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15020310 No.15020310 [Reply] [Original]

My sauce keeps turning out bitter and acidity . How to fix it.

>> No.15020323

Put in some sugar to counteract the bitterness of the tomatoes

>> No.15020331

Get better tomatoes.
Added sugar in tomato sauce is fucking disgusting

>> No.15020335

Like you can tell

>> No.15020336

Acid+sperm= taste

>> No.15020338

start with a mirepox or use more carrot if you already are
quality tomatoes with skin removed

>> No.15020342

Yeah, I have functioning taste buds

>> No.15020346

Set up a blind taste test with friends and start being honest with yourself

>> No.15020373

Ummm, I think it's crossing the line between pizza sauce and Bolognese sauce

>> No.15020378

Use better tomatoes

>> No.15020385

Cook your tomatoes for longer

>> No.15020391

use DOP san marzano canned tomatoes (pastene for example)
sautee garlic, onion, carrot, celery in olive oil for a bit, then add tomatoes, let it cook down, etc.
season to taste after the sauce has reduced a bit - don't randomly put in seasoning in the beginning lest you overseason.

things that can improve flavor: add an anchovy to the veg mix while it is sauteeing.

add basil, oregano, pepper, salt, cream/butter.
add a tiny tiny pinch of baking soda if the sauce is too bitter.

>> No.15020393

I'm using canned tomatoes.
No way the big chains who got better sauce than mine using fresh or grade a tomatoes

>> No.15020402

Some canned tomatoes are much better than others

>> No.15020433

considering that the op used the generic term sauce, i feel like the nuances are irrelevant

>> No.15020436

any "big chain" sauces have sugar in them to compensate for the crappy tomatoes

>> No.15020484

Buy tomatoes from Italy around early December... the last harvests are in August, and they are the last to be canned as well. DOP San Marzanos are best.
If you're looking for good quality that isn't very specific of niche, look for Mutti brand.

If you're really looking for a sweeter flavor, look for a good quality canned cherry tomato.

Way you can turn shit tomatoes sweet, add sugar obviously, reduce red wine, or use a fortified like port, start the sauce with a carrot heavy mirepoix, and just use an emulsion blender, add herbs like tarragon.

Just experiment, but the quality of tomatoes is the key factor.

>> No.15020499

that’s how its supposed to be dumdum

>> No.15020516

>My sauce keeps turning out bitter and acidity . How to fix it.
Use a food mill to make sure seeds are gone, and peels are gone. They add bitterness. There's a way to manually do this too. X the peel. Slip into boiling water. Poach a moment, Slip off peels with a knife. Slice in half. Use your fingers to scoop out the seeds into a bowl. Strainer to remove seeds from liquid. Keep liquid, pitch the seeds. Reduce sauce. Think about a lecrueset or something else not metallic on contact with the acidic sauce. If it's bitter beyond what a single tsp of honey or a single sauteed minced carrot fixes? Your tomatoes are just shitty unripe.

>> No.15020754
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get better tomatoes

>> No.15020773

first season it. tomato loves salt
never been a problem but skin maybe but who adds skin to pasta sauce?

>> No.15021150

Like several other people have said, use the best tomatoes you can afford. I don't like adding mirepoix to my tomato sauce usually, so instead, I do this; when simmering the sauce, add a whole, peeled carrot or two, along with any basil stems I have hanging around. Remove aromatics before serving.

You also might be cooking it down too long. If you want some brighter tomato flavor in there, reserve 20% of your crushed tomatoes and add them in at the end of cooking.

>> No.15021297

Bad canned tomatoes, burnt garlic, too much oregano or vinegar or wive, these can cause excessive bitterness and acidity. For very acidic sauce you could add some sugar or even a little baking soda. If it's also bitter, eeeeeh you did something wrong. Or your tomatoes are very bad.

>> No.15021324

Use a pinch of sugar to balance any bitterness in your tomato sauce.

>> No.15021330

Here is how I make tomato sauces that are not too astringent
>caramelize onions until about 3/4 caramelized (very soft and dessicated, brown throughout but no burnt parts anywhere)
>add any peppers (if using any)
>add sliced up tomatillos (if using any)
>add any mushrooms (if using any)
>add shredded carrots (must shred)
>add finely chopped garlic
>add any herbal seasonings (oregano, rosemary, thyme, etc)
>cook for about 15 minutes
Here’s where it’s more up to you
>deglaze with something (red wine vinegar or red wine is a good choice, you may also use lemon/lime juice but fresh squeeze is a must)
>fully scrape the pan for maximum flavonoids
>add any fresh tomatoes, cut however the fuck you feel like
>add tomato PURÉE (not any other form of tomato is acceptable except for paste, but you must add water if you use tomato paste)
Basically just add the tomato sauce until it looks like it’s the right consistency for you. You MUST cook everything together with the tomato part added for at least like 5-10 minutes to ensure proper flavor mixing, as well as this is the part where you add things like salt, pepper, paprika, and whatever the fuck else you might wanna use. Generally for seasoning I’d put it all in before the tomato part, so the heat can really rev up those flavors before you add all the tomato shit.

>> No.15021350

Better tomatoes, i recommend San Marzano. Also cook it on low for at least 1 hour. I honestly cheat it a bit and add honey or some form of sugsr if im pressed on time.

>> No.15021551

Below is my recipe for pasta sauce. One possibility I haven't really seen mentioned is that you're just burning it. What heat level do you use?

1 lb meat (I prefer 80/20 ground beef)
1 red onion
1 bell pepper
1 carrot
1 stalk celery
28oz stewed tomatoes
6oz tomato paste
1 can mushrooms
Garlic, basil, parsley, and black pepper to taste

>> No.15021918

better tomatoes and proper preparation will result in a sauce that is not bitter, but if you're a lazy fuck you can add a bit of molasses for a quick sauce saver.
don't rely on this trick. it's not meant to make your sauce good, it's meant to make your sauce not shit. your best bet is to just spend a little more to buy better tomatoes and try a little harder to prepare them properly. if you can't do this, i reccomend making an absurdly large batch of shitty sauce and drowning yourself in it

>> No.15021924

Cook your tomatoes for longer

>> No.15022211

wesson canola oil

>> No.15022483

.put onions into a pan with some olive oil
. cook them until they're brown with prefferably low fire, take your time, the more you brown the onions the sweeter your sauce will taste
once they're wll you throw in some red pepper, then cook that too, once that's done ad a single garlic clove that has been cut very tiny and cook it, careful to not burn the garlic

Once that's done, just pour in the tomato sauce and the more time you spend with the sauce mixing with the onions, pepper and garlic the better it'll taste

>> No.15022529

Render some fat back and get a good bit of pork juice in it.

>> No.15022652

what do you even do with tomato sauce? like say i were to make a batch for a week would i have to just eat tomato+pasta+meat every day? or put this shit on a homemade pizza?

>> No.15022764

Sprinkle in a very small pinch of baking soda and stir thoroughly if it gets too acidic.

>> No.15022822

based san marzano lobbyist

>> No.15024101

Use garlic to fix the acidity, but if your sauce tastes bitter, you probably burned it

>> No.15024225


>> No.15024971

Pureed carrot is the cheat code to making your sauce sweeter and less acidic. Larpers will tell you that it's a hack but I know multiple real Italian nonnas who do it.

>> No.15024991

>Tomato paste

>> No.15025057

A pinch of Baking soda will balance out the pH and make it less acidic without changing the flavor

>> No.15025759


>> No.15026118

this. tomatoes should be acidic, not bitter. cook them longer to caramelize the natural sugars, add onions and (or) carrots, and dont use the cheapest shit.

>> No.15026138

Ok chud

>> No.15028085
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Just use this recipe

>> No.15028156

The best solution along with 3/4th a stick of butter and you're golden

>> No.15028244

Adding sugar is the bitch way.
A true kitchenChad secretly grates a carrot in there instead.

>> No.15028258

cook long time with onion, remove onion later

>> No.15028275

Don't use the seeds.

>> No.15028282

I always dice my tomatoes finely and fry them in some oil with garlic while continuously smashing them with the spatula, sometimes with a few spoons of canned tomato paste, too lazy to use a blender. I do this in a wok though, so I don't know how efficient it would be in a stock pot or skillet.

>> No.15028491
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>5 tbs butter

>> No.15029578

desu it's for 16-24 oz of pasta

>> No.15029688

Follow these advices, they should help you:
> Get better tomatoes
> Cook them medium heat for enough
> Always make soffritto
> Basil leaves when cooking and fresh after finish the sauce
> A touch of evoo on finished dish

in cases these are not enough, you can adjust the acidity with carrots or in extreme cases, a pinch of sugar

>> No.15029840

came here to post this

>> No.15029964

salt, vinegar, sugar, butter/olive oil, pepper

>> No.15030091

This is the real answer OP. I had the exact same problem as you because I wasn't cooking them long enough. I let sauce simmer for about an hour now and it's delicious.

And fuck anons telling you to add sugar. Miss me with that diabetes shit. wtf is wrong with you guys.

>> No.15030119

I stopped reading at "tomatillos". We ain't making no goddamn salsa, you fucking beaner.

>> No.15030193

Sugar is in all the canned red sauce im sure of it. Use fresh tomatoes blanched to remove skin. Then simmer with whatever seasoning you prefer. Basil is nice for Italian. Use a imulsion blender to break down larger chunks of tomatoes. You can blend it till you like the consistency. Add garlic as well.salt will help with bitterness to. Roma tomatoes make good red sauce. Slicing tomatoes or beef eaters aren't good for sauce.

>> No.15030492

lazy mode: add honey. disregard the retards, a half tablespoon rounds up the flavours, just dont overdo it
also you can use onions to sweeten, just caramellise them for a bit more than you usually do. make sure they dont burn, if they start to burn before they are done deglaze with some water or whit wine. adding a tablespoon of tomato paste to the onions a the end also helps a lot, fry it for a minute and then add your canned or roasted tomatoes or whatever you use.