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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14983927 No.14983927 [Reply] [Original]

Is it normal to not eat everyday? I’m at a point where I don’t feel like I deserve to eat more than once every two or three days.

>> No.14983935


>> No.14983943

"Deserve" is a strange word to use here. It is not normal to not eat every day. I would try it and you'd probably feel better mentally, emotionally, and physically.

>> No.14983945

I’m already fat though

>> No.14983955

You'll have to make healthier choices for meals and exercise too then. Easier said than done, but it's still better than feeling like you don't even deserve to eat dude.

>> No.14983958

Nigga I’m like 160 pounds I’m gonna have to cut back on food intake period

>> No.14983980

Anon, you have unhealthy relationship with food.
It's normal to fast once in a while for medical reasons.
It's unhealthy and abnormal to starve your organism with stress-fueled anorexia

>160 pounds
wait, something's wrong
Is it you being retarded or your pretending to be retarded?
Honestly, I can't tell.

>> No.14983994

I’m 5’9 with a bmi of like 23.5. Not technically overweight but I really feel and look fat and want to get lean.

>> No.14983999

I recommend as a fat fuck that you eat a lot of protein and some fats. You're within pissing distance of being cut as fuck with some effort. Hit up /fit/, and get your shit together.

>> No.14984000

You don't want to turn into a skeleton. You're 160 lbs
That's not a lot
Please eat anon

>> No.14984031

You should get some exercise and eat at once a day. I think you’ll look and feel better if you get some exercise in, even if you’re “only” taking long walks.

That said, 48- and 72-hour fasts are a thing . Check out the fast thread on >>>/fit/.

>> No.14984071


You're obviously eating way more than that, in high school I was anorexic and the same height as you. Ate one meal a day and managed >140 lbs. You're already throwing your health away by purposely starving, might as well go all in and start purging if you actually want to see results

>> No.14984342

Got it.

>> No.14984357

I just ate a couple cashews

>> No.14984407

OP please eat well for the sake of your health. I’m about 5’10 and 152lbs. I was actually at 160 something in March, I was fine but still felt I could be a bit leaner. I want to keep going with a leaner look but still staying on top of my nutrition. I typically eat 1 big meal a day and it’s been pretty solid. You don’t have to eat huge portions but don’t deprive yourself.

>> No.14984456

not eating for more than a day fucks up your metabolism if you do it consistently. you're training your body to be like
>food is hard to come by, so everytime i eat i will make sure to stock up as much fat as possible
this method also increases the likelihood of binge eating or to quit dieting. eating daily is more sustainable. 16/8 intermittent fasting works best for me, once a week i do a 24 hour fast.
increase protein and healthy fats, decrease carbs, watch your calorie intake. lift weights