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15035253 No.15035253 [Reply] [Original]

is it like drinking semen?

>> No.15035347

I've tried it on a lark and it's weird but not semen-y I don't think. Depending on the thickness you try I guess it could be similar, but taste wise it just tastes like water. I am a cum-dodger though so maybe someone with more volumetric experience and chime in but I think it's a no.

>> No.15035405

I've never drank semen so I don't know. If you need thickened liquids, get the gel and avoid the powder. The gel really is flavorless, but the powder incorporates poorly.

>> No.15035413

I think when you've reached the point where you can't handle fucking water you should just accept death.

>> No.15035419

Or just accept thickened water and not die.

>> No.15035428

My patients are mostly teens with mental health issues so they can normally swallow fine, but plenty of people can't and it's treatable. Sure if they are old it's probably a bad sign, but if they have had a stroke you can teach them different ways to swallow. I'm pretty sure speech pathologists help with that shit all the time.

>> No.15035526

Why should I have to fuck water to be able to live?

>> No.15035593

What's the appeal of it

>> No.15035605

can someone explain what is this to me? why would anyone *need* thickned "liquids"?

>> No.15035606

DYSPHAGIA, right on the bottle, dis fag ia

>> No.15035695
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I've seen people mock this nonsense but haven't ever tried it so can't really say.
If you want (((meaty))) water try putting chia seeds in regular old water. Fluffs that shit up real good and doesn't look like you're guzzling litres of jizz for fun.

>> No.15035707

To get over their cum addiction

>> No.15035712

No, instead it looks like you're guzzling frog spawn.

>> No.15035949

It's for individuals who have difficulty swallowing.

>> No.15035968

Are those real? Or is it some psychosomatic thingie?

>> No.15035969

It's for people recovering from paralyzing injuries so they don't choke.

>> No.15035977

is that the same as artificial saliva?

>> No.15036001

Is this real?

>> No.15036057

that would make great lube

>> No.15036090

Old people have this problem

>> No.15036115




>> No.15036721

People who have degenerative mental conditions like Alzheimer's or dementia use these, as do people recovering from strokes or other muscle (ie the trachea, esophagus) control problems

>> No.15036731

The water industry is actually insane if you want to look into the meme shit people get away with watch a few videos of serious "water sommelei's"

>> No.15036760

It can also be helpful in patients with Dumping syndrome by increasing the overall thickness of their meals. Drinking normal water while eating in their case can lead to extremely fast bowel transit and osmotic diarrhea.

>> No.15036771

if you want to know then you should try eating liquid shrimp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku97rpK7K6w

>> No.15036776

it is for old people that have issues swallowing or something. it's a sort of accessibility product

>> No.15036893

Wouldn't it be easier then to drink something that isn't thick?

>> No.15036957

Your muscles don't work properly so the glottis doesn't close and non thick liquids easily get into the lower airways. Basically you choke every time you try to drink.

>> No.15036979
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I am glottis, too small for this page, too thirtsy man.

>> No.15036985
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