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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 234 KB, 800x513, 8C1C1457-091D-44A8-9B6C-2E4C30EB158B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14940854 No.14940854[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how do i properly prepare fish?

>> No.14940858

Fish weighs >10lbs

>> No.14940861

15 pounds

>> No.14940867

That's not 10 pounds more than 7.5
It's 20, no tricks about it.

>> No.14940868

x = 10 + 0.5x
x = 20

>> No.14940869

20 lbs. literally just a stupid way to say that 10 pounds is half its eight

>> No.14940873

Skin it, peel it, bone it.
Pan it

>> No.14940897

Do tell, because the answer is 20 no matter how you slice it.

>> No.14940900

This is stupid because goldfish don't weigh 50 pounds.

>> No.14940907

For trout:
1) Gut it.
2) Clean out blood along spine.
3) Cut down to the spine just behind the pectoral fins.
4) Slice along the spine down to the caudal fin and stop before cutting off filet.
5) Flip the filet still attached to the fish onto your cutting board (skin side down) and run your knife flat between the skin and filet.
6) Repeat on steps 3-5 for your other filet.

*If you want skin on, start by running your knife perpendicular across the scales to remove them. Repeat the steps 1-4 except complete the cut at the caudal fin to remove your filets.

>> No.14940922
File: 3.91 MB, 4032x3024, 20190830_095516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walking in japan
Many koi swim around me
I like the white one

>> No.14940946

It says 10 pounds more, not 10 pounds less

>> No.14940972

cook it until it's done, or don't. Doesn't matter.

>> No.14940977

just don't overcook it. most fish are disgusting overcooked. except maybe salmon.

>> No.14941090
File: 205 KB, 936x1256, Fish cooking method.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14941446

i dont get the question

it only says "10 pounds more than half its weight"

where does it say 10 pounds IS half its weight?
the fish could weigh like 4lbs or whatever

>> No.14941484
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>> No.14941516
File: 46 KB, 680x684, g18zWyM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck dude how else is he going to learn if you don't tell him, but instead mock him

>> No.14941520

bet you can't solve it too

>> No.14941529

because it wont work with any other number

>> No.14941541


x = 10 + 0.5x

x-0.5x = 10

0.5x = 10

x = 10/0.5

x= 20

can't make it any simpler than that. This is like middle school algebra

>> No.14941542

the fish could be 4 lbs as an example

so.. 1/2 of 4 is 2
2 + 10 is 12
12 + 2 = 14
so the fish is 14 lbs

>> No.14941551
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty anon

>> No.14941553

It's both 4 and 14 lbs at the same time?

>> No.14941554

So you have a fish that weighs 4 pounds and 14 pounds simultaneously. Good job.

>> No.14941557

>x-0.5x = 10
>0.5x = 10

i dont het this
where did the x go?.?

>> No.14941559

Nigger please
You filet trout then cut the sections with worms out

10+1/2 + 1/2 you cant solve it retard because theres not a scale big enough to weigh your mom

>> No.14941563

things weigh less in water

>> No.14941574

guys how do i measure the nutrition of canned salmon
does the can's nutrition info account for water weight or not
i need my macros and don't know whether to jot the protein down as 60 grams or 85 grams

>> No.14941592
File: 1021 KB, 2032x1813, Midwit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically correct.

>> No.14941602

if it's X pounds more than half, the the full weight would be two halves. One half has to be the 10 pounds mentioned.

>> No.14941612
File: 1.04 MB, 3024x4032, 20180712_092407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U need to fish in cleaner water.

>> No.14941611

Fuck. I was able to solve this without the steps, but looking at your work makes me realize that I'm starting to lose some of my basic algebra. Feels bad. Gotta brush up

>> No.14941613

negligible returns, just eat the shit it's good for ya pussy

>> No.14941620

You knew exactly what you were doing when you posted this image OP

>> No.14941623

10lbs happens to be half its weight.

>> No.14941628

think about what you just asked

>> No.14941642
File: 60 KB, 691x828, c1oyzegxx0m21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half the lake?

>> No.14941659

47 days

>> No.14941660


>> No.14941665


>> No.14941666

It's an inequality anon.

>> No.14941711

i hope you don't have kids

>> No.14941713

Three friends are splitting the bill after a meal out at a restaurant. The
waiter says the bill is £30, so the guests split it evenly and pay £10 each.
As he’s walking away the waiter realises that he’s overcharged the group
and the bill should only be £25.
In order rectify this, he takes the £5 that is owed to the guests in order
to bring the bill down to £25. On the way back to the table, he realises
that he cannot divide £5 equally between three people.
As the customers are still unaware of the actual total of the revised bill,
the waiter decides to just give each of the three friends £1 each and then
keep the leftover £2 as a tip for himself.
Basically, each customer got £1 back: meaning they only paid £9 each;
bringing the total paid to £27. The waiter has the leftover £2.
The £27 the customers paid, + the £2 the waiter kept = £29 so, if the
diners originally handed over £30, what happened to the remaining £1?

>> No.14941726
File: 233 KB, 1024x923, ggnore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you autistic, /ck/?

>> No.14941735


>> No.14941750

answer question

>> No.14941754

no, it's not
cmon anon, you can do this

>> No.14941755

The fish is a paradox fish that continuously grows 10 pounds at a time until it fills the universe.

>> No.14941766
File: 1.25 MB, 1024x923, ngrstink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14941781

x minus half of x is half of x

or in super-slow-mo

x - 0.5x = 10
(x-0.5x) / x = 10/x
x/x - (0.5x)/x = 10/x
1 - 0.5 = 10/x
0.5 = 10/x
(0.5)•x = (10/x)•x
0.5x = 10

>> No.14941782

That's a big lake

>> No.14941783

£25 went to the restaurant
£3 went back to the customers
£2 went to the waiter

The total £30 is accounted for.

>> No.14941792

This had me laughing out loud.

>> No.14941802
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>> No.14941808

One line through all 6 objects.

>> No.14941845
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>> No.14941854

>without crossing any lines
>any lines
that means the lines defining the houses as well, you can't connect from house to house.
yes, it is still possible

>> No.14941866


No it isn't, it's a simple equation

>> No.14941871

>the lines defining the houses
Wat. Touch the houses, but don't go through them?

>> No.14941891

can't post images but it's simple. you just connect the power sources to each other and then do one line to each house

>> No.14941897

>Touch the houses, but don't go through them?
>Supply all three houses with water, electricity and gas without crossing any lines
yes anon, it's not that difficult. don't overthink it, the answer is right in front of you.

>> No.14941907
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No, I don't think it is.

>> No.14941929

that depends on what dish you're cooking and the type of fish you're using. do you have a particular dish you're looking to prepare?
i'm sorry to be the one to tell you anon, but you're autistic. also, why does your head look like a testicle?

>> No.14941944

everyone understands why this is called an autism test right? it's self evidently impossible

>> No.14941953

Can't be done because each one is surrounded by a grid of lines. Stupid low IQ board.

>> No.14941960

Prove it

>> No.14941971
File: 458 KB, 1152x923, alternative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ladies, ladies, calm down please
i've found the answer

>> No.14941972

Use MS Paint fill tool and see for yourself. I'm phoneposting on the train.

>> No.14941982

Now they've got scribbles emanating from signs, but can you supply the houses with gas, electricity, and water?

>> No.14941985

And I'm jacking off on a toilet. Prove it or fuck off and be wrong

>> No.14941990


>> No.14941992

nope cant go house to house like that. you're crossing lines

>> No.14941993

You can't bisect a house from it's roof. Worst solution yet.

>> No.14942000
File: 44 KB, 620x675, 8fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really surprised no one has found the answer yet. It's so simple once you know how it's done.

>> No.14942014

there's no lines between the roofs and the walls
>You can't bisect a house from it's roof
it's not a real house, autist
>nope cant go house to house like that. you're crossing lines
it's not house to house, do you know what a line is?

>> No.14942022

you are very stupid

>> No.14942027


>> No.14942029

Wagner's theorem states that any graph with complete bipartite graph K3,3 as a minor is nonplanar. The question asks you to draw a planar K3,3, which is impossible.

>> No.14942034

It's simple. the fish weighs ten more than half it's weight so by taking ten and timesing it by .5 we have 15. Fifteen times itself is equal to 200. When you divide 200 by the initial weight of 10 it comes out to 20 and then adding the 10.5 you come to a total of the fish weigh 35.5lbg.

>> No.14942039

t. guy who can't connect water, electric and gas lines
how, exactly, am i stupid?

>> No.14942043

good job bud

>> No.14942055

Its great how this post came in the middle of a completely different and new argument AND its was wrong. So behind the curve

>> No.14942059

you're knowingly violating the spirit of the exercise with asinine pedantry

>> No.14942081

answer: negative 20 lbs

>> No.14942091

>you're knowingly violating the spirit of the exercise with asinine pedantry
well put, but I'm still correct. the point of the exercise is to think, there is only one technique that will solve it. that technique is going between the "roof" and "walls" of one of the "houses".

>completely different and new argument
are you wanting fish recipes?

>> No.14942127

>the point of the exercise is to think
fair enough. you get kudos for "creativity" I guess

problem is if you start deconstructing the houses into their constituent lines, then you force to point out (as did a previous poster) that there is in fact a faint grid in the background of the image, thus precluding any attempt to solve the problem. you have to approach the exercise in good faith, treating the houses as discrete units or the whe enterprise is null

>> No.14942138
File: 102 KB, 594x594, mcdonalds-fries-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a simple one.

A medium fry carton holds 29-37 fries. You order 5 medium fries and one small fry. It takes you 0.58 hours to drive home and you eat a fry every 27 seconds. By the time you get home 7/8ths of the fries you paid for are gone. Given that a small fry is half the size of a medium, how many orders of small fries could be filled with your fries that the restaurant never put in the bag? Give your answer in a range.

>> No.14942210

>are you autistic, /ck/?
since i don't have GIMP installed on this computer, i won't bother with eliminating all the lines in the background. if you eliminate said lines, my answer is still the only one that's correct

seethe harder

>> No.14942235

Easy, lines are infinite and straight. Just use line segments or curves and you won't cross any lines.

>> No.14942289

Range : 9

>> No.14942361
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>> No.14942419
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>> No.14942452

the "autism test" part of these is referring to the fact that if you take it seriously and attempt it, you're autistic. i never have.

>> No.14942513

But you've never put effort into anything in your life.

>> No.14942607

yellow intersects red on the other side of the sphere you're imagining

>> No.14942611

It's not a sphere it's Pac Man 2D world.

>> No.14942655

you're still crossing the line segments of the frame, even within a two dimensional world

>> No.14942661

True image, all my friends are retards or genius autists.

>> No.14942670
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>> No.14942671

>that means the lines defining the houses
Good thing they're made out of shapes and not lines

>> No.14942674

No, in Pac Man world you just teleport across. Same thing in Asteroids. Play the classics sometime, zoomer.

>> No.14942675

the edges of shapes are line segments
try again, autist

>> No.14942685
File: 388 KB, 854x470, 1555575193964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dammit, why are threads like this still so fucking funny after so many years?

>> No.14942692

Why do shitty middle school math questions derail any thread on 4chan?

>> No.14942734

autismo cope

>> No.14942738

Ten pounds more than half is ten and a half pounds. Why would it be currency? If you say it weighs that much, it's obvious it is weight.

>> No.14942739
File: 44 KB, 697x523, 5a4b9f9c3aa2f3750e8b457b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14942743



>> No.14942746

it's 20. I did this in my head in 10 seconds. I'm smart

>> No.14942751

This guy has sexual penetrative intercourse

>> No.14942752

Because logically, everything weighs double half of its weight. 20lbs is the only possible solution where the fish weighs 10lbs more than half of its weight.

>> No.14942756

>it actually is 87

>> No.14942760

lemon, butter, cum

>> No.14942763

You took too long and got it wrong.

>> No.14942766
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>> No.14942778

No indication what a single purple thing is, so the question is nonsense.

>> No.14942782

dUuRr Is iT 30

>> No.14942783


>> No.14942784

its a whistle.
try harder.
its not hard, just tricky.


>> No.14942792


>> No.14942794

Those "purple things" are red whistles you stupid cunt, my reality is more real than yours.

>> No.14942798


>> No.14942810

the answer is 17

>> No.14942811

15 = ?/whistle

I could assume only whole numbers apply and that 15 = 45/3, but when I assume I make an ASS out of U and ME.

>> No.14942817

you are making it way harder than it needs to be
follow the steps logically
look harder

>> No.14942820


YEah, this is one of those horseshit questions that you would never be able to figure out unless you were in that one class where the teacher defined what something (the missing whistle) meant. However, I am gonna assume that the cat with the whistle = (cat + whistle)

3(shoes) = 30
shoes = 10
10+ 2(cat+whistle) = 20
(cat+whistle) = 5

5+ 4(whistle) = 13
whistle = 2
cat + 2 = 5
cat = 3

shoes + cat*whistle = x
10 + 3*2 = 16

>> No.14942821

There's infinite lines crossing any point of any plain
What are you going to do then?

>> No.14942845

Snort them all and have a good time.

>> No.14942847
File: 47 KB, 866x1300, 72379599-glass-of-chocolate-milk-isolated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright while you fags fight over who's the biggest nerd, I'm headed out to grab a pack of smokes.
first one of you to steal so much as a sip of my drink while I'm gone is a dead motherfucker.

>> No.14942855

haha just wait 'til I get home. The choc milk directory on my desktop's secondary hard drive is formidable.

>> No.14942856


No smoker could truly appreciate the taste of a nice cold glass of chocolate milk.

>> No.14942860

this desu
milk tastes bad if you smoke

>> No.14942867
File: 7 KB, 299x168, whoops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14942931

4 equations, 5 unknowns, best we can do for the last one is

? = 10+5*bean
Can't really assume anything about that last bean because it's not the same as the double bean thing.

>> No.14942939

>I am gonna assume that the cat with the whistle = (cat + whistle)
that is -exactly- what it is
dont need to overthink so much, c'mon lads


>> No.14942957 [DELETED] 

Trojan horse off topic threads are cancer and against >>>/ck/rules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

>> No.14942963 [DELETED] 



See, no one cares.

>> No.14942969
File: 1.04 MB, 390x212, iu[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



See, no one cares.

>> No.14942977

announcing a report is against the rules, faggot.

>> No.14942984


>> No.14943037

You're not helping your case.

>> No.14943055


>> No.14943122

x is 1 by default if it has no specified value.
x is 1 in that case, and you subtract 0.5, so it becomes 0.5 because 1-0.5 is 0.5.

>> No.14943135
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>> No.14943143


>> No.14943158

>half it is weight

>> No.14943540

I let the minimum wage worker do it for me, after that just fry it up.

>> No.14943634

20 pounds
now fuck off with your shitty thread

>> No.14943774

Shoe = 10
Cat = 5
Shitty looking whistle = 4
Shoe + cat × shitty whistle = 60
10 + 5 × 4 = 60
The whistle is 4 because 13 minus 5 is 8, half 8 is 4
This one's piss easy coming from someone struggling with the other ones

>> No.14943818

Are people saying this isn’t 19 as a joke?

>> No.14943831

It would be 30 due to having to multiply before adding, right?

>> No.14943836


Spotted the common core taught ameriburger.

>> No.14943841 [DELETED] 
File: 2.74 MB, 640x360, cant_deal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah wait nah its 10 plus the answer from 5x4, not 10 plus 5 then times that by 4.
I didn't realise how much of my learning skills I've lost,
Look at it again mate

>> No.14943859
File: 2.74 MB, 640x360, cant_deal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah wait nah its 10 plus the answer from 5x4, not 10 plus 5 then times that by 4.
I didn't realise how much of my learning skills I've lost
Look at it again mate
Yeah, i checked on the calculator too and it gave me 30

>> No.14943871

A whistle by itself is not necessarily equivalent to half a double whistle. That's not how math works. Is 0 half of 8?

>> No.14943884

Salmon: cost that fucker in onion powder, garlic powder, butter, and lemon pepper seasoning. Pan sear that fucker for about 8 minutes a side. While cooking, squeeze some lemon juice on the second side, and add a slice of lemon on top. Cover while you pan sear. You won't even taste fish, while keeping all the nutritional benefits of eating fish

>> No.14943898
File: 47 KB, 480x360, sad_cox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt even realise there was 2 whistles.13 minus 5 is 8. So if theres 4 whistles you do 8 divided by 4 which is 2 per whistle. So shoe plus cat is 15. Times that by one whistle, which is two, equals 30, so same answer. Please explain if I'm wrong because I'm getting more depressed the longer this goes on

>> No.14943910

> x is not half of 2x

you are missing some steps.
its not half of 8, its 1/4 of 8.
there are 4 whistles

the last line is also wrong
its not the same cat as the other cats.
look at what is missing.

>> No.14943921

>So shoe plus cat is 15. Times that by one whistle, which is two, equals 30
wrong, PEMDAS
multiplication/division BEFORE addition and subtraction; then left to right

so you are supposed to multiply the right half 1st before proceeding.

>> No.14943958

There's no 2x there, dopey.

>> No.14943960

one whistle is literally "half of 2 whistles"

>> No.14943970

last line is a cat without a whistle.
the correct answer is
double whistle =4
cat with whistle =5
1 whistle = 2
cat without whistle =3
last line is 10 + 3x2 = 10 +6 (PEMDAS) = 16.


>> No.14943974

Do you mean the whistles around the neck? Would that mean the cat equals 3 and the cat with the whistle is 5? So that would make it 10+3×2 which means the answer is 16 right?
I explained that on this post
>>14943859 but I didnt know if it was right, thank you for PEMDAS because I dont know what it was called

>> No.14943978

No it isn't. It's a completely different symbol. You might also interpret as whistle to the power of whistle, but that would be equally wrong. The most accurate interpretation would be whistle multiplied by whistle, but again that's wrong because they're overlaid. It's one whole symbol. You can't just introduce new rules to algebra.

>> No.14944005

Thank you anon, I glazed over all the answers so I could work it out. O never noticed the whistles around the neck

>> No.14944011

>thinking this much over a children's math problem

it is literally what is showed in the picture
you are so "smart" you actually owned yourself

>> No.14944046

Meant to quote this post sorry >>14943970

>> No.14944047

No, the person writing the question is a retard and so are you.

>> No.14944060

>picture shows 2 whistles
>next question is regarding 1 whistle

you are the kind of person who is very book smart but extremely street-stupid, lmao

high grades = / = intelligence

>> No.14944072

No, math has explicit rules. If you need to break those rules to answer the question, the question is flawed. This is a math problem. It is stated thar it is a math problem. It is to be treated like a math problem. You need to teach children math in math, not to put their pants on their heads and do whatever looks right

>> No.14944094

almost everyone ITT got it except you.
solving problems is also about creative thinking.

>> No.14944119

Nobody got it because there is no answer. MENSA would never accept it as a valid math problem. You need to state it is a puzzle with vagaries in the symbology. And in that case multiple solutions are valid. Once you state it is math, you've fucked it.

>> No.14944140

the correct answer is 16 dumbass, and 2 people already got it within 10 posts

imagine being "so smart" you trip over yourself
what a joke
everyone with a working brain would just assume the most -likely- logical step is 1 whistle = 1/2 [2 whistles] and go from there
why would it involve "the power to" or some shit like that

>> No.14944187

>why would it involve "the power to" or some shit like that
not that anon, but i'm assuming it's because of the way the whistles are oriented

would you like a recipe for fish?

>> No.14944638
File: 87 KB, 645x773, 9DA223FB-80DB-432D-B704-0C21048DD081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14944649
File: 255 KB, 1493x4096, received_684767069042804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright lads, lets see who's really been eating the brain food

>> No.14944666

what an awful thread

>> No.14944700

It never ceases to amaze me how many absolute thick cunts get baited by these "puzzles". Have to prove how "smart" you are to a bunch of anonymongs on the internet don't you. Your sense of worth is that fragile.

Works every time

>> No.14944712

Seething morons

>> No.14944721
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>> No.14944750
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>> No.14944776

1) Cut a thing exactly in half
2) weigh that half, but dont look at the weight
3) you have half of the weight on the scale
4) the remaining amount is ten pounds
5) meaning the thing is twenty pounds total.

>> No.14944903

I don't even know what I'm looking at

>> No.14944975

Wrong, first 2 should be easier. It's 5 select questions from the norwegian mensa entry test.

>> No.14945001

1A , 2D, 3?, 4A, 5C

>> No.14945025

Actual projection. Most of us are playing around. You apparently can't conceive finding the answer and not feeling particularly proud about it.

>> No.14945113

You've got question 4 correct

>> No.14945138

damn I suck

>> No.14945159

They're the questions for the 135+ iq range, so don't feel to bad. And imo 3-5 are kind of bollocks as it's less about seeing THE pattern, and more thinking of the bizarre ordering the rows of 3 come in.

>> No.14945191

im a midwit and I've come to terms with that

>> No.14945411

Nice haiku

>> No.14945446

First one is E?

>> No.14945447

It s 10 + 5 x 2
Let me guess, you love being "the d'art one of the group" and other people just don't function on as high a level as you do

Imagine trying to get a feeling of superiority on 4chan

>> No.14945470


>> No.14945472

Exceedingly based

>> No.14945492


>> No.14945514

w r o n g
try harder bb

>> No.14945559

20 LBS

>> No.14945704
File: 42 KB, 1128x640, 198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

x' = Ax, where A is tbd.
Employing separation of variables and integrating , we get:
ln(x) = At + C, where C is our integration constant. Solving for x, we get:
x(t) = e^(At+C) = Be^At, where B is e^C. Now at t=0

x(0)=B, so B is our initial lilypads, so let B=1 for simplicity, and we have that:

x(t)=e^At. We know the population doubles each day, so therefore:
2x=e^A(t+1), and so e^A(t+1) = 2e^At. Doing some rearranging, we have that:
1/2 = e^At/(e^A(t+1) => 1/2 = e^-A => -ln(1/2) = A.
So x(t) = e^-ln(1/2)t.

Finally, solving for when the lake is half full, 1/2 = e^-ln(1/2)t/(e^-48ln(1/2)). Rearranging, we have:
1/2 = e^ln(1/2)(48-t) => ln(1/2)=ln(1/2)(48-t) =>1=48-t => t=47.

>> No.14945963


>> No.14945987
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im not even sure if its correct, but im sure it is.

>> No.14946129

I skipped some steps at the bottom, I took a ratio of x(t)/x(48), which would be 1/2 to simplify. Check out a book on ordinary differential equations for more info anon, its a cool subject.

>> No.14946715

I score high 120's low 130's and I couldn't see any of these after looking at them for a minute or so each.

>> No.14946736

It's a torus.
Lines don't intersect.
Fair play.

>> No.14946751
File: 1.24 MB, 1024x923, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.14946810

wait im dumb.
1 e
2 a
not sure on the others

>> No.14947002

Spotted the American

>> No.14947059


>> No.14947060

Made me chuckle, nice one m8

>> No.14947080

E, A, C, no clue, A

>> No.14947095

Fish weighs x
It weighs 10 pounds more than half of x
Is information enough to discern what x is?
>If fish is 4 pounds then half of weight is 2 which it weighs 10 pounds more than which is 12.
See what went wrong? We presupposed it weighed 4 but then said it weighed 10 more than that, how would that make sense?
If fish weighs 20 pounds then half of weight is 10, which is weighs 10 pounds more than making it 20.
If it makes you feel better I didn't spot it until I wrote down green text

>> No.14947635

Wrong on the last 3
So far the correct answers given are:
Please share what pattern you used to get these answers as it'll help figure out the last 2

>> No.14947640


>> No.14947648

for you

>> No.14947667
File: 415 KB, 597x526, kookaburra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a math thread after so long

>> No.14947675

Here's one for you
You have 47 niggers invading your home, and one ar15 with ten 30rd magazines of 5.56. Your rifle has a barrel length of 16 inches and a twist ratio of 1:7. It takes at minimum 2 rounds, at maximum 5 to take out one nigger. Assuming you fire center of mass and have a hit rate of 64%, how many rounds will you need to fire to keep yourself safe?

>> No.14947685


>> No.14947715
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Thank you my friends, please enjoy the moments that inspired it

>> No.14947719
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>> No.14947723
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>> No.14947727
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>> No.14947732

The fish weighs infinity heavy

>> No.14947735
File: 496 KB, 1080x1080, SmartSelect_20200616-125023_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14947744

Holy shit the absolute pedantry.

>> No.14948098

>i like the white one