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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 83 KB, 620x610, orig_school-pizza-20181117220645612782aryly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14989421 No.14989421 [Reply] [Original]

Remember this?

>> No.14989430

Black women?

>> No.14989451

Damn, that looks like a nordicware sheet.

>> No.14989462

Yeah I do, it was school lunch kino.

>> No.14989518

That shit was good

>> No.14989542

why do schools use dogshit frozen food and have retarded old lunch ladies

>> No.14989569

Why is nobody stopping her from stealing that food?

>> No.14989824

watching school lunch in media always fascinated me as a canuck

>> No.14989832

when black people worked? I member.

>> No.14989837

Most cafeteria food is made by third party companies not the school. The lunch ladies work for a different company. Cafeteria food is barely s step above prison food nowadays.

>> No.14989841
File: 151 KB, 500x375, schwansRPF_78352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The breakfast pizza was like a holy grail for me because I never came to school early enough to get them.

>> No.14989843

>The lunch ladies work for a different company
That depends on the school. The one I work at the lunch ladies are county employees just like us. As for being a step above prison food that also depends. In a lot od places it's the same company that provides the food for schools and prisons. Most schools just go with whatever low bid shit they can find.

>> No.14989856


Because they need that money for the new sportsball field and Ipads.

>> No.14989860

when I was a kid most people made lunches for their children. So I always ate breakfast at home, and brought my lunch. later my mom got lazy and I started to eat school lunches which were mostly not very good. My favorite was steak fingers. I do not know what part of the cow has fingers, but they were tasty.

>> No.14989867

I'm certain the 'cheese' was actually the same gravy used on biscuits, mashed potatoes, etc

>> No.14989893

I kissed a lunch lady on the lips on my last day of 5th grade. Honestly think she was into it.

>> No.14989898

you son of a bitch

I remember

>> No.14990027

What a wholly revolting image. Disgraceful welfare professed by its former or possibly current recipients.

>> No.14990046

it's school breakfast/lunch

>> No.14990241
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I am going to try to make this at home

>> No.14990249

Fuck you dude that shit was quintessential American

>> No.14990271
File: 215 KB, 954x716, original_3852936926_021c7d2c1a_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but I remember soggy fries, 50 cents extra for the gravy.

>> No.14990346

no, we only had pepperoni

>> No.14990353

she looks like a man but I bet she's really nice

>> No.14990370

My lunchladies were too lazy to make pizza and just had domino's delivered on Friday.
They were all sisters and also bred like rats so like 33% of the small school was "lunchlady's retarded kid".
Names like Reagan and Bailey and shit. Ridiculous.

>> No.14990409

no kidding, huh?

>> No.14990425

For me, it was the hexagonal shaped mexican pizza

>> No.14990448

>I was into it
we can tell
was she white or brown

>> No.14990470


>> No.14990475

Who else do you think is gunna work in a minimum wage cafeteria?

>> No.14990532

>Cafeteria food is barely s step above prison food nowadays
I would argue that it's below prison food in most cases.

>> No.14990747

I used to go to a private catholic high school run by italian nuns and holy shit was their pizza good, the crust was to die for, they even sold the pizza during school fundraisers to parents, I wish I had the recipe,I miss that shit man

>> No.14990756

>Cafeteria food is barely s step above prison food nowadays.
It might even be made by the same company

>> No.14990805

Aramark is a leading supplier to both schools and prisons. So, you are correct.

>> No.14990835

Am I the only one who knew how tasteless those pizzas were? I'd get pissed when that was the main menu. Guess some people have lower standards.

>> No.14990842

fiestada wasn't tasteless you whore

>> No.14990855

when the lunchladies made the pizza themselves from scratch it was very good, the ones from food service was not. i guess it depends on your lunchlady.

>> No.14990869

That's pretty funny. Good thing I just brought my own lunch.

>> No.14991196

>This is what Americans think of the next generation

>> No.14991213

Why is the fiestada not something I can order off a menu?

This is horseshit.

>> No.14991263

>why do schools use dogshit frozen food and have retarded old lunch ladies
When I lived in a small rural town, my school cafeteria was run by all the old ladies in town - including my aunt and grandmother.
Every day they cooked an actual meal from scratch. It was cheap, tasty, and relatively healthy.
They would even bring in the kindergartners to help shuck corn every now and then.

Then when I moved to the inner city, the lunch was just the same frozen pizza they threw in a microwave every day.

>> No.14991293

That's a big oven...

You guy's don't think?

>> No.14991305

where do you see an oven, anon?

>> No.14991782

BASED I actually forgot about that. I ate it every time.

>> No.14991879
File: 115 KB, 800x533, 1604028677063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's awful. Why would she steal that much pizza?

>> No.14991898

>nostalgic for shit food
do flyovers really?

>> No.14992663

I worked as a delivery driver for two separate metropolitan school discricts and the shit frozen food always came down to budget and it being for profit. They'd have third parties bid on who could do shit cheaper and they'd have a rough budget of (and it's been a while I don't remember the specific number) of $1.40 per kid per meal. Obviously you can make some decent shit even with a budget like that but you couple that with the fact they don't want to pay real chefs so you have minimum wage lunch ladies who aren't allowed to work full time so their prep work ONLY allows for doing shit like heating premade burgs. Both districts had storage rooms that were so not equipped for anything beyond mass amounts of frozen items and the schools were ALWAYS locked into retarded contracts with bakeries and produce suppliers who upcharged to fuck their prices (and since every meal NEEDS a grain and fruit/veggie even as an option) that cut heavily into the budget for actual food (which again is only frozen shit because of the above.

The single biggest thing is actually the fact that schools are given "organizational" discounts or some shit from the government (I never pried too far into it not my fucking job) where there would 'd be a massive surplus from a 3rd party (often the military) and the food distributor would sell the excess stock for, in some cases, a profit on the order just to get it off shelves so schools would buy literally 100+ cases of Tyson chicken patties because it's cheap as fuck and lasts.

Literally every issue with school lunches stem from treating it as a for profit business and absolute shit logistics coupled with government regulations where they're following the letter of the law but not the spirit (not to say I think giving kids scurvy is a reasonable trade off for letting them have name brand pizza or whatever).

>> No.14992730

fucking sodexo does prisons, schools, and military bases its ridiculous how bad they suck

>> No.14992740

My schools always ordered Domino's :/

>> No.14992758

>Cafeteria food is barely s step above prison food nowadays
You clearly havent tried the nutraloaf

>> No.14993162

In basic training the only niceness you encountered came from the black ladies serving at the chow line.

“Head up baby, you’ll be alright”

God bless those womenz.

>> No.14993178

School pizza is better than fucking domino's you lying cock sucker.

>> No.14993193

Some companies provide food for both schools and prisons.

>> No.14993223

She was a bbw ebony. Picture the bbw from the movie road trip. Best day of my young life.

>> No.14993224

Did you live in Utah or something?

>tfw no lunch lady gf

>> No.14993226

Any tongue or just lip on lip?

>> No.14993231

Just peck on the lips. But that was my first kiss and I was big shit with my friends because they were still khvs back then.

>> No.14993245

I had a long era of the big sheet pan pizza interrupted shortly by something called the galaxy pizza which came in a little plastic bag and that was fuckin awful. We went back to the large black woman serving us sheet pizza shortly afterwards. This was way before they started bussing in the inner city kids, that was when Corn Pop showed up. Let me tell you he was a bad dude. He figured out you could put ranch dressing and hot sauce on pizza in order to modify its flavors and I have to tell you our society changed a lot after that.

>> No.14993254

what do you teach?

>> No.14993274

because the budget is tiny and has remained tiny despite inflation over the years

for instance, Obama, despite all the hype Michelle Obama got for making school lunches healthier, didn't actually expand the BUDGET that schools have per lunch, which, I believe is around $2 per meal per child which is not a lot.

Raising the budget for school meals is incredibly controversial and will never pass so long as Republicans have any power whatsoever because they are greedy and self interested.

>> No.14993277

Any other private school chads that got to eat garlic bread and instant noodles here?

>> No.14993560

>tfw I'm supposed to hate black people just because some of them commit more crimes than other races

>> No.14993572

Really it has little to do with crime rates and more to do with behavioral differences. Most of them are fine but a few of them tend to get aggressive and unpredictable in ways that don't happen with whites. That is, blacks are more likely to dramatically overreact and blow up over minor situations and that creates a feeling of unsafeness.

I mean, do you live in a big city with lots of blacks who you interact with regularly? Its easy to say racism is bad when you can avoid them.

>> No.14993612
File: 1.22 MB, 500x387, EXTRA SLOPPY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should lose that tone before i hax ur shit bro

>> No.14993647

They should get rid of it then.

>> No.14993699

Fuck any of you sick in the head motherfuckers that drenched that shit in ranch. You’re going to hell.

>> No.14994023

oh for fucks sake. first you retards complain about the low quality of the food in prison so they make it better, now you complain about this shit

>> No.14994032

Yeah, HS lunch pizzas, those were pretty good. Those black chicks knew how to make a mean pizza eventhough we could all go out to local joints.

>> No.14994067

what the fuck?

>> No.14994070

>Raising the budget for school meals is incredibly controversial and will never pass so long as Republicans have any power whatsoever because they are greedy and self interested.

Cringe take. Michelle's husband was in power for a full eight years. Surely something could have been done besides just making the sodexo pigslop whole grain.

I grew up in a bleeding blue state and town. I pay some of the highest property taxes in the country, and most of that goes towards our school system. I was still fed sodexo slop.

>> No.14994075

I did too, NY, but that didn't mean that we didn't have cool black ladies making really good pizzas for us in HS.

>> No.14994087

Sodexo? Isn't that prison food?

>> No.14994096

I don't. When I was in elementary school, every single Friday they would order Domino's Pizza. Every kid would absolutely lose their minds. There'd be a line stretching across the whole cafeteria on pizza day because EVERYONE wanted domino's.

Around the middle of 4th grade I guess they slashed the cafeteria budget and domino's became no more. They replaced it with this horrible frozen square pizza. I'd honestly love to know what school administrator was evil enough to deprive dozens of children one of the few things they looked forward to every week.

>> No.14994099

>in power

while Republicans controlled the senate and would have refused to pass any such legislation.

>> No.14994102

School budgets really aren't a federal issue, that's up to states and counties.

>> No.14994105

Stupid ass demoshits are the ones trying to make it a federal issue.

>> No.14994107

Everyone has to be the same according to demoshit logic.

>> No.14994111

I'm not a full teacher yet. I'm an assistant. I mostly work with ESL kids but before covid I would work with all the kids.
Fun job but now that it's all online I fucking hate it.

>> No.14994112

Cool, show me some of the proposed legislation that the Republicans turned down. Or did the good guy Democrats just not bother because they 'knew' it would be voted down LOL

Democrats must have fantastic PR, because they've hoodwinked dummies into thinking political parties actually care about them.

>> No.14994124

It is entirely within the federal government's power to mandate a higher food budget in public schools if they wanted to.

Why would you propose laws that have zero chance of passing?

The fact remains, the budget for lunches is too low, that's why the food is shit. Raise it to $4 a meal per child and it would be different.

>> No.14994125

That's why I got out of school as fast as possible, I don't want be around kids or their mask wearing soccer mom bitches.

>> No.14994133

What do you expect dude? Democrats literally only get votes because they promise gibs to people.

>Why would you propose laws that have zero chance of passing?
Didn't stop Democrats from the political theater that was the impeachment proceedings. At least bills don't cost money; Democrats used your tax money to pursue a legal case they knew would fail.

>> No.14994141

Sodexo has contracts with many government agencies, but yes. The university I work at was contracted with Sodexo ~15 years ago.

>> No.14994144

It comes down to local people having to pay for that shit and fact is kids can go home and make their own lunches without some crappy "government enforcement." Thats not a federal government issue, that's a way to learn to cook, shit I could that since about third grade, all my friends and I could. Just it back to class on time and it's all good. We didn't have some government assholes telling us what to do.

>> No.14994149

>at least bills don't cost money

like fuck they don't

paying the staffers who write them isn't free

republicans have been trying to CUT the school lunch budget for a long time now, without success I think, but raising it would be impossible without democratic control of prez, senate, and house.

>Democrats used your tax money to pursue a legal case they knew would fail.

so literally a whataboutism

>> No.14994153

What's canadian school lunch like?

>> No.14994156

no, funding for school lunches is federalized and has been for some time


>learn to cook

many parents are working 10-12 hours a day, single parents, etc.

>> No.14994157

-isms, -ists, and other assorted shit.
That's very democrat party stuff.

>> No.14994160

>so literally a whataboutism
Oh so you can criticize R's but if anyone tries to use the same logic to criticize D's it's not an authentic criticism. I see your game and I'm not going to play it.

>> No.14994161

Not really, but like speed limits they did that by controlling funding but really it's local and up to states and counties. Tell the feds to fuck off.

>> No.14994182

Well I personally never have to deal with parents. But yeah kids are retarded. I still like working with them though.

>> No.14994189

>Why would you propose laws that have zero chance of passing?

Both parties do this shit all the time. Every coronavirus relief proposal the democrats pitched had 40 buried mentions of diversity funding, knowing it would never get voted through but that it could be used as ammunition against the Republicans. You're telling me in Michelle's conquest to make already shitty school lunches even more dire, there couldn't have been one push to increase price per student? They couldn't have included that in their little legislation that legally mandates x amount of whole grains in your frozen slop food?

>> No.14994193

Why? I prefer working for real companies and not dealing with stupid kids. Chicks always like kids and I'm not a chick.

>> No.14994197

The state can easily do that with their budgets. Even california and NY don't care about lunches because there's no need. School lunches are only for nigs and the children of illegals, neither of which have parents that give a shit or participate in raising their kids

It really should just be mandatory that children bring their own lunch. All I hear are excuses about how poor parents can't take fifteen minutes to do it how they can't afford it because Nike released new Jordans.

>> No.14994212

That shouldn't be mandatory at all, what should be allowed is that the government get the fuck out of kids asses. Really friends and I could leave school and go home to make our own lunches since like third grade, that was like six years old or so.

>> No.14994216

So you expect some government to something for yourself and your shitty kids? How pathetic can you be?

>> No.14994221 [DELETED] 

Why don't you control yourself so you dont have niglets running all over the place commiting crimes?

>> No.14994224

>the government get the fuck out
That's exactly why we shouldn't have school lunches. The government is incapable of planning, bidding, and executing

Government has two approaches to projects. They are the worst tire kickers on the planet and quality is irrelevant because only the lowest bid will win. The second is they give blank checks with no oversight and have not goals and system of evaluating the outcome. Government is also incapable of making small changes

This describes the entire public school system, but we're just talking about lunch.

Autocorrect probably fucked your post, but I can tell you're settling up a strawman

>> No.14994226

How is that a "strawman" you dumb shit?
Reality is not being a "strawman" or a stupid democrat.

>> No.14994239

when i was in school everybody brought their own lunch in a lunch pail

>> No.14994242

You should get out of school, stop dealing with idiots, get your own place without stupid roommates and join the real world.

>> No.14994246

The Specials 30th Anniversary Tour(Full)

>> No.14994249

Did you let her molest you? My friend had an older sister who used to touch me when no one was around. I really enjoyed it. She got fat and tried to grope up on me a couple years ago and said “You used to love it when I touched you.” Instant boner

>> No.14994255

Kinky fun times!

>> No.14994256

I never let my older sister molest me, hollared at and hit me sure but not "molest"

>> No.14994266

shut the fuck up, eat a niggercock, stupidass subhuman

>> No.14994280

That's the thing about an older sister, she can hit you and hollar at you but you can never hit back. That's just being a human being.

>> No.14994292

don't really know who you are referring to, never been to prison so I wouldn't know what to say about their food

>> No.14994298

Many kids are stupid, but of course they are. They have to be guided, and any noticeable positive affect you've had on a child can be very rewarding for some.

>> No.14994307

Sure as long as they dont become weirdo criminals or an embarrasment.

>> No.14994554

School budgets are huge with nothing to show for it. There's corruption at every level. Doesn't matter if you're a republican or democrat. You've been hornswoggled

>> No.14994574

You made no argument

>> No.14994800

Used to drown the school lunch pizza in salt and ranch. U pissed?

>> No.14994804

Actually, most school food IS prison food these days. Most companies that serve schools also serve prisons and use the same food, just in different portions.

>> No.14994807

As some one who spent 3 years locked up, prison food is definitely worst.

>> No.14994811

My high school did something similar, think it was every Wednesday was “special lunch day”, pizza, Chik Fil a, etc.

>> No.14994827

The lunch ladies would sell for-profit junk food at reasonable prices in the allah-cart line (french for God is good)

>> No.14994997

Having a positive effect on the community, or at least trying too, is pretty rewarding. And it's not like I don't have coworkers there's plenty of people who work there for me to talk to.

>> No.14995022

Cafeteria in my high school was an elective class. It was ran by some teacher with a red seal chef degree and the students cooked and served all the food and it was fuckin deadly.

I used to get 4 grilled cheese sandwiches for $1 because the food was all subsidized by the government

>> No.14995058

government always goes for the lowest bidder

>> No.14995270


>> No.14995345

>Why don't you control yourself so you dont have niglets running all over the place commiting crimes?
That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.14995356

Only in America they feed kids pizza for breakfast.

>> No.14995655

We used to have a breakfast Sandwich that was kino so good that local pubs and bagel places would make there own version it’s basically Canadian bacon mozz and Cheeder cheese on an English muffin there probably was crack in there cause they were addicting

>> No.14995717

When your country lands on the moon you can do anything you want.

>> No.14995738


>> No.14995917

So what you're saying is that you're a bitch that yammers around some coffee machine instead of working and getting the fuck out? Like a secretary?

>> No.14996730

we just brought our own lunches from home
grades 6-8 required a note to leave school property to go buy lunch elsewhere
in highschool we could go to the cafeteria or bring lunch or go out, no note necessary

>> No.14996753

Damn, you actually enjoyed that sloppa? Did no one know how to cook at home?

>> No.14997001

My first school breadtangle was the best, somehow that magic was lost easily. Also classic Kid Cuisine's breadtangles were god tier

>> No.14997670

>Raise it to $4 a meal per child and it would be different.
the only difference would be the transportation and logistics mark up charged by the distribution companies. get your head out of your ass and realize both parties are run by corrupt swindlers who care more about funneling your tax dollars into their families bank accounts than the welfare of the people they represent. That's the way it's been since at least LBJ.

>> No.14997801

Fucking pizza day, holy fuck I miss that.

>> No.14997811

I am waiting for some equipment to come in from amazon and I am going to make ms lori's lunchlady pizza on friday or this weekend. I could hug all lunchladies! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YC3rrfq-FA&t=635s

>> No.14997826

Elementary school pizza was tippy top elder god-tier, anyone who says otherwise is a millennial fagit. Jr High is when the food went trash. Then in H.S. they introduced those shitty personal boxed pizzas that were non stop grease and if you ate one for 5th period lunch, you were blasting molten lava shit's half way through 6th period.

>> No.14998879

Weird because Sodexo Netherlands makes very good food with fresh ingredients.

>> No.14998966
File: 83 KB, 479x345, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elementary school pizza was tippy top elder god-tier
It was fucking horrible, literally a brick of mildly tomato flavoured sponge
You actually LIKED this shit?
t. zoomer

>> No.14998974

Who else fucked a lunchlady in high-school?

>> No.14999009

As a millennial faggot, I agree with your assessment that I thought school pizza was hot garbage.

>> No.14999033

And their budget is likely much higher than that found in America.

>> No.14999277


>> No.14999289

it seems like only yesterday when my families negro served them multiple meals a day
and for free

>> No.14999302

I wan fuk dat niggy

>> No.14999304

You're not very good at baiting.

>> No.14999307

>wahh Republicans
Shut ur cunt fag, back to Le ddit where u belong homo

>> No.14999308

I am prescribing you one dose of post nut clarity nigga

>> No.14999559

where i went to junior high school the lunches were cooked by volunteers of the families of the kids who attended it, so there was no accountability or training, and the food was usually mass-produced and sucked. these incompetent christian mom lunch ladies would consistently burn the pizza every single time, like they felt like they were in such huge position to reputably fuck up the bake times because they literally thought uncooked bread dough was akin to poison, and asking them to not give me a burned, shitty inedible crunchy corner piece in exchange for my money always got me sideways looks.

>> No.14999608
File: 25 KB, 600x450, Anybondstodaybugsblackface_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, Mammy!

>> No.14999653

ever considered that the EU regulations on food have something to do with that?

>> No.14999680

Okay boomer kys

>> No.14999973


>> No.15000142

City blacks are the problem, no suburban or rural blacks

>> No.15000172

>Republicans have any power whatsoever because they are greedy and self interested.
I'm a Republican and I'm in favor of improving school lunches, including increasing budget. Maybe we can take money from heroin injection sites and "homeless assistance" and actually spend it on our kids?

And maybe quit paying principals $150k a year and stop letting teachers unions protect tenured alcoholics who sleep in class

>> No.15000255

Admin pay cuts need to happen accross so many industry fields its insane how they contribute to bloat. College, healthcare, public school, insurance etc. fucking insane.

>> No.15000612


>> No.15000622

>Why yes, I peaked in highschool, how could you tell?

>> No.15000628

That's a big yikes from me, dawg.

>> No.15000635

wtf do you want lobster? you are a fucking child. go drink a diarrhea milkshake.

>> No.15000651

It'll never happen though. (Post) Democracies do not shrink.

>> No.15000669


>> No.15000680

Stop it. Just manually the number in the url to go directly to the post.

>> No.15000705
File: 30 KB, 325x445, red_lobster_cheese_biscuit_mix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With lobsters you'll need cheese biscuits.