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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14962222 No.14962222 [Reply] [Original]

How many of these have you tried?

>> No.14962224
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I feel like I’ve had venison before too but I’m pretty sure I’m just thinking of bison burgers I’ve had.

>> No.14962226

How the fuck are half of those things "adventurous"? What is this Facebook trash?

>> No.14962233

>no geoduck

>> No.14962235

5. Raw fish in Vegas, it was shit because it was a buffet and I was starving. Crabs and spam because they are great. Octopus because it looked good, wasn't good. Tofu because it was fried and I was offered it, pretty good.

>> No.14962236

Not everyone is an oriental

>> No.14962242

How is Spam or blue cheese "adventurous"? Fuck off, iToddler.

>> No.14962266

Not everybody is a mutt either

>> No.14962268
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>> No.14962278

What do chitlins taste like?

>> No.14962330


>> No.14962345

Does liverwurst count as liver?

>> No.14962346

I've had everything other than chitlins, pigs ears, and squirrel (because I don't live in the South). As an American all of those are pretty common, except for haggis, which you have to travel to the UK to get.

>> No.14962353

24, pretty much everything I haven't is because I haven't had the opportunity. Except brains, probably, prions freak me out.

>> No.14962373

Well I scored four, but I should get at least 15 extra points for successfully fapping in an outhouse during hurricane.

>> No.14962374

Spam is the most disgusting thing on that list, goblino

>> No.14962398


>> No.14962448

I've had everything except crickets, squirrel and rattlesnake

>> No.14962452

Squirrel was my favorite food growing up, I highly recommend it.

>> No.14962459

22, not that all of them actually qualify as adventurous.

>> No.14962470

i think the sea urchin i had was spoiled, but everything else i've had was fine. the only one i wouldnt try is cow brains due to prions / mad cow. but i agree with the other posters, for the most part its a pretty milquetoast list. for a start add virgin eggs, possum, head cheese, surstromming, rocky mountain oysters, scrapple, pickled pigs feet, whale blubber, etc

>> No.14962480

>quail eggs is adventurous
>kimchi is adventurous
>crabs, liver and duck is adventurous

was this written by a midwestern boomer KAREN?

>> No.14962482

13, mostly cos i hate seafood

>> No.14962489

Where do you think liver, spam, and quail eggs come from, you dumb coastie? It was obviously written by some avocado toast and IPA hipster that eats nothing but In n' Out.

>> No.14962497

you can have all the crickets in SHTF. I'll take the spam

>> No.14962502
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i would eat everything else.
i just have not come across them yet.

>> No.14962893

28, cum on, step it up

>> No.14962938

>blue cheese
Do Americans really?

>> No.14963008


>> No.14963013
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>> No.14963022

This list makes no sense. Like how the fuck are Crabs, Blue Cheese, Tofu, and Oysters on the same level as Squirrel, Century Egg, and Brains? The former are fairly normal foods eaten by anyone who has ever gone to a red lobster or an apple bees.

>> No.14963045

They're there to con people into posting their <15 scores so they can be ridiculed. If there were no easy entries they wouldn't post.

>> No.14963049

century egg isnt even that bad, its delicious with ginger slices.

>> No.14963149


>> No.14963154

29 but only because im a filthy chink

>> No.14963208
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I draw the line at insects. Also no brains because of muh prions.

Rattlesnake and Squirrel are just because I haven't had the opportunity to try them.

>> No.14963274
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You haven't lived till you've had mopane worms

>> No.14963282

I have tried 4 of those things

>> No.14964692

30 because I'm poor and cultured

>> No.14964802

I've eaten everything except for:

steak tartare
Foie gras

>> No.14964832


>> No.14964848

>Also no brains because of muh prions.
That's only an serious issue in the same species. Prion diseases don't typically cross the species barrier. Pork and beef brains are still commonly consumed across Southern Europe (Italy, France, Spain, etc.) as well as the Southern US and Mexico, plus Southeast Asia. Experience with the British bovine spongiform encephalopathy outbreak has lead to legislation that has vastly improved the safety of eating brains around the world.

>> No.14964864

28 but most of that stuff isn't very exotic

>> No.14964921

Like chit

>> No.14964953



I wish amerilards were rangebanned from /ck/

>> No.14965197

TIL thanks anon

>> No.14965235

spam is delicious, fuck off.

>> No.14965269

>Blue cheese
Who the fuck made this? A 5 y/o?

>> No.14965311

22 but I give myself 24 because I had fish eyes and jellyfish and they're not on the list

>> No.14965315

Forgot songbird, make it 25 then

>> No.14965336

Well I've had tomato and that's not on the list

>> No.14965429

Give yourself a +1 for each and every tomato you ever had.

>> No.14965544

what I haven't had I just haven't had access to try yet. Only things I'll refuse to try is genitals

>> No.14965552

>chicken feet
>pigs ears
>century egg

>> No.14965567


have tried:
Sea Urchin
Steak tartare
Raw fish
Chicken feet
Blue cheese
Kim Chi
Razor Clams
Blood Sausage

>> No.14965600
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>Liver (fried chicken livers are amazing)
>Cricket (singular)
>Raw Fish
>Tofu (this is a normal food?)
>Spam(this too?)
>Quail Eggs (???)
>Blue Cheese
>Century Egg (awful)
>Foie Gras

Looking to try Blood Sausage, Razor Clam, and urchin in the future.

>> No.14965649

23, I'd love to try more given the opportunity.
Also eel is probably my favorite meat.

>> No.14965660

I would eat basically every thing on that list if it was served to me except century eggs and durians.

>> No.14965677
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I'd be open to try everything else on the list bar century eggs and chitlins. I have my fill of organ meat with my yearly haggis.

>> No.14965687

all but squirrel, rattle snake, durian and century egg

>> No.14965690

Maybe 27 I'm not sure if I've ever actually eaten liver. Lol

>> No.14965693

>the amount of foodlets on a 'food & cooking' board
state of this place. should be renamed 'industrialised commercial food products'

>> No.14965703

Here's a (You). Now get lost, kiddo.

>> No.14965723

Never had and pass on
>century egg

Would try, but never had the opportunity
>pig ears

Other than that, I've had everything else, so 31.

>> No.14965737


The only things from the list is stuff I haven't really come across:
- Haggis
- Truffles
- Chitlins
- Durian
- Rattlesnake
- Razor clams.
- Squirrel

From that list, brains is the only thing I would never eat again because prion diseases are fucking scary, and I don't fuck with scary.

>> No.14965740


>> No.14965743

All of them but squirrel and century eggs, you shouldn't be allowed to post here if you haven't tried at least 10 of these

>> No.14965748

I'm also considering chopping my balls off and changing my name to Khadiija, not sure if it's relevant to the thread. Lmao

>> No.14965751


>> No.14965756

Most of them, liver is the only thing I didn't like

>> No.14965773

Fucking foodlets get off my board

>> No.14965797

Im allergic to seafood and I won't eat the bugs

>> No.14965826

14 here, but I really want to try most of them. I've been looking for a good place to try anchovy pizza at least. Fucking love eel sushi, but I only went to one place that had it and they were out the second time I went. One day.

>> No.14965834

My boomer aunt makes a spam and grilled cheese sandwich that's actually pretty good. I wouldn't request it, but I'm not upset when she makes it.

>> No.14965842

All but squirrel and haggis. Haven't been to scotland

>> No.14965895

The only thing I haven't eaten on that list is squirrel. I count rattlesnake cause i've eaten other snakes. So 38.

>> No.14966509

If you are under 20 you need to start eating more new things.

>> No.14966520


>> No.14966545


is "blood sausage" a euphemism for cock?

nice quads btw

>> No.14966575


>> No.14966600

13. And Fois Gras isn't "adventurous", it's fucked up and barbaric.

>> No.14966614

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.14966642

14 but only duck, venison, and durian were actually good

>> No.14966657
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>> No.14966682
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I've had truffle oil. A lot of this is just overpriced so I don't go for it.

>> No.14966686

Chicken franks would count as gizzards, then.

>> No.14966690
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Who considers duck or venison to be "adventurous"?

>> No.14966692

I didn't count crickets because I honestly don't remember if I did in mexico as a kid have one of those chocolate covered ones. I know I've had a scorpion lolipop though.

>> No.14966713
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>> No.14966717
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>> No.14966725


Just read through it again, I'm drunk and just jumped at the first two I saw: or oysters, crabs, blue cheese, sauerkraut, tofu, spam, anchovies, or liver? I can sort of see how some people may consider frog legs or gizzards "out there", but I'm from the south so they aren't for me. Seriously though, like a third of the list is normal ass food. I feel like this list was compiled by one of those hypochondriac suburbanite soccer moms who refuse to eat anything but beef, pork, and chicken from the grocery store. My mother is one of the pickiest eaters you'll ever meet in your life (she thinks black pepper is spicy) and she loves liver and crab legs.

>> No.14966747
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>> No.14966753

all but rattlesnake, quail/century eggs, squirrel and haggis, i mean where the hell am I supposed to purchase that stuff
Durian is overrated, smells like organic waste bin
Tried dried crickets once, bland af
Chicken feet are a boring meme
Sea urchins juste taste like salt and sour pussy
Highly recommend tripes, pig ears/feet in vinaigrette, blood sausage, at least how they are served in France. In the same category, pork head pate is great, andouillette as well.

>> No.14966755
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I would try everything besides Century Eggs and Brains

>> No.14966803

>i mean where the hell am I supposed to purchase that stuff

Quail eggs can be had from certain specialty food stores or farmers' markets, though I admit I've maybe only seen them a dozen times. Squirrel and rattlesnake? If you don't have redneck friends willing to do you a solid you're kind of SOL on those. That's the only way I was able to try them.

>> No.14966870

I was told squirrels are filthy like rats and shouldnt be eaten but I guess you could overcook it to be safe ? for the rattlesnake, i d have to be in a region where thats available. for quail eggs, you re right, i ve seen some fancy cheese stores where they sell those.

>> No.14967398

Sauerkraut is common in the midwest. You know, because we're german.

>> No.14967408

>I was told squirrels are filthy like rats and shouldnt be eaten but I guess you could overcook it to be safe ?

Yeah, that's what they told me. I ate them in a stew according to his grandmothers recipe. Pretty good in the flavor department. Chewy as all hell though.

>> No.14967993

OP is a faggot.

>> No.14968002

32. lmaoing at manchildren that think that most of this stuff is "adventurous". Only stuff on this list that I think could actually be considered such is maybe crickets, squirrel, durian, brains, and century egg and even those aren't that crazy.

>> No.14968007

A lot of the posts ITT have already called the list bullshit. You're not alone.

>> No.14968012

Only retarded manchildren that haven't tried it and just repeat the opinions that popular culture told them to have think spam is gross. It tastes like any other cured pork product, that is, like salty pork. It's essentially a very basic pork pâté, and if you don't like pâté you simply aren't white. It browns very well when fried and is super versatile.

>> No.14968098
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A lot of those things are actually part of my rotation. Will share recipes if anyone requests.
Oxtail - messy but delicious when cooked in tomato sauce and served alongside polenta and a green salad.
Chicken feet - as a meat they're rather meh, but they're amazing for stock.
Liver - chicken liver, beef liver, I'm fine with either. The only issue is the cat jumping nonstop when I'm preparing chicken liver, because she wants some.
Sauerkraut - trivial to prepare at home, tasty, full of probiotics. Sauerkraut + heatless peppers + cherry tomatoes + lettuce = instant salad.
Sardines - in saor, escabeche, or even barbecued with olive oil and coarse salt.
Blue cheese - I fucking love gorgonzola.
Pig ears - stew them alongside sausages, jerky, pig tails, bacon, and either chickpeas or beans. (The recipe asks for black beans but as I can't eat them I sub with chickpeas)
Tripe - I never ate intestines, but I'm often preparing stomach. Fairly decent either breaded and deep-fried or in a stew alongside potatoes and carrots.
Gizzards - in tomato sauce, over polenta. Just DON'T OVERCOOK THEM.
Blood sausages - I wish I could eat them more but I'm the only one at home who enjoys them.

Alongside some other items I ate once or twice I score around 20 points.

Other things I've ate people consider yucky:
head cheese - come on it's fucking delicious, specially if you toast a head cheese sandwich until the cheese becomes gooey.
fried ants with cornmeal (see pic) - I ate this once. It's okay but not something I'd go out of my way to eat again.
Beef heart - it tastes a bit too gamey for me.
Horse meat - it's like beef but better. I'm serious.
Cow feet - stew them with potatoes. Great when hot/liquid and cold/gelatine.

>> No.14968204


>> No.14968212
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>> No.14968273
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25, but i'd try any of the remaining, except brain. I'd enquire if there's health risks forst for brain.

>> No.14968283

Sub-25 = foodlet

>> No.14968285

>t. sub-35 foodlet pretending to be a big boy

>> No.14968287

i'm a 32er damn it

>> No.14968295
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id eat anything on this list though in a heartbeat