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File: 40 KB, 136x297, vodka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14924757 No.14924757 [Reply] [Original]

The memes were right, it really does taste like dilute hand sanitizer.

>> No.14924765

Learn to let it just kind of slide down your throat rather than swallowing. Or bitch out and make mixed drinks.

>> No.14924768
File: 57 KB, 400x600, ci-chopin-potato-vodka-be3746dd8ac2a442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy a label better than Smirnoff

>> No.14924771

just drink a little every single day. Start very small and increase gradually

>> No.14924775

I honestly can't think of a worse vodka

>> No.14924786

Is that how you acclimatised to your Dad's jizz?

>> No.14924802

No, you do that by mixing your jizz with a little bit of sugar and then freeze theme into small cubes. Next time you jerk off you take one of the jizz cubes and suck it when you are close to come. That way you will learn to connect the taste of cum with having an orgasm

>> No.14924844

do shots and eat pickles, good bread, sardines in between

>> No.14924895

become an alcoholic and you will appreciate but not necessarily enjoy it. dont think anybody really drinks vodka for the taste on its own

>> No.14924902

btw i am gay, not sure if it matters

>> No.14924974

If you're a weird obsessed person smirinoff taste the most like pure ethanol diluted down to 40%, but doesn't actually taste that great.

If you want vodka that taste really good and everyone will appreciate you for bringing it, get Ciroc or Grey Goose

If you have a drinking problem but not a money problem get Svedka or Skyy

If you have a drinking problem and are broke you're better off switching to boxed wine.

>> No.14924984

Also if you live in a state with Costco that sell alcohol, buy one single bottle of Grey Goose and continually refill it with Kirkland vodka. They are indistinguishable and most people suspect its a white label of Grey Goose.

>> No.14924996

clearly not an alcohol if you think a drunk is gonna want to pound a gallon of wine instead of $10 handles of vodka

>> No.14924997

smirnoff is great, its my go-to for life

>> No.14925019
File: 163 KB, 900x1200, vodka_rus1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've drunk more than my towns fair share of vodka
>a shitload

smirnoff really does have a bad chemical sort of taste:
>pic related
is a good quality cheap vodka with a much smoother taste imo, best way to enjoy or taste it is to have ice cold from the freezer mixed with a bit of soda water or non-carbonated water too

>> No.14925032

get drunk lol

>> No.14925033

Tito’s is good for my drinking problem. As a person dying for Israel I get 750s for 17 dollars and handles for 35

>> No.14925131

so basically you kill palestinians for a $5 discount on shitty booze

>> No.14925138


>> No.14925210

could just drink cheap booze and kill yourself slowly instead of other people like a good drunk would, id be pissed if someone took my house cause of 2000 year old mythology too

>> No.14925218


>> No.14925236

People who join the military, specifically the infantry, do so because they want to kill. If you think theres any other reason besides that, you're wrong.

>> No.14925239

Well when you put it like that it sounds like a pretty good deal. And here I was thinking I shouldn’t re-enlist

>> No.14925252

OP here's the answer: drink rum or gin cocktails instead. If you want to party get some quality tequila.

You don't appreciate vodka.

Whiskey with ice, sure, wine, appreciate that shit all you want. Vodka is something you suffer through. It's not meant to be appreciated. Vodka is there to punch you in the face because the only thing you hate more than life is yourself, so you want to fuck over the bastard who's waking up tomorrow.

You'll never learn to appreciate it, especially with the laws for vodka in the US where it's all literally the same.

Drink literally anything else. Try rum. It's friendly and relaxing. Get a good Jamaican, some lime, syrups or juices, have some fun. It will never betray you or screw you over. Have gin, it's calm and sociable and you never look bad ordering. Vodka will beat you senseless in an alley and steal your wallet.

>> No.14925286


Don't drink vodka, it's the only hard liquor that doesn't have any flavor profile, it's for fucking plebs that can't handle the flavor of actual alcohol

>> No.14925301

Why would you want to? Vodka is for poor eastern euros. If you are looking for cheap liquor rum is only a tiny bit more expensive but honestly if you think $20 is too much to pay for a decent bottle of whiskey or tequila you probably shouldn't be drinking.

>> No.14925311

>Why would you want to?
I made pasta with vodka sauce, and I've got most of the bottle left. I figured I would try drinking it, but it tastes shitty. I don't normally go for vodka when I buy alcohol so I didn't know if this was the consensus, that vodka just tastes bad.

>> No.14925321

Yep. A vodka is rated only on how "smooth" it is, which for vodka literally means "how close to fucking water and flavorless it is". It's literally not meant to be appreciated. While other drinks are meant to be sipped or mixed with things to compliment them, the entire point of vodka drinks is masking the tastes. Nothing else.

If you can't like vodka with the shit ton of sugar and dilution of most cocktails, you'll never like it. You'll at most just learn to live with it.

Get some gin. You can almost never go wrong there, even if you're a pleb you'll look like fancy shit to the dumbasses filling up on lighter fluid. Make yourself a fucking gimlet, that shit is fucking awesome. gin and tonic is nice but overrated. Just get some lime juice and simple syrup, or get a gimlet mix as those usually have some nice spices added.

Or better, once you're really getting the hang of mixing shit, make the best fucking drink out there: a Saturn. Gin, lemon, passionfruit, and some specific syrups. It tastes like a lemonade that fucks.

>> No.14925328

The only people who would argue vodka doesn't taste bad are plebs who don't know much about alcohol and think drinking a lot is cooler than drinking better.

>> No.14925376

Yeah the only thing it has going for it is that it doesn't actually taste of anything other than alcohol so you can make a huge variety of mixed drinks. Basically just mix it with whatever you like to drink because the only reason vodka exists is to get you drunk or numb you to discomfort. It's always good to have a bottle of vodka in the cupboard for when you are having a party and everyone is at the point where they are too drunk to give a shit what they are drinking as long as it keeps them drunk.

>> No.14925390

vodka doesnt taste bad.. not sure why it means im a pleb. that might just be your opinion

>> No.14925399

It doesn't taste good though. The point is that vodka isn't meant to be judged by its taste and it has nothing to offer in that category.

>> No.14925407

israeli military service is mandatory for 24-32 months

>> No.14925420

Depends on the vodka, i have had ones that taste like windowcleaner and ones that taste like water but burned all the way down

Gwnerally id say go for soju instead. Its basically vodka lite but sweeter

>> No.14925429

i think vodka tastes good, whats that tell you?

>> No.14925437

That's not a 'it depends' that's just more of the same argument that vodka has no flavor profile and the 'best' kinds are the flavorless ones.

I'd just assume you're like a kid who never ate a burger that wasn't fast food telling me he liked mcdonalds.

>> No.14925478

Based slav

>> No.14925538

that makes no sense. i like the taste of vodka deal with it

>> No.14925546

i will do the pepsi challenge with smirnoff any day. tho i do enjoy chopin rye.

>> No.14925553

Just drink it with orange juice

>> No.14925568

What other types of alcohol have you had? Every had anything especially high quality?

>> No.14925577

There's no reason to drink vodka straight unless your only goal is to get drunk fast with no other concerns. Just make mixed drinks and use vodka to make them potent.

>> No.14925634 [DELETED] 

Tito's in the US goes for about 40. Skyy and Svedka are a little worse but not much for only 20

>> No.14925644

beers, ales, whiskey, tequila, gin, liquors, rum, vodka, hooch, moonshine. ive had grey goose vodka, it was good. i like smirnoff too.
i like the taste of all alcohol

>> No.14925667

You like the taste of cheap alcohol not the taste of liquor. You're a man who's never seen the ocean saying there's no way it's as interesting as the mudpit in his backyard.

>> No.14925672

nah i like the taste of both pricy and cheap alcohol. you're a weird one arent you

>> No.14925698

Wow a whole $20?

>> No.14925744

i usually avoid buying expensive alcohol because it all tastes the same to me. cheap suits me just fine. also im in canada so the alcohol mafia charges 24 a 750ml bottle

>> No.14925762

So you don't have tastes you just want to get drunk quick, easy, and cheap, because you can't afford buying anything that isn't so cheap it doesn't also taste like shitty vodka?

Have you even had an aged rum that wasn't spiced rum? I doubt you can get halfway decent tequila that far north. It must cost $50 for one that doesn't make you hate the world when you wake up.

Nah your problem is you're canadian and have bland tastes to begin with.

>> No.14925763

You're a early 20 year old kid that thinks since you've had some expensive alcohols you can extrapolate how difficult it was for them to get it to every one else, when anyone with a half decent job can afford to spend the money to try something if its worth it to them. The $400 bottle of wine or definitely taste better than barefoot wine but its also not necessarily better than the $100 dollar bottle of wine, maybe just different. After a certain price point it becomes just differences in preference

>> No.14925796

yeah i gave up talking to this miserable loser

>> No.14925809

No I'm a 32 year old who mixes expensive cocktails as a hobby. I don't care for wine enough but what I know best are rums.

I know most liquors under $25 are such garbage the difference doesn't matter, but after $30 it's the same as the wines you're on about where $300 might get you something different but not necessarily better.

We're talking vodka here not wine. Are you going to pretend vodka has anything resembling a flavor profile that isn't just pretentious dogshit from people who don't know better trying to sound elitist?

>> No.14925832

you think people are trying to be elitist when they say they like the taste of vodka? what a hopeless asshole

>> No.14925854

No I think they're being morons. They're elitist when they say one vodka tastes better than another because it's clear they don't understand vodka taste if that's how they judge it. They're idiots if they taste their hand sanitizer and convince themselves it's good.

>> No.14925871

Do you have an answer to OP's question or is it just upsetting being told you have no sense of taste?

>> No.14925877

Oh so you're just an asshole. Have fun mixing cocktails for yourself since no one would want to be around you if you're real life persona is even close to your online persona

>> No.14925882

why be a pretentious prick? some people like the taste of things that you dont like the taste of. big deal.

>> No.14925991

If it's cheap shit, put it in the freezer.
If it's decent, put it in the fridge.

Vodka is meant to be served cold.

>> No.14926025

try making a mule

>> No.14926047

Buy Stolichnaya if you want cheap shit that actually tastes good.

>> No.14926068
File: 259 KB, 489x647, 2840278323249-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mix cocktails as a hobby
Mixing drinks isn't a hobby you fucking faggot.

>> No.14926092

>gin and tonic overrated
>literally one of the simplest and most classic cocktails out there
its not overrated its just ubiquitous and a solid staple cocktail that can be enjoyed by all. thats like saying pizza is overrated

>> No.14926107

>drinking alcohol for reasons other than getting drunk
holy fuck you sound insufferable. i bet you have "mixologist" on your resume. get your head out of your ass

>> No.14926177

Gin is the worst liquor out of all the popular liquors

>> No.14926334

Stop drinking that crap for starters. You want grey goose or Belvedere. Ketel One if on a budget.

>> No.14926379


I drink absolut and mix it with apple juice.

>> No.14926389

not OP grey goose still tastes like a doctors office to me. I just don't like vodka it seems unless its in some kind of cranberry holiday punch thing.

>> No.14926479

Lol what u don't get discounts for booze from the army. Hoger can't ge booze from shufersal, and vodka is same for everyone. Also Jerusalem doesn't matter.

>> No.14926486
File: 37 KB, 480x480, j bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

russian standard is my choice as well

>> No.14926489

Don't try to enjoy vodka.

>> No.14926490

Israeli army is mandatory you fucking inbred retard. It's too late to learn literal gradeschool information so kill yourself

>> No.14926501

Man up

>> No.14926653

good man

>> No.14926658

Get stolichnaya.
Cheap alcohol will always taste bad so don't delude yourself into thinking you can appreciate the taste.

Stolichnaya and some other high end vodka's will not give you instant gag reflexes.

>> No.14926672

Hard liquor is a meme, just drink wine or beer.

>> No.14927040

Vodak gets worth drinking at like $30 a bottle.

Belvedere Single Estate

I recommend trying those. These are vodkas made to actually have a taste. Many vodkas are made to be as neutral as possible, so they distill them and filter them 15 times to take all character out of them. However, the ones I mentioned are all distinctly different from each other and worth having.

>> No.14927055

You don't, vodka is for teenagers I highschool
Drink gin instead

>> No.14927060


>> No.14927079

You buy Russian Standard or Stolichnaya for starters.

>> No.14927089

Imagine you're just sanitizing your insides.

>> No.14928345

Try Sobieski its not sweet like most vodka.

>> No.14928397

this, smirnoff is crap

if you're in canuckistan, arctic fox is at a reasonable price point and is fairly smooth, if you don't mind looking like a gay furry tastelet every time you buy it. but it is genuinely pleasantly surprising

idk if it's popular or reasonably priced in the US, i've never heard of it appearing in a rap video

>> No.14928414

corn vodka is tasty

>> No.14928443


Russian or Latvian stoli?

>> No.14928700

>2 ice cubes
>1 shot vodka
>squeeze half an orange
>chilled shot glass
>pumpernickel bread

>> No.14928787

>tranny nigger vodka

>> No.14928788

stoli isn't made in russia

>> No.14929360
File: 19 KB, 381x492, lubelska-biala-winogrono-05-l[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a good vodka next time, or come to Poland and taste THE GOAT vodka.
Also proper chilling, food and most important, good company. Even worst vodka tastes good when drinking with right people.

>> No.14929424

>good company
Us, the /ck/ crew. Together we stand. :^)

>> No.14929533


>While FKP produces in Kaliningrad, Russia (for the Russian market and the Benelux market), SPI Group distributes and produces from Latvia. State owned company FKP Sojuzplodoimport and the SPI group have been in dispute over the ownership of various trademarks since 2003.

Yes. It is.

>> No.14931259

Drink Moskovskaya

>> No.14931260

100% agree used to think vodka was just meant to be flavorless till I spent a month in Poland. Polish vodka is some good shit and actually has a discernable but subtle rye, potato or wheat flavor. Also I drank Zubrowka Biala by the gallon when I was there, and wish I could find it in the US.

>> No.14931266

Use green apple juice as chaser or stop sucking dicks

>> No.14931267

Quality vodka is very smooth and has a pleasant minty fresh taste

>> No.14931276

pickles for the first few shots, then its all good

>> No.14931353

I usually drink gin but whenever I have vodka I usually just pick up some juice boxes, cranberry, or citrus juice and mix the vodka into those.