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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14996053 No.14996053 [Reply] [Original]

I wish I could afford to eat healthier :(.

>> No.14996099

Damn, $5423.74 and you don't even get any cheese on your burger and no fries

>> No.14996113

I hate Americans so much

>> No.14996196
File: 1.47 MB, 200x333, 1595231371542.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 case of ketchup is $72.99
>ask for free ketchup packets
>empty the contents into an empty case of ketchup
>make free money

>> No.14996260

you're retarded

>> No.14996277

legit though with regular prices at the store you still cant make a big mac as cheap

mcdonalds has cornered the market, I used to be upset but now I admit it and eat their slop

>> No.14996300

do B.C canadians really?

>> No.14996306

Honestly, OP manages to be significantly less retarded than the "7 limes" and "CUCMBER: $6.00" posters.

>> No.14996314 [DELETED] 

Who the fuck spells it like that? Did you just get off the boat, Pingpong?

>> No.14996322

Can any anon work out how many burgers you could make with that amount of ingredients?

>> No.14996325

Ignore him. He's an esl chink troll who posts those Redd/int/ "le epic grocery jew" threads.

>> No.14996329

Oh, oops. Didn't realize it was bait.

>> No.14996352

You can if you make it 'with meat' instead of making it meat.
$1.25 - 1/4 lb hamburger
$0.50 - bun
Lettuce and sauce in no way add up to the other $5-6 a big mac costs.

>> No.14996359

>yes goy you're grocery prices are fair and reasonable just work two jobs, you'll be okay goy

>> No.14996362

>You can if you make it 'with meat' instead of making it meat.

>> No.14996385

50 lbs of yeast is more than a person could use in their lifetime.

>> No.14996397

McDonald's markets them as made 'with 100% ground beef' meaning they aren't 100% beef, just that beef is involved in their making.
On a related note, Blizzard is claiming their new abortion has the 'highest pre-sales' ever, because pre-sales is something they just made up to make people think it's higher than 'pre-orders'.

>> No.14996436

I guess you never baked or made moonshine

>> No.14996465

Top kek this is great, I’ll forgive you for namefagging this time

>> No.14996499

This is the lowest quality bait I've seen in a while. really sad that people are replying

>> No.14996592
File: 39 KB, 810x1024, 1603568321845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are just jealous that you are not an American, USA Trump 2020, Maga.

>> No.14996629
File: 292 KB, 680x1349, foodiesyumyuminmytumtum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great post bud. keep up the good work.

>> No.14996651
File: 2.48 MB, 989x1227, BL36517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14996675

can you still buy bacon in bonglandistan

>> No.14996684

What is the point of this? The portions that they're buying to make up the healthier side are restaurant size, what the hell???

>> No.14996689

More than 10

>> No.14996693

i love you

>> No.14996699

Why wouldn't you be able to? The UK pork industry produced 927,000 tonnes of pork last year alone, in addition to the 1,062,000 tonnes imported as well, while only exporting 266,000 tonnes.

>> No.14996709

lmao why wouldn't you? are Americans really this ignorant of the outside world?

>> No.14996724

There was nothing in his post to suggest he was American. When you make broad assumptions like that, you come off just as ignorant as he did.

>> No.14996736

Where have you seen that anon?
I've only seen 100% beef

>> No.14996745

You're all being stupid

it was a dumb joke about the muslim population in britain taking over and making pork illegal
and obviously he was american because only americans take such offense to other countries talking about themselves in a positive light

>> No.14996747

who else would call Britain bonglandistan?

>> No.14996755

there's like ten examples of pork in that pic though, shit joke

>> No.14996760

It's one of those urban legend things. I've even seen some retards say shit like "They get their beef from a company called '100% Real' and the product isn't actually beef."

>> No.14996787

im actually not american. thanks for the you tho ahmeds

>> No.14996796

where are you from then?

>> No.14996820

not bongistan, land of ariana grande boom boom. thank christ

>> No.14996884

>ariana grande boom boom

>> No.14998308

>cope and seethe

>> No.14998335

Nah chud

>> No.14998692

>a fucking bacon sandwich above beef wellington

>> No.14999766

a whole cow isnt a single burger you fucking retard. also you're buying bulk in everything.

>> No.14999837

...just don't buy massive fucking quantities like that you retard

>> No.14999871

Vegan mayo is not healthier than regular mayo.

>> No.14999915

Best thing about the bacon sandwich is that mcdonalds decided to make one, and it was entered into a blind tasting with a bunch of other famous sandwich places. Dirty Ron btfo'd every british establishment.

Bongs literally can't even put bacon on bread right.

>> No.15000130

Oh, good point. I hadn't thought of that.

>> No.15000183

You're actually pretty smart. I didn't see it that way until I read your comment.

If you think about it like that, it does make sense.

>> No.15000268

you forgot to buy milk and starter cultures to make your own cheese and a plot of land to start a sesame farm for the sesame seeds on the bun

>> No.15000534

This is why socialism doesn't work.