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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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15001086 No.15001086 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the yolk always break when I crack eggs into the pan? Another lunch ruined

>> No.15001097

crack the egg and drop the yolk lower to the pan

>> No.15001098

Crack your eggs on a flat surface, like a countertop, instead of a rim or edge

>> No.15001100
File: 313 KB, 657x527, 112-1128621_2806177-apu-apustaja-fly-swatter-clipart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lrn 2 crk eg

>> No.15001104

The yolk likes to separate from the whites in older eggs, or cheap as fuck industry eggs for some reason.

Make sure your eggs are no where near expiration and being stored properly.

>> No.15001110
File: 130 KB, 600x528, m0moqx-b78926438z.120120309092821000g1415vtgg.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Punch it with your ring like jack does

>> No.15001113

ANTIFA and the deep state are anti egg

>> No.15001127

Your eggs suck.
My duck eggs are so strong I can poke the yolk through with a stick and it still wont run.
But my ducks are stacys and the chickens you get your eggs from are virgins.

>> No.15001303

Why is trump so hilariously ugly

>> No.15001317

I feel like trump would seem a little more respectable if he grew facial hair.
Why is facial hair still looked down upon in politics? It's not the fucking 00's anymore.

>> No.15001325


>> No.15001355
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>> No.15001375

>I feel like trump would seem a little more respectable if he grew facial hair.
Have you seen al-Trudeau bin Castro lately?

>shave the beard, bigots!

>> No.15001468

get good dumbass

>> No.15001485
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>Have you seen al-Trudeau bin Castro lately?

counterpoint: lion ted's redemption arc

>> No.15001486

Fair enough.

>> No.15001523

>Why is facial hair still looked down upon in politics? It's not the fucking 00's anymore.
Like tattoos, facial hair outside of actual mountain man cold climates screams "unclassy" and lazy or unkempt. Outside the norm haircuts and facial hair are also a form of rebellion when it's not in fashion. Being a rebel is frowned upon when it has a kneejerk reaction of distaste among your voting base. It's a popularity contest. Right away the majority of women can't stand it, so repelling 50% of your voting base is a dumb move. The facial hair will go away again when it's reelection time for those that do add it, along with the more photogenic weight loss and refreshers on the plastic surgery.

>> No.15001533

cancels out

>> No.15001539

He probably can't grow one.

>> No.15001544

because you buy cheap shit eggs with thin shells and milky yolks and your hands are clubby

>> No.15001548

if they're so thin how come they never peel right

>> No.15001609

try boiling them with baking soda

>> No.15002056

my grandma said to use vinegar and this is the opposite, which is the right way???

>> No.15002122
File: 58 KB, 720x764, trump train choo choo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trump can't grow facial hair.
he's also 6'1", not 6'3". Look at him standing next to Yeb

>> No.15002131

I chop open my eggs with a spoon

>> No.15002135
File: 86 KB, 960x540, D4194E39-8A8A-4329-A5E1-A0DA99E5AB55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He would look so fucking good

>> No.15002154

He doesn't have enough testosterone to grow a beard like that.

>> No.15002172

stop talking about stupid shit and tell me why my eggs are hard to open

>> No.15002195

just try to crack them in a single hit so there aren't any sharp points on the edges of the shell
those always tear my yolks

>> No.15002258

I usually tap them on the counter top and then peel off the parts I can (I do not have fingernails) but it always takes off chunks of the egg white, please help I have tried every suggestion on the internet

>> No.15002303

in my experience if you have to peel anything you've done it wrong

>> No.15002321

are shells supposed to dissolve if you do it right??

>> No.15002327

Sure thing chud

>> No.15002357

I have this sense that you're being mean and that's not what /ck/ is all about so please go away, ok? thank you.

does anybody else know how to make hard boiled eggs peel properly?

>> No.15002374

Because you probably buy shit eggs. I have to fucking stab mine to get them to break.


Start in cold water, bring to boil, once its boiled for a minute remove from heat, let stand 10 minutes for hard and 6 for soft. Once done, dunk into ice bath. After a few minutes, when you want to peel, place paper towel on flat surface, palm the egg and tap the side firm enough to just crack the shell. Then roll the egg up and down the paper towel, pressing just enouh so the entire middle fractures. Grab a piece and the membrane should separate quite easily, taking the shell with it.

>> No.15002378

Boil your eggs however you want with salt and vinegar.
>ice bath
If they're still hard to peel, warm them quickly with hot water then peel
Its really not that fucking hard

>> No.15002383
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hahaha retard deleted his pic

>> No.15002384

I swear I have tried this countless times and always the shell pulls off chunks of the egg white when I peel it, even when I am slow and gentle

>> No.15002436

What? No. When you get it right the shell breaks cleanly along a line.

>> No.15002528

Maybe that's the problem.
The way I break eggs is with a light but firm tap against a flat surface. It doesn't have a 100 percent success rate, maybe because eggs like most organic things are made slightly different from each other, but it works most of the time.

>> No.15002532

You have to activate the yolks first

>> No.15002554
File: 358 KB, 480x635, tqen62uacdn41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I didn't delete it. It was the faggot mods

>> No.15002780

Old shitty eggs. Used to cook 50 eggs at a time without 1 breaking. They were never over 6 days old. If they were they went into the scrambled egg.