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14974249 No.14974249[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>never eat any pork product because of pascal's wager
am I missing anything thing ?
is pork really that good ?

>> No.14974255

It is disgusting, i don’t know how people enjoy it.
>terrible aftertaste
>tastes like literal garbage
>always salty and greasy and unhealthy

>> No.14974257

stopped reading there

>> No.14974262

how about bacon and other processed pork product, does the taste differ from any other processed meat ?

>> No.14974264

1 of these things is true

>> No.14974266

Properly smoked bacon, good quality ham, Cumberland pork sausage, crackling roast pork; all some of the best experiences you can have. There's a lot of crappy low quality pork products around though; make sure you go to hell for something premium.

>> No.14974269

rude, things aren't that bad desu
just pray 5 times a day, avoid pork and alcohol, and that's it

>> No.14974274

I was on the bus in Australia yesterday, we made a Muslim woman get off because of the smell. Disgusting.

>> No.14974277
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>restricting ones diet because sky daddy

These people are Muslims too.

>> No.14974279

better you than me

>> No.14974280

Yes pork is amazing.
T.ex muslim

>> No.14974281

Pork & alcohol are forbidden because they are so good. You wouldn't need to make tofu a sin, it wouldn't make sense. The fact that Jews ban it too is proof it's devilishly delicious.

>> No.14974295

Yeah. Sorry, dude. Bacon, pork chops, ribs, and pork shoulders are really good. Maybe if you're in a life-or-death situation and the only food available is pork you'll get to try it.

>> No.14974297
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Every meat tastes disgusting. It's the spices that makes them edible.

>> No.14974299

Pascal's Wager is a horrible reason for doing something.

Now go eat a forbidden bacon cheeseburger. Then some bbq pork ribs. Mmm ribs.

Everything religion tells you is bad is amazing in moderation and ironically will probably create some unhealthy mental unbalance towards it.

Good luck Muslimbro. Sincerely, former Christianbro.

>> No.14974301

I like it, it's kind of like duck if you want an apt comparison about how fatty/flavorful it is.
That's retarded. Pork was getting a lot of people very sick which inspired its being banned by several religions simultaneously. Alcohol is a very strong mind-altering substance which interferes with the self-control and restrictions of any more puritanical sect and it's sensible to ban shit that would lead to your followers becoming less faithful.

>> No.14974313

Horrifically bad take. A good cut of beef or fish with nothing but some salt can be wonderful. Also, even if meat "required" spices, meat paired with appropriate spices produces a unique end product that is absolutely wonderful, whereas you couldn't just slap the same spices on some yellow squash and get the same flavor or pleasure.

>> No.14974319

game theorylet

>> No.14974323

In Spain during the reconquest people would eat pork to showcase their Christianity; now that's a culinary piety I can get behind!

>> No.14974331

post the video
surely you got gopro'd it

>> No.14974340

Allah knows if you're doing things just due to pascals wager its more haram to think you can game at gods laws than to eat pork.

>> No.14974346

Pan seared pork chops braised in butter are wonderful.

>> No.14974347

the jews were cattle breeders and their god prohibited pork as a convenient form of protectionism

>> No.14974357

pork is my favorite meat, but it's not good enough to worry about going to hell over.

>> No.14974363

>on le 4chan

Literal fucking idiot

>> No.14974401

thanks bro, but I think I'll keep my faith for le ebin minority benefits

>> No.14974465

Allah might, but Yahweh encourages the game.

>> No.14974480
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It's unique. There is a reason why there is no serious competitor to bacon. Can't you just try it and pray a couple carpets afterwards claiming you're human afterall? Maybe sunset some kuffar heebs as a penance (and my blessing).

If you try it, find a nice butcher or buy some delicacy cured stuff, not just cheap bottom shelf shit. Personally roasted pork belly with crakcling skin is pretty much heaven. Once you taste it, you'll convert for the sake of your tastebuts.

t. polak just making wild boar gulasch

>> No.14974499

this nigga goes to his corner shop, eats shwarma, and then comes home and posts this

>> No.14974569

Ashadu an la illa ha illa Ash hadu Anna Muhammada rasool Allah

White boy who converted to islam in prison ask me anything faggots.

There's nothing wrong with not eating shit pigs

>> No.14974580

>White boy who converted to islam in prison ask me anything faggots.
when are you going to blow yourself up?

>> No.14974588

I would say that it's better than beef in a whole lot if situations not that beef is without merit pork is just really good

>> No.14974601

>converted to islam in prison
why there's so many people do that ?

>> No.14974614

you enjoyed the ass rape that much
people tend to eat things that are tasty and there's a hell of a lot of pork dishes/foods

>> No.14974658

Hopefully soon

>> No.14974673

Pork is disgusting
Beef is too chewy
Chicken i can fathom if it is well done

>> No.14974675

Bacon is good, ham is ok. Any other form and beef does it better. Slow cooked beef is infinitely better than slow cooked pork. Beef ribs > pork ribs. Hell, slow cooked chicken thighs are better than slow cooked pork in my opinion. Pork is shit tier meat desu

>> No.14974690

It's a very authoritarian religion. Prison primes people to accept hardline rules like not eating specific things and the buttsex pecking order.

>> No.14974797

I was in solitary confinement for a long time once and I literally was told to become Muslim from a voice I can't really remember. I had just read the Quran and once I moved down in custody levels I went to Jumah which is on Fridays. Man I was the only white dude there but from the start they accepted me an taught me Islam.

Most people become Muslim because they are just drawn to it like any other community or group that offers individuals a sense of purpose.

>> No.14974829

Center cut pork chops are superior to beef and they're generally cheaper, too. The only downside is that piges are intelligent animals. Oh well, their fault for being tasty.

Ham is pretty good but bacon is actual trash.

>> No.14974842

Try well done bacon inshallah, melts in your mouth.

>> No.14974857


Interesting take on Pascale, you took it in the other direction.

>> No.14974902

Spanish pork is damned good- particularly their many cured hams.
I don't know why Trichinosis fucked us over so badly that anybody living in close enough quarters with their animals, so urbanites who mostly fell under the abrahamic umbrella, started shitting their pants every time they ate pork.
My guess is that their omnivorous diets made them easier to feed tainted material/literal shit?

>> No.14974933

>pascal's wager
then shouldn't you not eat meat at all?

>> No.14974989

do you have an actual reason for this or are you just applying it to jainism as well

>> No.14975012

>pascal's wager

well don't eat beef, chicken, brocollis then. hell don't even bother eating lest you offend some god.

>> No.14975034

well yeah eating meat is sinful in some religions and perhaps if god or gods exists that could be something it cares about

>> No.14975055

Game theory doesn't apply to Pascal's wager because there is the possibility you're worshipping the wrong God. Thanks for reminding me about the Landover Baptist Church website though.

>> No.14975058

but he's a muslim not "some religions", and so his applying pascal's wager doesn't involve them.
it makes no rational sense to abstain from all meats in this context.

>> No.14975062

Pascal's Wager is retarded because it only works under the assumption that you lose NOTHING but by following a religion, but have everything to gain by doing so.
However, you DO clearly lose things by doing so, your entire life is dedicated to serving a fantasy written by a pedophile warlord that has as little chance of being true as any other fairy tale.
You are limiting what you can experience during your one shot at life for literally no reason.

>> No.14975067

>pascal's wager
How do you know it's Islam that you're betting against and not any of the countless other mutually incompatible religions out there which that wager applies to just as much?

>> No.14975075

ibn kathair said aisha was 10 years younger then her sister when she died, her sister was 28 whens she died.
kathair also said only born muslims can achieve salvation.

>> No.14975077

>actual replies instead of just insulting muzzies
Dead board.

>> No.14975081

no those cloven hooves sure make it disgusting. why is it muslims always try and find loopholes in their bullshit, at least the christians just pretend certain rules dont exist

>> No.14975085
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yeah top quality cold cuts can be pretty based but they are not so cheap or avaible everywhere
if you go in a place where there is some traditional cold cuts give it a try

>> No.14975092

Pork is decent yeah, tenderloins or chops. Bacon is meme shit literally just salty. So you aren’t missing that much, not nearly on the level of if you avoided beef or even chicken.

>> No.14975149

This is a stupid troll post.

>> No.14975210

i'm just taking the wager to its most logical extent. should you deny the possibility that other religions could be correct and not yours just because?

>> No.14975215

why wouldn't you?
>b-because logic
you can't even apply a cost benefit correctly

>> No.14975225

I like pork, and I eat a fair amount, but there's a lot of other tasty meats out there.

I'd say you're only missing out marginally, and overall, you're gaining, because you have principles. I'm not religious, but I see the value in abstaining from things on principle as an exercise in mental fortitude.

>> No.14975234

These guys seem to like pork.

>> No.14975235

unironically yes
but don't expect cheap and shitty pork to taste like anything but cheap and shitty meat

>> No.14975253

I understand religions and people different culture but it always annoyed me how people follow rules so dogmatically. I had a muslim friend that was barely muslim but he wouldn't eat pork. I asked him why and he said because he's not supposed to. Meanwhile he's drinking even that's not supposed to and having sex outside of marriage. Following rules arbitrarily is so dumb.
tl;dr just try it op. Theres a reason why people love bacon.