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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15018167 No.15018167 [Reply] [Original]

france anons how will you cope?

>> No.15018186

Do not obey unconstitutional laws. A constitution is a higher authority than the corrupt politicians and their corrupt police henchmen.

>> No.15018191

Probably by being less sick, although this is expecting a lot of the gigantic nigger population. This will only serve to make nighttime completely unsafe for anybody.

>> No.15018199

how does takeout food spread more covid-19 at night than in the day?

>> No.15018200

>at night
What sense does that shit make?

>> No.15018205

Because any reduction in contact reduces spread of any disease you fuckin mong

>> No.15018206
File: 98 KB, 1024x683, 09252020_Frangipane_COVID_Spikes_Presser180-1536x1024-1-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like good governance
can we trade de bozo for hidalgo?

>> No.15018209

Retard Republican detected.

>> No.15018224

>cut off food for half of the day
>now in the 12 hour window where you can get food MORE people congregate

your mind is slippin, joe

>> No.15018244

>cut off drunk parisians from stumbling around looking for roach kebabs at 2am
>reduce infection because drunk parisians are no longer congregating
Gee what a hard concept you thick skulled retard

>> No.15018251

As a night shift wagie this seems to specifically target drunk/stoned black people, wonder if anyone will actually care

>> No.15018257

probably higher usage rate

>> No.15018274

Probably trying to discourage house parties.

>> No.15018283

tfw no french gf

>> No.15018285

man get a load of this, baggeut of a man

>> No.15018290

Why are governments so worried about containing the spread of a virus with a sub-1% mortality rate?

It's killing so few people that the population is literally continuing to rise even during a "pandemic." Like, who gives a fuck?

>> No.15018300

Everybody who has gotten it that has scarred lung tissue you stupid ass.

>> No.15018308

The majority of the infected never even experience symptoms, you mong. The people with lingering respiratory distress are a vanishingly small minority.

>> No.15018322

Dont you have a polling place to harass? Its an incredibly infectious disease. Do you also run around town while youre sick as shit with the flu sneezing on everyone?

>> No.15018345

Because it's not good on the infrastructure to have the entire fuckin population crowding the hospitals especially if they're severely symptomatic, it has almost next to nothing to do with the death rate.

>> No.15018396

There is no basis for anti-covid measures aimed to limit and contain intoxicated people.

>> No.15018409

Muslim gf? idk about that 1 chief cuz her family mite try 2 kill u both

>> No.15018411

Shut the fuck up and stay home i want shit to open back up. There wouldnt be worldwide shutdowns if there wasnt a good reason you dumb faggot

>> No.15018556

>at night

>> No.15018653
File: 86 KB, 555x631, 6896B8F3-D422-48F6-9185-AD4FB93CDC18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shut the fuck up and stay home i want shit to open back up. There wouldnt be worldwide shutdowns if there wasnt a good reason you dumb faggot

>> No.15018934

okay, francine