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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15023922 No.15023922 [Reply] [Original]

heh, its the cities problem now

>> No.15023937

Damn straight. City pencilpushers have been fronting the "fat(((berg)))" meme for years, trying to get a raise by slashing the budget paid to maintenance plumbers.

>> No.15023945

corruption feels endless honestly

>> No.15023978

just dump it in your yard

>> No.15024000

>city worker: eh the clog stops at your property line sorry anon it's your problem.

>> No.15024006

Yeah, cause the city starts one feet under your sink.

>> No.15024008


>> No.15024016

When I used to live Chicago, I would pour used engine oil down the storm drains.

>> No.15024064

Where are you supposed to pour it if you live in an apartment

>> No.15024071

You're supposed to throw it in the trash.

>> No.15024082 [DELETED] 

>Oh no mister I rent, you'll want to talk to my landlord, Mr. Shekelstein

>> No.15024086

Oil, radiator coolant, etc. The transfer station would take it for free, but then I'd have to drive halfway across town and it wasn't even a nice drive.

Wait for it to solidify then put it in your trash. Otherwise, you can dispose of grease and oil at your local municipal transfer station, often for free or at a negligible fee.

>> No.15024112


>> No.15024115
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Do you guys not use the oil? I don't understand why you would throw away perfectly good oil/grease unless you burn in like a retard

>> No.15024120

It's a 4" line from there all the way to the curb. 3" in some shitty shitters, depending on the age. Basically the widest line you'll find on the property.

>> No.15024133

Reusing cooking oil is bad for your health.

>> No.15024138

former flatmate did that, i hated him
what does it do

>> No.15024146

Main issue is that it can cause or worsen cancer, that was all over the news like a year ago but I think there's other stuff too.

>> No.15024149

>as your landlord I will need to ask each tenant to cough up 1k due to the damaged drainpipes

>> No.15024150

>made wings with bro for years replacing oil once every other month at best
nice knowing you /ck/

>> No.15024151
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I just never clean my pan so the oil naturally cycles as it gets absorbed into whatever it being made. Seems a lot better than just wasting it for some dubious "health" reason

>> No.15024234

I only do this when landlords piss me off, dump my entire collection of saved oil

>> No.15024237 [DELETED] 
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Your jewish magic has no power in this household you government leech. Begone!

>> No.15024252

until it backs up greywater into your sinks

>> No.15024263
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>tfw live in my own home I am responsible for, and when living abroad maintain a good relationship with whoever I am renting from because I am a respectable human being and am capable of vetting a place to stay that isn't shit.

>> No.15024292


>> No.15024302

>Implying anyone here owns a house, much less a property in a city
Landlord jannies can deal with it while I poo poo pee pee on their rat infested condos negro

>> No.15024308

Why don't you dumb fucks emulsify it with dish soap?

>> No.15024309

Shitty tenants and shitty landlords, birds of a feather flock together

>> No.15024313

is it okay to pour cooking oil down storm drains? I did this a while ago and it made a really bad looking grease mark and kinda looks like engine oil cause it was oil from my smoker's drip can. I poured the rest of it in a pile of grass clippings and threw it in a bag after I saw how bad it looked in the storm drain

>> No.15024314

>living abroad and giving a shit what the landlord thinks
it's a different country, what are they even going to do if you annoy them?

>> No.15024319

When I have grease I throw it in my front lawn. In the winter the grease freezes and turns my grass white.

>> No.15024335

Why would you go out of your way to be an asshole?

>> No.15024340

I wouldn't I'd just do shit that walks the line like stiff them the last months rent and move out and let them keep the security deposit, that way if they want any money they'll have to fight for it. I'm not going to have it the other way around even though it's assholeish to do that. I'm a landlord myself and would be annoyed at that but I understand it's what people do

>> No.15024348

>i wouldn't
>proceeds to describe how he'd go out of his way to be an asshole
NEETs are so utterly passive-aggressive, it boggles the mind.

>> No.15024352

This is literally
what the fuck dish soap is for

>> No.15024355

it's not really going out of your way, it's making sure a shitty landlord doesn't dick you over. I've had a few shitty landlords and it left its mark on me. fuck them hard.

>> No.15024368

This mentality seems completely insane to me, preemptively retaliating essentially means you are directly responsible for making landlords shittier by intentionally breaking their trust in the first place. Act shitty to people and wonder why people act shitty to you, really activates my almonds.

>> No.15024386

it's not retaliation because I know how to clean a place up and they aren't going to be able to try to pin any normal wear and tear on me. carpets are depreciated out over 5 years. you can't charge me full price for something after having lived there for 4 years. you aren't making landlords any shittier, you're holding them accountable. like I said, who gives a fuck what some landlord in another country thinks? you aren't going to fix the world this way. I don't plan on ever having a landlord again in the future.

>> No.15024390

>sewage backflows into your unit and ruins all your shit
smart move

>> No.15024415
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>Why yes, my friend is the local crown prosecutor and owes me for a couple years, how could you tell?
>Oh, just how many cases are you attempting to bring up to the courts? That seems a little malicious, not to pry on legal terms... That's what my qt lawyer is for.

>> No.15024420

>throwing out perfectly good diesel

>> No.15024432

>you aren't going to fix the world this way.

"An eye for and eye and the whole world goes blind." Ever heard that? There' s this thing called DECENCY that guarantees us that human interacions EVEN WITH STRANGERS are AT LEAST somewhat pleasant.

>> No.15024457

Since we're on the topic of things you're not supposed to put in drains, how about semen?

>> No.15024475

I did this to spite the city for taxing me so much on nonsense, but my pipes actually got blocked
what goes around comes around, as they say

>> No.15024574

I reuse oil when I cook fries and the like and then throw it away once I make some form of meat in it since that seems to turn it into a black sludge.

>> No.15024579

poverty gang represent
i'm not actually poor but i was raised with my parents filtering and reusing cooking oil

>> No.15024584

Most people don't eat fried food 3 meals a day unlike you so it's okay

>> No.15024598

>tfw live in my own home I am responsible for

This is the worst though, I almost miss being able to just go cry to a landlord any time my house has a problem and have it dealt with for me

>> No.15024602
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I've always used the toilet. If it can handle my giant turds, diarrhea, vomit, piss and cum then it can handle a few ml of oil.

>> No.15024611

You can pour it down with dish soap??

>> No.15024653

Yea the soap makes it go down no problem

>> No.15024657


>> No.15024661

Drink it you wasteful fag. Think of the environment and all the starving kids in china who have NO oil or fat to drink

>> No.15024681

i've seen em handle a loooot of chicken nuggies

>> No.15024700

TSP (trisodium phosphate) is fucking BASED.

>> No.15024707

I save plastic bottles for this.

Sometimes i get some awesome mold cultures if the oil has organic gunk in it.

>> No.15024727

I understand that this might be bait, but I'm replying anyhow, in case some idiot here agrees with this logic

>They can handle some oil
The thing is they cant. Raw sewage (the kind that comes from your butt) is physically filtered then chemically neutralized. Anything else, they aren't chemically prepared for it. Every time someone comes up with a new thing to flush down, the process needs to accommodate this new substance. Also grease (and some oils) will solidify and accumulate as plaque in sewer pipes, much like it does in arteries.

Any organic, solid mass that gets caught in the sewage treatment facility is pressed into a cake and incinerated.

>> No.15024742

I am not the craftiest person but when it's this easy, why not?

>> No.15024812

just dont cook with oil

>> No.15024910

Good luck proving that when you have 14 open complaints about you already in multiple different buildings, this is clearly tenant harassment

>> No.15024925

I’m an apprentice inspector for highways and sewers (not saying which city).
But FUCK you guys.

>> No.15024934

I own a house. If there's a lot of fat left over I'll dump it in a beer can and toss it. Otherwise I just wipe it out with a paper towel

>> No.15024959

Don't live in an apartment but my family has always just poured oil and grease into empty jars and containers with lids and then trash them away when they get full.

>> No.15025191

Landlords aren't people.

>> No.15025204

I used to believe this until my landlord send me a letter from their lawyer saying eviction proceedings would begin if I didn't pay immediately because I sent my rent check 6 days late after paying on time for years because I had a personal emergency and had to be out of town

the letter was postmarked the day after the check would have arrived too so they obviously just sent it to be assholes

now I go out of my way to pour bacon grease down the drain as often as possible

>> No.15025208

Agreed, neither are renters so let them cheat each other who cares

>> No.15025239

If your cooking fat doesn't go on your bread, into your stew or somewhere else, you're using the wrong fat and cooking the wrong dishes.

>> No.15025243

>one feet
I wish ESL fags would leave.

>> No.15025250

a person with an accent is a person who's smarter than you, cleetus

>> No.15025256

Lmao my landlord called me to ask why my water bill was so high... don't care ima waste water now that I know he has become a jew.

>> No.15025271

So you are butthurt because your landlord wouldn't let you cheat him? Lmao, no wonder they abuse you selfish turds

>> No.15025279

Ok faggot. I've been flushing oil down the toilet for about 6 years now and i've never had any problems.

>> No.15025281

Cheat him of what? 6 days of interest on $2000? He could have just charged me a late fee which would be like 400,000% the value of the lost interest. But he didn't, he instead spent a pile of money on lawyers to flex on me. So I get my petty revenge by dumping bacon grease down the sink and everyone's happy. What's your problem with that?

>> No.15025285

Now go make a thread crying that your rent is too high and its not fair that you are a broke loser

>> No.15025288

There would be no renters if there were no landlords.

>> No.15025289
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>landlords lurking /ck/
Don't you vampires have something better to do, like liquidate your non-performing assets at the current low market value so that they can become owner occupied like god intended?

>> No.15025292

"My problem" is that I can't stop laughing that you are butthurt because you got caught cheating your owner out of his money so you have to pretend you are getting even by lying on the internet. Guess what your landlord is getting richer while you get poorer.

>> No.15025295

Wow no renters? That would be terrible to live in a world where everyone took care of themselves instead of sponging off landlords

>> No.15025296

Lmao I'm only renting because of rich fucks buying up freehold properties and splitting them up into three apartments and charging unreasonable rent.
Which Jacks up the prices of other homes, and causes the markets to go into a frenzy and the market becomes over valued and inflated. Fuck the real estate industry, fuck landlords.

>> No.15025298

Sop up grease with paper towel or newspaper and throw in garbage. Wa la

>> No.15025303

I know right? Imagine a world where people were actually thrown into a world where they can achieve financial independence, and actually feel they need to maintain their own property.

>> No.15025308

What would I be lying about? It's far easier to pour grease down the drain than to autistically box it up and take it to the special grease processing facility.

The only one laughing here is the hundreds of tenants paying nothing while there's an eviction moratorium, I've got a six figure sum burning a hole in my pocket while I wait for prices to crash and then I'm buying a condo. And the bacon grease pouring will continue, don't you worry.

>> No.15025314

>I'm only renting because I'm poor and lazy and I'm jealous of people who kindly supply me with lodging

Seems like you are so happy so keep on renting until you dieabeetus

>> No.15025318

Have you thought about buying a house? They don't cost much and its much cheaper than renting

>> No.15025335
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/ck/ - food and cooking and future guillotine food

>> No.15025361

This. I'm spending less monthly than I was renting so I save up for little house projects. Next tax return I get to cut down a shit tree though. And then in a year I'll redo the driveway

>> No.15025382

They cost a lot and put you in debnt

>> No.15025392

if you do this, run hot water while doing it and your drain will get clogged more slowly it maybe not at all

>> No.15025427

Nah you'll be fine. Land is the safest Investment you can make

>> No.15025431

16 offers in. I litterally can't. I have 20% and counting for a 400k house. The situation here is fucked.

>> No.15025438

Took me a year to find one

>> No.15025444

I use excess oil as fire starters for my fireplace

>> No.15025463

thats a pretty cute boy, who is he?

>> No.15025517

You could just reuse it once or twice as long as you're not deep-frying at 400 degrees

>> No.15025705

Hmm, never thought of this. Still not going to collect oil jars in my kitchen, ive got enough piss jugs to deal with right here under my table

>> No.15025720

You aren't supposed to collect it as if it were valuable like hot sauce or piss

>> No.15025726

Because I am not poor...

>> No.15025727

Becoming a landlord is much easier than most think. We aren't as detached from you as you think, try to keep in mind

>> No.15025731

You're such a shitty person

>> No.15025737

No, i think most people would assume sitting on your ass and collecting rent to be pretty easy.
Hardest part about your job is writing the occasional "sweety pls remember ur rent is going up 100% next month :^)" letter.

>> No.15025788

Hot sauce and piss are valuable?

>> No.15025800

Because 99% of /ck/ are dumb fucks? Seriously why are you even asking this?
Half of this board can't even cook simple scrambnle eggs or an omelett. They for sure don't know how to use soap.

>> No.15025816

You are just an asshole with wrong moral and logical sense of consequences.
Wouldn't be surprised that you don't have any realy friends or a gf/wife.

>> No.15025847
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Based. Thank you for keeping our society running. I feel like jobs like yours really don't get anough appreciation these days.

>> No.15025858

I can't believe people actually defend landlords who've done nothing but suck this country dry

I guess now that biden's won you feel like you can finally speak up in defense of these cruel overlords who want to control your life

>> No.15025905

No, but they substitute for a personality in the millennial generation

>> No.15025911

I pour mine on the dog's dinner and just give him half the kibble so he doesn't become a "chonker".

>> No.15025924

It must be awful to hate landlords and then spend your entire life cleaning toilets to pay them big money. But that's your life .lmao

>> No.15025930

Yes we should all worship the lazy stupid government worker that takes our money and wastes it . Ok bootlicker

>> No.15025939

>tfw cheap as chips rent from my boy landlord
Seethers gonna seethe

>> No.15025950

>wasting all those papertowels
shits expensive

>> No.15025957

noth everything revolves aropund money you retard. You are legit scum. Ever wondered why our society is running as it is? We have basic jobs that jsut can't be replaced, for example plumbers , garbage collectors and many more. Without them you would life in a pile of shit.
Go fuck yourself you degenerate piece of shit.

>> No.15025966

>Pays $1000 rent
>Thinks paying a penny for a paper towel is outrageous

>> No.15025968

Adam's ex boyfriend

>> No.15025976

I don't do it anymore because I know better and also >>15024000 this

but honestly that sizzling oil in the pipes sound is one of the most satisfying things ever, better than any ASMR bullshit.

>> No.15025990

>for example plumbers , garbage collectors

Nice goalpost shifting commie but you were worshipping lazy stupid government workers who take your money by force not a plumber who you can voluntarily hire or not

>> No.15026031

The garbage men aren't the ones who take your money, that person is several levels of management above them. This is like reee-ing at the fast food employee because corporate discontinued your favorite tendies.

>> No.15026057

I'm not a renter so I don't have to eat fast-food,lmao @you

>> No.15026063

Why do people think everyone on the internet is a loser? Is it projection?

>> No.15026065

>Paying for cooking oil and then dumping it
Ground beef and sausage meat put out more grease than you need for one pan of food, it takes like 5 seconds to drain into a ramekin and use it later on a vegetable/lean meat dish. That pan looks like it doesn't need grease in the first place.

>> No.15026067


>> No.15026069

Stop taking the bait mate

>> No.15026074

What's the pay like? I want to quit law, but have no other high value skills or business experience.

>> No.15026187

yes but you're also a dumb weeb so that cancels the rest out

>> No.15026229

Also just throw a bunch of hot soapy water after it and it'll all just clean right off.
Never got why this was such an issue.

>> No.15026231

this guy knows, soap keep your drains from clogging if you put it down right after with hot water

>> No.15026232
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Someone should invent this

>> No.15026253


>> No.15026256

I keep a bunch of dishwasher tablets under the sink, if it ever gets clogged I figure I throw one in and pour boiling water over it, that should destroy every single fat molecule that dares to stick to my pipes.
But I never even needed that, the water that I flush down after doing the dishes seems to be enough to keep the pipes clean.

>> No.15026258

Storm drains lead directly to your local water supply, so whatever creek/river/lake/ocean is nearest downstream. You shouldn't put anything but water down them, but I reckon at some point cooking oil will make its way to a shoreline and be eaten by ants.

>> No.15026261
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>being a rentcuck
Keking at all the poorfags itt.

>> No.15026267

Well I cum in socks, then run them through the washing machine on laundry day. Never had a problem.

>> No.15026276

i live in a poorly maintained apartment building. i make a point to abuse everything as much as possible, to get back at my jew landlord. grease down the sink, YEP. accidentally stripped the paint off the oven. SURE, WHY NOT. water all over the floor causing minor ceiling damage to the mentally ill catwoman below me? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT. drop a 45 pound barbell plate and shatter the subfloor? OOPS, SORRY. fuck this shithole.

>> No.15026294
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>> No.15026303

LOL fuck thats hilarious, gonna use some of this as tips for my apartment

>> No.15026317

Only four more years until I'll be able to afford an empty lot filled with used needles.

>> No.15026318

i also dropped a 45 pound barbell plate that went through the drywall. i patched that one up like a good little rentcuck. mr. shekelstein would have lost his shit if he had seen that one.

>> No.15026325

You absolute moron. Investigating sewer is part of keeping them clean. What don't you understand?
Your opinion is trash either way. Good job proving my point.

>> No.15026353

You guys have no idea how much tax payers money you are wasting by dumping oil and those wet paper towels into the sewers. Increasing the time and cost of cleaning the sewers is one thing, but that shit can really fuck up pumps and water treatment plants. Issues and maintenace cost went true the roof when those wet paper towels for cleaning you ass became popular. It's a giant lie that they dissolve and are safe to flush.

>> No.15026365

If you just run hot water through it for like 15 minutes after it's fine

>> No.15026391
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>renter destroys property because it is poorly maintained because renters keep destroying the property

>> No.15026399

I dump it in my asshole neighbors

>> No.15026409

Unsaturated fats polymerize (basically become plastic) when heated. This shit clogs not just the drain but also your blood vessels causing heart disease (increase in plant based oil for cooking and heart disease increase 20-30 years later correlate).

>> No.15026410

slamming a 45lb anything into the floor shouldn't break the floor

>> No.15026429

build better drains

>> No.15026443

>he...jokes on you...

>> No.15026451

i was doing warmup sets on barbell squat. it dropped like 4' straight down because i forgot to put clamps on the barbell. definitely put a hole in the subfloor. cut a gash into the carpet and i can feel where it got fucked up. sorry mr. shekelberg!

>> No.15026460

super shit construction plus probably all rotted out from ignored floods. your lungs are gonna get mold fucked by this place dude

>> No.15026471

in another 1-2 years i'll have enough saved for a (((down payment.))) thank god. living in an apartment is hell. no idea how minorities and poors do this until the day they die.

>> No.15026474

It's the nigger dna inside all american mutts.

>> No.15026479

Just drop the jars in your regular household garbage. As you should your jugs of piss.

>> No.15026480


>> No.15026483

when i move out i plan on breaking the mercury in the thermostat and calling the EPA. yes this building still has mercury thermostats, i took the cover off and can see the mercury beads.

>> No.15026492

>then renter proceeds to complain about not having access to water because the landlord has to get it repaired because the renter clogged it because fuck landlords

>> No.15026516

Still a nigger.

>> No.15026527

>rentberg quotes Gandhi like he was a paragon of morality
the irony is palpable

>> No.15026547

just buy a house loooooooool
t. forsen

>> No.15026550

>ghandi wasn't perfect
>only perfect people can be moral
>morality doesn't exist

>> No.15026571

>nothing matters
>it’s all relative bro!
spoken like a true rent parasite!

>> No.15026599

A buddy of mine said his dad used to just park over a storm drain and change his oil right there on top of it. He makes like 400k a year now.

>> No.15026603

>tfw never dicked over my landlords even though I view them as parasites
>left units in the condition I received them or slightly better
>always got my deposit back in full
>now own my own house and know how to fix things without issue

being an asshole is pointless desu

>> No.15026604

I just mix it with hot water and dish soap then rinse it down the drain. Doesn't it work that way?

>> No.15026612

Joke's on you I have literally HUNDREDS of friends on FaceBook.

>> No.15026623

And you believed him? Lmao you is gullible

>> No.15026638

Where do you live that paper towel is that cheap? Toilet paper and paper towel is ridiculous where I live.

>> No.15026706 [DELETED] 

Not a nigger.


See folks, the person who isn't a nigger owns his own home and has the skills to fix it. The person who is a nigger, doesn't own shit and obsesses over how to out nig his landlord.

>> No.15026773

the pipes aren't your property

>> No.15026778
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This is from albertsons and it's 2 cents for the fancy stuff.

>> No.15026805
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>> No.15026860

I am all of those things but I've seen what landlords have done to my friends and I wouldn't take any chances with some random fuck in europe, just play your cards tight. they won't have any recourse. if they didn't return your deposit you'd be fucked because you moved back to america

>> No.15026873

you get a tax return???

>> No.15026897

you aren't giving the owner much grief other than a number on a piece of paper. the ones you're really punishing are the maintenance men who do their best to put your air conditioner together with bits of string because their boss won't give them any money for anything

>> No.15026901

And this is why I had to put a grease trap in a 4 unit rental I own in NYC, because hickster tenants from fly overstate USA do this constantly. They don't get the idea of dumping out the oil in a plastic container with regular garbage, it's always, but you're suppose to recycle plastic, yea retard, dumping oil down the drain pipes is great for the plumbing and god knows what happens next when it hits the city sewers and treatment plants.

>> No.15026902

Then why doesnt everyone do it if its so easy?

>> No.15026912
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>> No.15026922

Not my problem anymore either you bucktooth hick :^) greasetrap is emptied every few months. Now draw a pepe hickster renter with buckteeth and goofy beard wearing tight jeans and their hair parted overlooking a wojak landlord crying in a basement emptying a greasetrap which spilled greeased all over his tits and face.

>> No.15026937

It's shit like this that reminds me people in medieval cities would throw their shit and piss right in the street not giving a fuck. Nothing really changes.

>> No.15026942

That's what I don't get, if you can afford to throw away $1000 a month on rent you are rich enough to be a landlord. I'm sure next they will say they don't want to get rich collecting rent every month cuz it's not nice or something even as they brag about destroying property

>> No.15026943

what happens if i mix the grease with dish soap and hot water then pour it down the drain immediately

>> No.15026954

Imagine how a lot of americans have cesspools even and all these idiots flushing wet wipes, I guess you can call a company to come clear them out every so often though, will be hilarious when 1000 wet wipes are pumped out.

>> No.15026959

no, it's statistics. like blacks being criminals.

>> No.15026966

I have no idea, honestly, I'd imagine most would break up and hit the sewer lines without a problem, but a little would stay behind in the indoor drain pipes and then little by little grow and grow, that's what would happen here till a plumber told me just install a greasetrap in the basement, fuck these retards dumping oil down the kitchen drain and not giving two shits. Best investment ever for my quality of life, was a nightmare to unblock, would have to use chemicals or call pro plumbers.

>> No.15026972

Definitely who I have in mind when I envision the niggardly behavior showcased ITT. Anyway why are rentcucks such scum? I always hear people crying about landlords and then everybody has a story about how they dump jet fuel down their drainpipes and replace the walls with asbestos. I knew a guy who rented to a family for half a decade and then one day they left after filling the toilet with concrete and ripping out the pipes. Like what the fuck

>> No.15026982

So what about from the greasetrap to the sink?
willl that ever becoem clogged up?

>> No.15026987

It's got to be a lot of work though getting 5 calls a day about the AC being broken because some schizo renter started biting electrical wires.

>> No.15026994

fuck cities, fag

>> No.15027005

but i thought they were delicious copper snakes

>> No.15027021

It is mostly a thing poor people thing, or a think that people that live in slums complain about. It isn't a surprise that shitty tenants get hard filtered by good landlords and have no place to stay other than shitty apartments run by shitty landlords. The landlords know the tenants will try to fuck them over so there is no incentive to be anything other than a slumlord.

>> No.15027037

Greasetrap is in the basement connected to kitchen drain lines, you empty it out depending, sometimes it's over 6 months other times every 2-3 months. Get this, even if they're ordering take-out all day every day, they're rinsing containers off before recycling them and washing down the fats and grease into the plumbing, they wont wipe off the grease with a paper towel and throw it into the trash, nah, lets rinse that shit off in the sink, it goes down the drain weeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

>> No.15027052

ok chud

>> No.15027064

>rinsing containers off before recycling them

Is there anything worse for the environment than an environmentalist?

>> No.15027072

This is to keep people from masturbating in public showers since it's disgusting. There is no amount of semen that is going to clog a 4-10" pipe.

>> No.15027099


>> No.15027145

it's hilarious how sparkling clean all the aluminum pan and plastic covers are on recycling day.

>> No.15027147

If only there was some kind of liquid that you could pour down a drain and have it help unclog pipes!

>> No.15027159

Does it help if you emulsify the oil with water and dish soap before throwing it down the drain?

>> No.15027165

>a plumber wrote

>> No.15027168

yea, I think even baking soda helps a bit

>> No.15027266

Freeze it and toss it in the trash

>> No.15027275

In the pooper

>> No.15027361

Apparently you haven’t seen your ma’s pipe after Im done with her

>> No.15027379
File: 31 KB, 600x600, C4D4F451-2B25-4D42-B307-DFE7D42E5124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the neet that's never worked a day in his life. Collecting rent isn't hard work (although harder than you believe), acquiring property is the difficult part. If it's so easy, why don't you do it?

>> No.15027386

Is this not how you're supposed to do it? I've done it for a year now

>> No.15027494
File: 203 KB, 370x495, 131128084402_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pour it in an empty bottle and throw it away.

>> No.15027500

Based and redpilled

>> No.15027506

dont encourage this newfag

Also Go back

>> No.15027513

you demon

>> No.15027656

It's rendered fat. Pour it into a coffee can for later use.

>> No.15027672

oh fuck am i doing a bad thing?
i thought it was emulsified and wouldn't solidify anymore

>> No.15027680

that'll show em'

>> No.15027698

Hicksters in large american cities would be like no no no! the plastic bottle will pollute a landfill maaaaan, rather recycle the bottle and pour the oil down the kitchen drain maaaaan.

>> No.15027699

Retards like you are why I only rent to people I know personally

>> No.15027710

I guess you shouldn't eat anything fried at restaurants then, even a fryer changed every night will go through dozens or hundreds of servings before getting fresh oil.

>> No.15027711

All that shit will just come out of your deposit though. So in the end youll just end up paying for it retard.

>> No.15027721

I own a single, very expensive condo in an upscale building and that's the only real estate I own besides the house I live in, so it would be quite obvious and easy to prove if some sloppy neet looking retard caused any damage to my suite or the common areas. Not that I would rent to someone like that anyway.

>> No.15027728

I'd have to think if you were smart or wealthy enough to have any sort of lawyer on retainer you wouldn't be some fat apartment dwelling moron who pours grease down the drain.

>> No.15027731

imagine flexing your bullshit power fantasy on a basket weaving forum.

>> No.15027744

inheritance is a thing. really if you get enough you can just invest most of the money and live off the interest which allows you to be a fat slob while letting smart people take care of your shit.

>> No.15027751

Its better than the losers bragging about how fat they are from eating McDonald's and being a rentslave

>> No.15027800

If pipes are already semi-clogged with hair and dried skin and whatever else, it can clog up your pipes

t. shower coomer.

>> No.15027810

i dump it in my neighbors asshole

>> No.15027853

Wipe up with a sheet of Plenty and put in bin

>> No.15027887

biden won? Oh that's glorious news, that you for bringing that information to my doorstep, buggaboo

>> No.15027894

jeez, how many bypasses does he get from the vet each year?

>> No.15027897

gib me ur monies and you will have mega drains

>> No.15027932

I'm very close to both of them. I don't doubt it at all and I know for sure he makes that much.

>> No.15027965

The portion of the pipe between your house and the edge of the property line is your property, and if there's a clog there, you'll have to pay to have it removed.

>> No.15027968

It’s will be your problem actually, unless you run enough water to push it out to the city sewer. That’s when you’ll call me and I’ll get to charge you $200+ dollars for being a retard.
t. Plumber

>> No.15027980

Yeet it out the window. Preferably after it's cooled down, unless you enjoy the screams of pedestrians.

>> No.15027983

I am a city worker and my job is maintain sewer and storm lines. if you do happen to do this, just get your lines jetted once every five years and you should be okay. Depends really if your pipes are PVC or older material like clay or cast iron.

>> No.15028001

You have to deal with it. When I was a baby my mother flushed down 'flushable diapers'. Turned out that was false advertising of an incredible scale and they just created a massive clog in the pipes.
City made my family deal with it because it was still under our property.

>> No.15028008

I just throw my used oil and food waste in the woods and the earth eats it. love living inawoods

>> No.15028034

Based. How many acres you got?

>> No.15028040

hah, this guy washes his clothes in cum

>> No.15028046

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.15028071

>acquiring property is the difficult part
True. Dealing with banks, lawyers, agents and council is such a pain. And it's not a one of thing.

>> No.15028201
File: 31 KB, 321x309, guods1lm18141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Landlord said not to dump this down the drains. I still do it anyway.

>> No.15028679

My neighbours dump it in my asshole.

>> No.15028762

seething rentoid

>> No.15028769


>> No.15028782

Wait for it to cool and dump it in the trash
If it's a siginificant amount you can wait for it to cool and mix it with flour until it's a paste and then dump it

>> No.15028794

>If it's so easy, why don't you do it?
Because an international clique is squatting on land, excluding decent people from acquiring their own property.

>> No.15029008

I just dump it straight into the trash. Cools of enough when its dripping down the other trash in the trashcan

>> No.15029040

Lmao can't tell if you're being serious.

I lived in a terrible building with a stingy landlord who let the holes in the ceiling stay unfixed while it had asbestos popcorn ceiling flake off. Nothing happened until I threatened legal action with a state department

>> No.15029047

dump it in your asshole’s neighbor

>> No.15029060

Literal nigger mentality

>> No.15029147

Save your empty glass jars. I have one jar by the sink that I fill up with grease. Once it's full, I toss it.

If you don't have that, you can wait until the grease cools and then pour it into a ziploc bag and toss that.

>> No.15029353

Nope, depends on the jurisdiction for the specifics, but there's a point where its your property and your problem, and if it starts fucking their shit up you're in double trouble. And what's yours can even extend past your property line all the way to the Y off the main.

>> No.15029362

>muh drains don't work
>call city to complain
>city worker hangs up laughing at your retarded ass

>> No.15029459

if it's just a little bit, mop it up with paper towels and throw it away.
if it's a lot, collect it in a jar and re-use it or throw it away.
some cities/regions/districts collect oil on certain days or even pay you for your oil.

>> No.15029518
File: 89 KB, 736x587, Twelve Caesars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for you service to society.

Society can be directly measured in water quality and sewage management.

>> No.15029579

You're renting, who gives a fuck? I always just wait till night time then dump it off my balcony into the bush outside my downstairs neighbor's window

>> No.15029685

Kick you out of the country?

>> No.15029716

>not drinking it

>> No.15029736


>> No.15029742


>> No.15029898

I fucking love this board

>> No.15029945


>> No.15029980

is that an stg 44? wouldn't that gun be worth like $30k usd? Surely akmed can find some worthless ak to hook up to his robotrigger5000

>> No.15029995

Most of their guns are looted from old stockpiles, the monetary value to some collector autist western devil is meaningless to them.

>> No.15030751

i once clogged the toiler by flushing down a pound of noodles. left it clogged for 2 days while going to shit at work. in the end, my uncle and i managed to de-clog by forcing a metric fuckton of water down the pipes. it made a huge rumbling sound and for a second i thought that the pipes had broken but everything turned out alright.


>> No.15030763

no I'll dump it in your yard

>> No.15030837

Enjoy your nerve gas

>> No.15030845

Ain’t worth shit but 10 years in prison and a $100k fine if it wasn’t registered with the ATF before May 1986. And being a foreign machine gun it would need to be either a registered bring back, re-activated DeWaT bring back, or smuggled back and registered during the amnesty of ‘68.

>> No.15030852
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>> No.15030867

That time of year to build up the Fatberg.

>> No.15030878

I thought it was like this too until I found out that EVEN with dish soap, it will still solidify as fat in the pipes
so no, stop doing that you fiend
>as a type this my apartments are currently working on the pipes and gave out a notice

>> No.15030961

This is entirely fine to do. If you didn’t cause any damage to the house then you would be getting the whole deposit back anyway, so it’s no skin off the landlord’s back. The only difference is that if you happen to have a piece of shit landlord, he won’t be able to fuck you over with no effort like many landlords do.
>but if you treat him nicely he’ll treat you nicely!
Maybe you should leave your basement and find out for yourself whether there really are people in the world who will fuck you out of your security deposit just because they can. Hint: there are.

>> No.15031011

>Not filtering it and using it to run a mid 80's Japanese diesel powered car.

>> No.15031043

Wouldnt a security deposit be more than last months rent?

>> No.15031101

just dump it down the train and run some draino every few months

>> No.15031386

How the fuck does it not become plastic while cooking then?

>> No.15031393

>wa la
You're a fucking retard. If I ever meet you or your kin, I'm going to shove an icepick through your brainstem.

>> No.15031426

wow, you a literally a nigger.

>> No.15031474

Pour it in a jar and then pour it in the organics waste bin

>> No.15031496

Gunfags are insufferable know-it-alls.

>> No.15031583

Pics if true.

>> No.15031652
File: 1.36 MB, 1065x791, 1504291560288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rent house
>get mad at anime and put holes in walls
>take shits backed by farts for maximum fecal spread
>piss everywhere including carpeted corners
>hammer nails into wood floor when anxious
>scream at the top of my lungs about everything from jews to niggers
>never take care of lawn or property
>threaten and harass all who live within a block of me (anonymously of course)
>create and distribute all types of narcotics for toy money
>wash dishes in toilet shit in the sink

>> No.15031669

what's the can opener about?

>> No.15031694

you sound like a nice guy

>> No.15031710

Wait you guys dont drink it ?
It's really flavorful

>> No.15031727

it's apparently okay to bury the oil in your backyard

>> No.15031728


>> No.15031786

most of the time security deposit is a month's rent and if you have pets there's a non-refundable deposit as well which can be several hundred dollars on top of that. carpet and paint isn't that expensive. I had a friend who had a kitchen fire and got dicked by his landlord when he moved out and I saw the damage. they charged him bullshit like $25 fee for throwing out the microwave on top of the cost of a new microwave. he sucked it up and paid but I'd have fought it. I don't understand how you can charge that much when there's a dumpster int he parking lot

>> No.15032022

>he doesn't cook with exclusively animal fats

>> No.15032026

>t. fat amerishart

>> No.15032110

Opening up Jeff goldblum and Bob Pecks performances so they can air out and become palletteable, I count 14 copies of Jurassic Park, that level of concentration could kill a man.

>> No.15032131

wouldn't dumping a shitload of detergent in the oil while it's hot do the trick and make it safe to pour down the drain?

>> No.15032179
File: 61 KB, 213x232, 1427402752241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>questioning the can opener

>> No.15032203

what ISN'T it about, right lads

>> No.15032277
File: 34 KB, 1000x1000, white-everbilt-polypropylene-fittings-c9738-64_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will just clog your actual pipes though, the ones immediately below where you're doing this. This is the thing that will get fucked up, it's called a P-trap.

>> No.15032307

>Main issue is that it can cause or worsen cancer
Is there anything that doesnt?

>> No.15032498
File: 53 KB, 645x678, 1519009047388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So all the renters ITT are larpers right? Or are people actually this depraved?

>> No.15032528

Everyone has to start somewhere anon

>> No.15032564


You must be 18 or older to post on 4chan

>> No.15032573

Someone on this website once stole a skull from the catacombs under Paris and posted pictures of himself sticking his dick into the eye sockets.

>> No.15032579

That's been debunked

>> No.15032699

all that caloric content getting tossed down the drain. shameful

>> No.15032704

are landlords really this dumb?
maybe don't be such a scumbag and people will respect what you shouldn't own, but do

>> No.15032745

No, landlords are smart you work half your life to give them money, its genius

>> No.15032751

Why did you choose to rent from a scumbag though?

>> No.15032773

exactly. im paying them money so i dont have to give a shit about what happens to the property in a years time. oil down the drain

>> No.15032787

Great, everyone is happy except the renters seething that they give me money for nothing

>> No.15032788

what if it was a southern accent? dipshit.

>> No.15032801

your time will come buddy. it happened in china and it can happen here

>> No.15032861
File: 398 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20201109-173552_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha dream on kid, real estate literally went up 33% today because President Kamala will make renters pay or send you to prison.

>> No.15032908

i'll take a dump in your neighbors ass and drink the oil myself

>> No.15032928

Slowly pour it down the sink while also running hot water. I have literally never had trouble using this method.

>> No.15032933

So I could sell my house and move to the country no problem?

>> No.15033017

Unless you make over $250,000 cities are a bad deal

>> No.15033160
File: 45 KB, 811x709, 1549579940974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw paying £50 a month on rent

>> No.15033215

You probably got a leak, you dumb nigger. It's a courtesy to let renters know when their bills are erroneously high.

>> No.15033804

It won't solidify, just need alot of soap to fully emulsify it. Pour it slowly down the drain with ALOT of hot water. Like 1 tablespoon emulsified oil per cup water at a time