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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 875 KB, 2048x1536, pikeminnows-76959dde5bb1ad22[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14924943 No.14924943 [Reply] [Original]

What are some 'marginal' fish - ie, fish that are perfectly edible, but which are not considered all that desirable? I have been catching squawfish/pikeminnows this year because the state pays money for each fish caught, but they are full of bones, and the flesh is kind of oily and 'fishy.' But still, it's not that bad. They can be cut into smaller chunks and fried so that the bones break down, or turned into jerky, or boiled in stews until the bones dissolve. I'm having some fun trying different ways of processing these fish.

What are some other fish with similar characteristics? Edible, but not especially popular as food?

>> No.14924956
File: 445 KB, 1024x1013, 94BCE6E6-48F8-4324-A2D5-BE9C442ADC92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carp. Mostly Asians and black eat them

>> No.14924988

I would have said stripers, and it's mostly chinese and dominicans who eat those. we don't have carp here, sounds like some weird eastern european thing

>> No.14925001

i live near the great lakes and have had a lot of those kinds of freshwater fish.

walleyes, crappies, bluegills, bullheads, etc.

they all taste about the same

>> No.14925002

In Straya - mullet.
Only people over 70yo eat it here. Its pretty nasty on its own but thrown into a stir fry/laksa/curry its salvageable.

>> No.14925007


the meat is firm and meaty but it can either taste really bad like urine (because sharks pee through their skin.. urea) if not prepared properly, or like nice, sweet chicken if prepared properly.

>> No.14925016

nah, asian carp is a massive invasive species in many places, inc the usa.

they can have a muddy taste like many freshwater fishes, but the kicker is their horrid bone structure which is a pain to fillet.

>> No.14925037

I had shark once. My dad found it in the back of a freezer at a random grocery store in the rural midwest. Absolute last place you'd ever expect to find something as exotic as shark.

Was probably in that freezer for a long time. A friend later got a job there and found they had boxes of pancake mix that were older than he was.

The shark had the flavor and texture of an old tire.

>> No.14925044

i've had shark in northern france once, it was really good actually, but i cant remember what they served it with, it was about 15 years ago

>> No.14925087

>not desirable as food

>> No.14925091

your photo would have been very relatable to me 5 years ago anon, but since then I've learned to stretch properly and my ribs no longer are an obstacle

>> No.14925106

>Putting walleye in the same category as fucking bullheads.

Your tongue must be made out of stretched hog anus, you fucking philistine.

>> No.14925112

to be honest, I added bullheads without thinking much. they're definitely a lot better than everything else on that list. everything else is really only differentiated by size.

also, add bass to that list.

>> No.14925116

Teach me

>> No.14925360
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, sunfish 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese eat all kinds of fish that few others eat. For example, the ocean sunfish goes pretty much untouched in the Mediterranean. It's not considered much of a catch for culinary purposes. But in China, it is called the 'mambo fish' (翻車魚), and you can find them in most coastal markets. In fact, they are usually cut up so that the intestines, eyeballs, chunks of blubber, etc. can be sold separately for different recipes.

>> No.14925400

Once you fry bullhead it doesn't taste much different than other panfish. Watch out for the barbs.

>> No.14925488

Tilapia. It tastes like mud. Awful stuff, no wonder the Chinese eat it.

>> No.14925541

That's mostly because commercial tilapia come from gigantic fish farms where they live in their own muck. Fresh/wild-caught tilapia (or ones you farm yourself under cleaner conditions) are actually rather tasty (which is why they became a big commercial species to begin with).

>> No.14925600

striped bass? it's like at least $15/lb for fillets the fishmonger. damn good eatin.

>> No.14925972

fresh sardines. Nobody wants them so you cant really get them but they are very good

>> No.14926221

Are you out of your mind? Walleyes are one of the best tasting fish I have ever eaten, and I eat crappies and bluegills all the time in the summer.

Fucking kek.

>> No.14926224

How do they know how many u caught to pay u? U have to send them heads ?

>> No.14926230


you don't understand fish at all. fish that grow up in mud, taste like mud. ALL FISH. After that they taste like water.

>> No.14926248

Walleye is good, herring is meh though

>> No.14926271


Basically you check in with a particular rewards station before you go fishing, and they give you an ID tag. Then you bring back whatever you catch by the end of the day, and they pay $10 per squawfish that you show to them.

>> No.14926281

I don't know, I don't really like fish

>> No.14926299

Well you picked the right thread to comment in

>> No.14926322

/ck/ is a seafood board pleb, you'd better into fish before we kick you out of the club.

>> No.14926457

try poaching it with some onions till the fat just begins to render. best fish

>> No.14926472

I've heard people say the same thing about catfish and some other fish, but they always taste good to me.
Tilapia has had that awful flavor every time I've ever had it though.

>> No.14926506

Crappies are fucking delicious you brain melted weirdo.

>> No.14926513

No, they're a crappy fish.

>> No.14926545

I caught a carp and a freshwater drum this summer. Ate the carp, but they have a shitload of bones and a bit of a burden to really prepare. I decided against the drum as I read due to not being as oily as most other fish their meat quickly dries while cooking.

>> No.14926564


>> No.14926594

Tilapia. I know it's trash but I still buy tilapia filets occasionally and dump lemon juice, garlic, and parsley on them, shit's good for a $3 meal

>> No.14926673

stunted tastebuds

>> No.14926706

>paying $15 to fill your body with dioxins