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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 236 KB, 1024x1024, truffle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14949819 No.14949819 [Reply] [Original]

trufflepill me

>> No.14949861

You're a burden on the rest of us Anon. Stop being the way that you are.

>> No.14949876

they taste like shit, overhyped, and inflated in price the same way diamonds are.

>> No.14950094

Their flavor is overpowering in every dish I've had them in, they're a meme food. Truffle oil is affordable if you want to try the aroma

>> No.14950123

It depends on how serious you are about different flavors and refining your palate. Are you the kind of person that tries to mentally reverse-engineer the food you taste? Do you sample different things and catalogue their differences from your other experiences? Do you have some disposable income? Then you'll probably be interested in at least trying them. That being said, some mid-western Cletus is likely to have no appreciation for them and be offended by the cost. And for everyday use, it's not realistic. But for a once in a while thing, they're unique and can really add to a dish.

This but be careful. A ridiculous percentage of "truffle oils" are artificially flavored and pretty inaccurate. It's the difference between a watermelon and watermelon-flavored candy.

>> No.14950238

>It's the difference between a watermelon and watermelon-flavored candy.

So not Much?

>> No.14950295

They should be banned from cooking competitions

>> No.14950392

acquire tastebuds, dumbass

>> No.14950504
File: 68 KB, 451x489, 1565563065741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch any cooking show
>muh truffles

>> No.14950542

You only add a one finger pinch to whatever it is you think requires it's taste. It's not a main ingredient the same way salt isn't.

>> No.14950568

its an old world source of umami

>> No.14950594

Based yeah poster.

>> No.14950608



>> No.14950627

I really don't like truffle. I can only tolerate it in risotto. I'm not sure which is worse for me, the taste or the smell. My mom/sister and wife love it and every time I go to an Italian restaurant with any of them, they order something with it and the smell alone ruins everything else. It's probably on-par with restaurants that allow smoking and the smell is so powerful it overpowers everything else completely.

>> No.14950690

if you think it's overpowering you're probably just eating shitty fake truffle oil. real fresh truffles are subtle.

>> No.14950714

its overrated and expensive shit that overpowers everything it's in, or you cant taste it at all

>> No.14950718

Most foods usually have both.

Both taste and smell are VERY different between truffle oil and fresh truffle. Fresh truffle barely has a smell and a very odd taste. Not overpowering at all. Truffle oil on the other hand overpowers everything with ease. For example, decent Italian restaurants serve truffle pasta with truffle oil and real truffle flakes on top (which is why it costs so much, real truffle is very expensive and rare).

If you were to have only real truffle, it would not really be a truffle dish.

>> No.14950737

tastes really great but its really hard to use without it being either overwhelming or not worth the price. besides the taste is fairly easy to fake with a few chemicals and as with many luxury ingredients the difference between the chemical and the real deal is simply not worth the money.

>> No.14950740

Laugh at this absolute tastelet with me lads

>> No.14950793

Only two of those are true. They are pretty tasty but not 1000s per lb/kg tasty.

>> No.14952472
File: 326 KB, 2400x1349, fake vanilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never ate truffle but when I compare actual bourbon vanilla to vanillin, it's two complete different things. The synthetic vanillin has a harsh metallic and sharp taste, like an actual poison. While real vanilla has a soft, creamy and full-body taste and aroma.It certainly takes an actual ghetto nigger to enjoy the synthetic vanillin before the majority simply never stated the real stuff. I regularly bitch when I eat out or even get an icecream and the chef thinks he can get away with using vanillin while calling it vanilla ice.

>> No.14952480

I've tried truffle salt and artificial truffle oil and I have to say the difference is subtle imo. Artificial oil was more bold and in your face, but the key elements were all there.

>> No.14952576

i don't know about that. there's no point to use real truffles if ur using oil unless it's a dipshit place that does it for show. if the dish is supposed to have truffle and not shit truffle oil they will cover it with truffle slices.

>> No.14952580

wrong nigger. you don't know shit about truffles.

>> No.14952589

sounds like you're a poor, broke, dumb, pathetic faggot that your regular family place is olive garden. obviously you don't actually go out on your own except to mcdonalds and taco bell.

>> No.14952598

Diamonds taste pretty good though

>> No.14952608

a lot of south african diamond mine niggers feel the same way

>> No.14952621


The price of truffles isn't inflated. They are hard to grow/harvest and they go bad very quickly.

>> No.14952731

I've never tasted truffle before but I'm going through escoffier and I see them referenced a lot. they only last a week in the fridge? is there something I could replace them with in these recipes? does truffle oil work? how long does it keep for?

>> No.14952741

no, no, no, and they probably last but you use them generously so it's not an issue and being a stingy little bitch is just missing the whole point

>> No.14952748
File: 43 KB, 490x490, white truffle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its like fucking crack and only plebs hate them
white truffles are fucking amazing and definitely worth trying, don't let it sit in the fridge long and don't be a jew with it and dump it on whatever you're eating
it's such a strong flavor that it goes well with something like a poached egg or some pasta with a simple sauce
yes it tastes like feet and sex but in the absolute best way possible

>> No.14952754

yeah the recipes call for sliced slivers of truffle. why is everyone in this thread whining so much?

>> No.14952756

is there a reason we are capable of gene editing but somehow "truffles are too difficult to cultivate"

>> No.14952765

yeah gene editing is super easy, especially for edible truffles. fucking retard. how about you edit some carbon monoxide into your car cabin while you jack off to anime?

>> No.14952772

They’re based
Only poorfags is hate em and don’t buy the shitty Chinese ones either

>> No.14952773

I prefer a helium hood

>> No.14952776


Then do it yourself and get rich, you genius.

>> No.14952779

I would rather grow magic mushrooms

>> No.14952831

you're not doing that either, though, are you?

>> No.14952847

nope I don't know how I feel about growing mushrooms. all I grow now is herbs and random stuff. last year I grew a bunch of pumpkins. I want to build an a frame gutter hydroponic setup and do pepper plants

>> No.14952854

it's completely different...try to find a mentor if u can

>> No.14952874

isn't that Dimple?
Mob psycho 100 is the best manga out there, fite me

>> No.14952876

I already know more than enough about it, just boil some rice cakes or whatever. I know truffles need to grow on certain species of trees but I'm just surprised we haven't engineered some kind of substrate for it

>> No.14952878

your statement proves your know absolutely, positively, jack shit about it

>> No.14952882

I know so much about it that it seems alien to you

>> No.14952886

It really truffles my jimmies.

>> No.14952888

no. you are a little faggot who probably doesn't even have hair on your nuts.

>> No.14952891
File: 18 KB, 350x373, itsmecletus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be me
>take the pig out for a walk
>she starts diggin at a tree
>"i bet thats them mushrooms the yuppies like"
>it is
>deliver to market
>they pay whatever i ask

>> No.14952894

i know you don't know shit, but you're not far from the truth. Appalachian rednecks harvest ginseng for $$$

>> No.14952901


>> No.14952952

nice trips I wax thanks

>> No.14953034

Not as good or as useful as Silphium.

>> No.14953098

Pretty baste if you ask me

>> No.14953182
File: 66 KB, 1242x932, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This microwave dinner is only $3.50 and it tastes pretty good.

>> No.14953194

1. take chestnut
2. roll it in dirt used in herb growing
3. eat

WA LA authentic truffle flavor for a fraction of the cost

>> No.14953316
File: 45 KB, 600x599, 1579824457785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people saying they're overpowering, mediocre, overhyped etc.
I have to wonder how many have actually tried real truffle, not "truffle-flavored oil/seasoning"?

>> No.14953368

Probably easier and cheaper to get a truffle than a real chestnut.

>> No.14953378

Pretentious retard acts like he has superpowers. No, you do not "mentally reverse-engineer" anything, nor have you gained metaphysical control over your taste buds to experience things in ways others cannot. You are literally schizophrenic and need to be medicated. The medication wont help with the fact that you're an insufferable chuuni twat, unfortunately.

>> No.14953386

daddy didn't afford these poor anons their truffles. maybe you can help?

>> No.14953389

you people are worse than vegans and you're not fooling anybody at all

>> No.14953403

>getting mad over being called out
Truffles are rare and expensive, imitations are plentiful and commonplace. Why the fuck would I not be suspicious when people are accurately describing the shitty imitations (too strong etc.)? It's the same when people say Wasabi is too strong.

>> No.14953443

is this pasta?

>> No.14953446

what do thry taste like. bros?

>> No.14953457


Seriously nigger

>> No.14953458

they smell more than taste. not that they lack taste but that's not really what they contribute. you know how thyme totally fills the kitchen with thyme smell but if you were to pinch your nose and stick a thyme sprig in your mouth it would taste pretty much the same as any other twiggy thing with bitter small leaves? it's like that. texture and taste of a tough mushroom. strong smell.

>> No.14953483


fuck off back to r e d d i t, you fucking casual faggot

>> No.14953495

>very expensive ingredient that needs to be consumed fresh, can only be found in few locations, and is rare
>buy it for $5 at Walmart (alternatively "truffle-flavored" anything)
Really nigger? Why are you arguing about stuff you haven't actually tried? Do you also argue wasabi is shit because the imitation in a tube you found at Walmart was shit? How about steak? The steak from the Dollar Store is shit, are you going to whine about wagyu being overrated?

>> No.14954735

>Be poorfag
>Order truffle dish form shit restaurant
>Get shitty 'truffle flavouring' dish that tastes like soap
>Go on /ck/ and say truffle is shit.

>> No.14954750

>real truffle flakes on top
Which have no real noticeable flavor, at least not in the quantities that get shaved on top. It's just garnish if it's not cooked in.

>> No.14954976

if you're posting here, you can't afford it

>> No.14955537

They actually used to be pretty widely farmed in France and the like, until economic collapse and war throughout the early 1900s killed the industry.

>> No.14955543

What kind of fruit is that?

>> No.14955572

Is it true that you can't cultivate or grow truffles in a controlled environment?

>> No.14955581

You can, thats just nonsense from truffle companies.

>> No.14955674

Truffles are delicious. I even like cheap artificial truffle oil. Of course, the real things are another level. Take a trip to Northern Italy in truffle season and eat some white truffles and drink some good barolo. It doesn't get better than that.

>> No.14955694

so it's unironically an adult pallette thing, kind of want to try now