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14930453 No.14930453[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Surely this isn't normal and caused by something. A few decades ago nobody heard of gluten sensitivity, and now everyone and their mother has it.

>> No.14930457

My tism makes it so i don't like mushy foods

>> No.14930467

Digestive and food allergies are actually nothing new. A few decades ago no one talked much about poop except with their doctors. It's just more in the open now.

>> No.14930503

many are "self diagnosed"

>> No.14930559


>> No.14930586

most of this is bullshit. my ex-gf had a 'self diagnosed apple allergy'. being the scumbag i am, i made stuff with apple for her all the time, she always loved it and had no reaction to it whatsoever. Apart from that, young people have been sheltered and might possibly have more allergies than people who played outside back in the day.

>> No.14930853

Vaccine Damage + Advanced Candidaisis

>> No.14930862

It's called the internet and social media. 50 years ago sure you may have gotten a tummy ache from eating too much bread. You didn't go complain about it on the internet for snowflake points.

>> No.14930863

Among liberals, diseases and weaknesses are considered virtues

>> No.14930877

More foods being invented and globalized that our immune systems don’t know what to do with them.

>> No.14930888

Bread isn't a recent invention though

>> No.14930894

I've heard several theories
>your ancestors ate so much bread you developed an allergy to it (scot-irish people have celiac most often and asians don't experience it at all)
>glyphosate in processed wheat triggered the immune system to see gluten as a threat
>enzymes in the hull of a wheat/barley/rye berry that aid in digestion are removed in processing
>gluten is bad for everyone
i was diagnosed with celiac in my early 20s after a endoscopy+biopsy. i get sick for days if i eat cross contaminated food even after a decade from cutting it completely from my diet. some people think your scilia can heal from the damage and process gluten again but i am willing to believe those are the retards faking it for attention.

>> No.14930913

>i was diagnosed with celiac
this is the rare case where it's actually a problem

otherwise its soccer moms who want an identity and reason to starve themselves

>> No.14931233

I've heard it's because the wheat we eat now is different from that we evolved with. Didn't read it but from the bulrb of the book Wheat Belly IIRC

>> No.14931394

the extent to which it's processed, bleached, and refined is recent

>> No.14931493

Best answer in thread
New diseases are often just newly available diagnoses plus trendy people jumping on the disease bandwagon to stay relevant

>> No.14931495

Not enough people ate dirt, dog shit, and dog food. My parents didn't tell me anything, they just let me dig a 6 foot deep hole in the back yard to read books in.

>> No.14931504

Grains are bad in general, just some people are more prone to noticing the I negative effects.

>> No.14931508

People believing bread hurts them are often the same as those believing crystals heal them.

>> No.14931553

I'm self diagnosed lactose intolerant
how I found out about it ?
I drank a litter of milk and have a massive diarrhea for 2 days
>literally, source : my ass

>> No.14931671

It could just be that people are more easily able to identify those issues since they have a wider variety of foods available at all times now and can add/cut foods from their diet at will, whereas before if you had an issue with gluten but wheat was the main source of calories you had available you just had to deal with it. Your mother's diet is supposed to affect your food sensitivity issues too, like eating more peanuts during pregnancy reduces the chance of a child having a peanut allergy. Could be that people just have weaker digestive systems in general, too much salted processed foods and other foods that don't help grow a healthy gut flora, and not enough unpasteurized fermented foods.

There are probably a lot of different reasons for it though and the reasons why won't be the same for everyone. Like people say not playing outside in the dirt enough is why, but even though I constantly played outside as a kid I still ended up with multiple issues with certain foods. Would be nice to be able to get a more accurate way of testing for it so you can know with certainty what foods you might have issues with.

>> No.14931766

This, and it goes for almost anything that gets studied more as time goes on. The "vaccines cause autism" crowd is the same one as the "we have more coronavirus cases because we test more" after all

>> No.14931812

Fatties overeating and feeling bloated or nauseated after consuming a lot of bread or milk. You should feel full and bloated after downing half a litre of milk or eating half a loaf of bread.

>> No.14932285

>plus trendy people jumping on the disease bandwagon to stay relevant
This is largely why I wince any time someone claims to be autistic now.