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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.83 MB, 4032x3024, 2078EB79-553B-4AFC-8DC6-AC830E332E71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14996231 No.14996231 [Reply] [Original]

Sex haver here. Ever cook with your woman ck?

>> No.14996234

Yes, we all have genders and that is usually referred to as "sex".

>> No.14996292

Usually not together. My girl is Korean so she generally handles Asian cuisine and I cook western style dishes. Its nice to switch off and see someone you care about enjoy a meal you prepared for them.

>> No.14996305

Koreans are the ugliest asians

>> No.14996315
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>> No.14996324

After 6 years of living in Korea and 3 in Japan, with a few month long visits to China thrown in, I strongly disagree.

>> No.14996327

Wrong, Indonesian or Filipina take the crown there.

>> No.14996331

She'll cut my veggies every now an again

Shes a shit cook so id prefer to not have her involved majority of the time

>> No.14996343

>Dirty stove, filthy kettle and coffee maker, overloaded frying pan, everything coated in a nice thin layer of grease.

Do you ever clean OP? or didn't your mom teach you that?

>> No.14996354

no, women fucking suck at cooking

>> No.14996357

No woman will ever sit foot in my home.

>> No.14996378

I see her protruding nipple.
And clean your fucking stove top.

>> No.14996382
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting me to clean a scorched kettle that’s 6 years old
Do you wipe your stove do w after every meal? She clean it biweekly and I cook on it every day so yeah it’s got some grease on it
Got me to reply/10 nice job

Anyway the stew is ready you can have some if you want

>> No.14996390

Thats a boy

>> No.14996411

Your woman looks like a femboy

>> No.14996420

barkeeper's friend will get your kettle clean in <5 min with minimal scrubbing
do it, it's nice

>> No.14996430

You clean your kitchen twice a week.

Fuck me raise your standards. Your toaster looks like it might smoke if it were to get hot.

>> No.14996434

Plastic surgery capital of the world, idiots.

>> No.14996437

lol filth
show me a pic of your bathroom

>> No.14996444

Not everyone is a germaphobe clean freak, faggot.

>> No.14996454

So? Do you stick your dick in their soul?

>> No.14996461

>As if that's a bad thing

>> No.14996463
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>toaster and speakers?? left on the counter when not in use

>> No.14996469

Depends. If it's something basic like pasta or tacos then yea, anything more complex leads to us arguing because of my autism clashing with her doing stuff wrong.

>> No.14996518

That's plainly obvious. But not everyone lives in a pigsty with a tranny who's just started "her" hormones either.

>> No.14996521

It's a trans thing, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.14996523

I take off my stove things and clean my stove once a week. Kitchen is otherwise spotless at the end of the day. Nice reading comprehension my man

>> No.14996531

>having sex with people you don't care about
What's it like to be hollow inside?

>> No.14996534

>more attractive than X and Y
>plastic surgery capital of the world
Not how it works

>> No.14996536

I've tried to, me ex made decent desserts but for real food no way, I do that way better. I don't even know if she made that right, I suspect it was her mom. That's why I didn't marry her or knock her up.

>> No.14996549
File: 17 KB, 128x97, 629492834634039296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit clean your kitchen tranny chaser

>> No.14996557

One has to be a real dumbass retard to marry some talentless bitch these days.

>> No.14996561

the browner it get the worse

>> No.14996564

I know a fine little fuck toy twink when I see it

>> No.14996572

But they're stupid and might cut their own fingers then guess who has to pay for it, you do!

>> No.14996573 [DELETED] 
File: 2.90 MB, 4032x3024, 710FF259-5F0D-49DF-B521-AC785EC4B453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these salty anons won’t be fucking something as good as this tonight and ALSO don’t even cook with their Significant other.

Fucking lmao @ the lot of you

>> No.14996575

I haven’t felt human touch in so long

>> No.14996577

>hiding your fembois face so you don't have to be reminded of your homosexual sins

>> No.14996579

lmao but you didn't get the rotation on that stupid picture right, you're nobody to say shit.

>> No.14996589

>I take off my stove things and clean my stove once a week
>She clean it biweekly and I cook on it every day so
adjective: biweekly; adjective: bi-weekly
done, produced, or occurring every two weeks or twice a week.

Jesus christ dude. I mean what?

>> No.14996590

Why is that retarded bitch hiding her face? Is she that stupid looking?

>> No.14996600

not often, women can't cook and I don't want them in my kitchen

>> No.14996601

No, she's obviously a tranny and OP is too ashamed to show her face. The hands are a dead giveaway.

>> No.14996614

Shaped like a damn ironing board

>> No.14996618

>posting pics of your gf online to own literally who's

>> No.14996625
File: 2.78 MB, 4032x3024, 562527F2-F109-4D62-9003-A206E184D680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She made some cinnamon rolls for dessert. Sunday’s are nice. I call ck a /whoreboard/, cause it’s just so easy man

>> No.14996638
File: 82 KB, 220x162, gyst.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're the one pimping pics of your chick online for (yous), i'd never show my wife on here to these masturbators.

>> No.14996639

Post address

>> No.14996643

yet you're the faggot posting some british cunt that nobody cares about

>> No.14996644

We’re both browsing rn kinda having a goof. Idk it’s amusing how giving angry ck will get over women

>> No.14996657

Oh come on dude. OP posted something, but it's very unlikely that's a chick.

>> No.14996661

Who the fuck in their right mind cares about that british cunt bitch? The cunt needs to flail its arms about to make a shit lame tv show, that's pathetic.

>> No.14996663

you're too optimistic
anyone who posts a pic of themselves or someone else on an anonymous imageboard gets shit no matter their gender (or race)

now post a pic of your bathroom
i wanna see where your gf shits

>> No.14996669

Except the faggot brits.

>> No.14996671

That’s true. What Were doing is really worse than tripfagging. Won’t make a habit of it

>> No.14996672


>> No.14996676

Read into it you brit cunt!

>> No.14996681

Are you so retarded that you expect me to repeat myself to the likes of you?

>> No.14996682

chinese is the only good looking there

>> No.14996683

just retarded enough to explain what you meant

>> No.14996691

>with women
im sorry but women belong in the laundry room, not the kitchen

>> No.14996695

I used English, apparently you're not capable of that so piss off.

>> No.14996696
File: 2 KB, 125x99, 8CDF9934-9633-4A9D-A345-874D8904187D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smell a delicious twink

>> No.14996707

my mom told me it's rude to bully the mentally disabled
you could just explain it to me instead of getting mad

>> No.14996710

>t. wants to have an ugly baby

>> No.14996749

>look at me I definitely have sex
>look I have a female companion
>I bet all you losers don't have sex
>nooo shes not a tranny!!
>shutup incels!
congrats bro u had some sex and whored out your woman for some attention (You)s

you would think you might have more maturity than the average /ck/ poster somehow you have even less

>> No.14996750

You should see some of my ex girlfriends, hot as fuck but dumber than a box of rocks.

>> No.14996770

that's rude.
i know some pretty smart rocks.

>> No.14996773

I've never seen or dealt with a fucking rock that's smarter that I can throw it.

>> No.14996780
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>> No.14996786

I cook with my gf all the time you guys just dont know her, she goes to a different school

>> No.14996788
File: 292 KB, 367x502, columbo_w_basset_hound_doggo-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he needs a basset hound.

>> No.14996819

Those are the cute ones, the ones that dont go to the same schools, that makes it more fun.

>> No.14996823

>Do you wipe your stove do w after every meal?

Yep. Sure do.

>> No.14996832


>> No.14996851

dont be dissin nobita nigga

>> No.14996869

he would have been a better Batou than whoever they got for that godawful GitS film

>> No.14996930
File: 227 KB, 1200x680, Featured-Image-Graphic-2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14996949

Yeah, because I'm not a helpless manbaby and don't enjoy the smell of old grease and food splatter. You're probably such a couple of fucking pigs you don't even notice the filth anymore. You probably eat her shitty pooper, too.

>> No.14996960

How fucking mad would you be, lmao... wasn't there a guy that got married to a woman and literally sued her after a week because it was the first time he'd ever seen her deceptive ass without makeup? Like she de-aged herself like 20 years by caking that shit on and turns out she was all droop and wrinkles.

>> No.14997006

so you don't have sex together, insteresting

>> No.14997017

based volcel/homossexual

>> No.14997054

I did when I had a girlfriend. It was wonderful. We made all sorts of stuff. I still think about her sometimes even though we broke up 7 years ago...

>> No.14997095

>7 years ago
Jesus Christ anon it’s time to move on

>> No.14997121

I have. I just haven't been able to find a relationship. I assure you I'm fine and don't dwell on it.

>> No.14998545

i cook food without help and then have sexe with it

>> No.14998573

hey anon, this is a very comfy picture. nothing like cooking up a nice meal with gf and staying in pjs all day on a sunday. v wholesome. also, i have the same espresso pot, girlfriend, stove, and toaster as you.

>> No.14998584

I am 33 years old and never had a gf

>> No.14998605

Link to archived pic of OP’s tranny bf he posted then deleted when xer got mad but now xer realizes it’s on Internet foreber and denies OP xer boipucci tonite


>> No.14998615

never eating at your house OP. you are filthy.

>> No.14998626

you forget that Indians are Asians

>> No.14998636

Not really. Have a small kitchen so we take turns. Only exception is if we're preparing some things for a family potluck or Thanksgiving, etc. It's fun when we do, but I think it wouldn't work out if we cooked together all the time.

>> No.14998639

When I was engaged we cooked every meal together. Now I only have a FWB and shes cute and nice but also from a wealthy family so she has no clue how to cook so I do it all, and have no desire to teach her because outside of lunch and literally watching Netflix shows together our relationship is purely physical.

>> No.14998641

Become the GF and take the tranny pill.

>> No.14998646


How? I’m a 5’6” manlet and I get laid, and besides humor and charisma I accept I’m fairly average looking

How do people not get laid in high school, EVERYONE has raging hormones,you might not fuck the prom queen but you can still hit on and score some bases with the Korean obsessed with violin practice or the chubby nerd girl.

>> No.14998647

Dude you just clean as you go, it's not a big deal. If you've ever worked in a kitchen you should know how important that is so you avoid having caked on shit at the end of the night.

>> No.14998652


>> No.14998769

Feelings of inadequacy due to how my family treats me.

>> No.14998785

lord that pan is overcrowded

>> No.14998795



I wish I could say something about the Europoors but your stove clock in the OP synchs up with my time zone. Learn to cook a real stew you tranny fucking faggot.

>> No.14998804

yes i have to, because im a much better cook and i enjoy food that tastes good.

>> No.14998821

Don't listen to the chicken bleachers, unless you have the immune system of a cancer patient you won't get sick by having a little bit of dirt here and there

>> No.14998828

>How do people not get laid in high school
Self sabotage due to chronic anxiety. I'm glad it didn't happen though. With my adult brain I choose to not do it until marriage because I expect that from whatever girl I end up with. Statistically, marriages where both spouses were virgins before consummating have better outcomes. I have been tempted before, like on the very edge of doing it, before snapping back to reality.

>> No.14998839

what a filthyass kitchen. Disgusting.

>> No.14998849

what are sources for that kind of statistics?

>> No.14998851

lol that is literally on the man for not seeing through that makeup

>> No.14998871


There's one source. I haven't read this particular source, but the one I was looking for I couldn't find, sorry.

>> No.14998890

sex haver with a flat assed woman?


>> No.14998895

hmmmm I guess being chained to your first partner kinda helps, not 100% guaranteed though and even if it were eternal marriage isn't virtuous in itself

>> No.14998903

flick her nipple for me, will ya?

>> No.14998910

I think that if you have kids and get a divorce, that event is traumatic and will likely result in some kind of psychological issues for the kids, making it harder for them to find happiness. If I have a child in the future, I want that child to have the maximum potential for happiness and success. In my view, marriage is about way more than sex.

>> No.14998924


I wouldn't say it is being chained but rather experiencing a lot of firsts together, and being tied to each other through the experience. A virgin is more likely to tolerate mediocre sex vs some thot who knows she can just get some some stellar sex from some stud in a bar. Even if the virgin who waited till marriage to have sex found some sex pro, they will probably go back to their spouse due to all of the other feelings they have towards them that aren't related to sex. People with multiple partners spread these feelings across multiple people, which makes it easier to abandon the relationship.

>> No.14998930

Like I said marriage doesn't equate happiness. Scores of married people stay together for bad reasons, cheat on each other, even end up killing one another. I think divorced actually helps people get out of shitty relationships that are detrimental to children.
There's nothing like those old times solid marriages, Dad beating Mom, Dad fucking whores, Mom fucking the neighbor, Daddy drinking, Mommy popping pills, everybody really happy.

>> No.14998932

but these are fake feelings bro

>> No.14998975

You can convince yourself of anything being fake if you try hard enough my fren

>> No.14999024

I hate women.

>> No.14999047

quite the opposite actually
>she's not so bad after all
>he hits me but I have these happy memories somewhere

>> No.14999051

I am married. My wife cannot cook for shit. She fucks up even the most basic things, like pancakes. When family visit, it's embarrassing, because I'm doing all the cooking. My mum and sister are both traditional housewife types,which makes it worse. People talk about trying to find a woman who is hot, who is interesting and funny, shares your hobbies, or whatnot -- but you should also try to get one who can cook. It will make your life much better.

>> No.14999054

Yes. Have had sex in the kitchen too

>> No.14999069

>When family visit, it's embarrassing, because I'm doing all the cooking.
What type of backward society do you live in?
If someone doesn't like cooking he's better away from the stove, just balance the chores accordingly.

>> No.14999075

I have never had sex. I am 29
Deal with it

>> No.14999076

ok cuck. do you wash your wife's feet too?

>> No.14999078

That's my fetish, kid

>> No.14999085

>he doesn't
better end it now anon

>> No.14999103

That is one ugly fucking korean. The jap would probably look better if he had a proper photographer like the other 2.

>> No.14999361
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yes and i hate it
either make dinner or get out of my way
why do you need me to make the rice? its rice.
just make it yourself you are already cooking

>> No.14999376

i know that feel
funny thing is once it happens again its not all that great
i miss being alone

>> No.14999377
File: 1.30 MB, 3862x2170, _20201102_151452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those curious about OP's boyfriend

>> No.14999388

i also know that feel
humor and charisma go a long way. Social anxiety is pussy repellent

>> No.14999392

She just gets on the way. But I usually get a BJ in the kitchen on down time

>> No.14999423

I pull a reverse on this. When I get asked to cook I just take over all the fun stuff and have her prep/cook rice/get water boiling, etc...

I've been steadily improving my GFs cooking skills and now it's like having my own little line cook to do all the stuff I don't want to. It has made cooking my meals that much more enjoyable and allows me to get shit done much more quickly.

I will say starting off was brutal. I basically had to do everything twice, and she was slow and couldn't make any decisions on her own. You have to invest the time upfront, but it will be well worth it.

>> No.14999431

No, but she likes to cook FOR me. (I consider myself lucky)

>> No.14999476


I'd hit it as long as he stays under the blankets.

>> No.14999743

As someone whose parents are divorced because his mother is a whore, there is absolutely zero benefit to your parents getting divorced and over a decade later and 5 years deep into a relationship and I still have massive trust problems revolving around women being whores.

90% of the time divorce is awful for a kid, in fact, you should probably not ever have a kid unless you know you want to be married to someone for the next 18 years until the kid moves the fuck out. The literal only exception I can think of is that one of the parents is a literal pedo or physically abusive as fuck, but outside of that divorce is pretty much negative as fuck. Especially because a shit fucking ton of divorces come from one parent being lazy, selfish, or a total pile of dog shit and that person is usually the mother and she usually gets more custody and then goes around bringing her men over to fuck in front of the kids as well

>> No.14999773
File: 254 KB, 1263x947, IMG_2393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the time. Making Dulce de Leche, pineapple jam and kiwi jam today for her birthday (alone bc shes out of town right now :( )

>pic related, pineapple 'za we made together

>> No.14999847

it wasn't makeup, it was plastic surgery. She never told him as you can see with the gremlins she popped out, he sued her for 6 figures. can't remmeber if he won or not

>> No.14999903

I get my gf to do all the mixing and stirring just so I can watch her fat milkers and thighs jiggle.

>> No.14999910
File: 236 KB, 514x765, 1572195377793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14999937

I have a better ass than that and I'm a dude

>> No.14999986


My gf usually helps me prepare ingredients, I do the rest.

>> No.15000013


>> No.15000022

the point of the image is clearly the "get your shit together" as shown by the filename. its not "british cunt.gif"

>> No.15000302

Yeah but Nobita is based so I like him over the Americanized plastic fuck dolls.

>> No.15000394

This was proven to be fake years ago.

>> No.15000404

>wanting to have kids period

>> No.15001216

:-(|) le 53% face

>> No.15001230

you're gonna have to marry a mormon or something anon, i don't think you've thought this through. probably correlates a lot more strongly with weird shit like whether you eat dinner at the same time together every day and stuff like that

>> No.15001631

I have never in the entire 32 years of my life met a woman who could cook.

>> No.15001818

Almost never.
Her mise is terrible and she can't work her own station, just flutters around the whole place making a mess.

Her soup is really good though, so I just stay out of the way.

>> No.15001919

>he fell for the woman meme

>> No.15002633

>implying it's a woman

>> No.15002647

>sex haver
You're so proud that you get to slide your cock in a vapid whore who probably gets passed around by Jamal and his boys lol

>> No.15002658

No no he was almost subtle you're just an elephant in a library please please PLEASE consider intent and impact before crafting your post. And every post IS an act of craftwork, make no mistake about that.

>> No.15003208
File: 25 KB, 464x456, D9dg3zoXUAsUcuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15003236

90% of the times I cook and the wife cleans.

>> No.15003247

Yes, but I'm basically useless in the kitchen. Only things I can do right is chop, peel and stir.

>> No.15003311

Yeah bro just stick together and have never ending arguments in front of the kids, beat your wife, beat the kids, drink to oblivion and shag your secretary, it's really better.
I know people whose parents have divorced and they're okay since the parents weren't pieces of shit from the get-go and weren't spitting at each others face when they got separated.
A good divorce is better than a bad marriage.
>that person is usually the mother
You sound like an idiot.

>> No.15003362

>Average looking
That's the point.
I was a fatass with zero fashion sense and virgin moustache, so I haven't got the first kiss until university.
Remember the ugliest motherfucker in your classroom? Chances are he posts in /r9k now.

>> No.15003368

>weren't spitting in each other's face
Ah, that feeling when they start to wage a little proxy war with lawsuits and slandering.
At least I was lucky that I could stay with my grandmother and from high school onwards I saw my parents only several times per year.

>> No.15003379

Forced to because she can't cook for shit and is fat due to her heal- just kidding she can't cook is the reason she's fat since she orders out and think cooking is putting pasta in hot water for 10 minutes.

Yesterday I made a pumpkin/carrot/cumin soup.
Today is chikin with carotts and green pepper with a bit of tomato.
Tomorrow is going to be trout with leek and pastis sauce.

Wish i could do stuff with more fat but I can't.

>> No.15003387

Yeah like I said if there’s something seriously wrong with them, but you know what’s really great for a kid to watch? Conflict resolution instead of cutting the turd and running at the first sign of trouble.

>> No.15003390

Yes but she sucks at cooking so she doesn't cook now.

>> No.15003395

can't happen every time bro.
Daddy killed mommy because she wanted to leave isn't a great sight for kids y'know

>> No.15003396

i did, when i had one.
but now im just single and perpetually depressed so i just drink alot and work to forget the past.
i can't believe its been so long now....

>> No.15003397

fuck off

>> No.15003440

>Sex haver

Your hand doesn't count.......

>> No.15003445

Ha Ha Ha

> Alone NEET.

>> No.15003447

Well that's OK, I doubt that would even happen anyway.
You filthy heathen.

>> No.15003452

i hate cooking with other people, pussy or no pussy

>> No.15003455

he's not wrong
women fucking suck at cooking. which sucks because i wish they didn't

>> No.15003458

she sure as fuck can't cook
might as well

>> No.15003729

what a nasty fucking kitchen.

>> No.15003816

I have never been alone with a woman outside my family. Since my mother and sister suck at cooking I assume every woman suck too.

I want to feed a woman with my cooking some day.

>> No.15004090

No because no one is allowed in my house, women have no value to me, fuck sex it's never worth it

>> No.15004980
File: 52 KB, 930x620, 5edf3ec14c002_annesophiepicmaxppp-3289981[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15005091

*before surgery

>> No.15005093

this. i can tell my foot would stick to the floor

>> No.15005097

Ok chud

>> No.15005235

You'll never know how freeing it is to not think or worry about relationships and sex, find a hobby instead thad

>> No.15005358

im single now but when i did it just stressed me out.

>> No.15005362

I stopped anjoying cooking with others since I've gained some knowledge about cooking. Now I get irrationally angry at stupid shit people do in the kitchen, and I know it's stupid.
Nice All-clad pand you've got there. That moka pot has the shape in which aluminum ones usually come in, so be careful with it, since aluminum consumption can fuck with your nervous system

>> No.15005405

I don't let that cunt in the kitchen
Maybe I'll start teaching her to cook when she turns 15

>> No.15005437

I don't worry about either because my woman provides both. You however have a chip on your shoulder about not having it or else you wouldn't get weird about it.

>> No.15005558

>I don't worry about either
But you still think about it don't you? You have to if you're in one if you want to keep it going. And what if it ends? What if you have an argument that gets blown out of proportion, or if she cheats on you or lies to you constantly? You can't understand because you haven't been to the point where you realise relationships can wear you down, whether you know it or not. And if you have kids I sincerely wish you luck because it's hard raising kids, especially in todays world. They're the only thing that'll keep you going if you break up with her. I've already been through it all, that's why I'm telling you.

>> No.15005597

How many kids and when did you stop loving eachother?

>> No.15005689

Two kids. One girl got pregnant, stayed with me then fucked off when he was 2. The girl after that we broke it off, we both felt the same about it though so we parted on good terms. My latest girlfriend was about 6 years ago. Was a good relationship, lasted 3 years until I left her. Had a kid with her during that but I refused to let the kid stay with her because she was a terrible parent. I stopped loving her a year and a half into the relationship roughly and she lived in a shit neighborhood. My mum loved seeing the kids too. I've had very good relationships too, one I think would have lasted, but she moved to Spain and long distance doesn't work. People who long for a relationship can feel lonely, you will too if you break up. Then you will want a relationship again just to stifle the feeling of loneliness. People who have never experienced it are the worst, because they don't know what a relationship feels like. If it weren't for my kids, I probably wouldn't have come to my conclusion. They ground you, and keep you mentally balanced, even if they're gobshites and drive you up the wall. If you're happy with your own company then you don't need to worry about loneliness.

>> No.15005704

But a basset hound was his friend as the show goes and he raised since it was a little pupper and could help sniff out murders.

>> No.15006169

Is that why kpop and kdrama is very popular in white countries?

>> No.15006629

You sound like a white trash Britisher.

>> No.15006768
File: 5 KB, 261x147, 1419420466968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to say I'm not white trash because me and my family are ok and were in decent neighbourhood, but really I am, cant really deny it, but it is what it is
Who the fuck says britisher?

>> No.15006784

>Do you wipe your stove do w after every meal?
Yes. Is this bait? Who doesn't do this?

>> No.15007298

Your kitchen looks revolting and you should kill yourself.

>> No.15007304
File: 42 KB, 479x431, 1598135495725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of my girlfriends did not know how to cook. i'm 29

>> No.15007355

Just cut your eyelids off bro

>> No.15007375

OP, someone shat in your bowls...

>> No.15007455
File: 48 KB, 566x482, Austin Pendleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sex haver here
That's a man, baby!

>> No.15007460


>> No.15007614

Let me guess you voted Biden

>> No.15007667

Just noticed it, pretty revolting. A simple wipe over with grease-dissolving soap twice a week is quite easy, subhuman

>> No.15007671

Shut up woman.

>> No.15007677

Riled you up good grease-boy

>> No.15007686

Let me guess, you voted trump? I'm not an amerifag

>> No.15008229

Never cook with soemone. They can help you cut the ingredients and stir in the pot when you're occupied but that's it. One person should be responsible for the cooking.