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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15004977 No.15004977 [Reply] [Original]

What was /ck/ like in the good days? I only know this gem that was oc from here.
I saw it on failblog back when it was better in 2009 but never knew a small image board could propagate so far into the web.

>> No.15004993
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Oldest post on the booru is a /fit/-style chicken thing from 2011. /ck/ has always been the "Eating and Stupid Food Questions" board dating back years. It's funny to see all these board tourists screeching about "muh cooking board" and "why don't you cook?". We were having gas station food threads from the very beginning, faggots.

>> No.15005077


>> No.15005151

>What was /ck/ like in the good days?
it was only a few years ago that it was half way decent. now, after looking through the whole ck/ this is the only interesting thread and it's pretty bad OP

>> No.15005155

Oh, there are other good threads. I have the pleasure of directing your attention to >>15000919

>> No.15005194

This. There were knowledgeable people and cooking discussion, but most people who posted OC posted what they were eating, instead of doing cookalongs (that's what the challenge was for). People were also slightly nicer when /ck/ was a slow board. I'd say Taco Bell anon is the closest approximation to what /ck/ looked like back when it was good.

>> No.15005583

I remember seeing some infographic detailing how to make a white wine reduction and cream pasta sauce on /ck/ back in 10-11 or so. I used it to impress a girl and got laid.

ended up in the worst relationship I've ever been in as well

>> No.15006191


>> No.15006821

This is why you don't cook to impress bitches. You teach them how to good to prove they are worthy of your dick.

Fuck why do I need to explain this?

>> No.15006864

/ck/ had already gone to shit by then, as indeed had most of 4chan.
In the actual early days, people cooked. One guy was an actual chef at an actual restaurant, and blogged his menu development.
Even the people who didn't cook were simply better posters, posting pictures from real meals at real restaurants rather than arguing about which fast food corporation has the best political lip service.

>> No.15006869

>ended up in the worst relationship I've ever been in as well
Story time.

>> No.15006894

/ck/ still is a slow board.

Your idealised /ck/ only ever existed in your head. There is no more or less cooking discussion on this board relative to how it was as far back as 2007. You and the rest of the "why doesn't /ck/ cook?" faggots need to take your heads out of your asses for a moment.
You're comparing what you see now to what actually stuck in your memory. Nobody was archiving or screencapping all the shit threads, and you certainly weren't devoting some of your precious few brain cells to remembering them. You're comparing the 1% of posts you actually remember, of course they're going to be only the good ones. Then, you can look at the site now and notice all the shit threads you don't remember always being here.

/ck/ still has chefs, butchers, bakers, farmers, etc. and they all still post as much content as they used to. If anything the faggot board tourists who feel the need to go around obsessively tracking down every non-homecooking thread to post "WHY DON'T YOU COOK?" and "DO AMERICANS REALLY?" are the real asshats.

/ck/ has been and always will be a Food & Cooking board.

>> No.15007017
File: 158 KB, 780x585, duck3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I just posted about my roast duck. I mean it's no Jacques Pepin but it sure as shit isn't mcdonalds nuggies either

>> No.15007019

It's a food board. Fuck off with your waste of time cooking.

>> No.15007127

I'm unable to recall the year but there a thread, I think also stickied, about some guy butchering up a deer. There were images of the butchered deer in a bath tub.

Somehow the news spread to /g/ and I decided to migrate over to /ck/. I grew tired of the "my brand is better than your brand" shit flinging in /g/.

>> No.15007757

Made some biscuits.

>> No.15007804

I remember the milkjar guy

>> No.15008262

The good ol days.

>> No.15008449

I have cooked for every woman I've screwed or dated since and it's gone better each time. Some women are just shit.

>> No.15008478

I remember this
Also blast techno

>> No.15008487

Full of fat tripfags like Angie who were annoying cunts

>> No.15008807

Have you found a long term woman yet?

>> No.15008825

>You teach them how to good to prove they are worthy of your dick.
Well this sentence could use an explanation.

>> No.15008852

sceak. kek i haven't thought about that guy in years

>> No.15008944
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Love me some duck.
I always say, even if the meat were completely inedible I'd still buy ducks for the fat alone.

Did you do anything interesting with the spices and herbs for that one?

Roasting them is nice, but don't be afraid to do other things with ducks. Especially the small cheap ones.
Canard au vin is lovely, for example. I use white wine instead of red but other than that you can pretty much just use a coq au vin recipe.
And again; you get lots of lovely fat that you can skim off and save when you brown the meat.

>> No.15009158

>posting pictures from real meals at real restaurants
Guess they moved on to instagram, huh?

>> No.15009170

It wasn't really any different. There was some spam trying to get location data constantly with 'rate your drinking water PLACE 7/10'. E-celeb faggotry didn't exist but there weren't webm threads to be spammed either. It has always been a mostly civil board with the rare green text thread and certain autistically focused recurring topics like homebrewing.

>> No.15009184
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>> No.15009188
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>> No.15009190
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>> No.15009193
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>> No.15009197
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>> No.15009202
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>> No.15009211
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>> No.15009214
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This guy must be dead by now.

>> No.15009220
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