agressive comments about his friends

>> No.15048529

You're missing out.

>> No.15048592

You are crazy. I dare you to travel and see how ALL languages have changed. American English is better than Brits.

>> No.15048613

Parts of the usa still speak elizabethan english while bongkand they are grunting about putting loicenses up tha guvner


>> No.15049600

Truly you have done the Lord's work today.

>> No.15049821
File: 39 KB, 400x310, Ln3bk3h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Several chicken died for this

>> No.15049902

Chicken liver and heart is amazing though

>> No.15050434

They just speak like they do in the West Country.

>> No.15050446

In my defense, I don't eat the cartilage because it tastes good. I eat it because I have a compulsive need to gnaw on bones like some kind of feral animal.

>> No.15050453

Several chickens lived for this

>> No.15050995

>don't take unnecessary shit from people = internet bravado

>> No.15051272
File: 2.66 MB, 300x196, homer laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ordering bone-in