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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 228 KB, 454x900, baby squids on a stick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14929811 No.14929811 [Reply] [Original]


ITT: post some personal comfort foods that make you happy after you eat them.

>> No.14929819

This website tends to bring out the worst in people.

>> No.14929845


>> No.14929849

some boards are pretty chill
but /ck/ is angstier than what you'd expect for a slow board
i think most chefs/ food industry people are just really, really irritated all the time

>> No.14929853

In order for your thread to survive it needs bumps. Easiest way to get bumps is to generate controversy. So its a race to the bottom in terms of post quality. Just the shittiest most low effort crap gets bumped. Good threads die because nobody has a reason to respond

>> No.14929875

I'm not talking about this board specifically, I'm talking about the entire website.

>> No.14929877

if you want /pol/ but in real life just go hang out back of house

>> No.14929884

are you fucking retarded? it's because it's anonymous.

>> No.14929890

90% of ck aren't chefs though and it's not hard to tell. That's why there's so much industry trashing and straight up wrong information. It's just the site in general attracts human garbage.

>> No.14929892

/ck/ is actually among the shitpost heavy hitters

>> No.14929903

I never said I didn't know why, I'm simply stating that it brings the worst out of people.
>thinks people are actually anonymous here
There is an option to report something that goes against U.S law, you know that right?

>> No.14929928

wtf is that?

>angry place
have you ever noticed no one in /ck/ actually cooks? people come to shitpost and talk about fastfood, so anyone who actually cooks and to talk about cooking got shat on so much that all of them left this place for good

>> No.14929934

and??????? it’s amazing how quickly you’ve gone full retard

>> No.14929941

And if an official U.S Agency has the means to do something about an anonymous post (which has already happened in the past) then that means users aren't truly anonymous.

>> No.14929945

There are at least 5 threads up right now with people’s cooking or cookalong shit what are you talking about

>> No.14929951

its battered, deep fried baby squid on a skewer. SEA street food

food and cooking should be separate boards desu. Food is very broad so even the worst fastfood trash counts. Its not conducive to serious cooking discussions.

>> No.14929954

don't even try it
I ordered 14 mcchicken in the past 7 days
I doubt you could eat two in one sitting

>> No.14929959

not him but he means posters are anonymous to other posters. Not talking about the FBI or whatever

>> No.14929980

That's not entirely true either, but I'll end that discussion here.

>> No.14930061

well except for you
everyone knows your post because you talk like a fag

>> No.14930072
File: 51 KB, 430x637, wheredoyouthinkweare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are at least 5 threads up right now
in what, a 100?
point taken

nah, the problem is that this is gateway board for casual tier that takes a lot of filthy redditors and the like
this isn't instagram where you post about the shit food you ate, and talking about e-celebs is garbage tier as well,
that's why people who actually cooks left this place,
this is supposed to be 4chan/ck/ goddamn it

>> No.14930084


>> No.14930183
File: 201 KB, 1000x1000, Minestrone 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arguable. 4chan brings in the best and the worst. It brings in everyone because it allows almost everyone. Including people who speak their mind freely, or value speaking their mind freely. And that includes dumbasses and children.

As for comfort food, rich vegetable soups. I'm not even a vegetarian. You have to do it right though. You had better have spent a full day making the damned stock for it.

>> No.14930193

That is why I said "tends to".

>> No.14930206

That looks yummy, is that a sort of minestrone?

>> No.14930218
File: 257 KB, 1200x1200, Minestrone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, it's similar to Olive Garden's version because my familiar likes it.

>> No.14930222

No need to apologize, and I agree. Any soup needs a properly made stock.

>> No.14931844

>happy food
>not tendies and 'cha, for hot taste.

>> No.14931871

Handmade broth? I'm so used to the Knorr brand I never tried that. For a chicken, do I need to use the actual meat? Or the skin and fat?

>> No.14931887
File: 177 KB, 1024x1219, baked-macaroni-and-cheese-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mac and Cheese with a nice crispy top and some tabaso

>> No.14931894

Chicken soup. Yes, just a cube of chicken broth in water.
Pasta with creme fraiche and fresh basil leaf.
Also cake but easy cake like pound cake, chocolate cake and the like. Specially if I make them. I love cooking when I'm down, it cheers me up

>> No.14931906

Yep, that’s the 4chan experience

>> No.14931991
File: 235 KB, 599x1200, Collage_Fotor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Few times a summer I like to drive down to the local Clam Shack for clamb strips, glorious flaky onion rings, and a bag of clamb fritters.

Shit'll block you up for 3 days but good lord it's so tasty

>> No.14932143

I crave a fucking chicken fried steak and hash browns so badly. And before you say "you could make it yourself", I fucking hate taking time to make things in the morning, especially something as intensive as deep frying something

>> No.14932514

Fuck off retard, I'm not angsty

>> No.14932532

I get the feeling it could be because there is so few moderation compared to other sites that people also visit. Here they can release all those emotions without fearing repercussions. 4chan is an internet moshpit.

>> No.14932876

Cape cod reporting in. This is a great combo even of you're not into clams.

>> No.14932959

>needing happiness like some toddler faggot
kys toddler faggot

>> No.14932984

It's not that people are extra angry here. This is how people are and on other websites they are scared to show it due to moderation, doxxing, etc. If you don't like that you could try going back to R*ddit

>> No.14933565

You sick fuck, squids are intelligent animals!!!

>> No.14933587

Sounds like you faggots got filtered hard.

>> No.14933639
File: 228 KB, 1563x879, DSC_0507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A taco made out of wheat flour tortilla, fried black beans, queso fresco, and spicy tomato sauce. Takes me back to simpler times. It's the stuff that my mom used to make for us when she didn't have time time, or feel like making something more elaborate. The beans and the queso fresco were staples, and the tortillas we bought them from a local shop, so she'd only warm stuff up and make the sauce for us. The meal was served in 10 minutes.

Sometimes, out of nostalgia, I'll make my own sauce, will go to a farm to buy milk and make my own queso fresco (I don't live in a place where it's available), and make my own flour tortillas and refried beans. It literally takes a whole day's worth of effort in pursuit of what's essentially a humble, simple meal.

Pic related, it's my cheese making setup. My trusted milk source sadly dried up, so I haven't done any in months now.

>> No.14933650

I was here long before I knew what reddit was (which I only discovered because of a person I knew, though I didn't even bother to check in on it. It was the posters on here who can't stop talking about it that sparked my curiosity). I too was an angsty child once, but I grew out of that. It is just become aware of this website as I have gotten much older now.

>> No.14933656
File: 335 KB, 1563x879, DSC_0133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one is this type of taco. This very specific kind.

These are done in a similar fashion as the suadero tacos. The meat is slowly cooked in oil, and is browned just before chopping it up with a cleaver on top of a big chunk of wood, so the end result is something somewhat tender, caramelized and oily.

The tortillas then are lightly fried with a bit of the oil in which onions and meat have been simmering for hours.

The toppings are a bit of tomato, a bit of raw onion, cilantro, a generous slice of avocado, and some queso fresco. Served with a slice caramelized onions. Brings back memories from the small town I grew up in. There were not many options, and often, having dinner outside meant having this kind of tacos.

>> No.14933760
File: 2.02 MB, 1000x1000, 3x3happyfoods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, this deserves a 3x3.

>> No.14934006

What is that, looks really good. Hoping its either squid or onions

>> No.14935056

>squids are intelligent animals
you are thinking of octopi
squids are pretty dumb.

>> No.14935143

Gotta go with nachos
>refried beans
>green onion
>dollops of sour cream, hot sauce, and guac
I'm a simple man. Shoutouts to pizza rolls when I'm at my apt alone and kolaches in the morning

>> No.14935163
File: 934 KB, 2320x1740, bbq and tash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been cooking more vegetable centered foods. This "bbq" jackfruit, succotash, sweet potato w gravy, and cornbread plate was so cozy.

>> No.14935180

Broth utilizes meat. Stock is just bones. Vegetable stock is well, just vegetables. Court bouillon is quick-stock lacking animal fat; I was always taught to make it charring the shit out of the onions for a deeper color and richer flavor.

There are many liquids.

>> No.14935465
File: 824 KB, 482x300, 2fd31b9a1b512bc0a2516bef3a493b7a33aa5939_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give someone a mask you'll see their true face

>> No.14935485
File: 317 KB, 1400x1506, Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating donair pizza reminds me of highschool when me and my friends would go buy pizza during lunch. I only keep contact with 2 of them now.

>> No.14935505
File: 794 KB, 1024x1024, InstagramCapture_e95d591b-a080-410b-bb97-01e4e1ee2f26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom kah gai
I love this soup and now that its colder I can't wait to make it again.

>> No.14935513
File: 46 KB, 520x390, mattonella-al-limone-senza-glutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all lemon sweets, especially light ones

>> No.14935780

Are you in prison?

>> No.14935797
File: 83 KB, 960x860, DAF2851D-BBE7-4525-B00A-06620C169B75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love a good cream pie

>> No.14935817

that meringue on account of it going in the oven. Your cream pie meme sucks.

>> No.14935819

lol no. How would I have access to 4chan and be able to prepare my own meals in prision? It's a TV tray.

>> No.14935826

I had a friend call me from a state prison he had smuggled in someone’s ass

>> No.14936815


>> No.14937485

>i think most chefs/ food industry people are just really, really irritated all the time
It's the omnipresence of carbs, it makes people jittery

>> No.14937492
File: 2.85 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20200808_160346910_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Polish, but well cooked kraut, kielbasa, and fried pierogis (any filling) with sour cream is the best. So comfy

>> No.14937504
File: 224 KB, 1752x1168, 4F82CAA5-F687-4419-A6A2-11F5A3CAAC13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple Scottish stovies
I like it well mixed and mashed

peak winter comfort food

>> No.14937546

pretty comfy anon

>> No.14937658

>smuggling a prison in your ass
that's a big anus

>> No.14937683

I'm Polish and if you add sour cream to any other pierogis than with potato and curd cheese filling you are doing something wrong

>> No.14937825
File: 411 KB, 1804x2706, greek-salad-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greek salads, especially with souvlaki or gyro meat, pert feta, crispy lettuce, and serrano pepperoncini.... Mm, I love it.

>> No.14937839

something tells me thats not apple crisp all mixed
and I've never heard the term scottish stovies