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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14932278 No.14932278 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14932313
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>> No.14932315

the green one is good for making gross out food which was a fad for a while.

take some cooked hamburger meat flavored however, spread it out thinly on a plate, sprinkle with yellow and white shredded cheese, squirt with green ketchup, add a few dots of red, maybe add an egg.

vomit burger

>> No.14932318
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>> No.14932320


You probably ate every color, like the CONSOOMerist little faggot you were/are. I get you BATHED your nuggets in Shrek sauce.

>> No.14932329

Cancel Heinz

>> No.14932344
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lol Just imagine some guy sitting on his kitchen floor with these in a row squirting eat one in his mouth

>> No.14932355

Reminds me of the Shrek ketchup they used to do, those were the days.

>> No.14932745

That is the perfect ketchup for pretty patties.

>> No.14932758
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For me, it’s rainbow relish.

>> No.14932823


>> No.14932916
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>> No.14932947
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>> No.14933083

Profit, dummy
>And here's the condiments
>I know! Can you believe I bought all bottles for only $19.99??

>> No.14933090
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This ...

>> No.14933099
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>> No.14933190
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>> No.14933339

That's the stuff! God, I can't believe I used to like ketchup. I hardly even think about it anymore.

>> No.14933703

There's literally nothing wrong with colored ketchup.

>> No.14933726

Taking advantage of gay people and they gladly eat it up. I wonder if there is a community of gay people that get annoyed by giant corporations pandering and coddling them, same with black people, especially nowadays.

>> No.14933735

Yes, its called the majority.

>> No.14933747

Glad to see the coloured ketchup making its return after the shrek ones went off the shelves

>> No.14933750

>anti corporation
>phone posting
If the shoe fits.

>> No.14933763

That's ketchup of color (KOC), you bigot.

>> No.14933883

>when you put mustard on your burger but it's actually ketchup

>> No.14933967

I don't give a shit, but props to the companies for coming up with low effort ways to make points with the LGBTQIAP+ community.

>> No.14933973

I really want yellow ketchup now

>> No.14933982

You can always buy mustard

>> No.14934011

Why did fags have to ruin rainbows for the world?

>> No.14934012

yeah I've got like 3 or 4 different types of mustard in my fridge right now

>> No.14934019

It's for the LGBTBBQ crowd.

>> No.14934028

Reminder that all nazis get punched after blumpf gets dragged out by his orange wig

>> No.14934319

based doge

>> No.14934361

Being racist? I don't see any black or brown ketchup.

>> No.14934527

reminder that all leftists struggle to complain at a restaurant that completely fucks up their order

>> No.14934548

>not being anti-corporation in 2020
lolbert pls

>> No.14934585

>its called the majority

>> No.14934753

The only people who have something to say are the ones complaining. Why would someone throw a parade cus they think everythings great? Thats most people. You just wont hear about it.

>> No.14934780


>> No.14934868


They were thinking they wanted to support equality and diversity, bigot. Why are you asking questions. Eat the damn ketchup or some little homo kid loses their wings

>> No.14934898

I’m pro capitalist I’m just anti cringe

>> No.14935522

Hold up, is this real? I cant find anything about it.

>> No.14935548

Maybe Osama wasn't that bad after all

>> No.14935618

Love knows no condiment preference, you bigot.

>> No.14935645

i've made ketchup with different colour tomatoes and it comes out different colors. you'll be surprised to hear green tomatoes made green ketchup. there was a similar cause/effect thing when i tried yellow tomatoes.

>> No.14935715

my mom would never let me have this when It was around

>> No.14935744

He was an Oxford-educated pansy and a fan of Arsenal. Fuck him.

>> No.14935759
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Nah, they didn't wait until legalization, it started when corporate got the memo that identity politics tamed the OWS group.

>> No.14935873
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probably a relic of the 90s

>> No.14936239

Dunno, but I wanna try em.

>> No.14936261

theres literally nothing wrong with promoting LGBT values though.

>> No.14936266
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>> No.14937437
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>> No.14937443


>> No.14937452

kek, how many people do you think will prefill ramekins for their friends to fuck with them?

>> No.14937454

I got sick as a kid eating hot dogs with that stuff. Still the only time in my life I've seen purple vomit.

>> No.14937460


>> No.14937483

HOW WILL WE <unsustainable growth> THIS YEAR???

>> No.14937554

>hehe paint companies sell all the rainbow in separate tubes for the LGBTQBBQLMFAOROFLXD+ crowd

>> No.14937745

I miss it bros

>> No.14937768
File: 31 KB, 500x500, Colmans_Mustard_Powder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Colman's

>> No.14937775

That'll be really good, right on mlp like turds

>> No.14937778

Comes across like real california faggotry, like fags wearing goofy shit shoes from sketcheters, vans and shit

>> No.14937944

those would make good sci-fi food props. squirt some on a weird looking pasta or snadwhich and bam, alien cuisine