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15044719 No.15044719 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly, I feel like I've provided a lot of service to my country and I'm not sure why I should be precluded from getting free sandwiches and cookies and pedicures just because I don't get VA benefits and free college.

What's the best way for Legal Citizen veterans to claim veteran's day deals?

>> No.15044721
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>> No.15044909

You didn't serve, despite the country being at war for the last 20 years. So you get nothing. You're a coward and a faggot. Sorry nigger.

>> No.15044933
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>army vet since 2015
>still too scared to ask for a military discount in places
>never use the veteran parking spaces at Harris teeter because I'm afraid someone will try to put me on the internet for "stolen valor"

>> No.15044955

if you have proof what are you afraid of?

>> No.15044963

Am I just supposed to carry like 15 copies of my DD214 everywhere?

>> No.15044979
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here is a small personal list of people who deserves more respect than the troops and that have done more for this country.
1: truck drivers.
2: the trash collector
3:homeless people that pick up recycling off the road.

>> No.15044985

4: farmers
5: youtubers

>> No.15045552

Dude just get a military I.D

>> No.15045576

It's funny because most americans actually believe veterans protected their freedom when in reality all they did was invade countries, steal oil and be pawns for politicians.

>> No.15046526

Actually that’s the general consensus faggot

>> No.15046538

>steal oil

Why do kids who went to public school say retarded shit like this? Wouldn't it be nice if they did steal the oil. Anywho all government workers are parasites who should have to make breakfast every day for the rest of us but it would taste like shit because government workers are talentless retards

>> No.15047350

a photo?

>> No.15047353

thank you for keeping the prices of oil and import goods low, good little legionary. here is your free burger. deal with your PTSD yourself though.

>> No.15047365

>posting on 4chan during murrican work hours and saying this

>> No.15047420

If you were a real vet , you would have a VA medical card and not pay for medical insuranct
I am calling stolen valors on you right now ITT you basement dwelling female

>> No.15047434

How do you know he works though?

>> No.15047436

What is Harris teeter?

>> No.15047465

>truck drivers
their job is very easy for how much they get payed

>> No.15047486

All jobs are easy

>> No.15047535

where I live it's a military discount, so even active duty non-veterans are getting respects that they haven't yet rightfully deserved. it's perverse. I was standing in line at taco bell yesterday and the 2 people ahead of me didn't have to pay for drinks and then I was told I must

>> No.15047538

6. pizza delivery drivers
7. e thots
8. jannies

>> No.15047616

Grocery store in my area with Veteran's parking.
I don't pay for medical insurance, but I didn't pop the card out because I had no intention of going to a hospital for anything after I got out, lul