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14995158 No.14995158 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many people shit on Finnish food? This looks pretty good to me.

>> No.14995229

Looks like someone shit on it alright

>> No.14995237

looks good, would eat with butter + garlic on top

>> No.14995242
File: 268 KB, 1200x683, 1519961471777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best finnish dish coming through.

>> No.14995258

I love unseasoned braised sheeps head, left to dry in the winter air for three months!

>> No.14995269

Northern cuisines are hurt by the limited availability of fresh ingredients for most of the year.

>> No.14995307

Im assuming its reindeer shavings on mashed potatoes which might not look great but tastes good and is cheap af. Usually you would cook the meat with some cream tho so its not dry.

You dont want garlic with that but butter improves most stuff desu.

>> No.14995408

I would try some but not sure if I could Finnish it

>> No.14995410

lmao the nords really got screwed over from a cuisine perspective.

>> No.14995416

>not sure if I could Finnish it
sigh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifaoKZfQpdA

>> No.14995433

yeah, a little bit... but they do braised sheep head all over the place. I've had Tajiki, Mongolian and Icelandic (full sheep sectioned off, and done in a cauldron in Iceland - I helped), and none of it was terrible.

But yeah, "Here have winter for 8 months of the year. I hope you enjoy fermented fish." "Thanks Odin. May you blow every load into your good eye."

>> No.14995445

I don't know. How did he get such a sloppy shit to land in such a neat pile?

>> No.14995462

Mashed potatoes, meat, cranberries and carrots? What about this dish is particularly Finnish?

>> No.14995469


that's not finnish you dunce

>> No.14995491

all nordic food is shit. food is about tradition. when you have nothing to eat for 6 months your tradition will be shit. Im nordic myself but this is just how it is.

>> No.14995496

Finns don't have sheep?

>> No.14995555

Finland never stood a chance. The products of local Finnish agriculture are on the blander side - mostly staple grains and meats. That's an issue common to all of Eastern and Central European gastronomy, it seems, but the isolated position of Finland left the availability of spices in poor position. But the real problem was actually legal: Finland was very agricultural very late into 1900s, and mid 1800s bans on alcohol also implicitly ended restaurant business from emerging in countryside - for majority of the Finns, eating in restaurants was a curiosity until late 60s relaxed the laws. This divorced the practical food culture from the restaurant food culture, and developments in the latter never trickled down into the former as in France or Italy. Finland also as an egalitarian society has a very high rate of female employment, leaving stay-at-home-moms as a rarity, which considerably reduces the amount of time and effort which can be put into cooking, translating to low effort foods in general.

I don't think anything we regularly have is considered vile or weird, like in a lot of other food diets. Bland is the word one could use to describe Finnish food, and few people would be offended by it. Its cozy, homey, whatever you want to call it, but there is a joke that Finns dream of having strong national foods while walking to a pizzeria.

>> No.14995596

Nice quads, and solid post.

There has to be some sort of allium that can naturalize there. Dill can grow just about anywhere. Buckwheat, barley, meat... That's more than halfway to a food culture. Denmark's givin' er. I think Finland should too.

>> No.14995662

Some of my ramblings:
Imo what also has hurt the food culture is the fact that majority of Finns were self-reliant peasants in a low population country in somewhat large land area. Finland is around same size Great Britain but Britain has had humongous population compared to us since forever.
So for centuries there was not much variation in employment that could've lead to variation in food, say pubs or restaurants, confectionaries, dedicated bakeries etc.

>> No.14995703

All of those except for buckwheat are and have been stables of Finnish food culture. Add potatoes and fish and you've covered like 90% of it.

>> No.14995704

Finnish food is fine, maybe bland sometimes, but still there are some gems.

What i understand so far about Finnish food culture is that most of the people are too lazy/busy to cook anything which takes more than 20 minutes. And when I see my friends cooking it is usually just mince with pasta, or opening like 6 different bags of pre-cut veggies and ham, mix it all in casserole dish and put it to the oven..

>> No.14995721


>> No.14995734

That's food. There's no reason for that not to be a thing, probably landing somewhere between alpine mainland, western Slavic and Irish.

If it's a matter of needing a kickstart, I'll see if i can get sent over there - pretty sure there's enough pull from the heritage aspect of the restaurant I work at to cover a cultural exploration grant. It would take enough time to get put into place that I could learn passable Finnish.

>> No.14995741

wtf did they eat before potatoes?

>> No.14995744


>> No.14995962

Looks like throw up on top of a waffle floating in piss

>> No.14996061
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well it's pretty "generic" food, something like this can be found even italy which i'd say it's the very contrary of finland
pic very related

>> No.14996077

I think the innuit got it worse. They were stuck in a white, polar bear laden hell, and if they tried to go south they probably would get ganged up on by like 6 different tribes that descended from the innuit to begin with.

>> No.14996142
File: 14 KB, 495x285, inuit-hunter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much. Why tf would anyone choose to live in the Arctic Circle?

>> No.14996339

Most of this whining about Finnish food culture being bad is just bullshit from people who don't know better and haven't bothered to learn. People that buy those frozen veggies and think that's cooking. People who've never made even something as simple as a Karelia roast or a janssoninkiusaus. You might think it's bland because you prefer more spicy stuff but that doesn't mean it's bad. Yeah there are no aromatics like chilis or ginger but you'll get plenty of flavor from lovage, bay leaves, allspice and such even if it's more subtle. Different kinds of fish like perch, pike, pike-perch, vendance or baltic herring to name a few and different ways of prepping them like curing, smoking, grilling, frying, poaching but not fermenting (seriously no one fucking does that and it's just a tired meme). Early summer potatoes, reindeer, moose and other game animals, berries, mushrooms, cabbage, dairy products like butter milk, grains like rye etc etc. Rye bread for example is incredible and you'll be hard-pressed to find similar bread from elsewhere except maybe Sweden or Denmark. Anglo rye bread is not the same at all and even central europe doesn't do it the same way. There's so much when you actually think about it and step outside the precooked meals, local kebab-pizza joints and frozen super market ingredients. You might think it's bland but that's on you. What it is is very similar in spots to other nordic countries but that's because the environment, history and traditions are very similar and intertwined. Finland has also been an independent country for only a bit over 100 years and before that was under Swedish and Russian rule so is it really such a surprise that the food culture isn't amazingly unique and often takes from beyond both the western and eastern borders. Finnish food culture has been a concept even in Finland only for the past 20-30 years or so which as I said is only nearly a third of the age of the whole country.

>> No.14996581

>perch, pike, pike-perch
What the fuck is wrong with nords

>> No.14996606
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>> No.14997931

stale pasta

>> No.14997962
File: 1.41 MB, 270x214, didnt-read-lol-chicken-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14998068

Looks good to me. I would totally eat that.