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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15016104 No.15016104 [Reply] [Original]

67% of people are full of shit

>> No.15016111

White meat, no greazy dark meat, no tendons and ligs, what's not to love about breast?

>> No.15016116

If they are thinking about boneless skinless breast then yeah, that is fucking disgusting.
But if it is roasted bone in skin on attatched to the whole bird, it is amazing and juicy.

But seeing as this is Britain, they probably like the blandness and dryness of shoe leather like the rest of their food.

>> No.15016121

It tastes like bland

>> No.15016172

Thigh gang for life, no contest. Breast babies need not respond.

>> No.15016176

I too enjoy taking a bite out of a heaping pile of sand

>> No.15016177

No, you're just dogshit at cooking

>> No.15016183

how do i cook breast

>> No.15016189

People who hate chicken breast probably eat it with no seasoning and no sauce like fucking retards

>> No.15016191

Oh they definitely mean skinless, unseasoned, boiled chicken breast. Probably with ketchup.
t. bong.

>> No.15016205

If breast is the worst meat, why are all the most popular chicken sandwiches made with breast meat?

>> No.15016210

Poaching really gets the best results from chicken breast, moron.

>> No.15016224

i worked with a rail-thin jewish guy who had a fiance who could not cook for shit. one day he showed up to work with 2 boiled, unseasoned chicken breasts in a tupperware container. he microwaved them and ate them on a paper towel (we were out of paper plates) with ketchup, also on the paper towel. it was the most humiliating and disgusting lunch i've ever seen. he didn't see anything wrong with it.

>> No.15016226

unironically, i love chicken breast BECAUSE it has such a "bland" flavor since that allows me to season it however the fuck i want and the fact that it takes less time to brine than other parts of the chicken doesn't hurt either

>> No.15016227

When you grew up on gifilte fish, anythings acceptable? Oy vey

>> No.15016230

That's why you coat it in seasoning and gravy?
You really think people only consume breast straight out the oven, plain with nothing on it?

>> No.15016231

wait, that's the wing? I thought those were baby chicken legs? tiny drum sticks.

>> No.15016243

Season your food.

>> No.15016245

In your honest opinion, how many of those bongs do you think are cooking chicken breast well?

>> No.15016247

ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS brine it, but NEVER for too long (30 minutes, 1 hour is orobably too much). Brining it too long makes it kinda mushy. Bread it and fry it (I brine it in pickle juice if im breading it and frying it). If you wanna make tenders, use buttermilk instead of brine before breading and frying it. Slow cook it in BBQ sauce and shred/pull it. Pan-fry it with seasoning (make sure to brine bevause otherwise it can come out a bit dry if you overcook it; brining makes it juicier and gives a bit of extra headroom so in case you cook it a bit longer than you should). Hell, even if you DO make it unseasoned and just do some shit like boiling it, it will STILL be fine in a sandwich if you make a mustard-mayo sweet sauce.

>> No.15016250

Why else would brits like it so much

>> No.15016251

Jews and (((Anglos))) have essentially hybridized into a single subspecies by this point.

>> No.15016253

grilled chicken breast with olive oil salt and pepper is legit tasty on it's own and anything else is a bonus. How do people call this bland? seems weird

>> No.15016257

Most of them, probably too well.
But it doesn't matter much since like I said they cover every bite with gravy, veg and yorkies.

>> No.15016263

ITT: retards that can't cook a fucking chicken breast.

If you have to brine it to not fuck up, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.15016264

I use a mix of 1/2 cup pickle juice and 1/4 cup water for the brine, not just pure pickle juice*

>> No.15016269

Oh nah dude I can cook it fine even without brining, but im saying brining makes it easier for people who HAVEN'T cooked it before because it saves the chicken in the event they overcook it a bit (or if they fucked it up because it came out too dry, brining will make it at least a little bit better)

>> No.15016288

Why would cooking a breast well change the fact that the thighs are inherently superior?

>> No.15016395

They're pretty good if you only cook em to 150 instead of drying the shit out of them. I still go for thighs most of the time though.

>> No.15016534


Chicken breasts are the blank canvas of meat. You can season it with damn near anything and cook it damn near anyway you please and it'll come out at the very least okay if not great.

>> No.15016568

normie babies like breast

thigh is the patrician choice, leg and wing are meme

>> No.15016678

>t. bong.

>> No.15016683

I'm also confused by this
I thought that the wing was literally the wing part of the chicken

>> No.15016693

the little drumstick is still part of the wing. it's kind of like how your arm isn't just the bit below your elbow.

>> No.15016714

You could probably cook a thigh with LITERALLY no seasoning and it'd still be delicious

>> No.15016777

breast meat is good but dry. for fried chicken legs and thighs are best.

>> No.15016804

People who prefer thighs to breast are people who cook chicken by throwing it in pot of boiling oil.

>> No.15016808

Not my fault you have a shit palette.
Learn2cook retard

>> No.15016871

dry and bland, despite tasting like water it somehow manages to completely desiccate the mouth

>> No.15016889

So when you order chicken wings and get multiple different pieces, you assumed they were lying about all of them being wings?

>> No.15017231

>Britain's favorite piece of chicken is the flavorless GMO breast

>> No.15017239

If there was a chicken made of all thighs and legs I would only ever eat thighs and legs.

>> No.15017244

Britain literally took over 1/3rd of the world searching for spices.

>> No.15017286

And never used any of them

>> No.15017288

Even though thighs are more flavorful, they are also too greasy, so not a good cut for normal, everyday meals. Breast is more versatile.

>> No.15017290

imagine being a breast guy in the current year

>> No.15017408

It's just way easier to fuck up breasts and they become all dry. Thighs are easy mode cooking. To keep breasts moist pan fry in oil for 5 minutes on one side, then when you flip them add a pat of butter to the pan and put the lid on the pan and cook for another 5 minutes. They will definitely be moist on the inside after that unless you have the heat way too high. I also like to throw in a handful of sliced up scallions (the white part) with the butter but not sure if that actually affects the moisture levels.

Also make sure you season it well dumbass.

>> No.15017620

67% of people probably like the deep fried variants that chicken breasts offer

>> No.15017678
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>I cook breast for most dinners because it’s easy and good
How do people fuck it up?

>> No.15018515

The wing is the juiciest and most flavorful part of the chicken, why is it so low?

>> No.15018569

It's really small, and mostly bone.

>> No.15018589

Even coated in seasoning and gravy it sucks. I eat it for the gravy at that point. Thighs are superior. I've tried brining my chicken breast, baking, pan frying, slow cooking, it just has so much less flavor than the thigh it's disappointing

>> No.15018766
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>> No.15018791

lot of retards that can't cook in this thread. my favorite piece of chicken is the whole thing.

>> No.15018812

> we were out of paper plates
tf do you work, on a rail gang?

>> No.15018850
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Yes, my thigh loving brother. Thighs, bone in. You get meat, cartilage, and marrow. The holy trinity of flesh consumption

>> No.15018890

I see this all the time but it's always pure cope. the spices you *ngloids were looking for was shit like nutmeg and cinnamon. funny how italy manages to season their food when they couldn't even manage to colonize africa.
>but the war
>muh rationing
france literally had all their farmland blown up and filled with land mines and they still managed to keep their good food. fact is you northern europeans are born tastelets.

>> No.15018914

>whole thing
yeah....nice outing yourself as a retard.

>> No.15018941

If you're not frying it, brining AND pounding is necessary for not bland and dry whole chicken breast. I don't remember ever tasting chicken breast that was infused with any flavor otherwise.

>> No.15018964
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And 33% of people are faggots who like to suck off a bone.

>> No.15018967

When spices became abundant in british society, rich people hipstered out and decided food with less ingredients was more sophisticated

>> No.15019278

i don't understand how people can prefer wings
very little meat, mostly bone

>> No.15019561

I don't order chicken wings ever
I just get whole chickens

>> No.15019564


>> No.15019573

>only 67 percent

name literally one person who isn't full of shit

>> No.15019984

even when you cook a whole chicken the breast is always the chewiest and driest part

>> No.15020179

kekd and checkd

>> No.15020353


Chicken breast is superior because of its versatility, but by itself, the thigh is far superior.

>> No.15020360

>fact is you northern europeans are born tastelets.

This seems true. The further north you go, the more vile the cuisine gets. British food is just plain, northern Swedish and Finnish cuisine is vile. The cold must freeze off their taste buds.

>> No.15020409
File: 495 KB, 1920x1327, 1920px-Fried-Chicken-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you should mention that, I just ate some fried chicken. The breasts were juicy, and the buns were soft and warm. Afterwards, the division manager of Popeyes came up to my table and asked me how the meal was.I said I was satisfied, but the meal lacked a certain je ne sais quoi. He apologized profusely, and said he had something to show me that would make up for it.

He lead me to the back of the popeyes, to a room soaked from floor to ceiling in blood. In the center of it was a live horse, chained by all four legs to the structural supports of the warehouse like room. As I watched, employees of the popeyes cut large sections from the horse, which was whinneying and screaming in horror, the remaining sections of its body covered with festering sores and a froth of sweat.

The popeyes employees took the chunks of horseflesh and sliced them into pieces, then they rooted around through the bags of trash strewn around the room to find discarded chicken bones.

They quickly tenderized the meat with sledgehammers and fed it into a machine which formed the horsemeat around the bones, then they breaded and deepfried it.

I asked the division manager why he had led me back to this place, and he pointed at the steed's rump, the diseased asshole puckering rythmically with terror, squirting pus with each convulsion. "We're just about to use that section, would you like a crack at it first?"

I quickly unzipped my pants and wasted no time jamming my erect penis into the stallion's defenseless asshole. With each thrust, I donkey punched the horse in the back of the head, making it clench its ass even tighter. I came just as the horse died. I was delighted. Popeyes definitely went the extra mile to make me a satisfied customer.

>> No.15020568

It's a vessel for seasoning anon.

>> No.15020694

I would say 70s considering wings are literal garbage parts.

>What is the best part of a cow?
I personally love eating cow feet.

>> No.15020733

good taste

>> No.15021506

>Show a leg quarter

>> No.15021541

in theory i want to be a legchad but legs are a real roll of the dice, you never know if the inside's going to be ruined by way too much fat.

>> No.15021637

>buy chicken thigh
>Half of it is inedible connective tissue and lumps of fat

>> No.15021664

Drumstick is the best part, is tasty and it comes with a handle.

>> No.15021729
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lazy chicken: take chicken breast, bake for 35 minutes, serve with ketchup, mustard, and mayo

>> No.15022185

it has no taste.

>> No.15022742
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>tfw glanced at this without noticing it was already tallied and immediately thought "Brits are fucking backwards about this kind of shit, they probably prefer the breast."

>> No.15022768

fucking bongs man

>> No.15023124

literally doesnt happen

>> No.15023138

even lazier: stab a breast with a fork and boil it, top with malt vinegar. thats it.

>> No.15023189

all things are a vessel for seasoning

>> No.15023204

ITT: People who don't know how to properly cook and season chicken breast.

>> No.15023213

Properly seasoned and cooked thighs are still superior. The only thing that beats both is tendies.

>> No.15023364

Dark meat doesn't need seasoning.

>> No.15023387
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I'm a thigh and breast type of guy. As for chicken, I like the legs, makes me feel like caveman.

>> No.15023392

>donkey punch
This meme takes me back

>> No.15023408

Binging with Babish made a very good video that saved chicken breasts for me. How you cook it doesn't matter as much as making sure you get bone-in, skin-on breasts.
>You really think people only consume breast straight out the oven, plain with nothing on it?
If only you knew how bad things really were.

>> No.15023413

powder gangers, yeah

>> No.15023433

So true

>> No.15023542
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Conversely you could learn how to cook.

>> No.15023560

My man it's all good for different things. Breasts are inherently bad just because your prime experience is the extra crispy KFC meal.

>> No.15023592

I will say that breasts have one redeeming factor: If you pound them flat and thin, you can get a much higher ratio of browning to meat than with thighs and legs. Plus, butterflying a chicken breast, pan frying it, and then serving it with some jarred/bottled sauce and maybe some chopped veg is a meal so simple that you could make it while blind drunk. The same can't be said for dark meat, which requires at least a little bit of effort.

>> No.15023596

I actually like breast most because I don't enjoy the taste of chicken fat. Why does this make /ck/ seethe so bad?>>15016111

>> No.15023599

Tastelets don't like it because they can't appreciate delicate tastes. They're the same people that prefer butter concentrate on popcorn over some actual melted butter.

>> No.15025005

Depends on how you cook it. I made excellent chicken breast by roasting a whole chicken in the oven, stuffing its cavity with half a pound of butter and a bunch of onion quarters. The breast stayed very moist and it was extremely juicy.

>> No.15025015

Also the drier breast will soak up much more sauce. Win!

>> No.15025043

You can buy boneless thigh filets and do the same.

>> No.15025056

What's the difference between thigh and leg?
Anyway thigh>wing>breast
Wing could be higher but it just has no meat

>> No.15025211

I make a ton of chicken breast because it is very cheap and healthy. But the thigh is easily the best part of a chicken. Even perfectly cooked breast is garbage meat.

>> No.15025227

Chicken breasts are nice because it's a huge chunk of pure meat, but when it comes to taste the meat that's close to the bones is the best. Wings are a pain in the ass to eat but they taste great.

>> No.15025333

Jesus fucking Christ this isn’t rocket science you fags.

>take chicken breasts out to room temp
>olive oil
>rub all over
>salt and pepper
>whatever fucking rub you want to put into it
>transfer to tray, drizzle with a tiny bit more oil
>heat oven to 200c/gas 6
>cook for 27 minutes, exactly 27, do not fuck this up
>take out
>juicy, moist, flavourful chicken breast every time

You’re welcome.

>> No.15025359

>chicken with a little bit of natural fat be too spicy

>> No.15025632

Brown hands wrote this. Lmao

>> No.15025652

Do you guys also add sauce to your steak?

>> No.15025828

Sure, but they don't respond as well to fast, high heat, thighs and legs are only good if you cook them for awhile, but if you have the time, they're obviously better.

>> No.15027548

> implying seasoning is for uneducated tastlets
Shiggying all my diggys right here

>> No.15027558
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A little s&p on a nicely boiled breast is all you need

>> No.15027563


> he didn't see anything wrong with it.

of course not. you know how many shekels he saved with that lunch?

>> No.15027861

Obsessed. There are white people who aren't tastelet faggots like you anon. That is, if you even are white.

>> No.15027909

The lack of flavor and firm texture?
God why do I bother

>> No.15027943
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>The 19%

>> No.15028000

Bongers really don't know their food

>> No.15028026

Yeah but have you had it cajun butter injected and smoked.

>> No.15028616

>pic says chicken doesnt need seasoning
>you say a little bit of seasoning is all you need
which is it?

>> No.15028728

Get out of here, your palate's busted.

>> No.15029116


>> No.15029121

>cannot into roasting chicken

>> No.15029643

I love a good breast, lots of good meat, perfect for a lot of things.
But if you want some actual flavour you really should be eating the thighs!