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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 167 KB, 1200x1200, skyline-chili-6-cans.7848153622bff70835543eca67fbc6d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14994579 No.14994579 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Ohians get so butt blasted, when you ridicule this slop?

>> No.14994584

What else are they known for?

>> No.14994607
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>> No.14994608
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The rock and roll museum, buckeyes (the candy and the team), a neon bridge, gummo, and WKRP

>> No.14994612

down syndrome

>> No.14994620

also i just noticed there is bacon taped to the bathroom tile. Harmony Korine is a weird dude.

>> No.14994752

I work with several Ohio natives none of them get buttblasted over chili they just really like Skyline lol

>> No.14994793

in my experience its the other way around. They just like chili spaghetti and its the chilifags that are always seething.

>> No.14994812

idk I'm canadian and this shit looks good, from what I can tell it would taste a bit like moussaka on top of spaghetti with cheese and that sounds good as fuck

>> No.14994819

i made it following this recipe. https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/cincinnati_chili/ it was pretty good. yeah it's a sloppa but sometimes sloppas are good.

>> No.14994828

Kek just noticed as well and I also forgot how disgusting the spaghetti looked

>> No.14994832
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I thought that was a frito chili pie, and I was about to get mad you'd hate it, but then I noticed it's noodles. What the fuck?

>> No.14994919


That is fine dining in Ohio

>> No.14994934
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>> No.14994945

doesn't that overamount of cheese cover the taste of everything else?

>> No.14994955
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That's the point.

>> No.14994957

Skyline coneys > spaghetti

>> No.14995010

I don't know what this is but I absolutely need it right now.

>> No.14995091

its good

>> No.14995102

the midwestern stare. one eye looks forward, the other looks in a completely different direction.

>> No.14995150

why are people obsessed with bitching about Cincinnati chili?

>> No.14995164

Why is /ck/ get so triggered by chili? Does Ohio live in your head rent free?

>> No.14995209

I swear with the exception of New York, New Orleans, and the barbecue epicenters, American whites are so terrible at cooking in general.

>> No.14995217

>someone mentions something about ohio, probably for the first time in their life
>haha rent free bro SO OBSESSED lol

>> No.14995232

For the same reason you become angry, OP when that girl you once dated ridiculed the size and shape of your penis, stopped responding to your texts and blocked you from her social media accounts.

>> No.14995381

Tbh ohioians do get buttblasted for being picked on. An outline of ohio is a really popular tattoo around here despite the fact that nobody gives af about ohio, rightfully so.
t. Ohioian

>> No.14995399

I don't know what any of this stuff is, probably because I usually fly over all of it on my way from New York to California and back.

>> No.14995458

As someone who used to live in Ohio, I’ve never actually had this.

>> No.14995628

>I'm canadian
I stopped reading right there

>> No.14995926

Because they have nothing else going for them.

>> No.14995994

Tried it, it's not bad but fuck me the heartburn isn't worth it. If I'm going to suffer like that, give me Hot Chicken Takeover over this shit any day

>> No.14996233

HCT is well known enough to be referenced yet

>> No.14996280

It's not just an Ohio thing, have you noticed most american boomer dishes are like this mess? Look at any list of "state dishes" and it's all similar looking slop.

It's all due to a lot of different factors:
>their parents grew up during the depression/wars and had to learn to cook with very little
>the trends for processed and instant foods
>feminists rejected traditional roles in the kitchen while men of the same generation refused to learn themselves
>the trend during the prime for boomers where the variety of products in a store consolidated to a handful of brands and options

And they invented slop like this, and recipes that are simply "add can of x on top of box of instant y with sauce from a jar, then microwave." Their bread dough comes from cardboard tubes, their rice is instant, their potatoes are dried flakes, their spice rack is three large "mixes" for specific dishes and then salt and pepper.

They defend it because it's literally as complex as their food ever gets.

>> No.14996288

yeah well that movie is kind of fucked up.

>> No.14996358

when i used to go to Cincinnati to visit my grandparents as a child we would go to Skyline's 4-5 times a week. I fucking loved it as a kid because of how much cheese they put in the hotdogs. Haven't had it in a good 20 years

>> No.14996372

>7 presidents
>invented powered flight
>first man to orbit the earth
>first man to walk on the moon

not much

>> No.14996698

I used to date a girl in ironton that bridge is pretty fuckin sweet

>> No.14997060

You don't actually know what that is, right? It may look fucking disgusting but it actually tastes really nice. For what it's worth, it's essentially a meat sauce with cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and chocolate.

>> No.14997083
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>all great Ohioan achievements are them getting as far away as possible from Ohio

>> No.14997116

>it tastes great
>it's just spaghetti with a rather simple and generic meat sauce with ground beef
>doesn't mention the mountain of cheese that is also the worst choice of cheese you could make with that kind of recipe but also the most boomer choice
Found the Ohioan.

>> No.14997146
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fuck hahahaha

>> No.14997164


This, there's Featureman in youtube (silent gen, not boomer) and he praises shit like hungryman meals which looks so unappetizing and prepares "beef patties" which is just a chunk of shredded meat without even mixing it up a little. And he loves it. It's like a great number of people grew up or lived 30+ years with processed shit.

>> No.14997187

how can columbus be home to fucking wendys, white castle, the US part of tim hortons, buffalo wild wings, and bob evans in addition to being taco bells main test market and this shitshow that isn't even popular in 2/3rds of the state somehow is ohio's fast food mascot?

>> No.14997221

One of the biggest generational shifts with millenials is that they can cook, have no hangups about cooking, who should cook, what to cook, how to do it, what kinds of foods to make, and they have access to way more ingredients, more types of food, and multiple recipes for literally every food ever made on earth with just a quick google search. Even instructional videos on incredibly specific foods.

It was a horrible disappointment to grow up and realize my mom and grandma really couldn't cook. My mom's potato soup I liked as a kid is just this awful salt, pepper, and butter water that sometimes maybe had onions. My gradnma's amazing bread rolls came from a can and grandpa's chili used a generic store bought mix and the only original thing he did was add extra brown sugar.

Here I am dealing with a lower standard of living than they ever had to but my food is way better and I don't have to put much effort into that. Me and my siblings try to one-up each others recipes during holidays with crazy things we never even tried growing up, and the boomers still make shit like green bean casserole which is just "can of beans, can of soup, can of fried onions, uuuuh bake it some".

>> No.14997244


Yeah I live in argenigga and the generational situation is different, boomer moms and grandmas are GENERALLY good at cooking and while they are kind of limited in what they cook, the 3 or 4 things they do, they do them well. But yes the millenial shift is also noticeable here, people my age generally post how they are learning to cook and it feels natural to know at least ONE dish.

>> No.14997365

>Hot Chicken Takeover
Homosexual white guilt hipster trash, I hope you enjoy all that felon saliva all over your Wonderbread

>> No.14997392
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Because none of that other stuff triggers /ck/, a good cincinnati chili thread is guaranteed (you)s

>> No.14997475

We've got this weird gap in the US where those 3-4 recipes that should have been passed down were lost, and there are a lot of factors for why, but it's generally a trend among white boomers in America, while blacks and other minorities still have plenty of old family recipes.

>> No.14997478
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>> No.14997487

"They say that these are not the best of times, but they're the only times I've ever known".
For all there is to be cynical about in the days I've lived, I'm unrelentingly grateful for the quantum leaps in... "Food", in a word, that I take so for granted. Easily-accessible, high-quality, incredibly-varied, year-round, and with infinite information on how to prepare it. For so many decades canned food was a luxury and now it's an anachronism. Why do canned green beans even exist when we have flash-frozen? It's never in history been so easy to feed yourself so well. It makes me so happy. Earlier this year with covid disrupting the food-supply it was surreal to see hiccups in the availability of certain things, even that hasn't lasted long but I remember at least a little while that made me appreciate JUST what luxury we live in.

>> No.14997638

To be fair to them, last time I drove through that area I went through Illinois, Indiana, and my destination was in Michigan, and of the four Ohio was like a glistening jewel in comparison. Their cities were all awful, but I was seeing the rural parts of all of them.

My music cut off from a lack of reception in both Illinois Indiana, the roads and bridges were all awful, there were incredibly scummy traps in Indiana, such as police intentionally pulled over for no reason with another car further up so they could ticket people for not "slowing down enough" when they saw the car pulled over.

But then I crossed the border to Ohio and the roads were better, the bridges were new and white, and there were massive windmills posed as if to blow the awful smell of Indiana away from them.

And then I crossed the border to Michigan and everything was so much worse than before.

Ohio isn't great but it's not even the bottom 5 of the midwest states and nothing I've mentioned compares to the horrors going on down south.

>> No.14997733

This, Tennessee roads are third-world tier

>> No.14997747

I spent 4 years living in east Africa and thanks to deals with China they have some fantastic roads. Because when China needs to build a road to get your raw resources they build a damn good road.

So while the rest of the roads are awful that brings their average up so that Tennessee is lagging behind them.

>> No.14997845

stop making this thread every day

>> No.14999729

Holy shit that's a lot of cheese!

>> No.14999768
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how does spaghetti with some ground beef and cheese on top resemble moussaka in any way possible ?

>> No.15000241

I swear there is one eastern monkey posting these threads every god damn day for the last 2 weeks. Why, what does someone gain?

>> No.15000586

Moussaka has
1. A meat sauce made with cinnamon cloves etc.
2. Layers of potatos a starch
3. Topped with a bechamel usually mixed with some kind of cheese.
Gee I wonder. It's basically the greek food version of your run of the mill american chinese or texmex place. Is it identical to the food of the immigrants that came over to the US? No. Is it inspired by it? Certainly. I don't know why everyone gets so triggered by cincinatti chili and has to make this thread everyday.

>> No.15000625

Just curious, why would you need to drive through all three of those states to get to Michigan? You drove east to west to get north?

>> No.15000634

The fuck are you talking about? Moussaka is a casserole with potatoes and eggplants. It has no cheese, and the sauce is nowhere near as spiced as you think. Cincinnati chili has no bechamel, no vegetables, and it's not layered. If anything, it might (and that's a big might) taste like pastitsio, not moussaka.

>> No.15000643

Gee I wonder why I thought your argument will be cooking related on a cooking board and not some pseudo-intelectual thesis.

>> No.15000909

Onion is a vegetable faggot.

>> No.15000926

Way to miss the point entirely. I think you need to look up the word inspired.

>> No.15001149

Started in Missouri, through southern illinois, Indiana, Ohio, then north to Michigan.

>> No.15001189

Fuck that place tranny felons with over priced wonder bread

>> No.15001314

I guess I lucked out since both my parents are pretty good cooks. They have their hangups but overall they can make decent meals. My mom especially

>> No.15001331

Why do you obsessed retards make multiple cincinnati sloppa threads every single god damn day? It's all so tiresome.

>> No.15001414
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What's that comma for?

>> No.15001435

cincinnati "chili" us like if an idiot ate at a indian food restaurant and someone told him that curry was chili.

Then he went he described that to someone, and they passed it on, though a dozen people and the last one tried to recreate it and came up with that crappy shit.

>> No.15001436

From Cleveland but travel to Columbus and Cinci/Dayton for work a bit. I’ve tried this place twice and both times were complete shit. Not sure why it’s even sold on store shelves

>> No.15001440

cincinnati chili is a pre boomer thing.