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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15016333 No.15016333 [Reply] [Original]

>everyone is always super impressed by my cooking, and praises me like I'm some kind of genius
>I just follow recipes online and like to try new things
this is the worst feeling ever
people keep telling me to "seriously make a youtube channel already" and to "open a restaurant or something" and I feel like I don't deserve any of this and this is all just a big joke, and one day they'll realize it's not even hard to cook nice things and I'm just a failure

>> No.15016336

Yourube channels are a waste of time OP. Just accept their compliments but don't take them seriously.

>> No.15016339

people need to realize that cooking isnt exactly hard. it just takes a lot of time and dedication

>> No.15016354

They're just being polite, moron. They want "momma's little man" to feel special and move out is all.

>> No.15016357

People tell me I should become a comedian because I often reference events in our personal histories to humorous effect. Obviously that kind of joke wouldn't really work on stage. Some compliments are intended to be hyperbole.

>> No.15016364

People tell me I should become president but I don't even have a diploma

>> No.15016386

Idk if people just like to pretend you’re really good at stuff to make you feel better, or people are just stupid, but it seems to me that when something you’re good at directly affects them (being good at making food, being funny, being fun to be around, etc) will get you more compliments and higher compliments than when you do things that are good for you and only good for them indirectly (defeating your addictions, succeeding in university, getting a new job, etc). Typically the latter accomplishments are far better and deserving of praise than the former, but people are selfish and can’t consider being nice to someone else unless that person has directly benefitted them in the last 5 seconds in the form of a dopamine rush.

>> No.15016393

I've been told the same and, even though I rarely follow a recipe, I don't think there's anything special about my cooking.

>> No.15016397

I can type fast and use the internet so my parent who can't think I should get a job "in computers", I have pretty basic drawing abilities so people say I should "become a cartoonist", when people can't do basic things or simply don't apply themselves to these things they don't have the perception of what it takes to truly be impressive at it

>> No.15016402

Tbh I think if you can cook without recipes you’re already better at cooking than 80% of the population, and the reality is that the only reason people “ascend” in the cooking business is because of rich parents, luck, or connections - and usually it’s a mix.

>> No.15016404

OP you already have some level of skill in the kitchen if you can follow recipes, most people these days are too fucking retarded and just order skip the dishes or something. Its how I started cooking so really you're half way there.
The next step is trying new things and memorizing flavour combinations. I would try a dish that is relatively simple and that you are familiar with it, try creating it without a recipe and add something new to it. If it turns out like shit thats fine, try again. I fucked up a lot of dishes. If it turns out great then build on that.
In my humble opinion not fucking up food preparation is half of it, the other half is attuning your taste to be able to modify the dish when are are preparing it.

>> No.15016410

Nah dude I think it runs deeper than that, because realistically I’ve been complimented by my parents over the stupidest shit (as I’m sure many of us have) but when I’m actually making decent progress in university (not to mention I’m the first kid to even go) I basically get treated like a worthless sack of shit who sits on my ass all day.

>> No.15016415

Fucking up and experimenting is truly the way to learning about most foods. Following recipes strictly can only help you create food that’s edible while you’re still too green to fry an egg properly.

>> No.15016428

>Fucking up and experimenting is truly the way to learning about most foods.
Definitely. I don't even use a recipe 90% of the time and I get mostly positive feedback.
Only time I really do now is when I'm trying something I'm unfamiliar with.

>> No.15016497

This. Everyone tells me to open a bakery when I only started baking in the past couple of years. All I do is find a decent looking recipe that uses weight measurements, make a small test batch, tweak if needed and repeat, make final batch at least a day ahead of time, and take my time to ensure nice presentation. Same with my cooking though I've been cooking longer. It doesn't take anywhere near the genius that people think, but so many people really suck at making anything and never put in any effort or creativity. A lot of people are terrible at imitating/recreating a dish that would be considered good in a restaurant and serve slop-o-shit. So even if it tastes decent, it looks like diarrhea and probably lacks proper caramelization in several layers of the dish. The "dump" meal is very popular in flyover America, and all anyone knows is to dump a bunch of shit it a casserole dish, pot, pan, or crock pot all at once. There are a few more steps needed to make food great.

>> No.15016518

It's a little bit of both. People want to tell you how good you are at something especially compared with themselves, which also makes them feel better for being stupid and shitty. Oh you can make a loaf of bread? WOW you should work at a bakery!! You're like a professional! I could never make my own bread at home, because only a professional baker could make that. Now I have an excuse to stay shitty!

>> No.15016532

i bake cakes from a packet and put the photos on ig and ppl ask me for the recipe

>> No.15016548

You still pulled off the recipes well, that's worthy of praise. Some people can't even boil an egg correctly

>> No.15016556

Kek, you’re right, I didn’t even think of it that way yet. There indeed must be a certain degree of self-preservation, or else why would your relatively amateur skills hold such value in their minds. To them, such a thing is impossible, but the reality is that it’s possible but just simply too much time and effort.

>> No.15016557
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>i bake cakes from a packet and put the photos on ig

>> No.15016559

Why you on ig tho?

>> No.15016565
File: 27 KB, 1092x1037, 9B6510E8-849B-4908-BE84-ED1531807B3B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please just stop existing

>> No.15016577

i need to validate my existence and getting (you)'s isnt enough

i will one day

>> No.15016584
File: 67 KB, 1200x1200, and_you_are_a_disappointment_to_your_father.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many followers do you have? How would you characterize your relationship with your parents? When's the last time someone genuinely told you that they love you?

>> No.15016589

100+, divorced, never

>> No.15016595

What is your greatest fear and how many cats do you own?

>> No.15016604

maybe one extra (you) will make it alright

>> No.15016605

achieving nothing, none

>> No.15016611

people think cooking is a lot harder than it is, its that simple

>> No.15016622

I see... I'm going to diagnose you as a chronic masturbator with narcissistic tendencies. My recommended course of treatment would be a daily dose of ketamine and bi-weekly therapy sessions involving roleplay scenarios with a surrogate mother.

>> No.15016632

Here's the next redpill for you: it's like that with everything. If you put in even a modest amount of effort and practice a skill relatively consistently you'll be dazzling normalfags in no time. Drawing, athletics, cooking, whatever. It's all the same.

>> No.15016642

>Daily ketamine and occasional mommy roleplay
Based, but I'm already doing that.

>> No.15016646
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that's what cooking is, anon. it's just learning how to follow instructions.

gordon ramsay's recepies are just a collection of basic recepies that he took all the best qualities from and merged into one. if you want to be inventive, do that! add your own spin, dont be afraid to add flavors. make it your own.

>> No.15016647

For me people get upset when I don't react like that. I just see how the thing they did could be achieved with some small effort and hope they found it satisfying, but I don't think they often find it satisfying because they seem to have a need to be lavished with praise.

>> No.15016934

>it's just learning how to follow instructions