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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 620 KB, 1440x1613, IMG_0555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14934574 No.14934574[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does America have such low quality meats?

>> No.14934594

Yeah, yeah, which country is still buying US meat and which country has banned the import of UK meat?

>> No.14934600
File: 262 KB, 800x1600, wop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on where you get them.
Factory farmed industrial meat is very different than regeneratively raised meat from small and/or holistic farms.

Stop thinking all farms are the same. You are an idiot and probably don't produce any food.

>> No.14934610

shithole country run by big business interests, commanded at the moment by the dumbest mother fucker to sit behind the resoute desk

>> No.14934615

Does anyone want to trade for my farfetchd

>> No.14934621

It does?

>> No.14934622

Confinements are pretty horrible and our farmers have way too much political power. Its the same reason corn syrup is in everything

>> No.14934623
File: 60 KB, 463x327, Screenshot_2020-10-20 Compare Countries With This Simple Tool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people seem to view the US as one giant theme park version of itself, including plenty of people who live in the country, ignoring how undeniably vast and diverse it is. I most people's minds "American" only means one thing.

>> No.14934630

>mother and daughter
sounds like a reliable source

>> No.14934632

>Local Kafir warned not to buy meat that isn't halal or by Allah the islamic republic of bongland will be a bombin

>> No.14934634
File: 435 KB, 2048x1152, us_population_2005_lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is half empty, so that's a misleading image. I'm sorry nobody cares about the thoughts and feelings of the one inbred cow rancher in Montana.

>> No.14934637

Fake and gay branding initiative

>> No.14934660

Calgary and Edmonton, sticking out like a frostbitten boner

>> No.14934671


america is capitalist country. They nly care about cheap quantites

>> No.14934684

The headline is misleading anyway. They say they had issues after working in the processing plants and being exposed to chemicals there, nothing from just eating it. But they're also saying they saw workers with their skin dissolving and bones showing through which just sounds like they're making things up.

Not saying there are no issues with food production in the US though, the scale of it generally means quality suffers somewhere. But this also just seems like sensationalized clickbait. I'm sure food producers in the UK don't want to have to compete with US imports and that's part of it.

>> No.14934743

Shame that those 30 people in rural inbred states have the same number of seats in the senate as the big states

>> No.14934761

So move there and have that power too.

>> No.14934763

must really chap their ass too, its almost like the country was founded with the idea that dense population centers full of easily manipulated retards shouldn't dictate policy for 95% of the country based on their poorly informed ideals.

>> No.14934773

Well, the purpose is so that a small state could have a say in how they are run and not be overwhelmed by the bigger states. It used to work well when people were more moderate. Now we have the overally liberal who want open borders and no gender pronouns and the overally conservative who think dinosaurs walked with Jesus and that science isn't real. Horrible.

>> No.14934791

exactly, let the semi-retarded people in the middle of nowhere who represent 1/5th of the population decide whats best for everyone else

>> No.14934796

>full of easily manipulated retards
Imagine thinking some Midwest WASP has ideals worth defending.

>> No.14934799

I'd rather trust a corn farmer to run the country than you.

>> No.14934801
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Oh? Tell me how much better your farm is at reducing carbon emissions?

>> No.14934802

So Jimmy Carter, the peanut farmer, was the best president?

>> No.14934803

Are non-autistic people supposed to know these answers?

>> No.14934808
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>America is half empty, so that's a misleading image.
Right, here's your "half a map". I stand by my original statement.

>A lot of people seem to view the US as one giant theme park version of itself, including plenty of people who live in the country, ignoring how undeniably vast and diverse it is. I most people's minds "American" only means one thing.

>> No.14934809
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About as worthy as your ideals, cityfag.

>> No.14934810
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what is the preoccupation with the greatest country on the planet? I can go weeks or months without thinking of europe, england, or any other country. Yet in almost every thread someone has to point out that that poster is American. Somehow this is supposed to be an insult.

The single best way to compliment an American is to remind them that they are in fact American.

>> No.14934815


>> No.14934816

>"greatest country on earth"
>covid: imma end this man's whole career

>> No.14934817

US has a ban on UK meat; UK imports US meat.
>that's the joke.

>> No.14934819

Okay, so I've seen this in the /turkey/ thread. Do you work for them/sell birds for them?

>> No.14934822

Oh no, not the heckin' 99.7% survival rate virus!!! SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN, GOYIM!

>> No.14934823

not running for president and neither is a corn farmer, the point is 15 corn farmers opinion shouldnt outweigh the opinion of 25 tech workers based solely on their geographical location

>> No.14934825
File: 70 KB, 640x853, Average european.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Europeans aren't inbred

>> No.14934827

Congrats, except central europe still has more heterogeneous a cultural landscpae compared to america east of the mississippi, which boils down to New York, corn farms, and good ol' boys huffing meth in a Walmart parking lot. Face it, Cletus, your nation is younger than the average townhouse in those countries.

>> No.14934828

it doesnt matter, the entire world saw 1st hand how america failed so badly, literally on par with african nations.

>> No.14934831

market driven society devoid of morals and ethics

>> No.14934833

Everything is low quality in America.

>> No.14934835
File: 607 KB, 569x650, Screenshot_2020-02-06 Want to Clap for Xi Jinping’s Speech Use Your Smartphone(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it doesnt matter, the entire world saw 1st hand how america failed so badly, literally on par with african nations.

>> No.14934846

Who the fuck is this Cletus you keep talking about? You've done nothing but prove my point on being arrogantly ignorant in your assessment of the US, a country I'm not even from.

>> No.14934848
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>the literal cope as he doesnt even have a real comeback


>> No.14934854

I don't understand why any safeguards are still in place. Hoaxers will rush in head first while the rest of the world continues to avoid them, while keeping our hands out of our mouths, and standing further than arm's length apart... you know, the status quo for sane people in any age. A 0.3% drop in population isn't much, but it's a start.

>> No.14934857
File: 643 KB, 1728x1152, St_bernard_de_clairvaux_church_yard_2006[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep seething and coping amerilard. your country's oldest building was literally imported from spain brick by brick. thats how desperate you are for culture.

>> No.14934860

Why bother typing out a comeback? I'd hate to have to explain it to someone whose first-language isn't English.

>> No.14934871

>if you criticize the US you must be a chinese or some ESL

imagine being proud of being monolingual lmaooo

>> No.14934881

Fellow American here. I went to Britain last year for a vacation and I nearly died after eating chicken from a local mussie vendor in London. My body can't handle humanely treated chickens that were chickened with pure H2O and treated with respect. I need my chems.

>> No.14934884

Come back when you can remember how to use punctuation and not rely on buzzwords.

>> No.14934889

You might have had a point in the past. Now it's more that farmer's get more representation than sjw quota hires, illegal aliens, their anchor babies, and heroin addicts. You could take all representation from the latter and the country would markedly improved.

>> No.14934893
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>on 4chan


>> No.14934900

>As Europe is locking down again

>> No.14934902

It doesn't. Depends on where you get it. It's a big country chud.

>> No.14934906

I live in a suburb

>> No.14934925

No it isn't. That's entirely by design, so that limp-wristed city dwellers don't fuck things up for hardworking country folk.

>> No.14934945

Ah yes, those sane people that said a travel ban on China is racist so go down to Chinatown and hug a Chinese immigrant. Those sane people that say the virus can't be spread through huge, packed crowds across the country if you have a BLM shirt on and destroy property. Those sane people that originally said masks do nothing to parrot their handlers. Those sane people that defend putting covid positive elderly back into nursing homes.
I'm not defending the people that think it's fake (although it's definitely being used as a political tool more than anything, right down to the Democrats wanting it to spread and striving for as much economic destruction as possible). I'm a germaphobe with health anxiety, and I'm worried for my grandmother, and won't visit her even though I'd really like to. But c'mon, now.
As an aside, looking at the fact that the US death rate has recently been shrinking while the European death rate has been going up, the latter now surpassing the former day to day, makes me wonder how helpful the quarantine stuff will actually turn out to have been in the end.

>> No.14934948

>ignoring how undeniably vast and diverse it is.
USA is not that. At all. You literally can't present me with 5 cultural difference that aren't "le funny accent pardner" and "muh food".

>> No.14934949

Tech workers managed to fuck up their own industry so bad that they have to train the Indians and minority hires their pink haired boss brought in to replace them before they are fired from the company they helped build. They might be good at programming, but they are inept at everything else.

>> No.14934950

do bongs seriously?

>> No.14934953

>Tech workers are so bad they have an entire caste of indian slave labor producing more money in a week than I will in a lifetime
fixed. Enjoy irrelevance and corn.

>> No.14934959

A bunch of fucking retards in the Tech industry shouldn't have any say over absolutely anything a Farmer does. Let them starve if they don't like how they do things

>> No.14934960

Pajeets overseas aren't entitled to representation. Now go get your ebt card refilled, larper.

>> No.14934965

t. relies on govt subsidies just to stay afloat
You're basically welfare recipients LOL

>> No.14934977

>landscape and geography

What the fuck is culture to you then? Eurotrash retards say America isn't diverse, yet live in a country the size of Wisconsin and can't wait to tell you how different they are from the fuck who lives down the street. But Miguel who lives in Santa Fe is obviously exactly the same as some Norwegian fuck in upper Minnesota. You're fucking delusional if you don't think the US has an insane amount of cultural diversity.

Not to mention we have literally been deciding what movies you watch and what music you like for the last 50 years. Nice cope fucktard.

>> No.14934978

america is such a cuck nation they dont even have their own language.

english is from england.

>> No.14934981

>I'm proud that my job requires so little skill I can be easily replaced by third world's and still make my boss money I will never see.

>> No.14934987

I was unaware I could purchase obsession in bulk let alone consume it

>> No.14934988

I'm a tech worker who grew up out in the sticks, and I can say with absolute confidence that I'd rather have 15 corn farmers decide our leadership than 25 tech workers.

>> No.14935007

I'd prefer the tech. World is moving faster and faster and things like law and digital health need to catch up and and the 70 year olds that run this country and the good old boys in the flyover that vote for them need to roll over and let the next generation actually do something instead of complaining about how the young aren't buying diamonds anymore

>> No.14935008

Kek, euronigger BTFO

>> No.14935016

Large tech companies get 10 billion a year in subsidies. Agriculture does get double that. But having the ability to generate food and biofuel is pretty important. Food especially, especially if war breaks out or something.

>> No.14935021

Because mega corporations are legally allowed to bribe officials in the form of lobbying. My country’s government makes me sick every time I think about it.

>> No.14935028

The tech workers are "I fucking love science" retards who would walk right into a car sized rat trap if it had Google or Facebook branding and a new iPhone as bait.
The corn farmers just want tractors that don't have fucking DRM so they can repair them themselves, and a future for their family.

>> No.14935031

checking those dubs, also europoor btfo lmao

>> No.14935036

Truly, thank those saviors of humanity for collecting our data to sell, constantly pumping adverts and propaganda down our throat, and controlling the flow of information and suppressing open discourse. Truly the heroes we need.

>> No.14935069
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>digital health

>> No.14935091

Anthony Bourdain had a gf once who always didn't want to eat any meat bc she didn\t know where it came from. Then they visited her neighbors in Italy and she's like 'see motherfucker, this is where I get my meat from'

>> No.14935123

And their votes have worked to that end to great affect I'm certain

>> No.14935157

The fucking faggot tech companies are the ones blocking right to repair. Tesla just joined the fight to keep people from actually owning the shit they buy.

>> No.14935168

english aren't even the best writers in the own country

>> No.14935170

But these flyover states routinely vote against people who would attempt to modernize the legal system to stop these things from happening.

>> No.14935179

If you're talking about actual, competent coders, sure. They tend to lean right, like all respectable STEM degrees.
It you mean the purple haired affirmative action hire that copy and pastes code from the internet making life harder for the competent coders? Or the PR and HR departments policing thought and making life harder for the competent coders? Not so much.
Silicon Valley was actually a republican stronghold for a long time. The Obama administration even bragged about poisoning the well and subverting the place.

>> No.14935184

>the authoritarian fuck sticks that tell you what to do and how to think and where your money should go are the real libertarians!
Lol, good one.

>> No.14935195

there's no way it's a good idea to let NY and CA politicians run the rest of the country

>> No.14935212

How do you stop corporations from fucking you then if not through regulation and law? Just go in and kill them I assume?

>> No.14935240

You're resorting to the same old tired strawman that libertarians are all an caps, which is retarded. Some are pretty full tilt laissez faire, too much for my taste. But generally, individual rights come first and foremost.
Let me put it this way. If you proposed a law requiring all drivers to use to newly approved self driving cars, which party do you think would mostly approve of it and which party would generally disapprove of it?
Maybe "classical liberal" would be the better word, but the word "liberal" has essentially lost all useful meaning to most people.

>> No.14935270

I don't think I understand your point? We're talking about restricting the capabilities of corporations to enact their overbearing power on regular people. That is more than feasible without infringing the rights of every person along with it. Also "classical liberal" is just a cute way of saying "I'm super duper right, like the actual racist caricature right"

>> No.14935273

>literally on par with african nations
As usual, when discussing America, keep in mind that about 40,000,000 people here are, in a very literal sense, on par with African nations. These 40,000,000 are disproportionally dying to COVID as well.

>> No.14935297

Your post literally erases trans folx.

>> No.14935322

Checked, and agreed.
Experiencing culture sounds gay, but is in fact what you have to do to get an idea of how different parts of the US are. I've been lucky enough to study/live/work in 12 states now, and they are absolutely all different.

>> No.14935353

So after getting called out on strawmanning, you double down and strawman harder? Big brain move.
Look, man, I'm a formerly left leaning now right leaning centrist, which mostly boils down to the first and second amendments being chipped away at. Well, that, and the constant race baiting they've always done, they just switched from villainizing blacks to villainizing whites.
I'm against the drug war (though heroin gives me pause after it killed two of my childhood friends), I don't have a problem with gays being married in the eyes of the law (just call them all unions in government documents; I don't get why christians get mad, surely your god will see through the gays getting married and it won't be a marriage in the eyes of god), and pro choice within reason despite feeling disgusted by the actual procedure (though I find myself in despicable company at times, with danger hair that switch straight to the pro life rhetoric of "keep it in your pants" when you ask why a man should be responsible for a fetus he doesn't want and doesn't have to blend-a-baby to get out of that responsibility).
The kind of no shades of gray rhetoric your using right now is exactly the reason I'll have trouble voting D ever again. Plus 99% of the media covering up for democrat politicians. You're completely in the dark as their reporting consists solely of fellating them.
I hate the Republican party, I just hate the Democrats even more. The stupid party and the evil party when it comes to their respective politicians.

>> No.14935361

>We're talking about restricting the capabilities of corporations to enact their overbearing power on regular people
Senators Cruz and Hawley et al., and Trump's DOJ, have today taken a concrete step to fight exactly that. Meanwhile if there was some way to tabulate votes (there is a way to tabulate donations), it would turn out that big tech supports Democrats overwhelmingly.

>> No.14935378

Now I'm really fucking lost. I have no clue what kind of straw man you're talking about. That means to misrepresent a side for the sake of building an argument against said nonexistent side yes? Where did I do that?

>> No.14935385

>Also "classical liberal" is just a cute way of saying "I'm super duper right, like the actual racist caricature right"
>What strawman?
For your sake, I hope you're just playing dumb to argue in bad faith.

>> No.14935395
File: 64 KB, 945x726, covid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, US survival rates are higher than some European countries. It's just that the population is bigger in the US so the numbers of infections seem larger in comparison.


>> No.14935399

Are brits afraid of pool water?

>> No.14935413

Are you sure? Some seeds are patented and you can't even save them for next year's harvest.


>> No.14935419

I disagree. Once people start using terms like that they are refering to liberal before the major political swap yes? so when they say this they literally just mean conservative, and I view doing so as a way to disingenuously obfuscate their denomination, and it's commonly used by people to Trojan horse racist ideologies to young people.

>> No.14935443

better than Drumpf

>> No.14935457

>muh party switch!
>also FDR was the best president despite being a die hard racist and antisemite!
Stop with this nonsense. You guys move the date of the supposed party switch to whenever it is convenient at the moment. It's such a non point.
It's all moot, because the democrat party has frequently chased whatever got them votes. Hillary and Obama were anti gay marriage until the exact moment it gained the majorities support. Jim Crow was systematic racism, and so is affirmative action. The zeitgeist just shifted.
That's moot, because the track record of the parties decades ago doesn't mean much. Shit, even thirty years ago I preferred the Democrats over the Republicans.
That's all moot, because "classical liberal" doesn't mean "classical Democrat". Crack a book.

>> No.14935474

Lol that's the shitty half of the country

>> No.14935487

I've been to London and smelled their tapwater.
I doubt that "chlorinated chicken" is a big health concern for them.

>> No.14935489

>Anthony Bourdain
>show was hosted on CNN
yeah no bias there

>> No.14935496

Imagine bragging about livong in an overpopulated nanny state where any hope of freedom died 400 years ago.

>> No.14935531

>>muh party switch!
>>also FDR was the best president
Hold on, I literally never said or implied this
>Stop with this nonsense. You guys move the date of the supposed party switch to whenever it is convenient at the moment. It's such a non point.
Everyone does including the right to make points about not being racist by using it to say conservatives supported emancipation, and even then attacking where people place it does not change the fact that it is used in the way I described and you cannot change that so instead you tried to attack the switch, that's incredibly disingenuous
>It's all moot, because the democrat party has frequently chased whatever got them votes. Hillary and Obama were anti gay marriage until the exact moment it gained the majorities support. Jim Crow was systematic racism, and so is affirmative action. The zeitgeist just shifted.
Yea, they're all trend chasers and you aren't intelligent for pointing that out, we all know it. That's how two party politics works.
This has so far escaped the original scope of discussion because of your flagrant disregard that I'm actually impressed. You're acting like what the far right says Trojan horse moderates rights are by intentionally derailing discussion and attacking concepts instead of meeting points of discussion. I'm done with this discussion because of that, but I'd like to give you the last word out of courtesy

>> No.14935544

> you're acting like what the far right

Meant far left here

>> No.14935546

Because we allow big business, including the food industry, to partially control our government via legal bribery. They write the laws, essentially.

>> No.14935555

i went through and read the whole argument
you have to be 18 to post on 4chan
you're a fucking retard and you had to google what strawmanning was
have some fucking shame and lurk for a while before posting you absolute faggot

>> No.14935556

>Hold on, I literally never said or implied this
Fair enough, but your companions on ideology generally do feel this way.
>Everyone does including the right to make points about not being racist by using it to say conservatives supported emancipation
Again, fair enough. Some of the people I usually agree with do the same thing. It's why I won't hold you responsible for the retards that worship FDR.
>Yea, they're all trend chasers and you aren't intelligent for pointing that out, we all know it.
I almost mentioned this, so once again, fair enough. But one party, the Democrats, are far more brazen and rapid about it. They seem to rely on their supporters having the memory of a goldfish. The only thing progressive about them is how fast they progress to the newest, contradicting talking point.
The remainder of your post is delusional schizoid word salad that can safely be disregarded.

>> No.14935587

I keep hatching those retards and I don't want them

>> No.14935659 [DELETED] 

whatever the drumpkin news tells you, the usa was founded with niggers already there...niggers are as american as apple pie. then you've got the mexicans and other subhumans from central america just walking in. europe is still white and will always be white even if a few muslims are allowed in. they weren't here from the beginning, so it's much easier to kick them out.

>> No.14935661

I can't tell if this is a falseflag or genuine cope.

>> No.14935670

it's cope. the usa isn't nigger land from the start.

>> No.14935678

We already gave the best meat to your mom.

>> No.14935689

it's not, the first settlers were white europeans who were then quickly pozzed to accept shiploads of africans to help them pick tobacco and cotton for european bankers.

>> No.14935709

lies and anti american propaganda pushed by the eu

>> No.14935720

Enjoy your bleach chicken bongs

>> No.14935722

>european bankers
Cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.14935735

i'm 100% pro semite the hebrews by far the superior race they will colonize the universe

>> No.14935751

way to pass logic101 nobody gives a shit that you can use the word strawman 10 times like we're all gonna give the reddit badge of appreciation for being an unsufferable faggot. My original point was that NO single persons vote should be weighted more strongly than anothers based on geography. Flyover states represent small percentages of the population and gdp so there is no reason their opinion should be more important than anyone elses. Talk up the corn you produce all you want because nobody can deny we all need to eat but at the end of the day the money that subsidizes the farming industry to keep it afloat comes from the coast whether you like it or not.

>> No.14935784

Maybe. Having the highest in group bias of any demographic probably helps said jews. They are "the tribe", after all.
So it's funny when they pretend to be white and kvetch about how we need to hate our own kind to be better.
And hey, whites actually have the lowest in-group bias of any race (it's actually an out-goup preference) and seem to be on the decline, which those same (((whites))) celebrate.
What should I make of that?

>> No.14935790

Learn to line break, you fucking reddit zoomers.
>coastal areas have more economic opportunity and unassimilated immigrants than landlocked areas
Stop the fucking presses! Maybe we should implement a way to limit their power over those inland? Call it the electoral college, or something.

>> No.14935822

Europe has muslims in its armed forces, they aren't going to do shit

>> No.14935823

marry a hebrew and convert

>> No.14935831

what does that have to do with anything? still historically and majority white. on the other hand majority of law enforcement and armed forces are non-white in the usa

>> No.14935832
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>> No.14935841

Never. Unless she has big khazar milkers and I can use them like speedbags.

>> No.14935845

she does, and you can.

>> No.14935848

bitch il break whatever line I want, nobody brought up immigrants and I dont possibly see how their perceived level of assimilation could possible factor into this. Your argument works both ways, maybe we should implement a way to limit the power those inland exert over those in more populated areas. Trump losing the popular vote by severa million but getting the presidency solely based on where his supporters lived is a perfect example of this.

>> No.14935849

I will now be a kike.

>> No.14935855

>mexicans, anti americans, and the other flag burners should decide the future of the US!
Take your meds and chase it with a bottle of soi juice from the pallet you ordered.

>> No.14935858

Biden didn't win yet

>> No.14935862

we don't call ourselves that. feel free to call yourself fellow white.

>> No.14935869

Excuse me? I'm a proud nasal american bigot. You can't stop me from celebrating yom kippur and destroying my host nation, racist.

>> No.14935871

shhh stop kvetching you putz you don't sprechen this out loud

>> No.14935874

Monsanto doesnt even exist anymore you fucking retard.

>> No.14935878
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>he thinks the suburbs are any different than the city

>> No.14935882

If you didn't drink so much pool water your IQ might have gone above double digits

>> No.14935887

>reddit meme
go back

>> No.14935888

>citizens of the country shouldnt get to decide its politics
>but dont take muh freedoms

>> No.14935898

its amazing to me that Europeans seem to think that rights and freedom are strange, undesirable concepts

>> No.14935916

As someone raised in one, they are until they get bigger, then the Democrats set their eyes on it, and then gangs show up, which may or might not be made up of of certain races.
Now the limo libs that moved into my old hometown are starting to move into my new town as they flee their own decisions, only to repeat them. Shit sucks.

>> No.14935922

[Laughs in illegal that registered to vote with a utility bill in California]
[12 anchor babies also laugh]

>> No.14935939
File: 1.12 MB, 957x849, still farming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who also grew up in the suburbs, they is the same bullshit as the city, maybe in some ways worse.
Instead of gangs you get Karens. The stores are just as crowded with worse selection, and just as expensive as the city.

I grew up thinking people in the country were as dumb as they get but now I'm realizing the suburbanites are the true fucking retards.

You take all the shit that sucks about living in the city and have it fuck all the things that suck about living in the country and you have the suburbs.

You don't get any proper land, you have nosy neighbors, there is nothing decent close by, and there is shit traffic with shit drivers.

Fuck the suburbs.

>> No.14935942

fuck you karen get off 4chan and roll your garbage bins off the roadway you lazy skank

>> No.14935944

Absolute monarchies are superior over a system based on rights and freedom.

>> No.14935948

so move to saudi arabia and cut your foreskin off you dumb faggot

>> No.14935959

The name doesn't exist anymore but their products still remain.

>> No.14935969


>> No.14935974

your right I forget how succesful Trumps task force was in proving all that voter fraud. I know im probably arguing with a Russian getting paid 35k a year to shitpost but fuck you people are stupid. You know he lost the popular election, its pretty quick maths that the average American doesnt support him.

>> No.14935976

I do live in Saudi Arabia doing code for some raghead prince and I'm earning more than double what I earned back home. This place is great.

>> No.14935985

>proving all that voter fraud.
Do you have any fucking conception how hard it would be to prove voter fraud? The United States does not have a single, reliable database that could be used for this purpose. Unless you catch someone red-handed, it's virtually impossible to prove.

>> No.14935987

Literally the same defense as shit police departments in places like Alabama.

>> No.14935999

you're not. nice larp tho faggot.

>> No.14936014

You act like it's some sort of rare thing. There's thousands of white boys over here working for top dollar. Obviously they don't need any more McDonalds cashiers which is why you probably won't get the chance to come here.

>> No.14936016

thats literally high quality meat

>> No.14936022

>make unfounded claims MIlLLIONS of illegal votes were enough to lose popular election
>form task force to investigate every state, including Republican led ones
>Texas has a huge illegal population to, its not just California
>despite being a huge bloviator who will stretch the truth and lie to get his way, find no discernable evidence of widespread voter fraud
>but it still exists because you said so and California

>> No.14936025

lol you are so dumb because i have worked as a contractor for saudi faggots...nice try though i bet you would suck some "princes" cock just because he promises you a job in SA

>> No.14936040

God, I hate you disingenuous fucks.

>> No.14936043

>but it still exists because you said so and California
Voter fraud 100% exists, it is hard to prove, the tools to prevent it or prove it aren't really there (unlike in Europe, say), and historically Democrats do it more. Republicans don't really need voter fraud, since their base consists of working- and middle-class Americans who generally have their shit together enough to actually go out and vote. The Democrats' clients often can't be bothered to vote, or in some cases cannot into voting in the first place - so Democrats need the fraud. All of this is obvious.

>> No.14936051

They were caught bussing voters around in the fucking 80s. These kids will never cop to it, because they cant even remember what they they had for breakfast.

>> No.14936052

the immigrants are future doctors, lawyers, scientists, and astronauts...voting is no issue for them...yes, they don't actually speak english or are even trying to learn

>> No.14936056

And I mean to multiple polling stations. Nothing wrong with just taking them to one place to cast a ballot.
This mail in shit? Lock and load, boys. Shits about to get messy.

>> No.14936059

ur mom seemed to think my meat was pretty high quality last night

>> No.14936071


she doesnt like scarred and mutilated j*wdicks

>> No.14936077

weird that you know what kind of dicks your mom likes anon

>> No.14936083
File: 194 KB, 976x744, great shitton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brits are retards. Who cares?

>> No.14936084

>impossible to prove
>but Ive proved democrats do it more
>Republican illegal immigrant would never dream of voting because he works so hard
>democrats are inherently lazy, refuse to vote
>illegal democrats are so active and committed to politics they risk their livelihood in the US to vote in its elections
ya really gotta think your arguments out a little bit more. Im not saying that the voter fraud rate is 0% thats just statistically next to impossible, what I am saying is that if you believe the number of those votes is so far into the millions it decided Trump losing the popular election you are retarded. Its not even really a disputed fact that he doesnt have the support of the majority of Americans why would you expect voting results to not reflect that.

>> No.14936085

presumably if a mom didn't scar and mutliate her son's dick that's what she likes

>> No.14936095

It's a given if she wasn't born in Muttlandia. I'm uncut and huge, and I'm a burger. It literally acts as a sliding gromet to hold pussy juices in. Plus, they seem impressed when you run the foreskin over the lip of your glans.
>let's just remove a bunch of skin cells from their tiny baby dick, surely it won't effect the final length
>at least now they won't get dick cheese if they don't shower for a month like us french
>wizard sleeve pussy lips are what she was born with and you should worship them!

>> No.14936100


>> No.14936114

>impossible to prove
Not impossible, just very hard. You need to catch people red-handed, essentially. Other crimes around voting (such as throwing away ballots) are also very difficult to catch.
>but Ive proved democrats do it more
I've explained the incentives.
>Republican illegal immigrant would never dream of voting because he works so hard
What percentage of illegal immigrants are Republican?
>democrats are inherently lazy, refuse to vote
What percentage of blacks vote? What percentage could fill out a form without help?
>illegal democrats are so active and committed to politics they risk their livelihood in the US to vote in its elections
You have never, in your entire life, interacted with Latin immigrants to the United States, have you? You have absolutely no clue how organized they are in fact, how many overt, legal organizations they have supporting them, and how collectively they make their decisions? The word "pueblo" has no meaning for you, does it?
You don't know what you are talking about, anon. You refuse to acknowledge facts, and you lack the information to even talk properly about this subject.

>> No.14936131

aaaaaand boom goes the dynamite. Like fucking clockwork you bring up the lack of evidence for a claim, the evidence doesnt exist and you people fall back on the same tired tropes of being conquered by Mexicans or trannies. Pathetic
>he did lose the popular vote and if you support him its you who's the minority in this country

>> No.14936138

we only bother to make our beef good
the other meats are just an afterthought

>> No.14936142

>easily manipulated retards
the irony here is off the charts

>> No.14936159

I like how America has a two-party political system where one party has to rely entirely on gerrymandering and voter suppression to ever have a chance of winning.
Hope it works again for them this year, these cucks have been getting exactly what they deserve.

>> No.14936163

>voter suppression

needing an ID to vote at an election is not ""voter suppression""
this is the norm in basically every other country.

>> No.14936169

trump is cucking the world lol

>> No.14936176

voter suppression is a fucking myth

>> No.14936184

>where one party has to rely entirely on gerrymandering and voter suppression
>voter suppression
Even more difficult to prove that this actually exists. Republicans did try to limit the franchise to property-owning European American men, who also happen to be the only demographic necessary and sufficient to keep America at superpower levels. Democrats shamelessly rely on people who never could build America, but who deign to decide its fate.

>> No.14936187

Which claim? Explain.
Telling people you disagree with them before tirading into a non sequitur isn't an argument, anon.
I expected better of you, reddit.

>> No.14936189

>im ignorant, that means I win

Literally, not even memeing here.

>> No.14936211 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 1854x237, ∕pol∕ delenda est.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is pure cancer.
Be the chemo by reporting any and all political threads and posts as off topic.

>> No.14936221

>/pol/ is pure cancer
look at yourself and the pic you posted lol

>> No.14936250

the claim for widespread voter fraud, you or anybody else has never been able to provide evidence. I said that if you support Trump you are in the minority of Americans, polls and the actual 2016 election results will show you that. You cant disprove it because evidence to the contrary is either entirely flawed or non-existent

>> No.14936279

an anime picture on the website started as an e-anime club whose largest boards are devoted to things weebs enjoy?

sorry, you must have forgotten you aren't on the subreddit you got banned from
go cry about it on your alt-right discord

>> No.14936291

The same could be said of every where in the world if you’re going to be an ignorant fucking shithead about it. You don’t seem to understand how fucking big America is but yet “they’re all the same”

>> No.14936297

>I said that if you support Trump you are in the minority of Americans,
Another ignorant piece of nonsense. Voter turnout tends to not be high in America. Clinton received the support of fewer than 25% Americans, and maybe what? 30-35% of all persons actually eligible to vote? Trump got pretty close to that as well. Still, that one event from 4 years ago tells very little about current level of support for Trump. Start using your brain, for chrissakes.

>> No.14936337

>show me the poll where the majority of respondents support him
>show me the election results where he won more votes than his opponent

>> No.14936339
File: 35 KB, 338x305, 1522270969721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh alt right
>muh russia

>> No.14936355

>show me the poll where the majority of respondents support him
You've been acting like someone who just uncritically accepts certain things, and does not like thinking, but I'll keep responding in hopes you will finally start to use your head. Polls are not accurate, for several reasons. They were not accurate before 2016, and are not accurate now. It is not only a question of selecting a correct sample, but also of people actually telling the truth, without self-censorship. Expressing support for Trump invites attack, unfortunately, in a way that expressing support for Biden does not. There are perfectly good reasons for this - can you, yourself, think of any?

>> No.14936403

so to make sure I take a good lesson away from this, I shouldnt draw conclusions off of the objective evidence that is available to me but instead should make up my own facts out of thin air. Seriously you have to be retarded if you cant concede Trump won the election from the electoral college and not the popular vote.

>> No.14936435

based. you're the retard

>> No.14936448

>still crying about popular vote

man you are pathetic. Obama did the same thing to Hillary too.

>> No.14936463

popular vote doesn't matter one bit.
this is like losing a video game and complaining about B-BUT MUH KILL SCORE even though you failed all the game objectives

>> No.14936481

youre comparing a couple hours in a pool to doing this shit daily, theyre not the same
some years ago i worked at burger king and everyday i had to fill a sink with water and add chlorine to it, and repeat this every 4 hours, putting some into buckets to place around the kitchen. eventually, that shit started to destroy my hands - it started with skin flaking off (i.e. eczema) and eventually developed into my hands having hundreds of pus filled spots each like i had been stung by hundreds of bees and my hands were twice the size they shouldve been

i didnt read the article to see what theyre claiming for reference, but i did want to say chlorinated water isnt exactly safe if exposed to it for a long time

>> No.14936505

>the objective evidence that is available to me
My bet is that you literally have no understanding of what objective evidence you do have. Even vote results are "objective evidence" only of the numbers that were certified, but not of actual votes cast, much less votes cast by those actually eligible to vote.
>Seriously you have to be retarded if you cant concede Trump won the election from the electoral college and not the popular vote.
I was never questioning this point. I also speak to you exactly as I would if we met in person. You keep using words like "retarded" that I'm pretty sure you'd be scared to use in person. You need to get a grip on your life, anon, and it starts by using your brain better.

>> No.14936544

the US outstrips most countries on earth in death rate per population, having lower case-fatality rates doesn't mean shit when it's spreading like wildfire compared to other countries

>> No.14936578

this, we have states that are bigger than their shitty 3rd world countries lmao. someone on one end of a state may even have a different accent than someone on the other end. yuroshits and other 3rd worlders can't comprehend just how big the United States is.

>> No.14936590

it seems lime your questioning the objectivity of the election results in your first statement. Your point seems to be that I live in a fantasy world because Im willing to accept basic facts. Just because some dickheads will tell you the earth is flat doesnt mean its true. And yes, if someone is being retarded I will call them that, i wasnt born in the 2000s so it has lingered in my vocabulary.

>> No.14936632

>it seems lime your questioning the objectivity of the election results in your first statement.
I don't "question" it. I openly state that the certified election results, statistically speaking, cannot possibly reflect the actual legally cast votes.
>Your point seems to be that I live in a fantasy world because Im willing to accept basic facts.
And I'm trying to tell you that what you accept as "basic facts" aren't so. Even you acknowledged that, again, statistically speaking, fraud must happen. So, your "basic facts" are not facts at all. They are a constructed reality. Yet you refuse to question the construction.

>> No.14936640
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, 03+Lehm+tells+Jonah+about+Wiley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I'm sorry, is the country that was feeding its people horse without them knowing getting haughty about meat quality?

>> No.14936724

le 200% face

>> No.14936731

without evidence to place the number of fraudulent voters over 3 million you cant assign that value to it. You would expect a small margin of error in any sort of data collection like that but 3 million is significant enough that without evidence to the contrary you have to assume that its accurate.

>> No.14936773

It's getting late, but one last time:
>without evidence to place the number of fraudulent voters over 3 million you cant assign that value to it.
Never did. Why do you say I did?
>You would expect a small margin of error in any sort of data collection like that
We're not talking about a "margin of error" in "data collection". We are talking about intentionally committed voter fraud.
>3 million is significant enough that without evidence to the contrary you have to assume that its accurate
3,000,000 is a large number when you compare it to 0. But if you understand that voter fraud didn't start with the last election, it becomes more palatable although it is still a very large number.
>you have to assume that its accurate
The precise opposite is the case, as you seem to acknowledge yet again in your post. The only safe assumption about official vote tallies is that they are inaccurate. The inaccuracies may not make a difference to the outcome, of course.

>> No.14936781

/ck/ is way too obsessed with the Yanks, my God.

>> No.14936798

we should have just let Hitler finish the job.

>> No.14936828

you claimed it was a fantasy to believe the result of the election, that hillary won the popular vote. Inaccurate is not the correct description of a data set that you are 99% sure is reliable within a smaller margin of error than 3 million. Your correct that you cant reach 100% accuracy but to say anything that doesnt reach that standard is fundamentally inaccurate is misleading.

>> No.14937008

>anon too stupid to wear gloves

>> No.14937054

You've already got enough bulk.

>> No.14937065

So instead of California, New York and Texas deciding elections its Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania. Meanwhile states like Montana literally don't matter.

>> No.14937101

That what the House of Representatives is for, to represent the population of the states. Holy fuck did you not take civic class?


>> No.14937117

same reason everything here is low quality. an endless push toward short term profit at the expense of literally everything else

>> No.14937256

Begans BTFO

>> No.14937274

St. Augustine was imported from Spain?

>> No.14937282

You deserve good veggies anon

>> No.14937288
File: 405 KB, 1600x1199, aerial-of-fort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldest fort and city in the US

>> No.14937292
File: 684 KB, 1126x719, 4atB5x8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just the contiguous states on the map

>> No.14937296

you all sound the same. Switzerland is the size of a small US state and has dozens of dialects that differ more than British English and American English do. Your "dialects" are a joke.

>> No.14937301

>Penn Dutch
>midwest English

>> No.14937302

Lmao you fucks speak more German than anything else don't pretend otherwise. It's actually kind of sad not even the poles are that cucked

>> No.14937320

Every southern state has its subtle differences too and you can't forget hawaiian pidgin and cajun

>> No.14937325
File: 116 KB, 1200x1200, 2gettyimages-543225013-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw europoors sell out their culture to you

>> No.14937328

Yeah there's also Louisianais French as well.

>> No.14937564

A man who is punishing an entire city with reduced lockdown funding for stepping out of line with his government would think nothing of selling poison chicken to the populous in pursuit of a lucrative trade deal. Boris is not much less of a sociopath than Trump in this regard.