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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 722x521, about01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14956735 No.14956735 [Reply] [Original]

Name a comfier supermarket. Protip: you can't.

>> No.14956742

Aldi is the best.

>> No.14956770
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Fresh Thyme

>> No.14956776

They have surprisingly good prices on chicken I've noticed.

>> No.14956779
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The patricians choice

>> No.14956786
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I love this place because they have parking for veterans right in front of the store.

>> No.14956820
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simple as

>> No.14956823

Thank you for your service :^)

>> No.14956855

but handicap parking is already available everywhere anon

>> No.14956866

trader joes

>> No.14956868


I wish I was handicapped. They get so many benefits. They even get their own special bus that drops them off in front of their house, like a school bus.

>> No.14956877

Lidl > Aldi

>> No.14956913

fuck veterans
you can’t fucking walk to the goddamn store, faggot?

>> No.14956917

Highschool must've been fun

>> No.14956919



>> No.14956921

They have good prices on everything bitchtits.

>> No.14956928

it was a fucking blast
but the best part is two of my bullies died in afghanistan because they went to fight the war on terror but im still alive today because i went to cooking school

>> No.14956930

project harder, you dumb piece of shit.

>> No.14956938


Why are you so angry?

>> No.14956958

What’s next? Special parking for trannys? Muslims? Blacks?
If you can serve this country, you can park in the back of the lot and ruck your happy ass all the way up to the store

>> No.14956986
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Kroger is rapidly ruining it

>> No.14957005


It is their store, their rules.

>> No.14957007

Harsh but fair. It's not like we have a draft. They chose to go to the dessert and jack off playing xbox in a shed. No one forced them.

>> No.14957009

This but unironically. I would love if someone chopped my legs off about halfway down the thigh. Literally no downsides and a shit ton of benefits.

>> No.14957013

Lmao what kind of stupid ass name is Harris Teeter? Why not just call it Hairy Nipple lol

>> No.14957015


>> No.14957034

Post address

>> No.14957040

Because some of us are mature adults.

>> No.14957048

Can't remember the names on everything but Edeka and Lidl is pretty damn good as well

>> No.14957050

I don't have health insurance right now, so the upfront costs wouldn't be worth it even though the quality of life improvements and long term benefits would more than make up for it after a couple years.

>> No.14957053

Sucking veteran cock is the most jingoistic horseshit that goes on in this country. They’re not defending freedumb. They’re just warm bodies for the bloated defense budget.
It’s honestly wrong to not genuinely feel sad that teenagers who are too retarded to know better are recruited to ruin their lives for no real reason.

>> No.14957069

You're spending your saturday night posting on the food section of 4chan, where 75% of threads are "What's your food from this fast food place?"

>> No.14957077

As a mature adult you should be able to recognize the absurdity of the name

>> No.14957101


>> No.14957102

Whole Foods. There's no poors there actin' a fool.

>> No.14957111

how about i just bludgeon your skull in only a little so the effect is pretty much the same?

>> No.14957112

Joining the military is a great option for many people. Free college, great training, and 4 years of work experience. Contrary to popular belief, you get to choose your job, provided you score high enough to qualify for the job you want. The ones who choose infantry are just the COD dumbasses who want to play shooterman. It is easy as fuck to avoid combat if you really do not want to do it. No one wants to stand next to an infantryman who doesn't want to be out there anyway.

>> No.14957113

moar like whole paycheck amirite?

>> No.14957115

im not the guy hyped about the parking. Im a vet and now a government contractor making retarded amounts of money doing nothing and it makes me happy to see people like you mad.

>> No.14957116

>Joining the military is a great option for many people
yeah, the poors and the stupid

>> No.14957120
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>> No.14957124


Yeah, best spend a ton of money on a college loan instead and then complain on reddit about how you can't get a job.

>> No.14957126

how does doing nothing making money make you happy? sounds like you're a nigger

>> No.14957127

Sounds like you'd be a perfect candidate then.

>> No.14957141

welfare queen combat averse pussies like you make me glad for 9/11, IED's, and 9 year old nigglets who care tougher and can shoot better than you

>> No.14957142

wow an amerifat getting paid to do nothing imagine my surprise
how many people have you infected with covidd already?

>> No.14957148

america is afraid of russian and chinese aggression when in reality pre-buescent africans are more suited for combat than the average welfare queen pussy enlisting in the US military

>> No.14957156
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There isn't. Aldi is peak comfy. For me, its the self packing tills and that isle that always has random shit.

>> No.14957160

You may think you win online arguments when in reality everyone just dismisses you as a crazy person and/or child and just ignores you.

>> No.14957168

Spoken like a loser.

>> No.14957172

project harder, you dumb piece of shit.

>> No.14957176

>if you don't enlist you must take out a loan and end up unemployed
even if you're not a vet you're about as intelligent as one.
the vets I worked with were literal diversity hires because the company got tax cuts for employing them. they sucked at their jobs and constantly acted pissy and insecure about it.

>> No.14957179

i hope your nuts get blow off while doing your mandatory patrol and then when you're crippled sucking on a tube i will spit in your bitch face you absolute waste of life and disgrace to men in the military

>> No.14957184

most of the law enforcement and military in america are non-whites...what do you think is going to happen when anything serious goes down?

>> No.14957195

nothing really because of incompetence, but then how do you you assess the white fighting capability of a nations military?

>> No.14957203

the country's demographics will change for the better due to the carnage

>> No.14957208

operation black shield? i think the thing is that america has never experienced total war they don't even know what that means...they think nuking some nips and getting off on the beach in france in 1944 are military victories

>> No.14957217

i mean realistically joggers are pretty much just pets...it would be a job for animal control

>> No.14957234


>> No.14957238

Kek seething.

>> No.14957415

I work overnight here. HT is corrupt af, a company that 10 out of 10 times will throw money at their problems, which is honestly pretty sweet. One of my old managers was fucking another overnighter and regularly got shitfaced on the job. The only thing the big wigs did was give him a promotion and move him to another store to avoid conflict.

No one shows up to work on time, people call out frequently, you can tell your managers to fuck off. It's impossible to get fired unless you no call no show like 5 times in a row. It's great.

>> No.14957428

Lidl is owned by Aldi. It's their Swiss-German regional branch. carries more French and Italian items.

>> No.14957431

oh wait no its not i'm retarded. honestly it's the same shit.

>> No.14957451

After looking at some interior pictures, they seem pretty fucking similar.

>> No.14957453

>no decor to speak of, just utilitarian aisles of a strange assortment of products
>limited staff so long queues at checkout

>> No.14957461
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>he goes into a sweaty panic and becomes dizzy if he doesn't see advertisements every 10 steps
holy shit dude they really did a number on you

>> No.14957463

what are you talking about, moron

>> No.14957473

nothing just talking about you being a little bitch that's all

>> No.14957477

cope and seethe you spastic. Aldi is grim

>> No.14957485

>wahhh why aren't there advertisements plastered all around... how am I supposed to know what to get if they don't tell me!
kek stick to walmart kid before you hurt yourself

>> No.14957501
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>> No.14957574

Aldi is actually the exact opposite of comfy, what are you smoking

>> No.14957621
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for me it's Hofer

>> No.14957634


>> No.14957637


Fuck I hate the east.

>> No.14957644

The deification of our indentured mercenary class is fucking retarded anon. It's just a way out of poverty for people with no better choice.

>> No.14957646

B-but nightclubs keep a line.

I like how aldi has their workers sit on stools so they can work even slower.

>> No.14957685
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Grimly comfy if you ask me

>> No.14957749

>someone says they dislike veterans
>immediately start alluding to a race war
Seek help. Also, the majority of cops at least are definitely not non-white lol

>> No.14958224


>> No.14958244
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Only cheeseheads know.

>> No.14958273
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Step aside peasants

>> No.14958426
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Are you talking about Hofer, the Austrian branch of Aldi

Lidl is just Aldis biggest competitor

>> No.14958434
File: 186 KB, 1600x1200, Kaufland-will-Angebot-in-Linthe-konzentrieren_reference_4_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Saufland

>> No.14958445

Supermarkets are degenerate globalist machines. Only shop at small local stores, and strike a blow for True America.

>> No.14958527

I miss variety in my grocery store and I miss texas ):

>> No.14958680

They even treat their delivery truck drivers better than industry standard - no unnecessary waiting to deliver.

Booze is cheap; good selection of imported items (asian/european/mexican specialty); good pricing; huge wall of cheese (bigger area of cheese than many competitors have for their entire dairy/egg section).

Produce & fresh meat is mediocre, but serviceable. You get OK stuff, but it's half the price of the "nice" store that has "nice" produce.

>> No.14959084

what the fuck
nothing comfy about sharing my shopping experience with NEETS and other subhumans

>> No.14959101

Bout to Sous Vide up one of their steaks tonight

>> No.14959139
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>> No.14959201

More like holy shit they really put a lot of steroids in most supermarkets animals.

>> No.14959223
File: 290 KB, 1920x1152, Lidl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have found a match. ive noticed that the bakery in my local lidl trumps all the other supermarket bakeries

>> No.14959390


>> No.14959484

nice i shop here its pretty comfy but i like wegmans better if you can get to wegmans late past 8pm when its not crowded

>> No.14959532

if you actually use the vet parking then you're a fucking faggot
t. vet

>> No.14959548


>> No.14959599


>> No.14959604

>those freshly baked cinnamon buns

>> No.14960018

I preferred Lidl but I just moved to an area that doesn't have it yet. Feels bad.

>> No.14960062

Lidl bakery is god tier. The best around. But Aldi products trump Lidl's every single time. If Aldi had Lidl's bakery they'd be top dawg.

>> No.14960078

Because almost everything at Aldi expires in three days. Have you never noticed this?

>> No.14960096

We always called it hairy teater
>or as my father says, hairy teat-bag

>> No.14960097

lidl is the same but with a bakery bit.
Lidl wins

>> No.14960168

Trader Joes

>> No.14960175

He's talking about Fresh Thyme

>> No.14960185

Are you high?

>> No.14960205

It has to be Tesco. Perfect blend of value and quality.


>> No.14960246
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im getting tired of this meme

>> No.14960514


>> No.14960530

very few vererans alive today actually deserve respect

>> No.14960531


>> No.14960533


>> No.14960603

I enjoy costco, any place with a buy-in fee, even if it's cheaper in the long-run, weeds off unfavorable darks.

>> No.14960655

>bought tangerines at aldi
>looked fine in store
>2 days later half were covered in mold and had to be thrown out

>> No.14960665
File: 158 KB, 542x531, 856629B5-40EB-4A1F-88C5-58411DE78F2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was once fisted in an Aldi’s parking lot in 2014

>> No.14960753
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>be me
>live close to an expensive local bakery that only opens on Friday and Saturday from 7AM to 2pm
>go there at 7am
me: hi can I get a sourdough?
baker: we don't sell that
me: what do you sell?
baker: brown bread, white bread, and everything you see here
>the only breads she has are white, brown or bread with random shit in it
>get basil bread
>get home and taste the bread
>its shit
>go to Lidl and get a sourdough and a few pretzels
>sourdough has a crackly crust with and inside that isn't dry

pic related, its the bakery

>> No.14960786

I've bought onions and potatoes from Aldi that went rotten within 24 hours of purchase.

>> No.14960812
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Stop and shop

>> No.14960844
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they just opened one this week near my house, going to check it out tomorrow and report in.

>> No.14960850

Caprotti team! Best place to shop during the holidays.

>> No.14960860

this isnt giant

>> No.14960908


Unironically I've seen a ton of smaller mom n' pop stores just buy stuff from costco or sams and put a price sticker over the original that cost double.

>> No.14960928

this isnt giant

>> No.14960943

more like 4x
my parents live in upper middle class suburbs all the local small business places are complete scams

>> No.14960962

isto desu

>> No.14961086
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cleanest and most well kept supermarket you've never been too

>> No.14961089

Lidl's I've been to are really uncomfy. The floors are gross and there are never enough checkouts open

>> No.14961833

based masshole

>> No.14962029

Agreed. Aldi is a dirty little store. Concrete home depot floors, shit lighting. Long ass line, dumb carts for quarter system. Also not a lot of variety.

>> No.14962184
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Where my beaner bros at

>> No.14962292

Hell yeah baby Fayetteville, NY.

>> No.14962665

Aldi unironically sells good whiskey in Australia. Fair price for it, taste quite nice and smooth.

>> No.14962885


>> No.14963496

>put quarter in car
>drive to aldi
>take quarter from car and put in cart
>take quarter from cart and put back car
>drive home
>return your life as a worthless dumbass faggot that can't handle basic tasks
There, I solved your retarded little "problem" that was too complicated for your primitive mongoloid brain to figure out.

>> No.14963561

Beta cuck bitch.

>> No.14963562

case and point

>> No.14963693
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>fresh thyme right by my work
i often stop by on the way home from work. they have produce and meats that i find usually are way better than typical kroger brand, but for around the same price.
otherwise though i just stop at kroger. if i just need a few cheap things ill just go to aldi though. i never buy meat from aldi, aside from frozen fish though. their meats are not very good at all. produce sometimes too. their packaged goods are fine for a low price but holy fuck their produce and meats can be really shit. anyone else have this experience?

>> No.14963726

Says the guy who was too weak to develop his own backbone. "Plis daddy navy, plis make me a man!" Veterans are faggots.

>> No.14963960

>parking for oil war bitchlets

>> No.14964325
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get a quarter attached to your keys

>> No.14964329

Aldi is not comfy at all. Probably the sterile shopping experience possible.

This desu

>> No.14964899

This is fine if your checkout clerk doesn't put your items.
Unlike a standard coin, this is non-fungible.

>> No.14964913

>go to return cart to the cart corral
>boomer woman accosts me when I am literally 2 feet from clicking my cart back in
>holding quarter out at me like a zombie
>sneer at her and go "just take it" and walk away quickly without touching her germy fingers

>> No.14964937
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>> No.14964941
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The best Supermarket

>> No.14964944


>> No.14965013
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who new england here

>> No.14965139
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Only St. Louis niggas understand.

>> No.14965172

Giant is extremely comfy if you go after 8 pm, feels like you are shopping by yourself with a ton of selection remaining from the day. Unlike Walmart or Aldi which looks like a wasteland constantly.

>> No.14965193


>go to Central Market in Houston
>Matsutake for $60/lb
>grab a few because "damn I've only seen these on the original Iron Chef"
>go to checkout
>checkout girl says "are these porcinis?"
>"Why, yes!"


>> No.14965220

I've only ever been to one, and it was trash. It was like a shittier version of those neighborhood walmarts that people like to bitch about. I'll stick to Costco where the well paid staff is friendly and helpful.

>> No.14965569

no need to be acting Billy Bigbaws on a cooking form anon

>> No.14965578
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>> No.14965609


Thank you for your service

- from Israel

>> No.14965618

Being in giant Tiger makes me seethe
Everything about it irritates me besides the price, that shits cheap

>> No.14965621

aldi isn't really a supermarket. it is much closer to the dollar store. a supermarket has fresh vegetables and meat. they are supplied by local warehouses, even if owned by the same company.

aldi, much like dollar store, uses giant super regional distribution centers and just in time logistics using the absolute cheapest carriers they can find, most of the time not even refrigerated. this is why all the produce you buy at aldi goes bad in 2 days.

>> No.14965625

Are you some kind of millionaire? Us common folk shop at Food Lion.

>> No.14965635

what the fuck is in there anyway? like dollar store shit?

how much is a big bag of chips ?

>> No.14965669

i finally caved and got my disabled veteran license plates because saves me 100 dollars a year on registration. but yea i never actually park in cripple spots. except i did about 2 weeks ago. funny enough i see this thread.

i was in a rush and just needed like 2 things from krogers to make dinner. so i parked in the cripple space. and some fucking karen tries to shame me for it. so i tell her "you see those fist two letters on my license plate? DV? that means disabled veteran. i don't like advertising it so i didn't get the one with a big old purple heart. but yes, i can park here." shut that bitch up pretty quick.

>> No.14965730

>freakish east german cube plex with no employees and a bunch of weird generic shit for products
>haha gompfy ::----DDD
do europeans really

>> No.14966053

And how did a layman such as yourself even learn about what kind of logistics strategy Aldi uses?

>> No.14966195
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publix is where its at in florida,

walmart sucks pretty much everywhere

winn dixie is a store that i only went in because there was one near me on vacation, its like a shittier version of publix but the two that id be likely to go in my local area are in the hood

aldi is on the edge of the hood for me, the cart quarters, the maze shit they pull, the not on par knockoff products and the isle of random crap that if i needed any of the products on display, id actively seek a higher quality product all dissuade me from going there instead of running in somewhere else.

BJs is a warehouse store that you have to have a membership to shop at and i wouldn't pay for that membership. its too far and too annoying to shop at for a couple bucks saved to buy in bulk. also they treat you as if you are melanin enriched when you go out the door forcing you to stop and have your receipt checked

thanks for reading my blog

>> No.14966198

Fuck Wegmans, from Canandaigua

>> No.14966737

Based idiot

>> No.14967033

i am the guy that shitposts about being a reefer driver all the time. i know quite a bit about the logistics game. and aldi has none. they utilize swift and hunt. sometimes they use scnieder.

i am a food fan, but i am extremely well versed in the logistics network in america. and aldi is on the lower tier. the krogers family is probably the best at getting fresh stuff to distribution centers. but local supermarkets in most major cities actually have really great distribution warehouses. some of the best meat i used to deliver went to a chinese distribution warehouse in houston.

>> No.14967047

they started handing out disabled parking permits to dickheads with autism in the uk. not like every jodacky cunt didnt have one anyway

"not every disability is visible" okay but how does you being a nutter prevent you walking from a regular bay?

>> No.14967121

I think this guy is way too angry about it but the way Americans worship their troops is really weird and cringy to me.
"Thank you for your service" made sense back when they stormed the beaches of Normandy, but now? No, not really.

That is true.

I used to work in an Aldi in Denmark. Probably the closest legal thing to slavery in that country and certainly the worst work conditions I'll ever have to put up with.
I still shop in their stores but I resent them for how they treat their employees. And I of course make a point of being nice to the employees when I talk to them.
Lots of horror stories back then.
One store was open 'til 4PM on December 31st and after they closed the boss popped open a bottle of bubbles, which he had paid for mind you, and poured every employee present a tiny little glass. To show some appreciation like a good leader does, you know?
Anyway, imbibing alcohol on the job is against Aldi's rules and every employee, manager included, was fired.

Another time the Aldi in the next town over was understaffed and one employee who was actually there said she was sick and had to go home. She had diarrhea and was throwing up.
The manager in that store solved the problem by placing her by the register so she was "seated and comfortable". She was then provided with a bucket for puking and told to put on a diaper if she couldn't hold in the poo.
That manager was NOT fired.

>> No.14967215

next time i see a cuck come off the parkinglot of one of those aldicuckstores, im gonna t-bone it with my RAM

>> No.14967233

Ok chud

>> No.14967240

Thank you your service is like sayimg bless you when someone sneezes. No one cares and it's just vaguely polite.

>> No.14967310

No, I don't believe that is true.
Because if it were there would not be those special parking spots and discounts and whatnot.
Americans definitely have a weird fixation on their troops that goes beyond saying "bless you".
Unlike that other guy I am not bothered by it. It just looks weird to me from my cultural viewpoint.
The way you treat your flag does too.

>> No.14967334

How do you like the job? I'm considering going into trucking myself, do you need a completely clean driving history for companies to consider you or will they not care?

>> No.14967452

i loved it. i got a dui one weekend and had to quit. literally a 2 mile drive from one fishing spot to another. and i threw like 10 grand at it but the best i got was reckless, which is a 5 year instead of lifetime ban essentially. at this point i just live off my army retirement. but trucking was making me about 70k a year. and i loved every fucking minute of it. even riding the engine break down cajon canyon dodging the poorest people who work in la at 7 in the morning to deliver some meat to a bunch of stinky mexicans in an outdoor market.

but to your question. even the day after i got my reckless i could have worked for local trucking companies. the only thing that takes the license away is dui. but i never liked local trucking.

the fun trucking, at least for me, was cross country. pick up some meat in kansas and just drive for 4 days. and the companies that let you do that, they don't fucking play. you get a speeding ticket they put you on probation. a dui is a fucking automatic you never even worked here. but hey, when i worked for that company, i pretty much never stopped at a weigh station. because that company was spotless. and most of the big cross country companies try to be spotless.

but again, i loved it. if you don't have a family and don't mind being alone, it is pretty great. you will be working about 70 hours a week, but you can do most of it in your underwear. but you don't need an apartment because you will never be home. every cent you make will go into savings.

>> No.14967462

And like clockwork the muh local farmer and muh local butcher faggot appears.

>> No.14967470

more like you are a whole poorfag kek!
whole foods and trader joe's. aldi's is like if a costco and target made love and had a miscarriage.

>> No.14967487

Yeah, OTR is what I'm looking at. Recently got into a no fault small accident so was wondering if they's cross me off for that. I love driving and going to new places, I just want to get more confident in my driving before trying (ADD often gets me into close calls due to lapse in attention)

>> No.14967517

the company i worked for was the top tier refrigerated company. and yea we would have thrown your application out. but there are tons of other companies that probably wouldn't. and these are the companies who are willing to train you. if you go get your licence on your own dime, anyone will hire you. but you are going to be getting shitty pay. i seriously doubt i would have fallen in love with the profession if i worked for swift or shneider. the loads you take really matter.

i would encourage you to apply to any of the big 4 refrigerated companies. they all will train you essentially for free, as long as you work for them a year. i loved it.

>> No.14967525

How did you have sex?

>> No.14967551

What do you think of Sprouts?

>> No.14967721

>Recently got into a no fault small accident so was wondering if they's cross me off for that.
All depends on the company.
Someone is eager to get your ass in their truck. Megas like Swift, Schneider, CRST, England have pretty low barriers to entry (pulse? pass drug test? no obvious signs of imminent collapse after walking across the room? welcome aboard!), but low pay and BS loads.

Work your contract year and move on.
Anyone else will say that if you can deal with their crap for a year, you can make it in our truck just fine, pay better, get you home more often, won't run you as hard... etc.

Work on your situational awareness, and in training try and do exactly what they're telling you. Shut up, ask questions after the situation has passed, stop before you hit something.

>> No.14967727

The fucking best. Good deals on a lot of stuff.

>> No.14967767

Lunds & Byerlys
Sorry poorfags.

>> No.14967776

Ok chud

>> No.14967783
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>ctrl+f winco
>0 results
literally all subhumans in this thread

>> No.14967895
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Globus hypermarket.

>> No.14967914

>Lunds & Byerlys
I do not live in the barren shithole known as Minnesota

>> No.14967982
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>> No.14968410

Tesco's sourdough is alright, too - but it gets stale way too fast. Lidl's on the other hand was still soft & squishy after a week, it also evaporated a lot of water for some reason - shit was wet underneath when I lifted it.

Best way is to make your own sourdough, it's piss easy but time consuming.

>> No.14968459

War on terror. Anon, I...

>> No.14968460

Aldi, at least in germany isnt comfortable at all.
When you pay for shit at the cashier there is no room to keep your food it instantly drops off and its designed to make you fuck off asap.
Really annoying when I dont use a cart.

>> No.14968464

my closest butcher does that for canned shit and its pathetic.
others at least try to get some more unique shit that you cant get everywhere.

>> No.14969546

What are some great hidden things from esselunga. So far the best thing is their Ligurian pesto

>> No.14969719

i've thought about opening a breakfast place and just buying all the food/ingredients from costco.

>> No.14970126

>Contrary to popular belief, you get to choose your job, provided you score high enough to qualify for the job you want
>It is easy as fuck to avoid combat if you really do not want to do it.
>No one wants to stand next to an infantryman who doesn't want to be out there anyway.
The military must be getting desperate to spread recruitment bullshit on 4chan.

>> No.14970207
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Do people really go to Aldi and Lidl? You go to that kind of shitmarket only if you are poor.
Super U is far better and made chad moves such as selling endangered species' meat. Gotta love cooking those thresher sharks' meat for dinner.

>> No.14970825

This. Fuck those welfare-queens. The vast, vast majority never so much saw any enemy or were in any danger on their vast fortified base.

>> No.14970872

I used to live in buffalo for school
Now I'm back in california and I miss it
Huge selection of nice foods/ingredients.

>> No.14970901

for sall http://kngya.cuvietnamese.com/d2.aspx?id=ND6AXzP/QoKtrgBBkfreyg==

>> No.14971710

Everything tastes like shit

>> No.14971722

The vets who deserve benefits the most are usually the most forgotten.
One is taking up space in my mother's home and will soon force his dead body onto her for her to deal with. Fuck vets and your uppity attitudes.

>> No.14971813

Fuck Aldi's. The aisles are too small and im a half sperg who cant walk behind slow people without losing my fucking mind. FUCKING GOOOOO

>> No.14972567

Lots of guys have a few girlfriends in various places. Find out where you'll be travelling to for work, figure out if any are along the way, spend an evening enjoying each other's companionship.

Other guys meet professional girlfriends at truckstops. Engage their services for the usual amount of time, finalize transaction, go take a shower.

Some bring a wife or girlfriend along as a passenger. Paperwork is required, but usually a simple matter.

Many choose celibacy on the road.

Male homosexuals like yourself seem to have no trouble arranging liaisons everywhere.

>> No.14972613

But the home shop kind of sucks
I've been using them for home delivery for years and about 1/5 orders gets fucked up.
I like their policy on rotten meat where they double your refund.

>> No.14972626

I love going here when I want to pay $15 for a gallon of milk and get a bag of pepitas

>> No.14972646

aldi is pretty based but if i was rich I'd honestly be shopping at whole foods or a similar organic free range fag store. trader joes can suck a cock though

>> No.14972701

It's great for what it is
But this is the truth, bros.
Wegmans has a nice atmosphere, but it's kinda expensive.

>> No.14972769

Maybe you're just too fat.

>> No.14972989


>> No.14973052
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for me it's Associated

>> No.14973141

Good choice. That's partially why I work there. Voted best rotisserie chicken in the Midwest. Be warned friends, Meijer is taking over and has already made some very sad changes...

>> No.14973428
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Deported mexifaggot

>> No.14973491

ALDI fucking sucks get the fuck out of here europoor.

>> No.14973545
File: 868 KB, 1240x791, frysfooddrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just go to fry's cause they have everything i need in cheap non name brand variety

>> No.14973594
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With Christmas coming up these bad lads are on sale in ALDI again. Time to get chocolate wasted.

>> No.14974085
File: 427 KB, 676x453, Schermafbeelding-2019-04-01-om-11.45.23-676x453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AH is pretty comfy. No waiting lines and no interaction.

>> No.14974113

It's always filled with Karen's and the cashier's are fucking bitches every single time and litterly throw you food in the bag

Also I always forget to bring a coin and have to put everything in a box

Good products at a good price but fuck the workers there next time the bitch throws my raw sassuages on top of my fresh produce again I'm going to tell her off

>> No.14974535

That looks exactly like the one near my parents.

>> No.14974899

>tfw the coof shut down the new food lion hot bars right as they got added to all stores

>> No.14974929

But anon, I thought there were, quote, "Literally no downsides and a shit ton of benefits"?

>> No.14974969
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Sprouts and Trader Joes are both bretty comfy desu

>> No.14974982

Bought some condoms from there in arizona, was very confusing since the only Frys we have here is an electronics store

>> No.14975016

pack your own bags wtf

>> No.14975309
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where my South Michigan boys at

>> No.14975321

think they're mostly gone now but lucky's market was nice. stew leonard's or wegman's when i'm in the northeast

>> No.14975341

when i moved to florida the aldi's down here were notably worse. had to stop shopping at aldi's entirely because this kept fucking happening

>> No.14975393

I think the reason their produce is so cheap is because they buy it from other stores as it approaches the expiration date. Just a guess though.

>> No.14975593

I do it's when putting the stuff in my cart the bitch just throws it I been there 5 times this happened 4/5 time

>> No.14975601

Fantastic atmosphere

>> No.14975690

Youre cringe and you prolly deserved to get bullied lmao