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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 976 KB, 3193x2545, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14935403 No.14935403 [Reply] [Original]

nice cold beer on ice what is /ck/ having?

>> No.14935408 [DELETED] 

baste. Ice and beer is a perfect combo
German traditionalists and shills BTFO

>> No.14935412

Gay and grosspilled

>> No.14935427

I would always put ice in my beer when drinking shit like Steel Reserve

>> No.14935426

it doesn't even change the taste at all, so I added a slice of lemon.

>> No.14935444

it never occurred to me do this, but I really get tired of beer getting warm before I can finish it. I will be having my beer this way from now on.

looking back on it, it seems stupid not to.

>> No.14935458

why? have you tried it?

>> No.14935680

drink faster faggot

>> No.14935685

>not using chilled glasses

>> No.14935702

>savor your beer!
>drink faster faggot
which is it.

doesn't work long enough

>> No.14935789

>savor bitter rotting barley
No thanks. If they didn't want you to shotgun beer, they wouldn't have choose the most bitter plant they could find to flavor it.

>> No.14935963
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>> No.14936017

t. sodacuck fatty

>> No.14936023

Based and Arizona pilled.

>> No.14936028

>but I really get tired of beer getting warm before I can finish it.
except beer gets better when it's a bit warmer? good beer that is.

>> No.14936034

no beer gets better when it gets warm.

>> No.14936042

t. macrolager cuck

>> No.14936047


>> No.14936058


>> No.14936064
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>> No.14937651

Based AZ resident.

>> No.14938706

I need to try this.

>> No.14938838

working my way through my first batch of all-grain homebrew
it's really bitter

>> No.14938879
File: 860 KB, 1536x2048, tanqueray-london-dry-gin-1l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tank her up with a ray

>> No.14938903

That place was fun, I went to Alice Cooper's spook house with some friends, is that place still open or did the virus scare him off?

>> No.14939187

What is your go to cocktail?

>> No.14940045

i've been spending too much money on beer bros
should i take the steel reserve pill

>> No.14941010

update: i did and typing is hard

>> No.14941095

water. trying to stay sober :(

>> No.14941109

Cold beer is flavorless beer.
If your beer tastes gross when it's warm then it's simply a bad beer.

>> No.14941129

then there is no such thing as good beer, because every beer I have ever tried no matter how incredible it is supposed to be or how highly recommend taste like crap when warm.

Ice cubes it is.

>> No.14941146
File: 1.62 MB, 2250x3997, 20201021_210255_HDR_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some shitty canadian beer tonight

>> No.14941794

why not just throw the bottle in the freezer anon?

>> No.14941934

don't want frozen beer

>> No.14941956
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>> No.14941966

Funny thing is I do like a vodka w cranberry juice a couple times a year, I think it's called a seabreeze.

>> No.14941973

Just make sure to not drink from random cans after a party, there might be a ciggy butt in it and that's no fun to drink.

>> No.14941978

One has to remember to not forget about them if stuffed in a freezer, they can explode if left too long and that's a real hassle to clean up.

>> No.14941986

There's plenty of great beer. If you can't enjoy -any- beer at room temp then you just plain don't like beer. You're like those faggots and women who pretend to enjoy coffee but can only drink it with a half pound of sugar and cream.

>> No.14942002

They like standing in line to be seen at their "starbucks." They wouldn't know what was happening if they weren't standing in line like the "look at me, look at me" types.

>> No.14942080

either your definition of good beer is some cheap trash or you have the pallate of a baby, drinking good beers ice cold basically ruins the flavor, might just drink sparkling water.

>> No.14942089

so anyone that disagrees with you has the pallate of a baby? I bet you stand in line for in-n-out and starbucks, do you get paid to stand in line and shill like a bitch?

>> No.14942101

no but i have fun with tastelet retards like you, just drink water if you don't like beer stupid fuck

>> No.14942105

You're a basic bitch and you have no taste, just as much as the starbucks whores you're screaming about.

>> No.14942110

I prefer the bourbon and rye and not being a beer faggot.

>> No.14942112
File: 309 KB, 1080x1013, 158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sourdough dipped in olive oil with garlic, balsamic vinegar, basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary, salt pepper and juice from a mandarin orange

and a glass of kombucha

>> No.14942113

I'm not screaming about them, I simply find them to be retarded, standing in line like programmed little bitches.

>> No.14942115

>bourbonfag thinks his opinion matters

>> No.14942145

That means so much coming from a beerfag, go debate some faggy beer names.

>> No.14942154

Do you like sitting around in a shitty bar like from friends or winefeld where everyone knows your name?

>> No.14943665
File: 178 KB, 1072x676, butthurt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah the old "if you don't like what I like, the way I like it then you must be a baby" defense.

face it faggot you are wrong.

Iced beer is the way to go and warm beer is ALWAYS shit.

>> No.14944044

pathetic cope for a baby that can't taste fucking beer

>> No.14944048

i know you're retarded because you're already considering putting ice in beer to compensate for being so retarded, but it's not fucking difficult to chill a beer or glass in a freezer.

>> No.14944071

heres an idea, put your beer in the fridge!

>> No.14944423

quite the opposite it is you that cannot taste beer if you could you wouldn't like it.

doesn't stay cold long enough. Ice in beer is the way to go.

>> No.14944486
File: 11 KB, 225x224, butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the amount of pic related beer snobbery in this thread is ridiculous. Someone finds a way to improve beer and you people go apoplectic.

>> No.14945764

bet you are a sodacuck too, tastelet.

>> No.14945776

why yes I do have a very good sense of taste, and I do not drink soda.

>> No.14945791

>hiding flavors because i have the palate of baby means i have good taste

>> No.14945795

>palate of baby
what a compliment.

>> No.14945819

sensibility by itself means fucking shit if your palate is still untrained, baby.

>> No.14945835
File: 911 KB, 1234x2592, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to pick up something basic but then I saw these in the store. I was never much a fan of the watermelon original but this one... holy shit.

>> No.14946346

>palate is still untrained
ah yes, the same logic as "you're doing it wrong".

"trained palate"=drink until the endorphins program your brain to want more to get more endorphins.

>> No.14946539
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>> No.14946666

cope, untrained baby

>> No.14947034

Throwing glass bottles is generally not a good idea.

>> No.14948963

it is you that needs to cope.

>> No.14949677
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>> No.14949690

Bro you don't know how hot he is. Could be 120F out you don't know.

>> No.14949992

none of that matters to retards like that. all he cares about is that the quo remains stat.

>> No.14950968

you got me, I'm part of the "beer must not have ice in it" status quo foundation, good job you absolute fucking brainlet

>> No.14950980

I was making veggies in my pan, but suddenly felt like I wanted cheese. So I put some cheese on top of the veggies and that's how I managed to make my veggies unhealthy and it's.
So yeah cheesy veggies is what I'm having. Oh and when it comes to beverages I'm having water lol

>> No.14950994

I dont chill my beer. just leave the case sitting in my cool basement. Warm pilsner is nice desu

>> No.14951225

thanks for sharing I guess...