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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14932427 No.14932427 [Reply] [Original]

Question to people who don't eat stuff due to moral or religious reasons: how do you see the ones who eat the stuff you avoid at all costs?

>> No.14932547

When I see rich people throwing away lots of edible food I feel bad for them because they're going to hell.

>> No.14932555

I don't eat octopus due to their intelligence. I really enjoy tentacle rape pornography.

>> No.14932579


>> No.14932609

heres a thought
a muslim believes eating swine will exclude you from paradise
the less fundamental type will generally practice live and let live like most people
they literally wtch you condemn yourself to hell and say "not my problem"
this is applicable to a lot of different scenarios

>> No.14932610


I thought I was the only one who didn't eat octopus for ethical reasons.

>> No.14932616

would you eat crow, they have been shown to be intelligent as well as show signs of having consciousness

>> No.14932618

No, I won't eat anything that can show signs of having a self.

>> No.14932628

how do you define it, and what if our definition is flawed
we tend to mark intelligence based on how similar to a human it is
mushrooms and slime moulds may have a self, but not in the way we understand it

>> No.14932633

They don't eat it either, not because of moral reasons but because they want to eat healthier

>> No.14932637

I'm not an omnipotent being. I'll take my best guess using the evidence available to me. It's only to appease my own conscience anyways.

>> No.14932645

so you only do it to make yourself feel better, not for altruistic reasons?
whats the point then? its not consistent. though you would be right the majority of the time so it sounds like a good gamble

personally i dont see how one life form is more valuable then another, so i treat a cow, mushroom and human all the same
and even though we could still claim that we should not be inflicting unnecessary pain on something else, their pain is not my pain. i dont experience it at all so i dont see the purpose in taking effort to avoid it

>> No.14932660

So a person throws you a mushroom and a human baby. According to you, it would be impossible for you to decide which one to catch since they're all equal? Pure autism

>> No.14932667

my brain coding forces me to catch the baby, we all know this, lets not be retarded here
a baby will also likely sustain more damage if it hits the ground, so logically it makes sense to catch that
but if a mushroom patch and a baby both go through the woodchipper, theres no way to determine which one went through more pain or which one had more value

>> No.14932669

Octopus is also the only animal I won't eat. >>14932645
>so you only do it to make yourself feel better, not for altruistic reasons?
>whats the point then?
To make me feel good
>it's not consistent
It is to me.
>I treat cow, human and mushroom all the same
I don't plan on eating people any time soon.

>> No.14932671

Some people throw away so much shit, it's mind-boggling. Some bitch I know was complaining about only being allowed to throw away three big garbage bags at her condo, but I was like "bitch, you live alone and don't even have pets, how the fuck are you generating three full bags of garbage per week?" I think garbage shaming should be socially acceptable just like fat shaming or cigarette shaming.

>> No.14932673

People do altruism to make themselves feel better. I want to not cause pain and suffering to things that I think possibly have a self because I don't like being aware of the suffering of others. I don't have to justify my own primal desires.
Regardless, this thread is turning into some pseudo-philosophical bullshit.
Talk about food.

>> No.14932674

I don't feel anything besides pity. They've chosen to reject the light and love of Christ.

>> No.14932682

OP is asking about morality of food and how different cultures view it, it started as a pseudo-philosophical bullshit
you made good points though, thanks for the debate, pretty sure we covered it all already

>> No.14932727

I'm better than them.

>> No.14932757

I generally don't care because the market and society dictates what is legally allowed to be eaten or not. If someone wants to eat something I don't want them to I can either do something political about it or shut the fuck up and mind my own business

It's not their fault for being retarded. If I slapped the food out of their hand they'd just call me an asshole and wouldn't learn a thing.

>> No.14932808

I avoid eating a lot of meat regularly for sustainability reasons. People who pride themselves on eating lots of meat are really uninteresting to me desu. Putting your own personal well-being above all else regardless of scale is easily one of the most pathetic things I can imagine. It strikes me as a stupid atavism, an animal-like way of thinking. Rising above that is what it takes to be human, to realize the impact of your actions and to minimize suffering. The people who can see the wrong they're doing and do it anyway to feel good are hedonists, which is not as pathetic but also quite pathetic.

>> No.14932888

Don't do meat anymore. Not judgemental since I did eat it for thirty years beforehand.
Still getting a bit annoyed when people do the same wannabe-joke over and over again about whether or not I would like a piece of bacon or some sausage because it's not even humor, it's just weird malice from people that want to stir some shit that isn't there to begin with.

>> No.14932978


>> No.14933033

Being a plastic consumer-polluter is a sin at this point. But, yes, throwing away mountains of wasted food and piles of clothing instead of buying less or donating it to someone who needs it is really shameful. These are really hard times for a lot of people. I wish people would think about other people instead of throwing things away thoughtlessly.

>> No.14933075
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>> No.14933667

pork and alcohol are haraam, but i dont give a fuck if other people eat it as long as its not in my food.
> t. worked at pizza hut and would sometimes eat the non-pepperoni half with my coworkers on break

>> No.14933674

I don't care. They can eat whatever they want. I'm more concerned about how people treat other people than how they treat animals.

>> No.14933686
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Heres a question. Where did Bon Appetit go and why is that indian chick on binging with babish now?

>> No.14933699

Then you are hypocritical, considering that plants can feel and for the most part understand their surroundings. They've even been proven to have reactions to music.
Pigs are also just as high up on the intelligence train. They're more trainable than a dog or cat, and even outperform human toddlers.
You can't just pick and choose your morals. Either be appreciative to all the things we can take for granted as "food", or simply don't and be one of those assholes who thinks everything is as expected.

>> No.14933702

i don't eat seafood for ethical reasons but I really don't care if you do. Where I live seafood production is a big part of the economy so it's normal to me

>> No.14933710
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>I think I'm better than anyone else because I personally say and think so
You're just as pathetic, anon.

>> No.14933713

Perhaps if you can provide evidence of a plant and pig showing the same amount of intelligence as the multitude of videos found on the internet of octopi clearly show, you'll maybe be able to convince these individuals and others?

>> No.14933717

So what, They literally aren't the same thing. This only matters because you are picking traits of both things and comparing them and saying they are the same because of it. A plant is a plant, a pig is a pig, a human is a human and an octopus is an octopus. Who cares if they are all alive? It doesn't make them the same. Doesn't make you a hypocrite because you eat one and not the other, that's just what soft people say.

>> No.14933732

I don't care what other people do with their lives, just like other people shouldn't care what I do with mine. If they're interested or want to talk then I like discussing my choices and giving my rationale, but I'm never trying to proselytize

>> No.14933920

>Not trying to spread your ideals to others
You must not believe very much in them then, do you? Or atleast you believe in the weird idea of non-interference more.
Proselytism is based and modern "live and let live" cuckoldry is just an excuse to not be challenged. Basically if you don't believe in your ideas enough to want to spread them you're a weak-willed fag

>> No.14933944

Every week I generate three bags full of empty beer bottles alone. Garbage builds up quickly.

>> No.14934038

I don't eat land animals for moral reasons. Basically, to me, I don't feel right eating an animal that I wouldn't kill. I've been hunting and it's just not for me. I couldn't kill a chicken or a cow or a pig by my own hand so it just feels wrong to eat it. I like fishing and I eat seafood.

I don't really care what other people eat, it not my responsibility to convert people to eat or not eat something, that's their choice. If you can live with it, more power to you.

Gr8 b8 m8

>> No.14934050

Sohla, the indian chick, was butthurt that they didn't immediately give her a show and extra pay for wandering through other people's videos. She thought that the reason they had shows wasn't because they had worked for BA for years and had proven their worth to the company but that they were white and the company was racist. So, she started flinging accusations of racism all of the place. It turned into a #metoo type of situation where everybody was fucked. Half the folks left. The only video editor they had who was worth shit was fired for not being woke enough. Sohla quit and glommed on to Babish and Food52. The sad part is that her new employers are fucked too. BA wasn't the first time she shit in her bed, and it won't be the last. Apparently, prior to BA, she had opened a restaurant that failed because everyone in a 10 mile radius was racist. It's only a matter of time before she fucks over Babish and he goes down in flames.

>> No.14934252

I tried watching her paella video and had to turn it off when she dumped bell peppers and onions into a blender and turned it into a paste for the base of her recipe.

>> No.14934533

The muslims, jews and americans fear of pork disgusts me.

>> No.14934558

You can cut one of their legs off and they’ll just grow back, mr high and mighty

>> No.14934595

i define it based on whether or not they just start a new line of text whenever they should be using a period or comma

>> No.14934602

I'm veg, lots of people have good reasons to eat meat. If they don't have a good reason to eat meat and I know they don't have a good reason then I will probably ask them about it, and push them slightly to pursue being veg, but only with close friends. Never strangers. I've had a good 5 or 6 friends become veg cause of this.

>> No.14934611

This was also how i ended up being veg to begin with.

Also meant to include that unless I know you don't have a good reason to eat meat i pass no judgement. Otherwise I feel like they're missing out on potentially improving the world in an easy way.

>> No.14934655
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Here's a good reason I eat meat:
The land I live on has gone to shit due to monocropping. The only way to heal it is to put animals on it. So I got a bunch of animals and put them on the land, rotating them so they don't overwork the land (i.e over shit or over graze), this helps add much needed bacteria and nutrients to the soil and stimulates forage growth and allows for more biodiversity.
Thing is my animals, due to their higher welfare of life than wild animals, have higher breeding success rates and will overpopulate, not to mention it is cruel to keep an unbalanced male to female ratio. So what do I do? I cull the excess males. They do not go to slaughterhouses. I slaughter on my property and take individual care of each male so they have the least stressful bad day possible. Their deaths are as quick as a veterinary euthanasia.

I use every part of the animal. And I take no pleasure in slaughtering, as I have raised these animals since they were cute little babies. But it is the exact opposite of industrial factory farming, and monocultures are destroying the planet, which has led me to persue this lifestyle.

I tried being vegetarian, it doesn't work for me. I am not sacrificing my health for an animal that I can give a good life and a quick death to.

>> No.14935319
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I started to eat less meat due to a close vegetarian friend. Seeing how important it is for her made me rethink my habits. I still eat chicken, but I most likely I eat one third of the what I ate before. I try to eat more vegetables too. Rarely I eat red meat nowadays.

>> No.14935518
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I dont ear swordfish on principal.. i just like them, bros.

>> No.14935530

Ok chud

>> No.14935860

Doesn't bother me.

>> No.14936168

Cool. I went to eating meat almost exclusively

>> No.14936984

thats just because the method of killing is different

>> No.14937088
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why the fuck do people always start with red meat?
Beef cows, out of all conventionally raised animals, have the best lives.
They live the longest (about a year), get to spend the first chunk of their life outdoors with their mothers, are only put in confinement near the end to fatten. Whereas conventional poultry is hell from start to finish. No parental contact whatsoever, live about 2 months, no outdoor life whatsoever, confinement and dense populations from start to finish in a dirty shit filled barn, and are mechanically slaughtered by the tens of thousands a DAY (per facility).

Not to mention if you wanna be responsible for less deaths, you can get one cow a year, or longer if you eat more plants and eat nose to tail, even better eat a regeneratively raised cow and contribute to healing the environment.

Seriously fuck intensive poultry. I hate that shit so much I don't eat it anymore, I just eat the birds I raise and slaughter myself. And I only kill the excess males, females are for eggs.

Seriously, I was 14 when I realized how fucking retarded people are for making beef the public enemy number 1 for meat. Industrial poultry is the WORST.

>> No.14937291

We need them for close quarter weapons in WW4.

>> No.14937314

Lamb and any other juvenile animals are the only things I don’t eat on moral grounds. I get queasy thinking about the lamb whenever I try to eat it. I don’t have a problem with the people that don’t have my problem though. It’s a personal choice.

>> No.14938402


>> No.14938430

I think both of you should die from gonorrhea and rot in hell.

it's none of your business if people throw food away.

>> No.14938434

>people who don't eat stuff due to moral or religious reasons
if you want to starve to death in the presence of perfectly good food, see ya! nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.14938441

>Question to people who don't eat stuff due to moral or religious reasons: how do you see the ones who eat the stuff you avoid at all costs?
I dont jugde them because religion is complicated, but i keep in mind theyre impure for eating food that isnt kosher

They already payed for the food, they already rewarded the farmer, they could do anything with the food and it wouldnt be wrong
As a matter of fact, the reason why you shouldnt waste food is because then niggers and similar scum wont be able to get food from the trash and survive another day

>> No.14938445


>> No.14938470
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The only animals on the planet that I would not eat because I believe them to be sentient are:
some primates
animals in the family corvidae
octopus may be sentient but I would have no problem eating them, though I have not yet. They are aliens of course.

because a bearded "skyman" cares what you eat.

spock? is that you?

>americans fear of pork
wait what?

I have a vegan friend and we press each others buttons all the time, but he doesn't care what I eat and I don't care what he eats. Though I do take pity on him and make vegan chocolate chip cookies since vegans don't seem to know how to bake, or at least when they do it taste like crap.

>> No.14938481
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I'm pro factory farming, whaling and killing and eating any wildlife that exists because I'm a libertarian, I personally don't do anything destructive and buy all my food locally from kind farmers. Let 75 IQ people eat factory farmed carcinogenic shit so they dont bite into my resources, thanks.

>> No.14938482

I forgot to mention animals in the order Psittaciformes

>> No.14939624

absolutely based. if you dont have the strength of will to kill an animal you raised or would raise yourself, you dont deserve to eat it.

>> No.14939657

I will never eat an animal besides human. Humans are the only worthy meat, being the smartest prey available. Man who hunts animal but not human can never be a true hunter.

>> No.14939659

>I wish people would think about other people instead of throwing things away thoughtlessly.
Places such as grocery stores and bakeries literally cannot give their leftovers to the hungry due to liability issues. You can blame much of this on those who peddle and profit from litigiousness.

>> No.14939675

>i treat a cow, mushroom and human all the same
you are LITERALLY mentally ill

>> No.14939678

>wasting food doesn't matter
>here's a reason wasting food matters
You're drunk, aren't you?

>> No.14939717
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Bitch a mushroom isn't even a living being. Its a fruiting body of a fungus. How can you say you treat them all the same? Is it because you are so retarded you literally know nothing about any of them?

The massive fungal colonies living in your brain are mocking you as I type this.

>> No.14940017

I agree

>> No.14940167

I've never had fois gras, that whole thing is pretty cruel.

I also stopped eating tuna for a while.

I buy free-range/organic chicken. I usually avoid cheap chicken unless it's really cheap reduced to clear.

I still eat all those things. I might eat fois gras, if the opportunity arose. It's not something I'm very principled about.

>> No.14940215

>I've never had fois gras, that whole thing is pretty cruel.
Those are some of the happiest and best treated animals in all of commercial meat production. They've even done brain studies on the ducks/geese and found that it's nothing but pleasure for them when they feed from the pipes.

>> No.14940228
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I'm not rich but I feel like absolute shit whenever something in my fridge goes bad and I have to throw it away

>> No.14940310


>> No.14940520

source on this?
I had foie gras when I was young and didn't know wtf it was until after eating and was simply told it was "diseased duck liver"

That shit was delicious tho

>> No.14940533

will you begin eating meat again when there are lab grown options available at reasonable prices?

>> No.14940542

I would try eating any creature. I don't eat red meat that often because I don't like it that much so it's not worth the price and it's not really good for you compared to other sources of protein so I don't see a reason to eat it other than when I get a noticeable craving. I have been looking at eating less meat for environmental reasons but I find it tough to find satisfying meal options using no meat.

>> No.14942098

I don't care.

>> No.14942160

Same with a landwhale gorging on Big Macs, but nobody would argue that McDonald's is not cruel.

>> No.14942163

Those rich people know there's no afterlife..cope.

>> No.14942429

Factory farmed eggs are even worse since the hens live longer.

>> No.14942532

Nobody knows this. Therefore, there are only two possible coping mechanisms at play, both of them performed by the wealthy food wasters.
1. There is an afterlife and they are going to hell for being bad people. God will punish them.
2. There is no afterlife and they are bad people responsible for great suffering of other human beings, making their lives living hell. The living memory of humanity will vilify your legacy.

It is very possible for both to occur.

>> No.14942574

Look up Conde Nast. It's merely getting rid of bad blood, while having the chance to do so.

>> No.14943252

>that article where she talks about conversations that never happened according to the other person
so when is BA going to sue her for defamation?

>> No.14943620

Animals and humans are not the same. Dumb analogy.

>> No.14943890

You think animals are immune to the ill effects of a shitty diet?

>> No.14943904

The effects of their diet is precisely what produces the desirable end product of foie gras. The diet is not optimized for longevity of life, as these ducks and geese are livestock and raised to be food. However, leading up to their "very bad day", they're well-treated and happy by any reasonable metric.

>> No.14943920

i have never seen anyone confuse property rights with morals before

>> No.14944073

Non-American detected.
The US is Sodom & Gomorrah.
It is literally illegal to give poor or homeless people a sandwich some places here.

>> No.14944086

Only while gorging. They feel sick the rest of the time.

>> No.14944142

He is right, those who are most convinced in their ideals end up forcing them on others and win, while people who are lukewarm in their ideals eventually has to accept someone elses.

>> No.14944184

Yeah dude out of all intensively raised livestock I would say the chicken has it the worst. Especially considering that any jackass with a back yard could easily ditch factory farmed eggs all together just raising their own birds.

>> No.14944284

Don't be disingenuous. This is in specific cities, and the laws are generally around large-scale food sharing in public places, which was done in horrifically unsanitary conditions and literally killed homeless people due to food poisoning and spread of Hep A. Some were even accused of setting these things up with intentionally unsanitary and tainted food specifically to cull the homeless population.

>> No.14944322

Don't reject the Truth of the Holy Spirit and the redemption of Jesus Christ. This is a wicked land that has fallen from Grace and it commits sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance. Anyone should be free to give charity to other people who need help.

>> No.14944329

No such thing.

>> No.14944478

>The living memory of humanity will vilify your legacy.

Yes im sure they will feel remorse while not existing