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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14974330 No.14974330 [Reply] [Original]

how do i lose 1/3 of my weight without feeling hungry all the time?

>> No.14974333

Self control

>> No.14974339

that was easy to type wasn't it? now how do i do it?

>> No.14974341

try one meal a day, no snacking, no drinks with calories. sometimes after a really big meal i'm basically not hungry for 24 hours. harder to not maintain a normal weight when you're only eating one meal.

>> No.14974352

Lean protein & fibrous vegetables will fill you up heaps. You'd be surprised how much you can eat if you have the self control to stay away from fat & dense carbs.

>> No.14974355

By exercising control over oneself.

>> No.14974356

try chopping off your head

>> No.14974359

what should i eat to make me feel full the entire day?

>> No.14974367

that's not even close to 1/3 of my body weight, silly

>> No.14974377

how do you cook the vegetables? the oil alone has too much calories

>> No.14974390

you can't
you'll still feel hungry. fat people just want something in exchange for nothing

>> No.14974394

i'd coom all over those feet ngl

>> No.14974395

3 day snake diet

>> No.14974398

Steam, use a non-stick wok, have a raw salad with a vinegar/mustard based dressing. There are even these Japanese noodles called shirataki which are virtually calorie free, so you can do what feels like a proper meal.

>> No.14974405

part of the problem with fatties is they eat shit quality food that floods their blood stream with glucose and then an hour later they crash and feel like shit and the only solution is to shove more shit down their throat. eating slow burning vegetables helps moderate this cycle, it's also more work to cook your own food, and that means you can't just impulse consoom garbage the instant the whim strikes you. this further helps to break the cycle. just stop buying shit food and fill your fridge with only vegetables and other stuff that takes effort, that will automatically solve a lot of this on its own. the rest is down to balancing your macros and self-medicating your dopamine cycle with something else, like exercise. take it easy on the exercise if you're a hamplanet because you could hurt yourself or get sick and quit if you overdo it too quickly

>> No.14974410

You can condition yourself to getting used to less food.
When you're stuffing your fat ass all day every day your body is addicted to the dopamine.

If you just eat 2000 cals a day and reject the hunger you are not going to starve.
Your body will probably start eating the fat but that's good.

>> No.14974415

Drink water constantly.

>> No.14974420

2000 calories is too much though

>> No.14974426

wrong. you can't condition yourself to anything without disregarding your habituated impulses. the impulse in question here is hunger. it is incoherent to claim that you can condition yourself to getting used to less food without getting hungry, it wouldn't be "conditioning" if it was just a question of going "I should eat less" and magically you eat less without your body telling yourself something is wrong.

stop telling people it's not their responsibility to fix themselves, I know you think you're being "inclusive" or "supportive" or some shit but you're just enabling them

>> No.14974428

Getting there, but still not specific enough to be of much use.

>> No.14974429

Find a hobby to do that interests you enough to take your mind off the hunger.

>> No.14974432

yeah sugary food makes me more hungry.
is coffee also bad? does it make you eat more?

>> No.14974433

What a schizophrenic post

>> No.14974434

oh god i want to eat her shit

>> No.14974440

if it was just facesitting fine but shit? i hope it's just shitposting

>> No.14974449

Make sure.you are getting AT LEAST half your body weight in ounces of water. So if I weighed 20 pounds I'd aim for a minimum of 100 ounces of water. Many times your body is thirsty and you are interpreting it as hunger

>> No.14974451

Eggs, cheese, meat, vegetables, whole grains. Limit added sugar and other processed foods.

>> No.14974452

coffee is fine just don't put crap it in, drink normal black coffee, and remember you're going to need to sleep tonight, especially if you're running a calorie deficit good sleep is paramount. you should always anticipate what will I be feeling 2, 3, 6, 12 hours from now, not what am I feeling right this second. eat and plan accordingly, slow burning foods with a variety of nutrients in them. grains aren't bad just eat the grains with something other than grains.
nice way to say "I got BTFO and have no defense"

>> No.14974471

not that guy but I'd definitely eat her shit right out of her rectum

>> No.14974483
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>/ck/ - Food & Cooking
>discussing eating shit
just started browsing this board but so far not a good start

>> No.14974493

The only place on the internet filled with coomers, alcoholics,and housewives.

>> No.14974497

i think i can adapt with a good eating habit but i can't sleep

>> No.14974501

I go all day without eating, only make a big meal at night after I’m starving and can’t even finish it half the time

>> No.14974512

how do function without breakfast?
i'd rather only eat breakfast

>> No.14974523

boiled eggs?

>> No.14974525

Shouldn't /fit/ be more appropriate and (maybe) helpful?

>> No.14974531

>when you're too lazy to exercise

>> No.14974537

research sleep hygiene. just like eating habits you need to work on it and it won't come naturally right away. your sleep may even be worse at first until you've found a new routine that works for you

>> No.14974564

Exercise a lot

>> No.14974572

Breakfast isn’t a big deal to me, plus I don’t do any hard labor at work. I’d rather eat once I’m home because it tastes better and feels more worth it to me

>> No.14974586

intermittent fasting. drink plenty of water and tea. cut out sugar and carbs to reduce cravings. eat mostly different veggies. forget shitty american salads with lettuce and cucumbers. eating a bowl of broccoli, Brussels sprouts and mushrooms fills you up like a steak.

>> No.14974607

>without feeling hungry all the time
Why do you need to not feel hungry?

Hunger isn't a bad thing, I'm hungry for much of the day, but because I'm not a fatass with no self control, I wait until an appropriate meal time.

I then eat a normal sized meal, I don't gorge myself until i can't eat anymore, because that's just overeating and not gonna help at all with weight control.

>> No.14974620

avoid carbs & sugar

>> No.14974628

I went from obese to skinnyfat in over 6 months with keto and OMAD. Eat meat, eggs, low-lactose dairy like cheese and skyr and veggies everyday

Wheat, seeds, nuts, carbs, sugar, vegetable oils, alcohol, no processed crap obviously

Cardio 6 times a week, HIIT 3 times, if you're too fat just walk and skip the hiit

>> No.14974630

Any kind are fine as long as you're not completely drowning them in butter. Also nuts and peanut butter are pretty filling too.

>> No.14974636
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I've seen others mention it too, but try OMAD (one meal a day, aka 23 hour fast) combined with a high protein diet.

I have my lunch/dinner (dunch) around noon because you wake up and don't have to wait long to eat and then dunch usually keeps you filled enough until you go to bed.

It might be hard to do at first, but after the first week or so your body adjusts to the new feeding time. Have some self control and the weight will shed off.

Count your meal's calories still and aim for 1500 calories or less. Take a daily multi-vitamin if you're going this route.

Try lifting weights to prevent muscles being burned up during a calorie deficit >>>/fit/

>> No.14974637

Don't listen to these other faggots who say "just eat less and exercise." They're wrong. I'll tell you what you need to do, OP. I swear it's the easiest way.

>> No.14974657

I'm not overweight but the way I keep myself from getting overweight is by only cooking healthy meals at home. I usually have some form of lean meat whether its chicken, beef, pork or fish. Rice, potatoes, green vegetables, squash, etc. Salads with lots of fresh vegetables, oats, whole grains. Eggs and whole milk. Its really not hard, you just have to commit to eating healthy most of the time. You can still cook a nice tasty meal or go out to eat a couple times a week. I still drink soda and sweetened coffee. I just don't keep cookies, chips or high calorie snacks in my house. Try having a sandwich for lunch on whole wheat and a side of cottage cheese and carrots instead of chips. I use my rice cooker a lot for meals as its a simple healthy side dish. I like to buy the frozen vegetables from Costco that come in one pound steam bags. Super simple and you don't have to shop for vegetables all the time. I rarely eat processed meats and pasta only when I'm exercising regularly.

>> No.14974734
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Pic related is my breakfast. Then in a few hours I'm going to make a mixed berry, chia seed, power green smoothie. I'll have a small sandwich for lunch and leftover Tikka Masala with rice and Broccoli for dinner. Its not the most exciting diet but its how you gotta learn to eat if you don't want to be a hamplanet.

>> No.14974745

You can replace any given meal with an ultra light snack. One (1) apple, a couple of raw carrots, maybe a single boiled egg are some examples of what to eat. It's not supposed to sate you, it's just supposed to give your body a signal that you've eaten something - which goes a surprisingly long way at sating hunger and staving off the lethargy of no meals at all.

>> No.14974747

i'm working on losing almost 2/3 right now
mainly focusing on not drinking alcohol and making all my food at home
going for walks or skates or bike rides sometimes too but exercise is not my primary focus, intake is
so far i'm down 35 lbs, 40-60 to go

>> No.14974756

just count your calories and eat less than you burn and try not to eat purely junk.

>> No.14974764

I'm fat like you anon.

It was ok when I was like 22 but I'm getting old.

I've started buying a kilo of carrots and I'll eat at least two a day, but I feel I'm still overeating,

Going to bring 4 carrots to work tomorrow to snack.

I'll maintain that for a month and it should help me slim down a bit. At the moment my snack for lunches are mostly peanuts and coconut water, both are just calories.

>> No.14974769

You’re going to fail you excuse making victim

>> No.14974774

Avoid soda, alcohol and juices since these are full of sugar. Only drink water and unsweetened coffee/tea.
Cook a lot more. Not only is the food healthier, but it makes it much harder to binge.
Keep busy. Sitting around and stewing in your hunger all day won't help shit.
You'll still feel like shit though. Anyone who says you can lose weight without feeling bad is full of it.

>> No.14974782 [DELETED] 
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I wonder if she's into girls. She's notoriously single. We know the harry potter author lady is ultra homophobic. Maybe she is just in the closet.

Wouldn't it be nice for a strict but caring lady like Jodi Foster to show her the ropes? Imagine watching Jodi Foster eat Emma Watson's pussy. I'm about to COOOM just thinking about it.

>> No.14974825


2000 is not too much unless you literally never exercise/move.

If you wake up -> drive to sedentary job -> drive home and dick around on pc all day, maybe.

>> No.14975125

Drink water if you feel hungry, it's most likely that you're thirsty.

>> No.14975137

go ham with a hacksaw
go nuts with a hacksaw
go beans with a hacksaw
and cut your limbs off

or stop eating you fat fuck start running or swimming maybe

>> No.14975140


>> No.14975141

Who is driving at a time like this
Dick around on sofa, sleep, repeat

>> No.14975154
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>at a time like this
Nothing in my life has changed, you're just a pussy

>> No.14975179

>at a time like this
are you serious?

>> No.14975196

i too find any excuse to stay home all day.

>> No.14975258

States have been reopened since the beginning of summer. Stop being a lazy neet

>> No.14975266

And it's gotten us to record numbers of cases daily. You're retarded as fuck.

>> No.14975277

Who cares if a bunch of people catch the flu? Stop overreacting like a faggot

>> No.14975280


>> No.14975292

not even edgy, why would you destroy a country over a relatively harmless disease?

>> No.14975302

There isn’t a vaccine yet. Numbers are obviously gonna increase and every new day will be the new highest record compared to the last, are you fucking stupid?

>> No.14975316

I seriously hope you don't get this rushed, unnecessary, ineffective, and dangerous vaccine

>> No.14975345

Oh I’m not planning on taking shit

>> No.14975365

stuff yourself with vegetables
you literally cant get fat

>> No.14975368

>stuff yourself with antinutrients
bad idea, this will maybe cause weight loss but is also terribly unhealthy.

>> No.14975375

There are over 50 vacines being tested. If you have money to pay for the best you're safe.

>> No.14975382

Eat box after box of Ibuprofen until your stomach hurts. Then you won't be hungry

I discovered this amazing technique by consuming OTC codeine in my country as a teen not old enough to drink, until I ended up an Anaemic wreck. I lost 40kg though, and stayed not fat so swings and roundabouts

>> No.14975637

If eating 200 calories less makes you feel hungry all the time something is seriously fucked with you and you'll never make it

>> No.14975684

>>14974352 this helps, but also OP you should accept that it will be a struggle. Losing weight is difficult because eating is something you have to do everyday. Try to find some motivation, any to stay on track and don't get discouraged if you eat something unhealthy because nobody's perfect. Keep fighting OP, I believe in you.

>> No.14975742

Unironically coffee, it's good for you

>> No.14976228

>200 calories less
I feel like running that small of a deficit would make it kind of hard to lose weight. Like you'd have to be anal about everything because you're <10% away from maintenance

>> No.14976250

keto + omad fasting

>> No.14976285


start chain smoking and drinking, also lots of caffeine.

t. chef

>> No.14976322

Eat reasonable portions, drink lots of water, stay away from packaged foods and sodas, and get at 30 minutes of exercise every day even if it's just a brisk walk around your neighborhood.
>t. lost 87lbs without meme diets, self help books or even a gym membership

>> No.14976328

Stop being a pig and get some self control fight through the hunger

>> No.14976407

Drink coffee in the morning, it'll suppress appetite. At lunch/dinner, low cal but high fiber or dense food, and chew gum. Also avoid carbs, not for diet reasons, but because insulin spikes cause hunger. Just eat them sparingly or only in the morning.

>> No.14976708

Hunger is more about hormonal signals than actual calorie need. When you get into the habit of eating once per day you won't even feel hungry until your usual feeding time, then you're free to go ham

>> No.14976775

Nicotine patches, caffeine and ephedrine stack.

>> No.14976799


A few years back I knew this one guy who took some medical amphetamines to lose weight. Dude barely ate anything most of the days. I remember when his lunch consisted on a sliced cucumber that he just couldn't finish. Totally obliterated his appetite.

That said, that's not really something that works on the longer term.

You need to do small, sustainable changes to the way you eat. Start by cutting off overly greasy and sugary shit, and ramping up your activity and veggie consumption... and results might just start to slowly come.

>> No.14976817
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My idea of personal heaven. Every single shit she takes for the rest of her life goes directly from her anus to my mouth. My lips puckered around her slightly stained adorable little butthole patiently awaiting the treat to issue forth and slide into my mouth. The first couple appetizers are just farts that echo in my mouth and come out my nose for the full flavor aroma affect. And then the moment arrives and the first hint of my delectable treat slowly emerges with a nice shiny slime of fecal matter from her innermost bowels. It slides into my mouth and I cry tears of joy as it plays its delicious symphony across my taste buds. She giggles as it fully emerges and pushes down my throat and into my tummy. I have got my reward and while she wipes her fragile hole I lay back and weep in ecstasy. She leads me to my cage where I patiently await my next treat. Please eat and become full I whisper, I need my treats.

>> No.14976877
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a man of taste

>> No.14976926

Is this the newest schizo trend that I haven't heard about.

>> No.14976998

>below 200lbs

>> No.14977012

Ironically I just had a dream about eating ass

>> No.14977096

All you need to do is cut refined sugar completely out of your diet. Sugar causes leptin and ghrelin hormone production, those are the hunger hormones. Also causes insulin resistance. It's the sole cause of the obesity crisis.
You can eat literally whatever you want, so long as you take a month to go cold turkey and sweat the sugar addiction out of your system and then never eat any more of it. It's a drug we dope our food with, it's not a nutrient.

>> No.14977099

I never have that issue when just eating fruit, but I've noticed that after having dessert like cookies after a meal I feel completely hungry again.

>> No.14977113

The only way to do it without extreme hunger is extreme exercise. Huge amounts of cardio.

You're probably better off suffering through the hunger when it will least impact your life.
Try fasting on a weekend (miserable) to intentionally shrink your stomach. Then keep it shrunk, forcing you to fast again when you inevitably fuck up.
Or you could not eat throughout the day, and have a big dinner, which avoids the issue of hunger preventing you from sleeping.

Also make the obvious substitutions that cut sugar out of your diet, like sugar free soda.

>> No.14977120

Sugar addiction causes hunger persistently when your body is accustomed to it. You'll get full more easily and avoid energy crashes from not eating after you've completely broken your physical addiction to sugar. Calorie counting and other diets don't work, because they're fighting the symptoms of this physical addiction without recognizing what it is at it's root. It's not about willpower, it's about physical responses to the drug our food is doped with. People are fat now because they're hungrier than they used to be, because their livers are constantly processing refined sugar. Rich people are thin because they eat whole foods without added sugar, and japs and French are thin because their cultures treat sugar as a rare thing.

>> No.14977141

Look into The Satiety Index.
Boiled potatoes are the undisputed champ.
Ling fish, Porridge/Oatmeal, Oranges tier 2.

>> No.14977151

Caffeine is an apatite suppressant.
As is nicotine.

>> No.14977163

>Hunger isn't a bad thing
It leads to poor decision making (relevant if you have a high IQ job) and makes you irritable (relevant if you work with other people).
If you haven't noticed this then you aren't a very self aware person (or you're an irritable idiot to start with, but I doubt it).

>> No.14977185

The chart needs work.
If you only look at the rows everything is fine.
But if you move diagonally at all you see that the skinnier more muscular dude is not more muscular a lot of the time.

>> No.14977213

You can't lose that much weight without feeling hungry some of the time. The best general advice from my experience is to eat a relatively high protein, high fiber diet and exercise 5-6 times per week with 3 of those including weightlifting. Changing eating schedule (IF, OMAD, 5 meals, etc) seems to help break plateaus for some reason.

You're making some kind of mistake with your diet if you can't oil the pan to cook vegetables. I had more success losing fat when I stopped calorie counting and focused more on replacing highly processed foods with home cooked foods made out of whole, natural ingredients. Bone broth/soup, shakushuka, and chili are are staples for me now.

>> No.14977226

>week with 3 of those including weightlifting
This is a bad way of losing weight.

>> No.14977232

Lmao, if you have so little control over your own emotional state i feel sorry for anyone who has to deal with you on a daily basis.

Imagine being a slave to your own emotional fluctuations.

>> No.14977255

How about 1/5 of the weight? 250->200

>> No.14977288

i lost about 20 pounds since the beginning of summer. ive always been terrible at cutting but ive recently found my groove that works for me.
1) big breakfast
i make around a 1000 cal breakfast. make sure its full of good quality animal protein. mine for example is 4 eggs, sauteed veggies (no oil), 4oz of steak (or chicken, turkey, doesnt matter but i usually do steak,) a bowl of oatmeal with banana and blueberries with some oat milk.
basically around 70-80g protein, a healthy amount of good fats that help your mood, testosterone, and feeling of satiety, and some good carbs with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, etc.
i personally advocate for the big breakfast because everytime i eat this in the morning (After doing a fasted workout), im literally full until 5 pm.
then when im hungry, ill eat something light because im not that hungry and i know i have that goal in mind to lose weight. my last meal would be something like a salad with chicken, meat and fruits, fish and veggies, etc.the concept being similar as the morning, high animal protein but this time lower in carbs. something i usually do is like 8oz chicken with 1-2 fruits. or fish and steamed veggies maybe a little sweet potato.
so i just had 2 meals and around 1500 calories, considering im working out and moving around, if im super hungry at night ill have a small snack like a can of sardines or again some type of meat with veggies or fruits.

>> No.14977374
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Just replace one addiction with another.

>> No.14977379

eat at a slight caloric deficit
walk more often every day
make adjustments to your lifestyle
if you're already skinny consider skipping all the other steps, therapy will get your further

>> No.14977463

You don't control your emotions, you manage them.
Emotions are a goal setting measure anyway. The decision to control your emotions is driven by emotions, mistaken as it may be.
"Yay I controlled my emotions, dopamine hit, I'm so happy. " ~ you.

>> No.14977497

Former fatfuck- you need to get used to some hunger. being overweight fucks with your hunger response
it does eventually get better, but you need to stop eating so much first

>> No.14979017
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Water fast 2 days a week, cut out sugar and continue eating as normal.
It's far easier on your body and mind to eat nothing than eating at some extreme deficit

>> No.14979094

>Whats 2+2 but dont give me 4.

>> No.14979439

So THIS is the board to use if you want to find a housewife?
Time to cuck some lad I guess.

>> No.14979446

There's a lot I'd want to do to Emma Watson, but I'd happily settle just knowing what she smells like

>> No.14979447

I fasted for a month and lost a little over 30 pounds. after the first 4 days hunger goes away. be warned though it's really boring

>> No.14980419

>What's 8 x 7?
>More than 40

Bullshit. We wouldn't have like 90% fast food threads if housewives posted here.

>> No.14980663

Nicotine. Black coffee. Exercise.

>> No.14980671

No it doesn't. Vegetables are so minimal in calories the oil won't do shit

>> No.14980693

It's difficult, but it varies depending on the person. I just did OMAD a few years back for 5 months and lost 50 pounds. Like >>14974341 says, after a big meal, I didn't feel hungry until next day. My meal wasn't particularly light either: it was rich and carby. The strategy >>14974352 describes might be better for you.

What matters for losing weight is calories (and not skimping on the protein to avoid becoming a DYEL), but what keeps you on track is up to you.

>> No.14980752

You'll always feel hungry at first if you suddenly start eating at a caloric deficit. It'll go away after it becomes a habit (or maybe more accurately, the hunger will stop bothering you) but if you can't deal with a little bit of hunger at first you're not going to lose weight.

>> No.14980885

This. One of the hardest things fatties have to learn is that hunger is normal, okay, and you typically are "hungry" more hours of the day than "full."

t. ex-fatty

>> No.14980906

Whenever you feel hungry, eat pure vegetables, preferably leafy greens. You can technically eat all day, but if you want to lose weight, you must avoid carbs like the plague.

>> No.14980915


>> No.14980921

try one meal a day

drink water constantly

eat fiber, high protein

stay under 1500kcal

hunger is just a feeling, remind yourself of this when you get the urge to break

>> No.14980922

>Avoid carbs like the plauge
Wrong, calories are all that matter

>> No.14980934

>coffee is fine just don't put crap it in, drink normal black coffee, and remember you're going to need to sleep tonight
This is pretty bad advice. Caffeine has a half-life in the body of ~6 hours so after 12 hours you still have 1/4 of your cup of coffee in the system. Sleep scientists suggest that for healthy sleep, you are supposed to stop drinking anything containing caffeine 14h before going back to sleep.
What is correct is that healthy sleep (both in terms of length and in terms of quality of sleep) is a major helpful thing in weight loss. There is evidence that lack of good sleep has a high coincidence with weight gain / obesity.

>> No.14980945

Technically true - the best kind of true - but carbs are the easiest way to overeat, they are a major factor in diabetes, and they are often even the cheapest of calories.
Staying away from carbs is the least complex way of losing weight.

>> No.14981155

Scientists are fucking retarded since caffeine content and effects vary from coffee to coffee and person to person so take your stupid study and shove it up your delicious little asshole

>> No.14981189

Take your meds

>> No.14981294

How about I suck you off

>> No.14981334

Smoke meth

>> No.14981338

Sure, but I'm gonna sneak your meds up my pee hole so they shoot down your throat.

>> No.14981525
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Thank you for caring

>> No.14981597

Orthodoxy, not science.

>> No.14981707

where in my post did you decide I was telling the guy to chug a pot of coffee at 4:30 PM?

>> No.14981882

The results are replicable in every single human, but nice try. I am a coffee addict myself, but I am honest about its effects.

>> No.14981967

Really? Even the humans who literally can't be effected by caffeine due to a specific genome?

>> No.14981981

Slowly lower caloric intake per day.
And take up running or cycling. Look at serious runners, they're so thin that they look like tinkerbells dying of aids.

>> No.14981987

72 hr. fast. You need to reset your meal schedule and expectations.

>> No.14981995

link your source, because if you cannot be affected by caffeine odds are you are also immune to adenosine, meaning you will never sleep, meaning you will die within ~3-6 months. I am calling bullshit until you provide a source.

>> No.14982023

Chop off your belly, home lipo

>> No.14982107

depression. worked wonders for me. lost 51lbs in 6 months thus far

>> No.14982171

I find it to be the other way around for me

>> No.14982234

Each person's adenosine receptors are different due to genetics, and caffeine might not bind well with them. Folks who say caffeine does nothing to them probably do not have very “sticky” receptors. After joining up to your receptors, caffeine travels to your liver, where it's metabolized
Literally one google search you lazy cunt

>> No.14982550

Calorie defocit will likely always feel bad as you consume less than you are used to. Build up a habit if eating less. Nobody said it will be easy

>> No.14982562

self control you fuckwit
>wah wah wah that's to difficult
no it isn't

>> No.14983113


>> No.14983156

Best post in thread.
Every other anon is being silly

>> No.14983177

Start slowly. Begin with your normal portion of a meal you typically eat, but each time eat a bite less. Consider skipping any snacking, or switch a full lunch with a snack. Drink TONS of water before/during a meal to feel more full without having to overeat.

>> No.14983184

Eggs, sweet potato, green vegetables. Avoid too many grains, empty calorie beverages, added sugars (some fruit is fine).

>> No.14983206

Exercise daily. 1h of cycling burns 600kcal.
Stop drinking alcohol and soda
Drink water.
Don't snack between meals.
Eat grains, oats, veggies and lean meat.
Congrats, you'll now shit out 5kg/week

>> No.14983439

How do I cum inside of Emma Watson? I want to knock her and Maisie Williams up over and over again.

>> No.14983463

I usually drink coffee in the morning in the morning, drink water throughout the day and only eat one meal at night

>> No.14983511
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3 options.
1. Amphetamines.
2. Coma.
3. Death

Pick one or deal with the hunger.

>> No.14983630

No shartdumbistupid 2000kcal is litaralley more than 2ce what you should ever eats in a day and your gayobese for to tell otherwise

>> No.14983669

1) don't have a wife
2) be sick or take medicine that makes you sick, it helps with appetite control

>> No.14983679

u can eat dirt/snow
just something without calories

>> No.14983756

you stuff yourself with fruits and vegetables. you literally cannot get fat.

>> No.14983879

Been doing one meal a day + lots of black coffee and water, can confirm it works. Feel full after my 1 meal untill the next generally. Lost 15lbs so far without really increasing exercise

>> No.14984168

I did search and there is exactly zero evidence for what you say. The people who say that caffeine does nothing to them are most likely used to it through overconsumption, or they are simply lying.
I know from my students that people tend to dismiss caffeine's effects because "well I can still fall asleep" - well yeah, but you will have about 20% less deep sleep. Over days, months or years, this effect will drastically limit cognitive ability, etc.

>> No.14984184


>> No.14984187

There's even a harvard study on caffeine consumption and how much variability there is between individuals with effects from caffeine. There are a number of different reasons it effects people differently. Your blanket statement is dumb.

>> No.14984188

Aggressive amputation

>> No.14984206

Have you even read your own source? It does not confirm your claim of "some people are basically immune". At the most, the study suggest that for some people the effects of caffeine are slightly lessened.
But thanks for killing of your entire argument, so I do not have to do it.

>> No.14984435

realize low blood sugar is not hunger.
It's unbearable but it does fucking nothing.
Hunger is a dull ache in your stomach that is piss easy to ignore.
don't buy fast food or ready made meals. You want pizza, you make the fucking dough, you mix the fucking sauce you wait a day and you fire up the oven then to cook it.
You want burritos? You make your own tortilla wraps, mix your own spices and slam it all together.

Don't eat too much, put a half a portion of what you want, eat it. You're not full but once you get away from the plate and wait 10 or so minutes you realize you have eaten and are not hungry yet.

Your biggest enemy is your own body used to being papmered, that you need to beat the fuck down and teach not to be a needy greedy little bitch

>> No.14984442

how do I make 72 hours go by faster? Should I buy a plane ticket?

>> No.14984487

I'd say try dropping
>loads of bread
>knock portion size down

You'll probably have about a week of hunger pains, but they stop after a week usually.
Real hunger is a loss of energy, diziness, weakness, poor concentration ect. Hunger pains are different, it's your gut screaming at you for fatty foods, you need to ignore them.
Just try and do things gradually. Back in 2017 I managed it over a good few weeks and it worked well. But in 2019 I ended up making myself sick after trying to do it too quickly. It's all about easing yourself, little bit at a time.

Try and go for walk for an hour a day, that's about 3 miles. (though depending on your current activity levels, i'd maybe recommend starting with 1 mile/20 minutes and working up) Don't plod about, rather walk with purpose, not quite power walking but you should feel a bit of a burn now and then, get that blood pumping like.

Suppose once you've gotten to a better point it then all comes down to keeping it consistent. Also a good idea to plan ahead, if you know you'll probably gain 4 pounds during the winter period, maybe spend autumn losing 4 pounds rather than leaving it up to future you to sort out, cause future you will probably tell past you to fuck off.

>> No.14984989

This. Yeah it took self control and I obsessed over food all the time, but it was more of a craving than "I need to eat something right fucking now". Also the one meal is extremely satisfying and worth waiting for.

>> No.14985002

Ignore most the dumb shits posting about eating once a day, it's not good for you and can contribute to health issues like heart disease and diabetes.

Eat two small meals a day with a snack in between. Breakfast should ideally be your large meal consisting of a lean protein 1 to 2 servings of carbs, and a fiber supplement. The fiber will help you feel full and improve digestion and blood sugar.

Dinner should consist of a lean protein and 2 to 3 servings of vegetables.

Seriously though eat breakfast.

>> No.14985008

How does OMAD lead to diabetes?

>> No.14985058

It took me three weeks to stop getting cravings, figure out somewhat healthy snacks to eat when you want to eat, and log your food then judge yourself heavily for fucking up your diet

>> No.14985122

It's not good for your liver or pancreas. Fat can develop in one or both as a result.

>> No.14985133 [DELETED] 

This 5/10 broad used to fuck 40 year old dudes while she was still a teenager. Then she sucked Harvey Weinstein's dick. And now she's a raging feminist. Demon.

>> No.14985135

By not eating when bored. By being fulfilled by things other than food. By actually having self-control when shopping. By exercising. Literally have a timer on your phone that tells you to fucking go outside and do an activity for an hour. Then by not eating a bag of chips when you come back. Grow a fucking spine.

>> No.14985141

What I'm asking is what does eating frequency have to do with it?

>> No.14985157

Black coffee and green tea. As long as I drink those I don't get hungry. Whey protein will fill you up as well.

>> No.14985175

>stay under 1500kcal
Please don't do this if you're remotely active or do strength training (which you should be doing if you want to lose body fat). Look up your BMR at your current weight and shoot for 200-250 cals under that, and stick to it. It'll take a yr or 2 but you'll slowly shed your weight, quickly at first, and then much slower. If you need to, take a cheat day. It will slow you down, but a day to not have to worry about counting cals will keep you honest on the other days, give you something to look forward, allow you to eat out/enjoy life, drink good drinks, eat good food, etc. Just in moderation.
Source: I'm 20 lbs down while adding muscle, slimmed down quite a bit. I could eat how I eat now forever. 20 more to go but it's slowed a lot. Which is fine, in this one for the long haul.

>> No.14985206

1800 calories, high protein, cut out the refined sugar and exercise 5 days a week including weight lifting. It won't happen overnight, you're more likely to just lose water weight and relapse when you do some extreme diet that sheds more than 2 lbs per week.

>> No.14985227

Yes I did. If that's what you got from it, you're dumb

>> No.14985260

Apparently not, because what you cite to support your argument actually undermines it. American education I guess.

>> No.14985320

I would add, don't eat bread or sugar and try to keep your vegetable intake low. Focus on meat.

>> No.14985386

>Look up your BMR at your current weight and shoot for 200-250 cals under that
1750 BMR is pretty normal for an average height overweight person.

Unless you meant 250 kcal under your TDEE, in which case enjoy losing two pounds a month.

>> No.14985485

amphetamines like Adderall XR/IR

>> No.14985526

make overnight oats with almost whatever you want in it. I eat 2 meals a day now including the oatmeal because it fills me up a ton. Eat slower too and drink more water while you eat

>> No.14985636

Be anorexic from childhood like I was

>> No.14986047
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Not a single soul:

Random incel: i tHiNk tHaT "sElF CoNtRoL" iS ThE ReAsOn pEoPlE StRuGgLe tO LoSe wEiGhT, wHeN In rEaLiTy iT'S An eXtReMeLy cOmPlEx iSsUe tHaT HaS MoStLy tO Do wItH GeNeTiCs bEcAuSe i cAn't gEt lAiD

>> No.14986058

>facts are incel
>I could totally do what those bodybuilders do I just don't want to yeah that's it
ok skinnyfat
cutting, bulking, strength, and endurance training aren't for everyone
if you think this stuff is easy and requires no planning, discipline, or understanding of psychology and nutrition, you're clearly a weak DYEL

>> No.14986075

Ok dumbass, if you think that weight gain isn't mostly tied to genetics you just have a poor understanding of the human body. The whole "calories in calories out" bullshit is proven wrong by the fact that many of us eat way way WAY less than we burn, and still gain weight. I think you should read a book, though I do suppose conservatives on average are less intelligent/educated than liberals.

>> No.14986115
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>My genetics defy the laws of physics
Lardvaark delusion is always a sight to behold.

>> No.14986134

Whats been working for me has been eating nutritious, balanced meals every day for lunch and dinner. Breakfast i tend to skip or ill just have a glass of milk or something

Once younstsrt eating well youll notice (or at least i did) your fullness cues better, which will hopefully lead you to not binge eat or snack on processed foods

After that its just a combination of waiting for the weight to drop off, eating smaller portions, and/or exercise

Im far too lazy but if you want to be autistic about weight loss you could download the myfitnesspal app, program your height/weight, exercise level and weight goals and itll give you a good estimation of how much you should be eating

Youll need a food scale and some patience though

>> No.14986136

Now if you actually put in the effort and counted your calories you'd see that you simply eat more than you should.

>> No.14986142

It really doesn't, but sure

>> No.14986154

I do count my calories, ever hear of hypothyroidism?

>> No.14986179

That accounts for at most 15 extra pounds of mostly water weight. Is this chris hero or something?

>> No.14986239

If you eat less than you need and still don't lose weight (burning fat, or protein if you're have to), then you are literally dead, there's no way around it anon.

>> No.14986293


>t. Fattie

>> No.14987282


>> No.14987595
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>what are we supposed to do, cut out water too?

>> No.14987635

based reddit poster

>> No.14988099

amphetamines, coffee, liquor instead of beer. worked for me.

>> No.14988536

Keto + Fast + OMAD. There is no easy way to lose weight without feeling hungry. You have to accept that you'll always be hungry and learn to live with it. The above is however the most effective and fastest way to lose weight.

>> No.14988614

this board is trash, get out noob

>> No.14988615

Smoke a big joint right around 6PM and definitely have a few beers, shouldt really curb the hunger. optionally eat just exactly one chip

>> No.14988843

cut off your legs

>> No.14988893

You just do it pussy there is no magic trick. It's on you if you don't

>> No.14988899

Did keto and OMAD but you don't have to go skinnyfat. If you do weights you will put on muscle at the same time just alot slower than normal.

>> No.14988916

I'm gonna beat my meat and then go to bed

>> No.14988935

Go to a third world country. Drink the local tap water. You'll shit a third of your weight in 2 weeks.

>> No.14989142

I didn't tell him to stop eating other things.

>> No.14989596

Easy mode: Stop eating one week at a time only drinking water and taking "low sodium" salt at one tbsp a day. You will be astounded how easy it is to simply not eat, rather than limiting how much you eat. Try to go easy on calories on the weeks you do eat, but you will lose at least 5 lbs on the weeks that you don't and will only be able to gain a couple pounds a week if you eat somewhat unhealthily.

>> No.14990371

Amphetamines. Unironically.

>> No.14990398

Is there anything i can snack on that will add a negligible amount of weight?

>> No.14990435

Eat lots of agar agar

>> No.14990840

I am sorry that you cannot read

>> No.14991300

Huge bowl of leafy greens right before your meal. They will add 50ish calories to your meal (less if zucchini) but the extra 2-300g of food will help you feel full much sooner.
They're also full of minerals and vitamins

>> No.14992592

I lose most of my weight by taking the cardiopill and perhaps walking 4-6h a day, easy if you're a NEET fatass

Diet, I like rice + eggs in the morning, also like eating carrots, and probably the most effective plain greek yogurt

Plain greek yogurt isn't too appetizing but you can wolf it down, strikes a good balance between being filling and low calorie. No granola or fruit.

>> No.14992775

You don't. You feel hungry and you deal with it bc you're a human with will power

>> No.14992862


>> No.14992873
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I desperately want to sniff her vulva. Like push my nose right up against her panties, right in the pussy area, and inhale. I have to smell it.

>> No.14993063

Eat filling food like potatoes, rice and pasta. Basically, the Slimming World diet.

>> No.14993164

I use an app to track my calories, you will sometimes have to go to be hungry.

>> No.14993571
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Shut up fatass, i lost 20 kg since this august by eating less and controlling myself. Pic is of a belt i stopped using 1 month ago because I'm too slim for it.
Put your fucking fork down.

>> No.14993581
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Exercise and strength training

>> No.14993787

Hack a couple of limbs off

>> No.14993799

can you imagine a slender young woman with a boyish figure, A cups, amazing legs, and no arms? the things you could do to her. only thing better would be if she had no vocal cords and no nipples because nipples are gross. you could make her walk around on high heels and it would be very dangerous for her because falling with no arms, imagine that. so she'd have a look of permanent fear and shame, especially if she was naked all the time.

>> No.14993869

I can read fine. In big old print, every study says "everyone is affected by caffeine differently"

>> No.14993874


>> No.14993979
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gastric sleeve

>> No.14993997

I just feel hungry all of the time no matter what. I genuinely have not felt full in a long time regardless of what I eat, how slow I eat, when I eat, etc. i either feel like I'm starving or am sick to my stomach because i consoomed a huge amount of food.

I've tired all the "tricks" everyone tells me. Drink more water. more fiber. higher protein. blood sugar or potassium intake. eating slower. eating smaller portions but more often. etc. Nothing has ever helped and I'm so tired of it. I'd rather eat nothing ever again for the rest of my life if I could just stop feeling so fucking hungry all the god damn time

>> No.14994994

Yes, and if you could even comprehend simple English, not only does it go on to say that that variance is extremely mild, but also that this does NOT support your claim of some people being practically immune to it

>> No.14995008

cut off your legs

>> No.14995066

if you weren't hungry you wouldn't need self control tard

>> No.14995080

Losing weight comes down to three things:

1. Counting calories. This serves many purposes. It allows you to see how many calories you are consuming and what your goal should be. Also, once you start doing it, you will begin to see the little things that add a ton of calories but aren't filling or nutritious and you cut those out, while also seeing filling, great tasting, healthy foods that are actually very low in calories. Soon you will be able to estimate a dish pretty accurately just by looking at it.

2. Fasting. I recommend eating during an 8 hour window personally. Fasting has numerous other benefits, but it's a lot easier to eat less calories when you can only eat during a certain window, and also you tend to not feel hungry until you have eaten something, so it is better to hold off before initially eating.

3. Fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. These are the basis of any diet, as they are very filling for comparatively low calories.

>> No.14995421

The fatty cope coming from your comments is almost as big as you.

>> No.14995483
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fibre supplements and protein shakes or pic related

>> No.14995891
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>muh tabolism
Yeah right fatso.

>> No.14995896


>> No.14995903

Over time by cutting back meals, no snacks and healthy. If you do it all at once and loose that kind of weight quick, you’re fucked. Your metabolism is gonna be so fucked that whatever weight you lost, you’ll gain and never loose it again.

Biggest fat loser did this. Don’t be an idiot. Be realistic

>> No.14995929

Real answer:

If you actually do it properly and aren't too retarded for it then it not only causes you to burn fat fast but curbs your appetite. It also limits when you can eat and how and removes the ability to impulse eat. You lose the urge to snack and sugar suddenly stops being tempting.

But if you do the diet wrong you'll feel like shit.

>> No.14996377

I work in a covid testing center so I have to go outside

>> No.14996475

Unbuttered popcorn