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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14968015 No.14968015 [Reply] [Original]

He's the chef that taught me 95% of what I know.. he literally cooks for a living while everyone else here works menial jobs. I literally don't understand the amount of hate he gets here..

>> No.14968022

I liked his videos until he started interjecting his life and tried to fill his video's with "wholesome" things. It's a shame that all big youtubers eventually turn into faggots.

>> No.14968024


>> No.14968028

It's a bad thing to something good with your newfound fame and fortune?

>> No.14968039


>> No.14968044

Babish is fine. Adam is the one who makes me seethe.

>> No.14968048

I only watch /ourguy/ Should I Series.

>> No.14968059

All he does is make recipes that he finds on the internet. Which you could do as well without relying on a meme-loving faggot walking you through it if you weren't dumb.

>> No.14968066

I don't watch the videos to learn how to cook anon...

>> No.14968071

I liked his videos but got bored of his schtick. He's not a likeable or charimastic enough personality. I'm happy to watch him recreate meme foods from tv shows but can only do that for so long before getting bored and finding the content stale.

>> No.14968073

Cooking is literally a menial job.

>> No.14968121

I thought he produced YouTube videos for a living

>> No.14968150

He's not a chef. He's a fucking meme recreator.

>> No.14968199

He has brown face and larps as exotic with the babyish name but he is welsh....

>> No.14968225

Only drug addicts and/or former inmates cook for work.

>> No.14968248

I've never understood why people watch him, doesn't he mostly do meme videos?

>> No.14968316

>while everyone else here works menial jobs

Speak for yourself faggot.

>> No.14968401

>He's the chef that taught me 95% of what I know
Anon you don't know shit about cooking.

>> No.14968415


>> No.14968462 [DELETED] 

he hired a nigger

>> No.14968733

Popular bad

>> No.14968758

I miss the tossed salads and scrambled eggs song

also mad for his special on that show he never made tossed salad and scrambled eggs

>> No.14968778

it should be on a separate channel in my opinion

>> No.14968784

He looks like a sóyboy faggot but his videos are cool

>> No.14968785

>literally don't understand the amount of hate he gets here..
He's rich and popular. That's pretty much it.
I don't watch his videos often. But I know a lot of people who stopped looking at cooking like a chore because of him. So I don't really see a reason to hate.

>> No.14968791

If you ain't a Chef John from foodwishes dot com OG you ain't no good op!

>> No.14968795

His videos feel like the prelude to an interracial rape

>> No.14968809

He gives off a try hard vibe. His personality is “I’m sarcastic yet witty, I’m too cool for this” despite not having any real cooking credentials. He tries so hard to be liked it’s actually disgusting. Yet, he is a mirror image of every dickwad here on 4chan. That is why he is truly hated.

He and Ragusea are the two most pretentious cooking personalities on YouTube. At least ragoose posts original recipes though, babish can’t even do that.

>> No.14969140


>> No.14969149

he did some gay advertisement for makers mark.

>> No.14969164

Exactly this. Good post

>> No.14969221


>> No.14969243

huh? he is a mirror image of reddit. no one here actually likes him. anyone that says they do is trolling

>> No.14969247

You should spend less time on reddit anon.

>> No.14969255
File: 191 KB, 976x603, 1584286646355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre a faggot
hes an even bigger faggot
pop culture is gay

>> No.14969454


>> No.14969477


>> No.14969489
File: 100 KB, 250x276, 0ab717fe53f6f43d4974ca5ee4e5eff6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally I'm against calling stuff reddit and responding to bait threads but Babish is the cuckiest reddit cuck to ever cuck

>> No.14969524

>menial jobs
I'm an electrical engineer

>> No.14969564


>> No.14969748

Too bad sohla ruined the channel, soon she will be metoo-ing babish too for being white

>> No.14969773

I know for sure this is going to happen eventually. There's no way her scorched-earth style of employment will stop here.

>> No.14970000

>chef that taught me 95% of what I know
So you don't know jack shit. Thanks for letting us know.

>> No.14970015

This desu

>> No.14970038

sage + hide

>> No.14970191

i preferred adam for a longer time but his cracks are starting to show too, i really didn't like his apple risotto video and he's also trying really hard to do all these educational food science videos. well, at least he taught me how to make good ragu.

>> No.14970206

> I literally don't understand the amount of hate he gets here.
He's successful

>> No.14970224

Hired le greedy indian after she torpedo'd 3 other projects.
I don't have anything against his content, although all of his non-cooking shit can fuck off.

>> No.14970229

she can't keep getting away with it

>> No.14970233

>cooks for a living
>menial jobs

>> No.14970237

do you know how I know you're an engineer? because engineers always have to tell you they're engineers