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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15008086 No.15008086 [Reply] [Original]

>Adults need less than 2300mg of sodium per day
>1 teaspoon of salt has over 2300mg of sodium

>> No.15008091

Nutritional science is the biggest pseud jew scam “science” there is. No one actually knows anything they make shit up and retract it constantly. You could google “are apples bad for you” and get hits. It’s all a joke. Eat what your body responds well to. There’s no grey area with water though, you’re either drinking water or you’re putting trash in your body that doesn’t belong there.

>> No.15008095

and that's why piss is salty
t.golden shower expert

>> No.15008096

I eat 100g of salt minimum per day just to dab on libtards. Still haven't had any problems and am ripped as fuck. Cope and seethe more faggot.

>> No.15008099

I test whether or not I've had too much salt by moving my ring up and down my finger to see if my hands have swollen

>> No.15008100


Based fuck the left I’m going to eat a spoonful of salt right damn now

>> No.15008102

Ah sry boss, its hard work and im sweating a lot so i already sweat out the allowed 2,3 g of sodium and i cant take anymore because, you know i dont need more. So if i work on in this hot climate i will lack electrolytes which is bad for me. What? No i cant just drink some water which containes electrolytes, maybe theres sodium in it i dont want to risk that. bye

>> No.15008104

Oh shit you're right. I exercise heavily, I wonder how much I lose to sweat?

>> No.15008133

one drop of sweat contains roughly 1 gram of salt. count the drops and eat accordingly.

>> No.15008176

t. has zero sense of physics or chemistry

>> No.15008192
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>Physics! Chemistry! I just LOVE science SO much!

>> No.15008394

Lmao, you're probably a woman

>> No.15008405

Some study showed that around 4g was the sweet spot where more or less than that started to increase your risk of stroke. I think as long as you aren't eating too much processed food you'll be fine, it's processed food that is packed with salt while making your own stuff at home doesn't seem to need as much because it's fresher.

>> No.15008719

>everything is a jew scam
take your medicine schizo

>> No.15009028

I wasn't really good at science stuff myself but that stuff is still important

>> No.15009069


>> No.15009132

He's literally right though.

>> No.15009981

You are a retard.

>You could google “are apples bad for you” and get hits.
Show us then

>> No.15010011

what the fuck are you doing eating teaspons of salt anyway?

>> No.15010795

Go to /fit/ for a while, there's a sect of keto/fasting guys there that'll argue that any carbohydrate source at all is basically poison to the human body.

>> No.15010818

4g of salt is 1550mg sodium, which I guarantee 90% of this board exceeds daily.
>it's processed food that is packed with salt
Yes, but no. Coookers use fucktons of salt. Making your own stuff at home is no guarantee that you're getting any less sodium than you would from processed food if you come even close to seasoning properly like chefs are trained into doing.

>> No.15010830

you just need to find girls like beer and it won't be so salty
t. just trust me on this one

>> No.15010838

Back when stuff was preserved in salt they could eat like 100 grams a day
We probably get too little with the low sodium scam

>> No.15010852

>No one actually knows anything they make shit up and retract it constantly
which is why they're recommendations, not "X amount of something will do Y"

>> No.15010889

fpbp, you hit the nail on the head. water #1. then whatever your body responds well to because we are all different and our biology has adapted to the local resources.

>> No.15010903

Wrong. Google is trash for everything science-related.
Go to pubmed (or even google scholar) and you're at least shielded from clickbaity trash written by copyrighters.

>> No.15010922


Salt is good for you, OP. Obviously not too much, but don't worry about having too much after you've had your teaspoon. Make sure to drink lot's of water, you'll be right.

>> No.15010945


Correct. And if your body could not precisely regulate the amount of sodium in your cells you'd be dead in an hour. A few years ago there was a study that showed that sodium had no ill effects, but the nutrition nazis were all taught how evil salt is so it got memory holed.

Go read about the guy who discovered that stomach ulcers were from a bug and not from stress. They tried to ruin him because he challenged the dogma they all adhered to. Same way with sodium.

Another funny is to look up the potassium minimum daily requirement, then look at how many bottles of potassium supplements you need to eat to get it.

>> No.15010957

keto is a cult

>> No.15010984

I compulsively over salt my food. Sometimes I'll even take a tiny sip of soy sauce. Why is it so good bros

>> No.15010999

keto works, most ppl are just fat lazy retards who can never actually stay in ketosis.

Honestly if you have the willpower to not eat carbs, or anything with artificial sweetners in it for an extended period of time you should also have the willpower to exercise and lose weight that way. Keto is just shilled a lot because you actually can lose weight sitting around doing nothing on it if you actually stay around 20-30 carbs a day.

>> No.15011003

People also dont realize that you cant do cheat days and 1 wrong decision for your diet might as well been a 3-7 day binge eat

>> No.15011024

I like to eat little bits of the chicken or beef better than bullion stuff. So good and salty as fuck

>> No.15011058

But if I eat lots of salt I get thirsty.

>> No.15011070
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based schizo poster, don't take your meds anon I'm sure ur doing just fine

>> No.15011078

>But if I eat lots of salt I get thirsty.
Your body needs that to flush the excess sodium away.

>> No.15011126


Reminder that salt is great for you

>> No.15011267

was this you

>> No.15011276
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Workout hard every day to increase your sodium needs and you can eat more of it.

>> No.15011354

Lol 4g is 4000mg not 1550mg

>> No.15011365

>imagine being this retarded
Salt, specifically table salt, is NaCl, where Chlorine is 40% of the chemical mass of the compound.

>> No.15011368

Correction, not chlorine, but sodium is 40%

>> No.15011369

lol salt isn't just sodium lmao

>> No.15011373

>calling people schizos
>asking for “proof”, the equivalent of simply posting “source”
This is genuinely how people on /x/ act and it’s genuinely how people who are always called glowniggers on /x/ act, both saying you’re wrong and schizo for no reason and asking you for proof for no reason.
Not sure why CIA agents from /x/ are bored and harassing /ck/, but it’s probably because they needed a little break from the serious schizoposting. I hope you go crazy, glowing bastards.

>> No.15011378

When did you realize that sodium refers to sodium chloride because sodium chloride is our only source of sodium and nobody in their right mind expects the average American to do mass percentage calculations before eating?
I’m surprised someone is actually as retarded as YOU are, friendo

>> No.15011439

When people refer to sodium in a dietary sense they usually mean NaCl, not just the sodium component of it (because Americans LMAO)

>> No.15011445

The study was 4g of sodium not salt.

>> No.15011460
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The sodium shown on the nutrition facts label is indeed elemental sodium though

See image, 1.5g salt is 590 mg sodium

>> No.15011484

>any carbohydrate source is basically poison to the human body
Based and truthpilled, carbs are sugar and sugar is addictive poison.

>> No.15011805

That’s fucking retarded
Fuck the FDA

>> No.15011812


>> No.15012137

go an hero antisemite

>> No.15012864


But also it's the sodium ions in blood electrolyte that we are referring to.

It's the sodium - potassium ion ratio that is of importance, if you eat enough of both it's fine. Potassium comes from veggies. Eat enough of them and sodium (ions) is not an issue.

Why are people guessing instead of doing a five minute research? Or deciding som random tabloid or blog is the source they're gonna trust?
Use sci-hub, not google, faggots.

>> No.15012870
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>he drinks the carbonated jew

>> No.15012884


>> No.15012906

Does anyone else use half salt?
Its half potassium half sodium, tastes like salt.
Seems like a good compromise to me, I like it.

>> No.15012921
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>he posts on the jewmageboard

>> No.15012984
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It's better than salt

>> No.15013029

Yeah, that must be why the Japanese have such a low life economy expectancy. Oh, wait, it's actually the highest.

>> No.15013038

Well the guy said one drop of sweat equals a gram. A gram of water alone takes up one millimeter, equal to one cubic centimeter. Grab a ruler and draw a one centimeter square and then put a drop of water in it. It won't even fill the square on the 2d plane let alone as a 3d cube. You don't even need physics or chemistry to debunk that claim, just math.

>> No.15013110

Just exercise, you sweat out the salt.