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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14948744 No.14948744 [Reply] [Original]

I changed my mind I think bay leaves actually do something

>> No.14948748
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but is coffee good for you?

>> No.14948755

its fine in small quantities, but don't go overboard and don't have it in the evenings or you will lose quality of sleep

>> No.14949987
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fuck this cunt

>> No.14950691

You've changed your mind to become wrong?

>> No.14950791
File: 65 KB, 641x534, 5697743E-9159-4D42-83B3-848030DF15C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the day would never come, fren

>> No.14951315

I hate these things. They're a bitch to chew and scratch my throat.

>> No.14951573

anon I...

>> No.14951605


>> No.14951974

>this guy eats his bay leaves

bro just smoke them like normal

>> No.14952421

what is this from?

>> No.14952434

they only work if you leave them in. the whole meme about taking them out of the food was debunked weeks ago

>> No.14952517

I just tell them to GO!

>> No.14952653

I can only find the crappy dry ones at the store, and I put like 3-4 of them in a cup of water to boil for at least 5 minutes if it wasn't more
it barely tasted like anything, a very mild herbal flavor
I see no point in bothering with the dry crap

>> No.14952734


>> No.14953291 [DELETED] 

That is so fake that it's aggressively un-sexy.

Turn off.

>> No.14953293 [DELETED] 

They definitely impart a flavor. I'm guessing most of the flavor wasn't able to leech out in such a short boil. Bay leaves are used for dishes that cook for like 1-4 hours.

>> No.14953327

women deserve to be clubbed with blunt objects

>> No.14953352 [DELETED] 

you can club me with your blunt object, daddy

>> No.14953364 [DELETED] 

Women are fine. The problem is a culture in which intimacy and authenticity are not valued. And social media is a major culprit in this.

>> No.14953372

based and truth pilled

>> No.14953376

roasties detected

>> No.14953399 [DELETED] 

Not yet anon I get my SRS next year

>> No.14953596


>> No.14953988 [DELETED] 


Go shit up /pol/ threads nigger CHUD

>> No.14954414

go back to hell incel no one will ever love you ahaha

>> No.14954486

She's wearing so much makeup that she would feel blunt force trauma to her face. The object would just bounce off.

>> No.14954493

>bay leaves
no thanks

>> No.14954552

Are you like a super-smeller or something? What’s wrong with aromatics?

>> No.14954554

>he forgot to cut up his bay leaf

>> No.14954646

I love cardamom so much, your olfactory system might be busted

>> No.14954653

The fat female cope is insane

>> No.14954718

t. ugly skin

>> No.14954726

You'll pay for that, Earther!