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14945179 No.14945179 [Reply] [Original]

I'm having about 20 people over for a Halloween party, what are some good cocktails to make for them? Bonus points for Halloween themed and simplicity.

>> No.14945193 [DELETED] 

Jerk off in a solo cup 20 times and kill yourself shotgun style, saves on the decore as well.

>> No.14945238

Covid-19 served in saliva

>> No.14945240 [DELETED] 

Make a big vat of everclear and fruit concentrate/juice, this will ensure that the women get very intoxicated and then you can have sex with them

>> No.14945255

Oooooh this is a good one anon

>> No.14945272

Not a problem where I live.
I have a bit of money I don't think I need to resort to everclear. Although a good punch would be appreciated.

>> No.14945301

If you're so wealthy why do you need to put on this whole party facade and pretend you're interesting and creative enough to think of a Halloween themed cocktail on your own?

>> No.14945313

are you okay anon?
what's so bad about hosting a party?

>> No.14945336

Use dry ice like in your photo

>> No.14945348

don't do it bro, cuz covid.

>> No.14945363

I'm not wealthy at fucking all.
I have like 200 bucks for alcohol. I could spend 300. If I spend $1000 on party shit I'll be pissed though but it wouldn't be a big deal.
/ck/ usually has good ideas I never think of. I'm browsing various womens' magazines and their shit seems very contrived and a bit overcomplicated. I'm at the intersection of "I can afford to do something nice but I don't want to rim 20 glasses with green glitter" although now that I think of it, I have plenty of time to do that.
You sound terrifically mad though.

>> No.14945384

make a lot of grandine and put it in everything

>> No.14945404

Sams club and Costco have their own vodkas that are decent and only $15 for a 1.75l

>> No.14945428

I live in leafland, I dream of alcohol that cheap.

>> No.14945436

>don't do it bro, cuz covid.
A party and 2 weeks paid vacation.

>> No.14945443

please stop talking about covid in this thread. There has been 0 cases in 3 months where I live.

>> No.14945593

Where do you live anon

>> No.14945610

>having friends

>> No.14945629

If you have a blender you can make orange daiquiris. Prep right before party and store in a cooler filled with ice so it stays the right consistency for more than 5 minutes. Buy some Halloween themed cups at the dollar store.

>> No.14945646

Look up how to make a Rectal Thermometer

>> No.14945697

There's a tiny island off by Ireland somewhere I think that doesn't have any cases at all. It's a tony town though

>> No.14945720


Have fun catching the 'rona faggot.

>> No.14945721

Do you know what jungle juice is? Make some of that, it gets women sloppy drunk and ready to make bad decisions

>> No.14945723

fuck off

>> No.14946206

So, this is a party, right? The thing you don't want is to prepare individual cocktails. Making drinks for 20 people is an awful amount of work if anyone drinks more than a single drink. Go for a good punch. Now the question is, how do you make punch?

Well, you've about 20 people coming over, so make two punches, and make them distinct from one another in color. You might want a very orange-colored one and a very purple-colored one. The purple colored is easy, but it needs butterfly pea flower tea as an ingredient.

Purple Halloween Punch
>1 oz Brandy
>1 oz Jamaican Rum
>1 oz Gin
>2 oz Butterfly Pea Flower Tea (Cold)
>1 oz Lime Juice
>0.5 oz Blackberry Syrup
>0.5 oz Maple Syrup
Multiply that by however many people are coming, prepare everything except the fruit juice, put it in in your service receptacle of choice with ice, add in the lime just before the guests show up, stir vigorously.

Orange Halloween Punch is gonna be a bit trickier because the challenge will be getting the orange color, and the orange you want and the orange you might get with the obvious options will be drastically different. I'm basically stealing this from Martin Cate for this one.

Orange Halloween Punch
>1.5 oz Cuban Rum
>0.5 oz Yellow Chartreuse
>1 oz Pumpkin Spice Syrup
>1 oz Lime Juice
>1 oz Orange Juice
>1 oz seltzer
Prepare the spirits and syrup in advance. Multiply by however many people you want to serve the drink to. Save the juice and seltzer until people come; just before people arrive, put the seltzer in the bowl with ice, add in the juices and the spirit/syrup mix, light stir. The Pumpkin Spice syrup should have ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and clove.

A third option is making a super green punch that looks radioactive. For that we're gonna need Midori. Also basil syrup. Don't worry, the latter is really good.

Green Halloween Punch
>1 oz Gin
>1 oz Pisco
>1 oz Midori
>0.5 oz Basil Syrup
>1 oz Pineapple Juice
>1 oz Lime Juice
You should have the gist by now.

>> No.14946228

Ok chud

>> No.14946275

I'd sub out orange juice for orange soda. The bubbles make it fun and the color will be better

>> No.14946287

That's the idea of the Seltzer (the bubbles), but I totally get your point, you're relying on a good orange soda to get that super nice color.

>> No.14946317
File: 36 KB, 468x549, 5899403bebff408ba062a81f35defe34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tootsie Roll martini

Orange Juice
Cream de Cacao (dark)

and thats its

>> No.14946454

holy shit that sounds vile

>> No.14946528

It tastes exactly like a tootsie roll, and if you try it and don't like it I'll stab out your eyes with my swiss army knife bitch

>> No.14946598

Thanks man

>> No.14946607

>Orange Juice
Mmm, fresh curds.

>> No.14947260

Sidecar made with green curacao instead of triple sec. Looks really off but tastes great.

>> No.14947535
File: 53 KB, 616x822, 1506359379036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not mixing Zombies then why even bother?
>tsp or a couple dashes of grenadine
>dash of absinthe
>dash of angostura
>3/4oz lime
>1/4oz cinnamon syrup (seriously easy to make if you can't buy)
>1/2oz grapefruit juice
>1/2oz falernum
>3 to 4.5oz of rum, Jamaican, a mix of multiple rums if possible.
>shake with crushed ice
I'm not expecting you to go overboard for a party so go lighter and simpler on the rum as long as it's Jamaican.

If that's too much trouble try my potion of lesser undead:
>dash of absinthe, grenadine, and angostura, or whatever of the three you happen to have
>1/2oz of cinnamon syrup
>3/4oz lime
>2-3oz of Jamaican or aged rum
>shake with crushed ice
>pour 2oz of grapefruit soda (like jarrito) into glass
>stir in shaken drink and ice with it

>> No.14947633

2 parts mountain voodew to 1 part tequila
pinch of kosher salt

>> No.14948430

This sounds like a fun idea, who doesn't like a frozen daiquiri?

>> No.14948703

Buy the cheapest alcohol you can find and just add tons of food colouring to it.

>> No.14948707

Oh zombies are good, nice one anon

>> No.14948777

>20 people over for a party
>during a global pandemic
you're a fucking retard and I hope the CDC kicks your door in.

>> No.14948787

every one should dress as covid victims.

>> No.14948802
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>there is a global pandemic you cant live your life because some old farts or already ill people
I think I and probably OP can take care of ourselves over a flu

>> No.14948838
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>> No.14948860

Blood orange syrup is cheap, different without being too different, and mixes well with a variety of things. Garnish/presentation is key, I'd say. Prepare toothpicks with fruit or something.