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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 403 KB, 1600x1071, dirty-dishes-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15021955 No.15021955 [Reply] [Original]

>No sorry haha I don't have any bottled water left, go ahead and pour yourself a glass from the tap though

why is it that like 70% of people don't fuckin know how to wash dishes

>> No.15021964

Lack of discipline/no authority figure as a child.

>> No.15021965

pure unadulterated kitchen SOUL

>> No.15021967

Things people should be manted to do before they turn 25
-Work retail
-Live without a dishwasher
-Live without parents for three years without mummy and daddy money.

Glad I lived on my own in an apartment without a dishwasher. Once I did get one my mind was fucking blown and I never have any dirty dishes ever.

>> No.15021973

you forgot to add to do no fap for at least a year

>> No.15021997

I've been to people's apartments and it rarely mad a lick of difference if they did or didn't have a dishwasher they would still have a pyramid of days-old pots and pans used for like whatever tomato sauce and pasta dish filled with stagnant moldy water

>> No.15022001

i'd say unironically this but my roommate has done all three of these things and is still a disgusting gamer slob so i think some people are hard wired to just be nasty and lazy their entire lives

>> No.15022030

It is not that they don't know. The problem is that people are lazy and don't want to do it.

The trick I do is that I put the food on the plate and right after wash everything I used while the food is too hot. When I finish eating, the only thing left to wash is the plate and the tableware.

>> No.15022057

God this image gives me nightmares. Not only did I have a bf who never did his own dishes, but he'd hock loogies into the fucking kitchen sink.

>> No.15022080

He sounds based unlike you

>> No.15022088

oh yeah, I think I married that guy.

>> No.15022094

Proper lad

>> No.15022113

mama mia

>> No.15022117

This looks like the aftermath of a big dinner party. It's acceptable

>> No.15022118

literally impossible

>> No.15022139
File: 459 KB, 586x437, Messy-kitchen-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Any more experiences with families like this? Growing up and spending time at the homes of "poor" friends:

>no bottled water, only jugs of soda/juice
>no fresh produce, just non perishable shit that comes in cans or cardboard boxes
>no ingredients to prep anything from scratch
>mismatched, kitschy utensils (all filthy)
>dog/cat/mouse poop on floor
>insects trapped in grease
>garbage overflowing with plastic

>> No.15022142

Even if it was, shit should have been cleaned as prep was finished so this pileup wouldn't happen, and plates with uneaten food should have immediately been scraped into the trash before going anywhere near the sink. It's still filthy as fuck

>> No.15022167

Back in high school we went to a friend's apartment once, not his apartment either he was still living with his family, and literally the only thing in the kitchen cupboards was lightbulbs. Just rows of lightbulbs.

Alos the messy kitchen thing is usually college kids' first apartment type thing. If a kid is living at home with a kitchen looking like that it's because his parents are hoarders and/or alcoholics or something.

>>dog/cat/mouse poop on floor
Again a staple of any college apartment. Just having a cat in general is disgusting but these people would let the litter box fill up and the cat would kick the littler and piss and shit all over the floor & then they'd -maybe- empty it into the kitchen garbage and let it sit there for weeks.

>> No.15022205

I know how. I just couldn't be bothered.

>> No.15022208

The year i lived without a dishwasher i just used paper/plastic silverware and plates and bowls unless absolutely neccessary

>> No.15022214

Honestly 90% of cat problems are owner problems. Yeah, you cant train a cat like a dog for the most part, but you can do MORE THAN NOTHING. Dog people have rules for dogs, cat people have rules for the people around the cat because 90% of them are shit owners.

>> No.15022216

Even when I first moved out I was very autistic about washing dishes. As soon as I was done with my plate, I would immediately wash it up, even if I still had my water or coffee to drink. I did learn that it's easier to soak your pot in water for a little but before washing though.

>> No.15022250

Have you no dignity?

>> No.15022251

I wash my pots and pans before I start eating. As soon as I'm done cooking and my food in in a plate or bowl, I just start washing. Pots and pans are easier to clean when they're still hot and also I don't like when my food or tea is still burning hot so the 5 minutes it takes for me to wash up is just enough time to cool down my food.

>> No.15022258

I fucking hate cunts that leave their dirty dishes in the sink. Rendering the sink unusable.

I get even more triggered when there's a dishwasher less than four feet away.

I'm in the habit now of throwing away my housemates pots plates and cutlery now when it's left like this.

>> No.15022295

Nope, i would also eat wolf brand chili like 3 times a week back then, only stopped when my body began rejecting it

>> No.15022322

>work retail
The only people who think this makes you less of an asshole are the ones still working it in their 30s.

>> No.15022323

Man, I won't run the hot water for just one plate, so I let things pile up for a day or two.
I'd never let it look anywhere close do that pic, though. Absolutely disgusting.
I wouldn't have leftover food on there either. Even if I'm not going to do the dishes right now I will rinse them off so there aren't food chunks on there.

My younger bother would let his room, not the kitchen but the fucking bedroom, look like that until he was like 25 years old. Fucking pig.

>> No.15022361
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I think you pretty much can train a cat as well as a dog, but it's a lot more work.
You're right, though. The problem is that even people who own both won't bother laying down some rules for the cats.
Dog isn't allowed on the sofa but the cat gets to parkour all over the place as he pleases. So of course he's going to shit whereever he wants to.

>> No.15022425

whats wrong with that as long as you rinse it down after. but yeah my ex didnt do dishes even after begging him to, out of spite and because he was a lazy sack of shit. the boxers knuckle was worth it

>> No.15022454

it's a fucking cat, you can't tell a cat "no don't do xyz" because it doesn't click in their stupid little brains
Having a cat is more or less making your home "cat friendly". Most people can't understand it or they simply hate it, but then they wonder why the shithead is pissing everywhere or scratching up the sofa. Don't like it? Don't get any fucking animals, not hard to understand.

>> No.15023208

>less of an asshole
If anything working retail has made me more bitter and racist. Fuck cashier work and fuck pajeets.

>> No.15023229

Nice projections

>> No.15023452
File: 50 KB, 679x491, EVXoMntXYAA2frg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait your telling me you cunts actually buy bottles water, and take it home just to drink at home???? Like your not going camping or out for the day and you forgot your water bottle, but you just buy fucking water WHEN THERE IS A FUCKING TAP WITH THE SAME FUCKING WATER.
Third worlders need not reply, we know your tap water has aids.

>> No.15023661

>drinking tap water

Tell me the state of your pineal gland

>> No.15023677

I get that your parents might not have ever let you near a cat because of your mother's "terrible allergies", but it really don't be like you think it do.

>> No.15023682


>> No.15023695

imagine the smell

>> No.15023704

I know how to. I don't want to.

>> No.15023711

>Work retail
>Live without parents for three years without mummy and daddy money.
>(in a apartment)

>> No.15023717

living in an apartment made me appreciate living in my house.

>> No.15023751

Then why are you so undesirable?

>> No.15023996

i lived without my parents for 3 years in college from 19-22 and without their money either

>tfw still live with parents at 28
>tfw lived in same apartment for 3 years right down street from grocery store yet never cooked anything besides pasta

always have been and always will be a loser. altho here i always wash dishes right after using them and my father gets upset at me washing dishes by hand and not using the dishwasher

>> No.15024075

>Glad I lived on my own in an apartment without a dishwasher. Once I did get one my mind was fucking blown and I never have any dirty dishes ever.
Never had a dishwasher but everyone i know has one.

And I'm the only one who likes cooking.
Fuck not having one. Might as well not have a washing machine. Nothing kurbs my interest to make new and healthy foods more than realziing I need to wash those 10 pans, 20 fucking pots, 800 cutting boards that don't fit in my sink and I have no where to dry and 20000 knives and bunch of strainers, whisks and mesh huinjaas that are fucking nightmare to wash

>> No.15024080

>nowhere to dry
use a towel

>> No.15024084

They don't know how to multi-task. Clean as you go.

>> No.15024089

didn't know america was so third world you don't even have clean drinking water.

>> No.15024092

Literally coomer

>> No.15024094

>gets completely wet after first dish
>its already wet from me drying my hands while cooking
>leaves strands everywhere
dishwasher is still objectively not caveman tier masochistic shit like not having one is.

>> No.15024103
File: 278 KB, 1037x767, 3ab8590dfa7b00ce2b460482d609d548-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its either fluoride in tap or plastic in your bottled water. And both have dissolved pharmaceuticals and birth control. Its all shit for you, unless you buy the meme water filters

>> No.15024113

>-Work retail
>-Live without a dishwasher
>-Live without parents for three years without mummy and daddy money.
I did all of these and my life is still a fucking mess.

>> No.15024118
File: 5 KB, 260x194, 75241083_2623274627716527_4248119725470515200_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't you move out of your literal africa tier shithole?
>can't go out on streets cause you get murdered by roaming gangs or liberals claiming said gangs aren't illegal or amoral but living a regular life and working normally is
>can't go to school cause you get murdered by school shooters
>can't go to skyscraper you get hit by a plane
>can't play with debit card gotta carry around paper money like it's 1895
>can't go to forest cause it's burned down
>can't drive on the road cause everyone gets given driving liscences at 16 with 0 training
>can't drink water cause it will poison you and turn your frogs gay
>can't go to doctor cause you spend rest of your life in debt
>can't work cause you get fired for no reason at any time
>can't use a measuring ruler cause the units make no sense

>> No.15024119

What is a water filter?

>> No.15024128

I literally don't know cause my tapwater comes out of my tap tasting exactly like bottled water.
t. euro

>> No.15024147

I'm from germany. While our goverment memes "muh best drinking water" it's still full of unfiltered medication, especially hormornal active ones, pesticides and heavy metals. They just adjust the legal levels or simply don't test for certain stuff.

I ought a Carbonit top counter filter for 120€ and you can directly taste a massive difference. Bottled water is cancer and just as bad if not even worse, if not from glass bottles and no one uses glass bottles anymore because people are too weak.

What do you think happens to the pissed out contraceptive pills which the majority of western european women consume daily? They get flushed down and end up unfiltered in your drinking and cooking water. Especially in cities.

>> No.15024152

>What do you think happens to the pissed out contraceptive pills which the majority of western european women consume daily? They get flushed down and end up unfiltered in your drinking and cooking water. Especially in cities
youre telling me im drinking womens piss in my tap water? damn i gotta start drinking more water

>> No.15024315

This nigga knows

>> No.15024458

Nom pasta

>> No.15024488

I tidy the kitchen before I cook. I prep everything before I even light the element. I clean up as I go. When my meal is ready the only dishes are a pan, a pot or 2 and some utensils. Then I rinse everything in with hot water and a brush and stack it in an organised fashion.

>> No.15024507

>Staying at friends house
>They're all lazy
>Leave dishes piled in sink to the point you can't pour a glass of water from the tap
>They don't have a dishwasher
>I go into the kitchen and rinse every single item that's in the sink and stack them all neatly next to the sink
>Sink is now usable, dishes are stacked ready to be washed, bench still has plenty of room
>Go back to kitchen with mug
>Sink is full of dishes again
At least whoever washed them would have had an easier time since they were rinsed well.

>> No.15024556

why the fuck do people need to work retail? retail is for literal retards. food service is also shit. waiters don't deserve tips. back of the house deserves tips if anything

>> No.15024570

I live with 2 roommates who have 3 cats. I cleaned all of my kitchen towels and had them in a pile on the floor of my pantry and one of the cats decided it was a nice place to take a piss. I hate this fucking shit. I fucking hate cats. One roommate simply scrapes messes off the floor with a paper towel and calls it a day and they own a handheld carpet cleaner they will use in their own bedroom but nowhere else in the house and definitely no effort put into messes on the wooden floor. If I wasn't living with them to yell at them to clean things up constantly there would just be cat messes hidden in every corner of every room. As it is now there still are fucking brown spots all over and I have to clean the carpets myself or it never gets done. The only saving grace is the cats stay the fuck off the kitchen counters.

>> No.15024576

it's true though. I've lived around cats my whole life and my family knows a lot about cats and still even we had a few we had to pawn off as barn cats or whatever. a lot of cats are complete garbage and only some of them come out somewhat decent. most of them will not listen to you especially in times when you are not watching. I can't have house plants at all due to cats and I wish I could grow some spices and take them indoors in the winter

>> No.15024583

so you eat cold food all the time? shit my pots are often a little too hot to handle after I'm done eating even. I'll put my dishes on the floor so the dog can give it a prewash and I'll clean the pots after dinner. the only thing I might be able to get away with is a pot I used to boil pasta, but still you barely have to clean that, and pasta changes so much in just a little bit of time

>> No.15024591

5 out of the last 6 times the wash has been I did all of it. over half of the dishes belong to roommates. they don't even help unload the dishes. one roommate played stupid and said they "didn't know where anything went" when it's going on year three in this house with everything set up. fucking learn. it makes me angry they play stupid. I wouldn't be mad if a few things were misplaced, it's a learning process I guess. just leave shit on the counter if you don't know jesus fuck. due to this the wash is often full and then the sink area gets other people's fucking dirty shit then when I want to cook I not only have to unload everyone's fucking dishes but I have to do another load before I can even begin dinner. I get it all back to perfect by the end of the night and it's fucked again in 3 days. it really grates on me living with fucking children

>> No.15024592

Psh that's easy shit anon, most people do no-fap for a whole 10~ years before they turn 25!

>> No.15024596

fuck me, the worst is that when I do this I can't even clean as I cook unless I want to do it all in the sink. I have to wait like 90 fucking minutes plus extra for it to fully dry before I can put even a single thing in it. say goodbye to having a clean kitchen and empty washer again until practically midnight.

>> No.15024649

not him but you can totally train cats.
our cats have always been trained to never jump on furniture or to walk into carpeted rooms.
little cunts know they'll be skinned alive if they do.

cant stand cat owners who let them just jump up on top of the fridge or sofa n shit like they own the place.

>> No.15024652

>his shitty country is so polluted that he cant just catch pure clean drinking water from the fucking sky
>his country is such a nanny state that police will arrest him for catching rainwater
the absolute state of Americans.

>> No.15024663

Same, if I just have a plate and some silverware I don't like getting the water up to temperature and soaping up a sponge just for that. Lately what I've been doing is leaving my dishes in the sink after dinner and then doing them in the morning before breakfast. I also try to have my breakfast dishes/utensils cleaned before dinner because there's some specific things I use every morning and it's nice to have them ready to go (this also gives them time to dry on the rack so I can put them away).
I'm fine with doing dishes but after prepping and eating dinner I'm usually tired and don't want to do any cleaning.

>> No.15024822

for me, it was working a full job and a part time job, being depressed and drinking too much

>> No.15025854

>I cleaned all of my kitchen towels and had them in a pile on the floor of my pantry
Why would you put them on the floor? 0.o

>> No.15025926

I wouldn't say that it's cold, it's still plenty warm but if I'm eating something that's straight out of the oven or straight off the stovetop I'm just like blowing on it for 5 minutes anyways

>> No.15025942

We always have a couple of cases of water just in case the water gets shut off for whatever reason. We do have a water filter as well.

>> No.15025975
File: 203 KB, 311x281, don't move.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe doing the dishes could cause all the spices to fall

>> No.15025984

My parents house is something like that and those spices on the first layer all the way in the back probably expired in 1998

>> No.15026071

>Work retail
>-Live without a dishwasher
>-Live without parents for three years without mummy and daddy money.

This has nothing to do with discipline for washing dishes. I recommend 10 cane strokes on naked back if you leave dirty dish in sink with exception for things that need to soak.

>> No.15026088

1) some of the messiest people I know work retail
2) wont fix the “I’ll just leave this in the sink for days and do dishes once a week” mentality
3) not living with parents inspires people to be messier sometimes
Not saying some people who fit your criteria would be cleaner I guess I’m just saying there are exceptions to every rule

>> No.15026150

Can't unsee

>> No.15026157

i have mine trained to sit, stay, come, heel, responds to its name on command and it knows its not allowed in the master bedroom. Cats are intelligent but they have to respect or fear you I find.

>> No.15026244

What's the sauce of this picture?

>> No.15026265

>Dog people have rules for dogs, cat people have rules for the people around the cat because 90% of them are shit owners.

You. I like you.

>> No.15026823

I have a galley kitchen and it's tiny with few cabinets. my "pantry" is actually an office or carpeted dining room or whatever the fuck connected to my kitchen that I just filled with wire shelving and stuff. I have a nice wooden file cabinet I keep a bunch of stuff in. I wish I could find matching wooden stuff and make it look like an office but it's really all of my kitchen stuff. this house sucks. it was on the floor in a basket and the cat decided to use it as a piss spot. roommate got home and immediately changed the litter pans upstairs and downstairs after learning about the mess. like what the fuck how difficult is it to scoop that shit. I didn't look at the litter pans but I imagine they were bad enough the cat wouldn't use them. fuck

>> No.15026834

they're next to a window like what the fuck even if they're only a few months old they're already fucked

>> No.15026871

People like you are 25-30 years old, are still extremely broke, voted for Biden and think “if other people just experienced life the way I have, they’d have the same opinions as me obviously!”
The truth is, you’re cringe, you’re a loser, nobody cares about you, you’ll die alone, and the world isn’t gonna change because “everyone has to have a menial job and live in poverty for a few years, it’s just a life lesson so it makes sense that EVERYONE experiences the SAME THING like a fucking commune we will all just work together and be a big fucking happy family o

I think an experience you need to try is suicide, fag

>> No.15026886
File: 63 KB, 700x439, 04 meeting himba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't even know what the conversation is, but this fucking post

>> No.15026906

>people still think Africans are equals
Those tits tell me all I need to know

>> No.15026915

Sorry to hear that

It does sound like an enticing place to piss though. Imagine your whole life is spent in shit strewn litter boxes, a nice basket of freshly cleaned towels sounds amazing

>> No.15026955 [DELETED] 

luckily I just bought a 24 pack each of flour sack cloths and kitchen towels and I was planning on ditching disposable anything. I have three baskets now for clean and dirty, that basket was filled with all of my decorative ones though... I'm angry about it. my roommate said it's fine he will just buy new ones for me since he works in domestics at his store but I don't want shit they sell at target

>> No.15026957

that black fella getting blown the fuck out by them supreme honkers

>> No.15026963

luckily I just bought a 24 pack each of flour sack cloths and kitchen towels and I was planning on ditching disposable anything. I have three small baskets now for clean and dirty, that basket was filled with all of my old ones with designs though... I'm angry about it. my roommate said it's fine he will just buy new ones for me since he works in domestics at his store but I don't want shit they sell at target. I washed them a few times and there is still yellow stains. I have a big box of washing soda, maybe I could just overdo it with that. I don't know, they're already ruined. at least my new ones are white and I can bleach them or at least separate them as they get stained

>> No.15026969

Did you try cleaning them? If you cleaned them and it still smells heavily of cat piss, the cat probably marked your basket rather than just simply peeing in it. Marking is when they use scent-gland infused piss to make something smell like shit forever (for territorial purposes). If it’s done it once, it’ll usually do it more, and typically cat piss doesn’t smell so poignantly strong that it won’t wash out.

>> No.15026974


Also just look up how to clean urine bro I’m sure google has a billion answers

>> No.15026981

yeah it probably was marked or something. it's not all over just specific places and dark stains that don't come out. it has been years since anything like cloth or clothing was used as a litter box. they're kitchen towels, I'll just get $20 out of my roommate I guess. I don't like the idea of using them

>> No.15026991

Like I said bro you can probably clean it if you look stuff up online. Sometimes the solution is as simple as scrubbing some dish soap into it with some salt and really scrubbing the fuck out of it for a few minutes (that’s what you do for grease, anyways).

>> No.15027002

yeah it's going to be a laundry related thing like a tide pen or whatever

>> No.15027023

So why is illegal to put fluoride in water in Isreal?

>> No.15027032

Game cube....is that wind waker?

>> No.15027034

I wouldn't have friends whose living spaces looked like this.

>> No.15027039

>Might as well not have a washing machine
Did that once. Never again.

>> No.15027050

Nah, you can easily learn the wageslave lesson young. I did retail from 16-22, then started making 70k right out the gate when I graduated college. Still polite to service staff.

>> No.15027177

Wow, you’re in the lower-middle class! I can’t believe you’re such an altruistic worldly person that you’re still nice to other poor people! You must be so morally superior to everyone else!

Unlike you, my parents raised me to have manners, so I was nice to wait staff before I got my first job at 18 (and yes, I had a life as a teenager, so I went places). Also, my first retail job was at 20, and I was definitely not just rude and shitty to people before that.
The thing you’re looking for is “human decency” and people who don’t have it should be hung. It’s something imbued in people by their parents, so if their parents don’t have it, the kids never will.

>> No.15027192

>you’re in the lower-middle class
Not in my state, kek. And again, that was at age 22.

>> No.15027264

It’s still 100% not special to be courteous to people and it’s still 100% true that it doesn’t matter how much money you have or what jobs you worked as an adolescent, human decency is imbued by parental figures and a lack of human decency is a sign your family is cursed and in a cycle of abuse.

>> No.15027304

>human decency is imbued by parental figures and a lack of human decency is a sign your family is cursed and in a cycle of abuse
Yes, parents teaching kiddos to treat others the way they want to be treated is important, but you've got plenty of single moms out there not doing that. It's still a good life lesson for kids that missed out.
Hell, my parents paid for my college outright, and still made me get a menial job as a condition of it after I turned 18, and as a condition of them buying me a car when I turned 16.

>> No.15027434

Lived with some guys in college 2 years ago and it was an absolute shithole. We'd use all the plates and cutlery and just let it accumulate throughout the week and maybe do a big cleanup on a Friday or Saturday that took like 2 hours. Half eaten takeaways and beer just left everywhere. Everyone was too lazy to empty the rubbish too so we'd just tie knots in the bags and leave them in the hallway until there was like 10 or until the smell got too bad.

I'm glad to have lived in the "frat bro shithole partyhouse" that it was but I wouldn't like to go back to that way of living

>> No.15027480

The most common mistake people make is not washing simultaneously while they bake or prepare a meal. Also; nice dubs ;)

>> No.15027496

some like british university blog

>> No.15027508

Yes goy even though fluoride is proven to drop IQ it’s totally fine and you’re a woo woo man for wanting to avoid it
Thank you expert healthcare hero scientists

>> No.15028281
File: 334 KB, 647x1009, 1604890923313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I voted for Trump and I feel the same way. I think high schoolers, to prepare them for society, should get a choice to
>work retail
>work on a farm
Also we should make male military service compulsory a la South Korea and make home ec mandatory as well, complete with the plastic baby that records how you shake it
You're just a projecting fag scared of having to experience the world outside of his sheltered bubble

>> No.15028570

You guys make me feel bad for dumping a 30y/o I was seeing with the same type of breasts. When she removed her bra, her titten didnt even move or sag downwards. They were the same size too. Dont think Ill ever see such a thing again unfortunately. It was miraclulous

>> No.15029585
File: 265 KB, 960x960, 1602799483407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those faggots who don't rinse their dishes before leaving them in
It's like you want a insect infestation.

>> No.15029587

t. has never owned a cat. you probably kick them around too, fucking faggot

>> No.15029598

There is nothing you can do about flouride poisoning. Everything else you eat uses that same water.

>> No.15029599
File: 106 KB, 457x361, 1601079973536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cannot fathom how people live like this. i lived alone and paid my bills paycheck by paycheck. i worked two jobs and barely had any free time but i always managed to clean my house/dishes before sleeping. there is no excuse to not clean up your shit. these fucks are absolute animals and deserve nothing good

>> No.15029609

It doesn't matter if the employee is not directly responsible for the problems the people above them cause, they have taken responsibility for them by working there. In a lot of cases it's the entire reason they are there in the first place. People are too pussy to take it out on the guy just following orders; so assholes take advantage and continue doing what they do.

>> No.15029619

maybe if you skipped being such an ocd retard about dishes you'd have some money and free time.

>> No.15029621

clean your room schizo

>> No.15029627

Post your room. Do it now. Don't forget a timestamp. If you make a late reply we will just know you pushed the trash behind the camera. Don't even bother, I know what your room looks like. I had several ex-friends become meth head retards with rooms just like yours: littered with cat shit, pizza boxes, beer cans, soda liters, fast food wrappers, fast food bags, dog shit, dog piss, cat piss. You name it, it's probably in your room. Disgusting faggot. I'm gonna jerk off to porn now and have a good sleep, fuck yourself faggot druggie.

>> No.15029635

Bro I just bought paper plates and plastic forks back when I lived the bachelor life lmao pussy

>> No.15029638

clean your room

>> No.15029753

I only do the dishes when I have nothing left to use in the kitchen.

>> No.15029756

>the boxers knuckle was worth it
Kill yourself

>> No.15029763

Is this guy serious?

>> No.15029765


>> No.15029767

So much text to make no point.

>> No.15029815

Too busy cooming bro